Anti-aging medicine: a new marketing trick or the key to eternal youth?


From this article you will learn:

  • How did the modern anti-aging movement emerge?
  • What is the difference between anti-aging medicine and aesthetic medicine?
  • What does anti-aging medicine include?
  • How effective are anti-aging medicine methods?
  • When to contact anti-aging medicine specialists

The term “Anti-aging” refers to a whole range of procedures created for human rejuvenation. This may include cosmetic procedures, proper nutrition, sports, and even psychological training. That is, anti-aging medicine is everything that allows you to maintain a beautiful and youthful appearance for many years. In our article we will take a closer look at this modern trend.

History of anti-aging medicine

Since ancient times, people have cultivated youth and beauty. The famous Queen Cleopatra paid great attention to her appearance. Many of the recipes that she used in an effort to preserve her youthful body for as long as possible have survived to this day. Thus, a special body scrub, which included cream and sea salt (300 g of salt per 1/2 cup of cream), became very popular. The mixture had to be rubbed into the skin for 10 minutes and then washed off with water.

Ancient Greek beauty salons, which appeared in the 2nd-3rd centuries AD, were called “gynecea”. Witches worked in these establishments. They owned a huge number of recipes for face and body care. For example, with the help of ox bile it was possible to get rid of excessive pigmentation, cow placenta helped to achieve smoother skin, and an extract from calf genitals relieved dermatitis. Other countries also sought to rejuvenate themselves in different ways. Thus, the ancient Romans adopted the use of donkey milk and astringent mixtures to care for the skin.

Of course, anti-aging medicine is a body of knowledge and experience gained by ancient scientists who studied the aging process. But now the main emphasis is on modern data from medicine and cosmetology. The latest technologies, sophisticated equipment, combined with research results help to successfully fight aging. Now there is a whole anti-age industry, which offers a wide range of services to preserve youth, ranging from simple masks to hardware cosmetology.

The term "Anti-age" was coined by the American scientist C. Ronald in the mid-1980s. He considered aging a treatable disease. Since the 1990s, this area has become a separate specialization in medical science. Quite quickly, anti-aging medicine has grown into a modern clinical field. It is based on the achievements of many areas that study humans.

Anti-aging and aesthetic medicine: what is the difference

The concept of anti-aging medicine in Russia is interpreted differently, because there is no single regulatory or legislative framework regulating this area. You can often find simple aesthetic techniques for mechanically eliminating signs of aging, billed as anti-age procedures.

True anti-aging medicine does not focus only on a person’s appearance, but is aimed primarily at eliminating problems within the body. With its help, you can optimize and improve the functioning of various organs and their systems. As a result of proper exposure, the following effects are achieved:

  1. Life expectancy increases, which is ensured by the elimination of a whole set of negative factors (including lifestyle disorders, lack of vitamins and microelements in the body, genetic predisposition to various diseases, hormonal imbalance, etc.);
  2. The quality of life increases (in physical, psychological, sexual and other aspects).

It is wrong to say that one direction is worse or better. Both anti-aging and aesthetic medicine are important. Each of them solves a certain range of problems, and they can overlap in the field of combating the signs of aging. But even in this case, they are not competitors, but only complement each other.

About the relationship between nutrition, movement and energy

Evolutionarily, the human body is not adapted to process and utilize large volumes of glucose. Only a small part of it is used for energy synthesis in cells and mitochondria, the rest is stored as fat. Moreover, with a constant excess of glucose, the endocrine system wears out, insulin resistance develops, and with it diabetes mellitus.

Glucose also does not shine with its energy effect:

  • aerobic (oxygen) oxidation of glucose in mitochondria - 36 ATP is obtained from 1 molecule (+2 ATP in anaerobic glycolysis, which simultaneously produces 2 molecules of NADH);
  • aerobic (oxygen) oxidation of fatty acids in mitochondria - 146 ATP is obtained from 1 molecule. This is the optimal source of energy.

Initiating fatty acids into the cell's respiration cycle and restoring mitochondrial function as a whole is the core of the anti-aging therapy strategy. To do this, at least three conditions must be met.

First , reduce your intake of simple carbohydrates

A healthy diet includes healthy (unsaturated) fats and complex carbohydrates. Good fats come from fish, meat, poultry, nuts, butter, and unrefined vegetable oils. Complex carbohydrates are cereals, vegetables (except potatoes), herbs, and fruits. Please note that smoothies and fresh juices are no longer complex carbohydrates, since they contain almost no fiber.

