Centrifuge for plasma lifting - the importance of the device (TOP 5 devices)

Centrifuge for plasma lifting (working principle)

The device is a drum with holes for test tubes in the side surfaces. The diameter and number of these holes depends on the specific model.

The device is used to split blood from a vein into fractions:

  • platelet-rich plasma;
  • sediment

This is accomplished thanks to the centrifugal force of the apparatus. When the drum rotates at high speed around its axis, the mixture in the test tube (i.e., the patient's blood plasma) is separated.

Substances that have a higher specific gravity are shifted to the bottom and are also distributed along the side surface of the device. Lighter weight particles accumulate in the central part. Such devices operate on the principle of deposition.

There are also filter machines. In such devices, the liquid is filtered through a metal mesh or special fabric. Heavier plasma elements are deposited on the filter, while lighter elements are thrown into the centrifuge housing.

Plasmolifting requires a biomaterial with a high concentration of platelets, i.e. heavy particles.

The importance of choice

In cosmetology, a centrifuge is used to obtain substances for “Injections of Youth” - these are intradermal injections of a drug enriched with platelets. It is worth understanding that the main stage in plasma lifting is centrifugation, so the device must meet many requirements, which include:

  1. Obtaining high-quality, maximally platelet-rich plasma.
  2. Convenience and ease of use.
  3. Quiet and fast operation.
  4. Reasonable price.

How does the procedure work?

Blood is taken from a vein into a special vacuum tube that contains an anticoagulant. The medication is necessary to prevent blood rich in fibrinogen and prothrombin from immediately clotting.

This is usually the sodium salt of heparin, which has undergone thorough purification. The amount of a substance that inhibits blood clotting is very small, therefore, as a rule, it does not cause side effects after injection into the problem area.

To ensure that the plasma is thoroughly cleaned of excess blood elements, a separation gel is sometimes added to the test tubes; it retains unnecessary fractions and improves the quality of plasma digestion.

This is a kind of sorbent for red blood cells, which does not affect the properties of platelet serum. Next, the biomaterial is placed in special sections of the drum for subsequent filtration.

Indications and contraindications

There are certain indications for treating skin using this technique:

  1. Bad complexion.
  2. Reduced moisture and elasticity.
  3. Dryness and dullness of the skin.
  4. Acne.
  5. Presence of wrinkles.
  6. Age-related changes.
  7. Uneven skin surface and scars.

There are contraindications - pregnancy, inflammation, hepatitis, viral diseases and cancer.

Features of the event

Plasmolifting is carried out by specialists who have undergone special training in this technique. The procedure is carried out in a specially equipped room under aseptic conditions and using special equipment.

Before the procedure, you must undergo special training. Tests are prescribed to check for infections and to assess blood clotting. A few days before the correction, you must avoid fried and fatty foods, alcohol and foods with preservatives. It is recommended to drink more clean water. It is also necessary to give up some medications - anticoagulants, corticosteroids and anti-inflammatory drugs.

Plasmolifting is performed in several stages:

  1. Applying anesthetic cream.
  2. Injection of the solution into areas requiring correction. The product is injected into the cheeks, forehead, around the eyes, neck and décolleté.

The preparation of the required composition is fully automated, which eliminates infection. The finished concentrate is drawn into a syringe and injected under the skin. The duration of the session depends on the size of the treated areas and can vary between 30-60 minutes. The course consists of 4 sessions, which are carried out with a break of a week. To slow down the aging process, it is recommended to perform 2 courses of plasma lifting per year. After the session, you are prohibited from visiting the solarium, sauna or swimming in the pool for two weeks.

An effective and safe technique is an excellent way to rejuvenate the skin.

Plasmolifting results (5 positive changes)

Plasmolifting is an advanced rejuvenation procedure that stimulates cellular renewal in a natural way for humans.

After a targeted injection of platelet plasma into the problem area, accelerated cell division begins. Since the effect is carried out only on the deep layers of the epidermis, skin tightness increases significantly.

Results of the procedure:

  • tightening and smoothing of the skin, a clearer oval of the face;
  • reduction of wrinkles (prevention of new ones);
  • elimination of age spots, inflammatory processes;
  • normal secretion of the sebaceous glands;
  • eliminating dandruff, hair loss, stimulating hair growth.

Using your own plasma eliminates the possibility of rejection or infection.

Plasmolifting is often combined with other anti-aging procedures, for example, with injections of hyaluronic acid, amino acids, biostimulants, etc.

Side effects are rare, but the patient should be prepared for possible adverse reactions:

  1. Pain at the injection sites (pain relief is usually not used).
  2. Swelling, bruising and redness.
  3. Infection in case of non-compliance with sanitary and hygienic requirements during the procedure.

Cosmetology and the use of centrifuges

In cosmetology, we are usually talking about the process of rejuvenation using plasma created from the patient’s blood. The main role here is played by platelets, which are released when using a centrifuge on test tubes with blood. This drug is capable of:

  • increase the rate of reproduction of skin cells;
  • increase the level of synthesis of intercellular matter;
  • increase the level of microcirculation;
  • achieve greater collagen production.

