Protocols for working with REVI biorevitalizants: complex correction

Recently, so-called beauty injections have become increasingly popular among women of different ages. They help cope with facial and age wrinkles, pathological acne, pigmentation and increased dryness of the skin, as well as other problematic issues. They are performed using domestic and foreign drugs. Let's look at how Revy's biorevitalization proceeds.

Buyanov Sergey Yurievich (Expert Doctor):

An important quality of Revy preparations for biorevitalization is the presence of a cumulative effect. One session using the product replaces 3-4 courses of injections. Subsequent injections after 6-8 months continue the effect of the drug. The condition of the skin remains unchanged as after the first procedure.

Drug review

Biorevitalizant (some cosmetologists call it filler) Revi is a hyaluronic acid gel, available in separately packaged sterile syringes in a dosage of 1 or 2 ml.

It is used for:

  • age-related changes in facial skin;
  • deep wrinkles;
  • pigmentation due to the negative effects of sunlight;
  • excessive dry skin;
  • signs of finely wrinkled type of aging;
  • loss of skin elasticity;
  • pathological acne;
  • acne scars;
  • dehydration of the skin due to frequent visits to the solarium, exposure to cold or direct sunlight.

In addition to the facial area, injections are also effective on other parts of the body. For example, they allow you to cope with increased dryness of the surface of the feet, in the scalp - to restore lost hair, etc. Additionally, the manufacturer recommends administering the drug in preparation for and after plastic surgery.

Revi gel helps to activate regenerative processes in the dermis, normalizes metabolism and collagen production.

As a result, the skin is smoothed, looks healthy, pores become smaller, and pigment spots become less noticeable. The results obtained are maintained for six months.

Composition of the drug

Biorevitalizant Revy contains the main component - hyaluronic acid.
It is responsible for the water balance of the skin, its elasticity and tone. One milliliter of the drug contains 15 mg of hyaluron. The instructions indicate that the composition contains the following as excipients:

  • trehalose - moisturizes and softens the skin;
  • quercetin - improves metabolic processes in cells, has a powerful anti-inflammatory effect;
  • pterostilbene is an antioxidant and has anticancer properties.


The Revy series of injection products (Brilliance, Gold, Platinum and others) is the development of a company from Russia, NMTC International. It appeared on the aesthetic medicine market in 2006.

The brand also produces drugs for mesotherapy, fillers, peelings, products for daily post-injection care, as well as materials for cosmetologists.

Hyaluronic acid and trehalose: a cocktail of youth and healthy skin

The uniqueness of the updated line of prolonged REVI biorevitalizants is that it not only provides long-term skin hydration and a pronounced anti-age effect, but also variability of use, prevention of the development of premature signs of aging and improvement of the quality of problem skin.

The features of the constituent components of this line of drugs have already been discussed earlier in the article “Advantages of new prolonged REVI biorevitalizants.”

We have two ingredients in the drug that perform several functions simultaneously:

  • reproduction of autophagy, or autophagocytosis - self-cleaning of cells,
  • participation in the activation of apoptosis - programmed cell death, with the aim of timely cell renewal,
  • restoration of protective functions of cells and tissues
  • ensuring lymphatic drainage function and regulation of microcirculation,
  • strengthening local immunity and anti-inflammatory effect.


Revi brilliants

Revy Brilliance hyaluronic acid gel is indicated for getting rid of shallow wrinkles, acne, age-related skin changes, as well as in case of disruption of the sebaceous glands

After its administration, restoration processes are launched in the cells and intercellular space. This helps to rejuvenate the skin, relieve inflammation, increase elasticity and eliminate toxins.

Biorevitalization with Revi Brilliants provides:

  • reducing the severity of pigment spots;
  • hydration;
  • narrowing of pores;
  • normalization of skin metabolism;
  • return of elasticity and tone.

This product has a high anti-aging effect, which can be achieved after the first procedure. Repeated injection is carried out no earlier than after 5 months. For mildly dry skin - after 8 months.

The manufacturer offers Revi Brilliants in 1 or 2 ml volumes. Shelf life – 18 months.

Revi Gold

The Revy Gold product contains gold nanoparticles. The number of procedures per course is up to 5, with an interval of 7-10 days. The effect lasts 4-5 months.