Second , move throughout the day

Physical activity increases the flow of blood, and with it oxygen, to all organs, tissues and cells. It is important. The immobility of parts of the body due to a sedentary lifestyle leads to tissue hypoxia, that is, in these areas the mitochondria are turned off (they do not work without oxygen). ATP is produced, but in a “dead-end” process. Anaerobic glycolysis (fermentation) occurs here - 1 molecule of glucose produces only 2 ATP + lactate (lactic acid). Excess lactate is released into the bloodstream by cells, which is fraught with metabolic acidosis - intoxication, acidification, premature aging, and the active development of age-dependent pathologies.

Regarding the movement, there is a Danish study with shocking results. Among people leading a sedentary lifestyle without exercise, mortality from cardiovascular diseases is 300% higher than among heavy smokers.

But you also need to move without extremes. It's harmful to sit all day and then work your ass off in the gym. There is no health in heavy workloads and professional sports.

Anti-aging medicine recommends taking into account your personal threshold for physical activity - there are a number of tests that determine the response of the cardiovascular system to aerobic exercise (walking, running, cycling). If testing is not possible, use the “average temperature in the hospital” as a guide. For a relatively healthy person, the permissible limit of heart rate (pulse) during aerobic sports activities is 120 beats per minute.

Thirdly , add “firewood” to the mitochondria

By wood we mean bioavailable hydrogen. So far there is only one source - NADH drugs. They normalize the cell’s respiration process, help synthesize more energy, and restore mitochondrial function. Taken broadly, NADH has a huge, possibly unlimited, number of beneficial effects. It has already been proven that coenzyme-1:

  • increases the life cycle of cells;
  • corrects DNA damage;
  • neutralizes free radicals;
  • has vasodilating properties;
  • restores blood microcirculation;
  • normalizes blood pressure;
  • prevents the development of cancer;
  • stimulates the synthesis of dopamine and serotonin;
  • improves memory;
  • increases libido;
  • significantly slows down aging.

We remind you that the stable form of NADH is produced only by the Austrian brand “Prof. Georg Birkmeier NADH®.” Other dietary supplements with NADH are dummies. Without stabilization, coenzyme-1 loses its healing concentration within a couple of weeks and does not produce the desired effects.

Myths of anti-aging medicine

Myth 1. All diseases depend on genetics.

There is no denying that every person has a genetic predisposition to various diseases, which can be identified using certain markers. But even if it is present, a combination of several factors (nutrition, ecology, lifestyle) is necessary, which will lead to the development of certain processes in the body. A good example is identical twins, who are initially carriers of identical genes, but with different lifestyles over the years they look different.

The aging process and life expectancy are also genetically determined. At the same time, the impact of external factors (poor environment, poor nutrition, advanced diseases, etc.) can lead to a significant decrease in the number of years lived. In order to identify your personal risks and know your individual characteristics, in our time you can conduct a genetic study. Perhaps this data will help you prolong your life and look great for many years to come.

Myth 2. To maintain youth, you only need to lead a healthy lifestyle.

How happy people would be if only a healthy lifestyle was enough to maintain youth. Probably everyone would have taken up sports then and would have been young and beautiful. Unfortunately, this does not happen! Of course, a healthy lifestyle helps to keep yourself in good shape, taking care of the beauty of your soul and body, but for greater effect it is necessary to combine it with other rejuvenation methods and regular diagnosis of the condition. It is very important to listen to medical advice.

For example, modern scientists have created special genetic panels that reflect the characteristics of a particular person. So, from them you can find out the “oxidative status”, which indicates a lack or excess of vitamins in the body. When it comes to vitamins, it is worth remembering that everyone has their own individual need for them. Don't start taking supplements on your friend's advice. By analyzing the state of the body, you can accurately identify which vitamins and microelements are missing. Anti-aging medicine addresses these issues.

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Myth 3. Anti-age programs are only needed for older people.

Of course, this is not true! A modern middle-aged person is in constant stress mode. Every day he has to solve many problems, receive and analyze a lot of information. The body is not always able to cope with such a load, so it is important to regularly check it and redistribute available resources.

If you detect the problem at the very beginning of its appearance, the treatment will be faster and more effective. Having long-term planning also helps you reach a new level of life and health.

If you continuously monitor your body, take some preventive measures and have a fundamental plan for the future years, then, most likely, after 60 years you will not feel old, tired and lost. Active longevity and a lot of new impressions await you even at a very mature age.

Myth 4. Men do not experience age-related hormonal changes.

It's a delusion. It’s just that women, unlike men, call this time differently. The menopause is somewhat similar to andropause. At this time, men may become depressed, and interest in work and sexual relationships decreases. Emotional lethargy appears and ambitions are lost. All this is accompanied by an increase in body weight due to the growth of adipose tissue.