The effect of such treatment can be amazing:

  1. Disappearance of scars, including those left after acne.
  2. Greater skin elasticity, increased tone.
  3. Disappearance of circles and bags under the eyes.
  4. Improved complexion.
  5. Fast healing of sutures after surgery.
  6. Reduction and disappearance of wrinkles on the face, neck, and décolleté.
  7. Disappearance of warts, psoriasis.

More information about the Liston C 2202 CRS 490 model

It can also have a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin of the hands, reduce stretch marks and smooth out cellulite. This treatment can be carried out at any time; exposure to sunlight does not harm it. For best results, you can use it simultaneously with laser, microneedling or dermapen.

Contraindications (5 prohibitions)

The procedure is not performed for exacerbations of chronic diseases. If there are pustular formations on the epidermis, the infection can spread.

During menstruation you should also refrain from the procedure. There are other restrictions on the conduct.


  1. gestation period, GW;
  2. hypertension;
  3. disorders of coagulation hemostasis;
  4. emotional lability;
  5. severe diseases of internal organs.

What procedures can plasma lifting be combined with?

Auto-rejuvenation can be combined with several cosmetic procedures:

  • biorevitalization;
  • laser rejuvenation and Clear Brilliant resurfacing;
  • thread lifting;
  • chemical peeling;
  • photorejuvenation of the face using the Palomar MaxG photosystem;
  • contour plastic;
  • needle RF lifting.

An individual rejuvenation course is selected taking into account the patient’s personal wishes and skin condition.

How to choose a centrifuge?

Centrifuge models may vary depending on the application. There are laboratory and medical ones.

The latter are used for clinical studies. These are multifunctional devices with high power, wide microprocessor control capabilities, programmable speed, etc.

Laboratory ones are used mainly in cosmetology centers. They are quite compact and productive.

To obtain high-quality biomaterial, you should take into account the technical characteristics of the device:

  1. Drum (rotor) rotation speed. It must be regulated. For plasma lifting, the optimal rate is up to 4 thousand rpm.
  2. Device power. The electric motor should consume 100-400 W.
  3. Number and volume of tubes. Optimal rotor configuration: from 8 to 12 tubes. As a rule, plasma lifting requires from 40 to 120 ml of finished material, so the volume of the tubes should be from 5 to 15 ml. They can have different shapes: cylinder, cone, etc.

Also equally important are additional parameters to facilitate operation. The digital display displays set and operating parameters and modes.

An audible alarm, quick braking of the drum, and blocking of the motor when the lid is open will be indispensable in an emergency. The built-in timer allows you to set the optimal operating time of the device.

When choosing a device, you should also pay attention to user reviews. It’s better not to take risks if opinions about using the device are negative.

Use of centrifuges in dentistry

Plasma production is also required in this area of ​​medicine - it is used for sinus lifting, that is, bone tissue is restored in the maxillary sinuses and jaws. To obtain platelet-rich plasma suitable for this purpose, tubes with blood taken from the patient must be rotated twice. This number of platelets is necessary to stimulate restoration processes both in the tissues themselves and in the mucous membranes that protect them. Fibrin performs the same function. Thanks to it, the restoration of soft and bone tissue is much faster. In this case, the possibility of allergies, which could occur when using other biological materials, is also completely excluded. A centrifuge that allows you to isolate plasma is necessary for:

  • osteoplasty;
  • implantation;
  • tooth extraction.

Administration of the resulting product to the patient can significantly shorten the rehabilitation period, make it painless, and speed up healing.

TOP 5 best centrifuges for plasma lifting

There are many different models of centrifuges. But some of them have gained great popularity. Below are the TOP 5 models that are often used for plasma lifting.

Centrifuge for plasma lifting Eva 200

This is a universal tabletop device for filtering small volumes of plasma. Has 8 holes for test tubes up to 15 ml.

Speed ​​adjustable: max. — 6 thousand rpm, min. — 200 rpm. There is a display showing the operating speed; overheat protection.

The device is miniature, has a durable plastic case and weighs 9 kg. This practical device replaces the Eva 20 model along with the following improvements:

  • shutdown when unbalanced;
  • improved control panel;
  • increased power consumption;
  • inability to open the lid until the drum stops completely;
  • maintenance-free frequency drive.

The drug is quite in demand and competitive due to the wide range of tasks it performs. You can buy a centrifuge for plasma lifting for RUR 62,500.

Centrifuge for plasma lifting Armed 80-2S

This name was given to an inexpensive multifunctional device used for splitting fractions of various densities in industrial, chemical, educational laboratories, as well as in cosmetology centers.

Excellent for plasma lifting, as it allows for high-quality analysis of plasma and isolation of platelet serum.

The device has a convenient control panel, and is also equipped with a timer with automatic shutdown upon completion of work.

The device capacity is 12 tubes, up to 10 ml. Rotation speed from 1 to 4 thousand rpm. The device is compact and lightweight, weighing 9.5 kg.

The drum and drive elements are made of metal, and the body is made of plastic. The legs have an anti-slip coating, which prevents the device from moving during operation.