Used by patients with the following problems:

  • increased dryness of the skin of the face and other parts of the body;
  • the presence of pigment spots;
  • deep wrinkles;
  • pathological acne;
  • skin aging;
  • loss of elasticity;
  • a large number of small wrinkles;
  • preparation for plastic surgery, postoperative recovery period.

The drug has a whitening effect on the skin, helps cleanse and moisturize it. In action, it activates the immune system, regenerative processes in the skin, improves blood circulation, and normalizes collagen production. Used at the age of 45-54 years.

Revi Platinum

In terms of composition, the Platinum series is distinguished by the presence of platinum nanoparticles, which are very effective in combating age-related skin changes. Allows you to quickly activate the body's mechanisms for rejuvenation.

In addition to the main beneficial properties inherent in the above Revy products, it has a strong antioxidant, whitening, cleansing effect.

It is a local immunostimulating drug with an antitumor effect, restores dermal cells, saturates them with oxygen, and ensures stable functioning. Indicated for women over 55 years of age.

Revi silver

Silver is one of the three drugs for biorevitalization. Recommended for patients 35-44 years old. The composition contains silver nanoparticles. After administration, it has a rejuvenating effect, smoothes the skin, and eliminates minor defects.

Actively fights against disturbances in the water balance of the dermis, stimulates cells to self-healing.

Other cosmetic products in the line

  • Revi ODS is a hyaluronic gel used for the treatment of osteochondrosis, arthrosis, anal fissures, cervical neoplasia, leukoplakia and other diseases;
  • REVI MESOPEPTIDES - a mesotherapy drug based on hyaluronic acid with a peptide complex to eliminate dark circles under the eyes and pigmented manifestations;
  • REVI MESO - used in mesotherapy to combat age-related changes in the skin, its dehydration, as well as before and after plastic surgery and deep peelings.

Combined protocols with hardware and other invasive techniques

With botulinum therapy

The REVI course is best carried out before botulinum toxin injections in order to comprehensively improve the appearance of the skin.

Simultaneous botulinum therapy and REVI biorevitalization procedures are also allowed, since the application points of the drugs are at different levels of soft tissue.

With contouring

It is more logical to carry out the REVI course before contouring in order to improve the quality of the skin and a visually more pronounced effect from the complex of procedures.

REVI procedures are carried out at least 10-14 days after filler injection due to the disappearance of post-traumatic tissue swelling.

In areas where permanent fillers are located, drugs should not be injected to a depth of more than 1 mm due to their unpredictable chemical interactions.

With hardware techniques

Laser technologies (resurfacing, vascular sclerosis):

  • REVI procedures are performed before laser procedures 7-14 days or after laser therapy 14-21 days.

IPL technologies (texture, pigment, vessels):

  • In order to improve the result, it is allowed to alternate IPL procedures with REVI procedures (preferably REVI Style and REVI Silk) with an interval of 14 days.
  • Number of procedures according to indications.

RF technologies and Ultrasonic SMAS lifting (Ultera therapy):

  • REVI procedures are carried out 14 days before the course of RF lifting and ultrasonic SMAS lifting.

Cost of the drug, where to buy

Revi series products can be purchased both in the manufacturer’s online store and from dealers. However, to avoid purchasing a counterfeit, it is still better to make purchases directly from NMTC International.

The official website contains a product catalog with full descriptions and prices. The latter is available after registration.

The starting price for Revy hyaluronic gels is 6,000 rubles per 1 ml. A dosage of 2 ml will cost more than 8,000 rubles.


  1. Revi Brilliants is a series of hyaluronic fillers for mesotherapy.
  2. Available in different concentrations of active ingredients, injection volumes are 1 and 2 ml. Suitable for rejuvenation procedures for the face, scalp, neck, arms and legs, and thighs.
  3. The drug eliminates signs of aging, normalizes water balance, and increases skin elasticity. Suitable for eliminating acne and pigmentation.
  4. The procedure is carried out only in a beauty salon. For a pronounced result, 1 to 5 sessions are required with a duration of 3-4 months.
  5. Alternative drugs for injectable rejuvenation are Vision, Meso-Wharton, Skin and Aquashine. We also recommend that you familiarize yourself with Filorga mesotherapy in this material.