The oval of the face changes, problems with joints appear. Hormonal changes in the body occur. The basis of this process is dihydroepiandrosterone sulfate. If there is not enough of it, then the aging process starts. It can be replenished with the help of hormone replacement therapy as prescribed by a doctor, which is done for both women and men.

Myth 5. The level of anti-age clinics in Europe is much higher than in Russia.

In Europe, clinics mainly deal with anti-aging medicine using a certain technology in one direction, for example, hormone therapy, the use of stem cells, nutraceuticals, etc. Such monotherapy is not suitable for every person. All people are unique, therefore methods must be selected individually for each, and sometimes only an integrated approach is effective.

Read the material on the topic: How to get rid of facial wrinkles and prevent their reappearance

How to stop aging

The fight for long youth should begin at an early age. But the main thing here is not to overdo it. Using too active active ingredients before the age of 25 can lead to the opposite effect. Until this age, you should give preference to light creams, masks and massage. Anti-age therapy for young people is based on maintaining the tone of the subcutaneous layers.

The question arises: how to deal with unfavorable manifestations of genetic characteristics? Here it is important to accurately determine the genes inherited from parents. Based on the results of DNA analysis, specialists in the field of anti-aging therapy will help you choose the optimal course. Thanks to this individual approach, everyone can make time work for themselves.

Injection techniques of anti-aging medicine

  1. Botox, disport.

Many wrinkles on the face appear due to the fact that the muscles contract too actively. These drugs help relax them. As a result, you can get rid of crow's feet, wrinkles between the eyebrows, angry folds on the back of the nose and horizontal creases on the forehead. In addition, with the help of Botox you can regulate sweating in the armpits, feet and palms.

This anti-aging medicine procedure takes approximately 5 minutes. The drug is injected under the skin with a thin needle directly into the muscles. As an anesthesia, it is enough to cool the dermis with ice for 10–15 minutes. The effect of the procedure becomes fully apparent 3–7 days after administration of the drug and can last up to six months. Then the manipulation must be repeated. At the same time, new wrinkles that form in the treatment area will be less deep, as the muscles get used to a relaxed state.

  1. Mesotherapy.

If we take into account that most facial wrinkles are the result of excessive muscle activity combined with a decrease in the elasticity of the skin, then more attention should be paid to improving elasticity. Hyaluronic acid and collagen contained in the skin are responsible for this.

With the help of mesotherapy, you can introduce the necessary substances into the dermis, saturating it with microelements and vitamins. At the same time, meso-cocktails are compiled taking into account the individual characteristics and needs of the body, which significantly increases the effectiveness of the entire procedure. The significant effectiveness of this anti-aging medicine technology is also ensured by mechanical stimulation of the epidermis during injections, which helps accelerate regeneration processes.

A mesotherapy session lasts less than an hour. With its help you can get rid of excessive pigmentation, inflammation, skin laxity, stretch marks, rosacea, local fat deposits and cellulite. Mesotherapy also helps fight seborrhea and other hair problems.

  1. Biorevitalization.

In the fight against aging and dehydration of the skin, you can use a mesotherapy method such as biorevitalization. With it you can improve the color and tone of the skin, increase its elasticity and firmness. The essence of the manipulation is the introduction of injections of hyaluronic acid. As a result of this procedure, the water balance of the epidermis is restored.

Hyaluronic acid in our skin helps cells function normally. If its balance is disturbed, the aging process begins. With the help of biorevitalization, you can restore the properties of the skin, causing its rejuvenation. Indications for the use of this method of anti-aging medicine are skin laxity, dehydration or discoloration, facial wrinkles, and increased pigmentation.

  1. Contour plastic.

Contour plastic surgery can provide an immediate lifting effect. It is a system of injections aimed at introducing special drugs under the skin. All products used during the session are made based on hyaluronic acid. The contouring procedure takes about 40 minutes on average.

To prevent the injections from causing pain, local anesthesia is used. The degree of discomfort depends on the area into which the drug is injected. The area of ​​the nasolabial triangle is the most painful. Nevertheless, contouring is very popular because the effect is noticeable immediately.

The most common drugs used to perform this procedure are:

  • "Restylane" Injections of this product can remove facial wrinkles around the eyes and lips and shallow folds on the forehead. The procedure gives the skin elasticity and a youthful effect. The results achieved can last up to a year.
  • "Perlaine". This is a biogel with a denser structure. It penetrates into the deep layers of the dermis and slowly dissolves. With this drug you can get rid of large wrinkles on the face, correct the line of the cheekbones and chin, and tighten the oval of the face. The effect of the procedure lasts longer – up to two years.
  • Juvederm. This is a drug with the maximum concentration of hyaluronic acid. It helps smooth out nasolabial folds, deep wrinkles on the forehead, correct the oval of the face and tighten the skin of the eyelids. The effect of the procedure lasts up to 10 months.
  • "Surgiderm" (Surgiderm). Created to combat age-related changes in the facial area, including obvious asymmetry of its features. The effect of injections with this drug lasts for a whole year.