There is a built-in timer. This centrifuge for plasma lifting can be bought inexpensively, for only 15,500 rubles.

Review of the device on video:

Miniature centrifuge OHAUS Frontier FC5306

It is designed for simple tasks in biological research. This compact device weighs only 1.1 kg and its dimensions are 1516.812.8 cm.

Despite its small dimensions, the device provides high performance. Its rotation speed reaches 6 thousand rpm. Capacity: 8 microtubes of 0.2 and 0.5 ml.

The device is equipped with a low-voltage, low-noise motor and a rubber shock absorber, making it virtually inaudible during operation.

The manufacturer has carefully considered safety precautions when operating the device:

  1. Low supply voltage.
  2. 2 locking switches that stop the engine when the lid is opened.
  3. The imbalance sensor stops the operation of the device under various shock impacts.

Operating the device is simple and convenient. To isolate platelet serum from blood plasma, just turn on the device, place the test tubes with the material in the rotor, and close the lid.

The splitting process into fractions will begin automatically. You can buy this centrifuge for plasma lifting inexpensively in Moscow on the OHAUS website.

Centrifuge SM-3 (5 advantages)

This modern laboratory device is widely used in cosmetology centers. Provides high-quality blood filtration, due to which platelet serum injections provide a pronounced rejuvenating effect.

The device is equipped with an ECU. Rotation speed from 1 to 4 thousand rpm. You can change this parameter while the device is operating. There are 6 holes for tubes up to 15 ml.

The advantages of this device include:

  1. Suction cup-style mounting feet provide good stability and prevent the device from slipping or moving during operation.
  2. Smooth start and stop.
  3. Low noise level thanks to sound-absorbing elements.
  4. Economical energy consumption.
  5. Engine blocking when the cover is open.

The device is made of sheet steel and durable plastic. It weighs only 4 kg. The price of this centrifuge for plasma lifting is about 7,500 rubles.

Centrifuge SM-70M-09

The scope of application of this multifunctional device is not limited to cosmetic purposes. It is also used for PCR diagnostics, in cellular and molecular biology, analytical chemistry, immunology, etc.

The device holds 12 test tubes and has 6 mixing modes. The high rotation speed of the drum (4-9 thousand rpm) makes it possible to obtain high-quality purification of autoerythrocyte mass.

Despite its high performance, the device weighs only 1.3 kg. The cost of the device is about 36,000 rubles.

Equipment for obtaining platelet-rich plasma

To obtain PRP, you need a standard set of equipment and instruments for blood collection, as well as a centrifuge equipped with rotors of the appropriate type and volume.

The choice of a centrifuge should be taken very seriously, since not every laboratory device is suitable for working with biomaterial, and not every device guarantees the production of plasma of the appropriate quality.

Key points to pay attention to when choosing a centrifuge for plasma lifting:

  • The platelet concentration in the finished substrate must be at least 1,000,000/μl. Using plasma with a lower concentration is ineffective.
  • The platelets should not be damaged during the centrifugation process.
  • The design and principle of operation of the centrifuge must ensure complete sterility of the biomaterial, prevent pyrogenic substances from entering the centrifuge, and the centrifuged liquid from getting onto the clothes and body of the laboratory assistant.

Considering the above, to obtain PRP it is advisable to use specialized centrifuges, the functionality of which fully takes into account all the features of the technology.

Where to buy a centrifuge for plasma lifting

You can buy a cheap centrifuge for plasma lifting in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Nizhny Novgorod and other Russian cities on the Internet, as well as in specialized stores that sell medical equipment.

To be sure of the authenticity of the equipment, it is better to buy from trusted sellers who value their reputation.

If the purchase is made via the Internet, then it is better to order the product from the official distributor of the manufacturing company, or at retail outlets that provide a long-term guarantee for the product.

Expert opinion

  • Cosmetologist
  • Surgeon

Michelle Ellern

practicing cosmetologist-dermatologist

I would also like to draw attention to the Multispin MSC-3000 centrifuge. This automated device has 3 mixing modes and provides high-quality blood filtration. Adjustable speed range - 1-3.5 thousand rpm. The device holds up to 12 microtubes, volumes 1.5, 0.5, 0.2 ml. The device is lightweight and compact. Equipped with a sealed lid, which provides an additional guarantee of sterility when processing biomaterial. The price of the device is 36,000 rubles.

Theda Contis

plastic surgeon

One of the main characteristics of this device is speed.
It may or may not be adjustable. It is most convenient to use centrifuges that are equipped with smooth speed control. You should also pay attention to the presence of a timer, it’s more convenient to work. There is a centrifuge in any clinic where plasma lifting is performed. This is a modern procedure with which you can rejuvenate the skin, eliminate many blemishes, and improve the condition of the joints. The main thing is to go to salons that use high-quality equipment.

What is plasmolifting: indications and benefits

To preserve beauty and youth for many years, women use different skin care methods. Modern medicine offers innovative technologies for rejuvenation and regeneration without surgical intervention. One of these modern techniques is used in our clinic - plasma lifting. This method of rejuvenation and correction of age-related changes is safe and effective. In our clinic, the procedure is performed by highly qualified cosmetologists.

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