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Fame came to Sergei Zverev thanks to his shocking behavior and unexpected antics. At the same time, he has enormous success as a stylist of women's and men's haircuts and hairstyles. He is the winner of various competitions and not only in his own country. Despite his appearance and ambiguous behavior, Sergei achieved fame through his perseverance and hard work. And in hairdressing he is truly a pristine master!


At first, the star worked in primitive Moscow hairdressing salons. The salon of Dolores Kondrashova became his mascot; it was he who paved the way to the heights of hairdressing. Any Russian celebrity wanted to get to Zverev. Alla Pugacheva, Valery Leontyev, Boris Moiseev, Lyudmila Gurchenko - they all were in the skillful hands of Zverev. The list of celebrities with whom Sergei worked can be listed forever.

Nowadays, Zverev is a famous clothing designer, stylist, makeup artist, artist, singer and showman. It covered almost all categories of show business. The outfits worn by the stars from Sergei always look stylish, daring and shocking. Now Zverev is the head of the Celebrity salon and runs his own salon, Sergey Zverev. According to the star, Alla Pugacheva persuaded him to become a singer. The first track, “Alla,” was released in 2006. Then the album “For You” was released. The artist starred in 11 films/series such as “SashaTanya”, “Oh Lucky One!”, “Little Red Riding Hood”, “New Year’s Matchmakers”, etc. A huge number of rumors and legends surround this person; even Zverev himself stirs up interest in them. The sensational phrase “the star is in shock” came out of his mouth for the first time. Interesting fact: Zverev’s hands are insured for $1 million.


Sergey Anatolyevich Zverev is a native of the Irkutsk region. He was born in the small village of Guzhiry. The parents were ordinary workers: mom worked as a senior technologist, dad worked as a mechanic. Sergei's childhood was not rich in joy and delights. Unfortunately, he lost his father early. But his mother quickly found a new chosen one, and together with the “new dad” the family moved to the city of Ust-Kamenogorsk. Zverev had an older brother, Alexander, who died at 29 years old.

The most important authority in life for the star was her mother. It was she who instilled in him such qualities as hard work and discipline. At school, Sergei was younger than his peers. When he graduated from school, he began his studies in three areas - fashion design, hairdresser-stylist and cosmetologist. He even managed to combine work and study. At the age of 16, he was sent to study at the Paris Fashion House, where his modeling career began. Returning at 18 to his native village of Guzhira, he went to serve in the army. He was not an ordinary soldier, but a deputy platoon commander in Poland.

Plastic surgery

Sergei Zverev does not hide either the number of plastic surgeries he has undergone or his age. At 55 years old, the star still looks young and fresh. And this, undoubtedly, is a huge merit of both plastic surgery and various cosmetic procedures.


The first operation to correct appearance was rhinoplasty. But the first result was unsuccessful, and the star began to have breathing problems. In addition, the nose turned out to be crooked and too upturned. This made the appearance completely unnatural, which did not satisfy the celebrity. This was followed by several more operations to change the shape of the nose, until the final result fully met the star’s expectations.

Face shape correction

There have also been interventions to change facial shape. The artist wanted to have an implant inserted into his chin to even out his initially asymmetrical features. As a result of these manipulations, the celebrity's chin acquired smooth, regular contours.


The singer’s cheekbones have also noticeably changed. Initially, the rounded face did not quite correspond to the image that Sergei was striving for. Thanks to the operations, the cheekbones became higher and more graceful. Zverev himself says that he achieved this effect by losing weight.


According to Sergei, now he has the ideal shape of his lips. It was not immediately possible for plastic surgeons to satisfy the stylist’s requests. There were also unsuccessful procedures, as a result of which the lips became too large, and uneven placement of the drug in the tissues led to asymmetry.

Repeated visits to plastic surgeons allowed us to achieve an ideal result. The smile has become more open, “Hollywood”, and the shape of the lips is clear and correct. The upper lip has become more raised and plump, perhaps this shape was specially created to harmonize with the upturned nose.

Anti-wrinkle injections

To stay forever young, the stylist resorts to cosmetic “injections of youth.” He regularly undergoes painful procedures from cosmetologists, but prefers not to advertise this fact. Thanks to her efforts, the star looks quite fresh for her age.

Why did you decide to have plastic surgery?

The stylist became famous not only for his professional skills and outrageous behavior, but also for the number of plastic surgeries. He almost completely changed his appearance.

Initially, plastic surgery turned out to be a necessary measure for him. In 1995, a man was in an accident and his face was severely injured. According to the artist, his appearance was simply disfigured; his nose suffered the most. After treatment, the appearance became so unrecognizable that the stylist had to resort to cosmetics and apply makeup to hide the scars.

Then the artist decides to have his nose corrected. Then there were more interventions, as a result of which Zverev turned into a completely different person. These metamorphoses opened the doors to show business for him.

Military service

In 1980, Sergei was drafted into the ranks of the Soviet Army. He served in Poland in the air defense forces. In the army, Sergei replaced the platoon commander, and over time he was awarded the rank of senior sergeant. He was elected secretary of the Komsomol organization. To this day, he is proud that he fulfilled his civic duty. Recalling those years, Sergei notes the fact that caps and caps suited him very well, which he still adores. Looking at the photos of those years, we see a simple Russian boy with a simple and open face.

Talent Development

After plastic surgeries that made him unrecognizable, he suddenly became wildly popular. The stars flocked to him, so the prices for his services skyrocketed. Offers also poured in to participate in plays, to act in films, reality shows, and to try one’s hand at singing. His last creative activity was suggested to him by Alla Pugacheva, who was at that time a client of a popular stylist.

Having first sung three songs dedicated to the prima donna of our stage, a year later Sergei recorded an album of 22 songs called “A Star in Shock.” His list includes participation in 8 films, where he played small but memorable episodes. He even played in a play with Lyudmila Gurchenko called “Bureau of Happiness.”

To say that numerous plastic surgeries provoked him to achieve this success would not be entirely correct. Sergei is a workaholic and purposeful person, not without a sense of humor. His persistence and sociability led to the stunning success of a simple guy from the Russian outback.

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