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About the energy of life

Man is a complex biochemical factory. Every second, more than 2.5 million reactions occur in the body. Almost every reaction requires energy in the form of ATP (adenosine triphosphate) molecules. Without ATP, we simply cannot function normally either at the level of the whole organism or at the cellular level.

ATP molecules are the target product of the respiration process. To synthesize them, cells use many elements. The main catalysts in this process are oxygen and hydrogen. It is with their participation that the energy production reaction or dehydrogenation reaction occurs:

½ O2 + H = H2O + ATP

In chemistry, this is an explosive reaction. It has enormous energy; it is with its help that spaceships overcome the force of earth's gravity. Why don't we explode? Because in nature everything is arranged smartly. Cellular respiration occurs in intracellular organelles - mitochondria, and they are designed in such a way that the dehydrogenation reaction is separated in space and time.

Her Majesty mitochondria

We do not breathe with lungs, we breathe with cells, namely mitochondria.

Mitochondria - Queen of Energy

To make things easier to understand, mitochondria can be compared to a car engine. It only uses our everyday food as fuel, broken down by enzymes into its simplest components. And spark plugs are oxygen molecules that the blood delivers from the lungs. Each cell contains hundreds to tens of thousands of mitochondria, meaning each of us has approximately 1,023 motors that produce energy. In good condition, these motors produce 40–60 kg of ATP every day. If there is something wrong with the fuel, the engines work poorly - and this means a lack of energy, lethargy, and loss of strength. Without repair, our biomotors break down, which leads to the death of carrier cells, tissue degradation and pathological changes in organs and/or systems.

To understand why certain drugs and methods are used in anti-age therapy, you need to at least superficially understand the process of mitochondrial respiration of the cell. It is called the Krebs cycle or tricarboxylic acid cycle. Inside mitochondria there are four enzyme complexes - the electron transport chain. Complex I takes e- electrons and H+ protons from primary energy carriers (fuel substrates from food). Ultimately, the electrons reach the last IV complex with oxygen, converting the oxygen into safe (non-reactive) water.

Krebs cycle

As electrons move, they contact and react with enzyme complexes. The energy of these reactions and the energy of dehydrogenation help single protons exit the mitochondrial matrix and accumulate in its intermembrane space. The concentration of protons creates excess pressure, due to which they tend to return to the matrix. The return occurs through channels where ATP synthases are located - biorotors, which, when rotating, connect protons and ADP (Adenosine DiPhosphate) molecules. The output is ATP molecules (Adenosine Triphosphate) - the energy of biological life.

Bottleneck in mitochondrial respiration

For the Krebs cycle to function normally, mitochondria need electrons, protons and oxygen. Naturally, a much larger set of elements is involved in respiratory reactions, but these are the main ones. We get oxygen from air, and protons and electrons are formed from hydrogen atoms. The body can take only a small part of it from the liquid consumed, since “aqueous” hydrogen has very low bioavailability. The main supplier of H for cell respiration is NADH molecules (Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide reduced or coenzyme-1).

The more NADH, the more energy the mitochondria produces. We have this substance in our bodies, but as we grow older it becomes less and less. You can't get NADH from your diet either - it is found in all foods of plant and animal origin, but is instantly destroyed in gastric juice. It is possible to replenish NADH reserves only with the help of specialized dietary supplements - in Western countries such drugs have been available for quite a long time, but in Russia this is still a new product.

What about free radicals?

Probably everyone has heard that free radicals are to blame for aging. Free radicals are molecules with an unpaired electron that is “thirsty” to be restored (to take the missing electron from a neighbor). The neighbor who gave away his electron becomes aggressive himself. A self-sustaining chain reaction occurs that destroys cells, tissues, organs and systems.

The free radical theory of aging is the most popular among the masses. Progressive doctors are inclined to the mitochondrial free radical theory - aging and associated pathologies are caused by the gradual degradation of mitochondria. In principle, both concepts are correct, one complements the other.

The bottom line is that during the process of respiration, mitochondria produce not only energy, but also free radicals. An oxygen molecule is converted into water only when an electron comes from the last IV enzyme complex. But a small part of the electrons always goes astray, “flowing” into the matrix from complex I or III. Such electrons convert oxygen into superoxide or ROS (reactive oxygen species). ROS attack cell structures, including mitochondrial and nuclear DNA, thousands of times per day - DNA mutates, mutations accumulate, cells die, and tissue degradation occurs with each dead cell.