Preparation for the procedure

The choice of a cosmetologist should be approached responsibly.
It is advisable to read reviews about it on the forums. When you come to a clinic or salon, you need to look at the certificates confirming the qualifications of a specialist in this field. Typically, such documents are placed on an appropriate stand in the lobby or directly in the office. Institutions responsible for the quality of their work enter into an agreement with the patient on the services provided. Biorevitalization, like any other cosmetic procedure, is preceded by a preparatory stage.

  • First, the cosmetologist examines the problem area, assesses the possibility of injections, determines the dosage and course duration.
  • Next comes the diagnostic stage. It is necessary to identify contraindications and prevent complications. You should not hide existing health problems from a specialist.

Precautionary measures

A few days before the injections, you need to stop smoking, drink alcohol and take medications. The latter should be canceled only after agreement with the doctor who prescribed them.

You are also not allowed to visit saunas, solariums, or sunbathe). On the day of the procedure, you should not apply cosmetics to your face (if therapy is performed in this area).

Buyanov Sergey Yurievich (Expert Doctor):

The day before the procedure, it is recommended to avoid contact with caustic substances - it is undesirable to be near a fire or peel onions. This is important because it is never advisable to cry. For the same purpose, eliminate negative emotions as much as possible. This also applies to the early recovery period, which lasts from 3 to 7 days.

Stages of the biorevitalization procedure

  1. Cleaning and disinfecting with an antiseptic the area into which the drug will be administered.
  2. Introduction of an anesthetic (if the patient has a low pain threshold).
  3. Opening the package with Revi gel, connecting the syringe with the ultra-thin needle that comes with the kit.
  4. Injection of the drug under the skin using one of the recommended techniques (papular, micro-papular or linear-retrograde). The injections are made at a distance of at least 1 cm from each other, the depth of immersion of the needle can be 0.2-1.5 mm.
  5. Treating the skin with an antiseptic.
  6. Applying a special cream or mask with an anti-inflammatory effect.

On average, the whole process takes about half an hour. The duration of the course and the number of injections are selected individually in each case, depending on age and existing skin problems.

Important! During repeated procedures, a new package of the drug should be used. You cannot store its remains in the refrigerator - using previously opened biorevitalizant can cause skin problems.

Healing period

After biorevitalization with Revy, minor redness and swelling may appear at the injection sites. These are normal consequences of injection manipulation, disappearing on their own within 3-5 days.

If at the end of the specified period the skin condition has not improved, you should see a doctor.

To speed up the healing process it is recommended:

  • on the first day, do not touch the injection site with your hands to avoid infection;
  • in the next 3 days, refuse to visit the sauna, bathhouse, or swimming pool;
  • avoid overheating and hypothermia;
  • if therapy was carried out in the facial area, do not use decorative cosmetics for at least a day;
  • exclude serious physical activity;
  • adhere to a healthy lifestyle.

You can consult your doctor about taking painkillers and decongestants as needed.

At what age is therapy allowed?

The procedure can be performed on patients over 18 years of age, but experts are of the unanimous opinion that it should not be used until the age of 30-35 unless absolutely necessary.

The results of use are most noticeable in women after 40, when the skin loses a significant amount of moisture and begins to age.

Comparison table

The table shows the characteristics of popular mesotherapy drugs.

A drugRegionNumber of proceduresAgeContent of hyaluronic acid, %Price of the procedure, ₽
Revi DiamondsFace, neck, arms, hips, legs, buttocks.1-5from 181-2from 9000
VisionOnly the area around the eyes.4from 180,6from 7000
Meso-WhartonFace, scalp.1-3from 35-401-2from 13000
SkinFace, buttocks, neck, décolleté.1-5from 301-2from 11000
AquashineFace, lips.2-3from 35 to 501-2from 14000

Opinion of cosmetologists

Cosmetologists and their patients mostly agree that Revy hyaluron preparations are quite effective and give good and long-lasting results.

The only negative is the high cost. At the same time, the effect of one injection is 5-8 months, unlike many other biorevitalizants, which need to be administered in courses of 5-7 injections every six months.

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