Why does the mitochondrion produce superoxides, which kill both it and, ultimately, the entire cell? The fact is that free radicals are a powerful regulatory mechanism. When the balance shifts towards superoxides, the DNA receives signals - which structure is broken, what to reproduce to resume normal functioning. And to neutralize superoxides, mitochondria have their own antioxidant defense.

The protective resources of mitochondria and cells are not limitless. It is better to avoid any imbalance between superoxides and antioxidants at all. Much of this balance depends on the availability/quality of fuel (food) and oxygen. For clarity, here are three examples.

A man lives in a poor, starving country

Due to a lack of food, a minimum of hydrogen enters the mitochondria (as part of NADH) - the movement of electrons through enzyme complexes is practically interrupted. Therefore, despite the abundance of oxygen, very few superoxides are formed in the body (they are not formed without electrons going astray).

A person exercises moderately and eats well

Muscle tissue cells are filled with fuel and oxygen. The flow of electrons flows powerfully and smoothly through the enzyme complexes of mitochondria. Electrons “do not fly apart”, but are delivered to oxygen from the desired VI complex. There are enough protons, ATP synthase rotates and produces energy. Result: there is a lot of ATP, all energy molecules are used, by-products are neutral water and a minimum of superoxides.

A person eats a lot and leads a sedentary lifestyle

Nutrients are available for cellular respiration, but immobile tissues are characterized by hypoxia—the blood does not deliver enough oxygen, and under such conditions the mitochondria shut down. The remaining supply of oxygen and electrons in them is not used for energy production, but is combined into superoxides. This is a dangerous path that over time leads to a critical accumulation of radicals and oxidative stress (damage to cells and tissues).

The lack of substrates most important for ATP synthesis provokes mitochondrial dysfunction. In this state, the mitochondria is forced to spend 80% of the energy produced on itself. For comparison, normally as much as 60% of ATP is used to maintain cell life.

Having understood the functions and dysfunctions of mitochondria, experts have identified a long list of associated pathologies and clarified the mechanisms of their occurrence and development. The main finding of the research is that the main cause of aging and age-related degenerative diseases, from diabetes and cancer to dementia, is mitochondrial dysfunction. Therefore, progressive anti-aging programs are aimed at solving this particular problem.

Skin in high-risk areas

For a relatively healthy person, anti-age therapy is most interesting as a way to rejuvenate the skin of the face and neck. This is natural - everyone wants to have a beautiful “facade”.

You can be active and not grow old at heart, but your face almost always shows your real years. Free radicals spoil the skin from the inside, wind and sun from the outside, and in big cities also toxins. You can try to rejuvenate yourself with antioxidant creams, apply SPF protection, do detox and other cosmetic procedures. But without taking care of your mitochondria, the positive effects will be short-lived.

Scientific evidence confirms that mitochondrial dysfunction plays an important role in skin aging. Fibroblasts (connective tissue cells that produce collagen and elastin), like all cells in our body, are filled with mitochondria. It is obvious that fibroblasts with damaged energy stations work worse and worse, which leads to visible signs of skin aging - wrinkles, aging, dryness, sagging.

To restore normal mitochondrial function in dermal and subcutaneous tissue cells, they need to be fueled to produce energy. Oxygen is not a problem; the skin is a respiratory organ with direct access to air. In this regard, you just need to monitor your pores, clean them every morning and evening from street dust, decorative cosmetics, keratinized epidermis, and sebum.

Where to get hydrogen from? Water will not give away, neither when washing, nor when accumulating with hyaluronic acid and other moisturizers. The only supplier of bioavailable atomic hydrogen is coenzyme-1 (NADH) in external cosmetics and/or in dietary supplements, if you want effects from the inside.

It is optimal to use serum as a therapeutic anti-aging cosmetic. This form easily penetrates the epidermis, delivering active components to the deep layers of the skin. In addition, the serum can be used as a conductor for moisturizing/nourishing care - it gave hydrogen to the mitochondria, filled the cells with energy, carried out a deep detox, neutralized free radicals, moisturized/nourished the skin with usual cosmetics. An ideal complex for healing and rejuvenation.

There is a nuance. You need to carefully select NADH drugs. As we have already said, coenzyme 1 is unstable. Only one brand in the world produces cosmetics and dietary supplements with stable formulas and therapeutically effective doses of bioavailable hydrogen. This is Austrian. In fact, it was Professor Birkmeier who developed and patented the stable form of NADH, putting more than 50 years of hard work into it.

Also, all cosmetics that contain coenzyme 10 (Q10, ubiquinone) are good for skin rejuvenation. This is another element responsible for normal cell respiration. Inside mitochondria, it transports electrons between enzyme complexes, that is, it is directly involved in the synthesis of ATP. But first of all - NADH. Without electrons, the Q10 shuttle will idly shuttle between enzyme complexes.

It's very easy to get WOW effects from innovative cosmetics. It acts instantly, and within a course it even gets rid of deep wrinkles and obvious age spots. But only the right lifestyle will help you globally rejuvenate and delay aging. Correct for mitochondria and their biochemistry.

Hardware methods of anti-aging medicine

  • Microcurrent therapy.

It is a complex method of influence based on modulated electric current pulses of ultra-low amplitude. Indications for the use of this therapy include rosacea, swelling, oily or dry skin, cellulite, pigmentation and scars. Microcurrents can increase metabolic processes in cells, enhancing their physiological activity. Under the influence of current, lymph exchange and blood microcirculation are accelerated. If you want to get rid of wrinkles and prevent skin aging, then microcurrent therapy is exactly the procedure that will help you.

  • Ultrasonic peeling.

Some modern technologies of anti-aging medicine (or anti-aging medicine) are based on the use of ultrasound. It is able to have such an effect on the surface layer of the skin that wrinkles and scars become invisible. Moreover, it affects a specific area of ​​the epidermis, and not the entire surface.

The ultrasonic peeling procedure is quite serious, so it is necessary to use local or general anesthesia, as well as subsequent ten-day treatment. In this regard, ultrasonic peeling is carried out only in a hospital setting.

  • Laser skin rejuvenation.

Laser rejuvenation is also called fractional photothermolysis. Its essence lies in the impact of a laser beam on the deep and superficial layers of the epidermis, as a result of which the collagen-elastin framework of the skin improves. In this way you can get rid of scars, wrinkles, cellulite, stretch marks and age spots.

Compared to laser resurfacing, fractional photothermolysis is more effective. Sometimes one session is enough to correct some appearance flaws. The procedure is performed under local anesthesia for 30 minutes. There are no restrictions on skin type, thickness, sensitivity or treatment area for laser rejuvenation.

  • Photorejuvenation.

The use of intense pulsating or infrared radiation for cosmetic purposes is called photorejuvenation. This anti-aging medicine technology is used to get rid of nasolabial folds, forehead wrinkles and crow's feet. The procedure itself causes increased synthesis of collagen and elastin in the superficial layers of the epidermis. This leads to increased elasticity and smoothness of the skin and improved complexion. Photorejuvenation is indicated for those who want to get rid of pigmentation, spider veins, rosacea, redness and age-related changes in the dermis.

  • Thermage.

Thermage is an excellent alternative to facelift surgery. Using a device with a radio frequency signal, cells in the deep layers of the skin are stimulated. They heat up, and this causes activation of fibroblasts (cells responsible for the production of collagen and elastin). This procedure is carried out once. It will take several months for the full effect to appear. As a result, you can get rid of excess skin porosity, cellulite, wrinkles and folds.

Read material on the topic: Hardware cosmetology clinic: the most popular procedures

4.Psychological factors

As one of the most important points, it should be emphasized that the severity of an aesthetic defect is often dramatically overestimated by the patient, and attempts to get rid of such a defect are unsuccessful or even have the opposite effect, while others are perceived as quirks, a sign of inflated self-esteem or an unhealthy fixation on one’s own appearance. In fact, if we turn to the integral concept of “quality of life” (not to be confused with the standard of living as a purely economic indicator), then the presence of an aesthetic defect often turns into a severe problem that requires the intervention of psychiatrists, psychotherapists, medical psychologists - in connection with anxiety and depression and neurotic disorders, social isolation, suicidal thoughts and attempts - and even the most competent and qualified assistance may be ineffective.

Fortunately, we live in an era when problems with external appearance are amenable to more than just palliative treatment or camouflage. In many cases, aesthetic medicine can permanently eliminate the cause as such.

Innovative methods of anti-aging medicine

  • Plasmolifting.

Plasmolifting is a new technique of anti-aging medicine based on the introduction of platelet-rich plasma. Plasma itself is a carrier of proteins, vitamins, hormones, enzymes and other active substances that promote rejuvenation. Entering the skin in concentrated form, it initiates an increase in metabolic processes. Collagen and hyaluronic acid begin to be produced in large quantities. The division of epidermal cells is significantly accelerated.

Plasmolifting technology is essentially similar to the classical mesotherapy procedure. At the beginning of the session, the skin is treated with an antiseptic and anesthetic. Then the injections are administered using the finest mesotherapy needles. Finally, the surface of the skin is once again treated with an antiseptic and a soothing agent is applied. This procedure is suitable for those who want to get rid of scars, acne, increase skin elasticity or restore it after other cosmetic procedures.

  • SPRS therapy.

Another option for injection treatment is a rejuvenation procedure based on the introduction of fibroblasts. The drug used is prepared by specialists, taking into account the individual characteristics of the skin, based on a person’s own cells. The intake of such a composition into the body helps to visually eliminate skin defects and even restore its microtexture.

For high-quality SPRS therapy, you will need to make a preliminary diagnosis and conduct several treatment sessions. Before injections, an analysis of the microtexture of the skin is performed. On its basis, a special passport of the skin is created, which reflects all the individual characteristics and the planned rejuvenation program with specific recommendations. Then the course of injections is carried out with a drug containing fibroblasts. This technique allows you to enhance the synthesis of collagen, hyaluronic acid and elastin, as well as accelerate skin regeneration.

Read material on the topic: Plasmolifting of the face - a breakthrough in domestic cosmetology

Rejuvenation through nutrition and exercise

The bitter truth about the sweet life

In the second half of the 20th century, Americans pushed sugar (simple carbohydrates) to the base of the food pyramid. In the 70s nutritionist Ancel Keys, commissioned by agricultural corporations, falsified a study about the terrible harm of fats and cholesterol. “Sweet conspiracy” was supported by WHO experts. The result was deadly recommendations for sugar intake - 80 g per day (WHO) and 160 g per day (US Department of Agriculture). When Keys' ideas appeared on the cover of Time magazine in 1974, the masses began consuming sugar, soda, flour, desserts, chips and other high-calorie foods. As a result, the “sweet conspiracy” led to a widespread epidemic of obesity in almost all countries.

Killer food pyramid

Adulteration collapsed only at the beginning of the 21st century, when it was no longer possible to hide the negative effects of simple carbohydrates. In 2011, the Americans themselves admitted the “mistake” - Harvard Medical School refuted Keys’ research. In 2014, WHO and in 2015, the US Department of Agriculture issued new recommendations - no more than 20 g of sugar per day (and not even pure sugar, but taking into account all the foods eaten per day). Around the same time, the cover of Time appeared with the slogan “Eat Butter.”

This is such a harmful manipulation that lasts a whole generation...

The role of diagnostics in anti-aging medicine

Anti-aging medicine is designed to identify a person’s predisposition to various pathologies and prevent their development.

For quality treatment, preliminary comprehensive diagnosis of the condition is of great importance.

It usually consists of two stages:

  • Genetic diagnostics. Based on it, the doctor can understand what individual characteristics the patient has, his problems and capabilities.
  • General, “traditional” diagnostics. With its help, you can track the degree of manifestation of various abnormalities in a person, both among genetic and acquired pathologies (for example, diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, etc.)

When conducting diagnostics, great importance is attached to the interpretation of the results. The largest anti-aging medicine clinics perform it with the help of a whole group of doctors of narrow specialties, each of whom gives recommendations and writes his own opinion.

The result is a comprehensive instruction for a person, guided by which you can develop an individual diet, physical activity, and sleep. This approach reflects not only the medical component, but also psychogenetics in social terms. Based on this, you can develop your own optimal rules of behavior in different life situations.

Read material on the topic: Facial massage against wrinkles: 10 effective techniques

2. Difference from cosmetology

It should be emphasized the fundamental difference between aesthetic medicine and cosmetology, makeup, styling and other similar practices, which are also absolutely necessary and in demand. The key to understanding the term “aesthetic medicine” is the second word, not the first. This is a medical profession, that is, a medical-aesthetic specialist, by definition, has a higher medical education, regularly undergoes pre-certification cycles of advanced training and subsequent state certification - otherwise, any practice explicitly or implicitly defined as medical is illegal. The content of the professional activity of a doctor of aesthetic medicine consists of the study, treatment and prevention of pathological phenomena, and not the satisfaction of pretentious demands of glamorous fashion or style.

An important feature of aesthetic medicine is its multidisciplinary nature: it is based on the paradigm and methodology of such sciences as dermatology, plastic surgery, endocrinology, immunology, orthopedics, physiotherapy, geriatrics, etc.

Visit our Dermatology page

Universal anti-aging medicine techniques that suit everyone

Sometimes one correctly performed diagnosis is enough to point a person in the right direction. Correct interpretation of the results can be a means of preventing various diseases, which has a positive impact on the patient’s entire life.

At the same time, diagnostics makes it possible to identify dangerous conditions and take timely measures to eliminate them through additional prevention or therapeutic procedures. The uniqueness of preventive anti-aging medicine lies in the fact that it is inherently aimed at a specific person with his individual characteristics. Therefore, here we can talk mainly about comprehensive programs aimed at rejuvenating the patient.

There are a number of universal techniques that are suitable for almost everyone and show fairly good results in eliminating the most common signs of aging.

Most often, a comprehensive anti-aging medicine program includes the following procedures:

  1. Detoxification.

Most anti-aging medicine programs are based on detoxification. In the modern world, a person is constantly exposed to various toxins, gradually poisoning his health and life. To remove them, special diets, drainage procedures, medications and natural remedies have been developed.

  1. Enrichment of the body with stem cells.

A person's biological age is determined based on the number of stem cells. That is why, for the purpose of rejuvenation, you can use the method of enriching the body with stem cells. This area is rapidly gaining popularity, and more and more new technologies are appearing. However, a number of procedures involve a very high risk of complications, so you need to be very careful when choosing a technique.

  1. Peptide therapy.

Peptides are chains of amino acids that cause an increase in the lifespan of body cells. The introduction of such agents helps to increase the vital resource of human tissues.

  1. Dietary supplements.

Dietary supplements can significantly reduce the risk of the appearance and development of a number of pathologies. Their effectiveness is based on the optimal combination of certain vitamins, minerals and active substances.

  1. Ozone therapy.

Ozone therapy is a rather controversial procedure, which is based on the use of reactive oxygen species - ozone. It is believed to have a detoxifying effect, therefore improving the functioning of the immune and circulatory systems. However, it should be remembered that ozone itself is a strong oxidizing agent, and most anti-aging medicine procedures are aimed specifically at overcoming oxidative stress that occurs in the human body.

  1. Diets.

With the help of genetic diagnostics, it is possible to develop a special nutritional system aimed at normalizing overall weight and preventing various abnormalities that may appear when eating foods that are unsuitable for the body.

Read material on the topic: Body detoxification program: at home, in a sanatorium and beauty salon


#Body talk

Hi all!

Let's be honest: the new “Body Talk” turned out to be quite delicate and even piquant.

And all because our guest is Natalya Aleksandrovna Nazarova, a gynecologist-endocrinologist, candidate of medical sciences, specialist in anti-aging medicine.

Natalya Alexandrovna, from the height of her 30 years of professional experience, covered the most vital and pressing topics.

For example: how often should you visit a gynecologist, does “intimate” fitness help restore libido and sexual activity, what is infertility and how can a man prepare for conception?

We talked about the influence of hormonal levels on the general physical condition, dispelled myths about contraception, found out where libido goes and why returning it is important, first of all, for a woman?

Drugs for female sexuality and their effectiveness, the importance of choosing the right underwear, is it possible to tame PMS - in today's episode you will definitely learn a lot of useful things for yourself and about yourself!

Well, let's talk?

You can always leave your questions, comments, wishes on our Instagram accounts:

Natalya Aleksandrovna Nazarova | @tn_klinika

Ekaterina Bozhko | @ekaterinabu

Saule Kardysheva | @saule_mariya

Let's do pilates | @letsdopilatesmos

At what age should you consider visiting an anti-aging clinic?

Modern advances in the science of gerontology and anti-aging medicine are most often used by people over 35–40 years of age who have discovered various signs of aging.

Of course, the best effect can be achieved if you attract attention to yourself as early as possible. To live a long and happy life without worrying about various pathologies and premature aging, you can inquire in advance about possible problems by undergoing special diagnostics.

Genetic research within the framework of anti-aging medicine makes it possible, even at a young age, to identify a predisposition to certain diseases and take preventive measures. These procedures are so simple and understandable in nature that many people who visit such a clinic for the first time then come there with their friends and relatives.

Nowadays, you no longer have to spend a lot of time performing complex and unpleasant procedures at home. It is much easier to seek help from real professionals - the Veronika Herba beauty and health center, equipped with effective and modern equipment.

Why clients choose Veronika Herba Beauty and Health Center:

  • This is a beauty center where you can take care of yourself at a reasonable cost, while your face and/or body will be treated not by an ordinary cosmetologist, but by one of the best dermatologists in Moscow. This is a completely different, higher level of service!
  • You can receive qualified help at any time convenient for you. The beauty center is open from 9:00 to 21:00, seven days a week. The main thing is to agree with your doctor in advance on the date and time of your appointment.

Sign up for a consultation with a specialist by phone +7 (495) 085-15-13

, and you will see for yourself!

Anti-age programs

At the Marina Ryabus clinic, endocrinologists have developed diagnostic programs for men and women of different ages. Extensive diagnostics every six months to a year will allow you to maintain your well-being at a high level. You can get acquainted with anti-aging research programs by following the link.


Detailed information about the services of the Marina Ryabus clinic is always available on our website - click on the directions in the back menu to find out everything about our capabilities. In addition to gynecology, endocrinology, cosmetology, dermatology, trichology, we offer a wide range of professional care products for the face, body, and hair. You can also always buy dietary supplements from us!

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