Home lymphatic drainage massage: how to do it and what you need

How often, just looking at yourself in the mirror, have you suddenly realized that you have lost your former shape a little? It’s not catastrophic, but you definitely don’t like yourself. And after that, the thought of diet immediately appears in my head. But don't rush. Perhaps your problem lies on the surface and can be solved much easier. Most likely, it’s just water and this problem can be dealt with quite easily with a massage.

How often, after a fruitful workout, feeling pain in every muscle, did you think: “I wish I could do something to make this discomfort go away”? However, we usually convince ourselves that such feelings are “correct”, because it indicates that the training was really good. But in reality this should not be the case. To make your body feel harmonious, you need to focus not only on cardio exercises or strength training, but also on recovery after. On days free from training, some go to the pool, others visit the sauna or bathhouse, others simply relax by taking a hot bath. But the best way of regeneration is considered to be massage.

These two problems can be easily solved with a simple massage. Home lymphatic drainage massage.

Manual lymphatic drainage massage

Manual massage can be performed superficially and deeply, as well as acupressure. Since lymph moves from the limbs to the heart, the massage is performed in this direction.

During the massage, special massage lines are used, which cannot be crossed, otherwise the result will be exactly the opposite of what was expected. But sticking to this rule is not at all difficult - the body itself will tell you where exactly you need to press.

  1. Superficial massage is performed throughout the body in the direction of lymph movement using gentle, smooth circular movements with light pressure. This type of massage improves the functioning of surface capillaries, stimulates the removal of excess fluid and waste, and prevents the formation of vascular spasms.
  2. Deep lymphatic drainage massage works deep muscles and tissues, circular movements and pressure are performed stronger and more energetically. Most often, this massage is performed where fat folds form: on the stomach, thighs and buttocks.
  3. Point lymphatic drainage directly affects the lymph nodes. The movements must be neat, precise and undulating, so as not to cause harm instead of benefit.

Exercises of the main complex

The goal is to relax the facial muscles and get rid of swelling. Pressure forces lymph fluid to move in the desired direction. The pressure should be strong, but without pain. Before performing, hands and face must be lubricated with oil or cream. Massage movements are performed with two or three fingers: index, middle, ring. Repeat each exercise three times.

Smoothing vertical wrinkles on the forehead

Place your hands on your forehead, palms facing your head, fingers touching in the center. Pressing the pads of three fingers tightly, stroke them from the middle of the forehead to the temples, trying to massage the muscles, not the skin.

Removing crow's feet

For 3-4 seconds, press your fingers tightly to the left and right temples at the outer corners of the eyes. Let go. Press again.

Eye massage

Using gentle pressure, press your fingers to your eyes for 3-4 seconds, capturing the sub-brow and infraorbital areas. Relax. Repeat.

Smoothing nasolabial folds

For 3-4 seconds, press your fingers firmly against your cheeks in the area of ​​the nasolabial folds, then release the pressure. Repeat.

Mouth area

Press your fingers towards each other in the mouth area, so as to cover the area above and below the lips. Press for 3-4 seconds and release. Repeat.


Tap the contour of the face with your fingertips from bottom to top for one minute.


Press your palms firmly in the center of your face, press for 3-4 seconds, relax. Repeat three times.

Move your palms towards your temples. Do similar pressing and relaxation there 3 times.


Using smooth stroking movements, rub your forehead, first from bottom to top, then from side to side. With the final movement, walk along the contour of the oval, along the neck to the collarbones.

There are other methods of lymphatic drainage gymnastics for the face. For example, the well-known Japanese massage Asahi or Zogan.

Hardware lymphatic drainage massage

For this type of massage, special devices are used. For example, vacuum massage is performed using both conventional cans and special equipment.

This includes LPG devices for vacuum and vacuum-roller therapy.

Vacuum lymphatic drainage accelerates the movement of blood and lymphatic fluid, removes excess lymph from the intercellular space.

The following types are also widely used using special equipment:

  • electrotherapeutic lymphatic drainage massage,
  • galvanic massage. Under the influence of microcurrent, immune metabolic processes are activated, which relieves tissues of excess lymphatic fluid.
  • electroiontophoresis. With this type of exposure, a useful complex of drugs and vitamins is introduced under the skin using electric current.

Indications and contraindications for gymnastics

Gymnastics is an excellent way to correct the following shortcomings: unhealthy appearance, “gray” skin; dark circles under the eyes; swelling.

The lymphatic system is the same for the entire body. The movement of lymph in one place has a beneficial effect on the entire body. However, it is the process of movement that limits lymphatic drainage gymnastics in case of poor health, ailments, poisoning, or viral diseases. Since infection or toxins spread throughout the body through accelerated lymph flow.

Lymphatic drainage exercises are contraindicated in the following cases:

  • the presence of inflammations and wounds on the skin (acne, herpes, burns, allergic rashes, eczema, etc.)
  • there are vascular diseases (thrombophlebitis, rosacea) or lymphatic system
  • with inflammation of the facial nerves
  • there were head injuries and surgical interventions on the face, for example, plastic surgery, regardless of the statute of limitations
  • less than 6 months before the course of lymphatic drainage, cosmetic procedures were performed (injections of Botox or analogues, fillers, chemical peeling, etc.)
  • in the presence of chronic diseases in the acute stage, including asthma, hypertension, cerebrovascular accidents

Lymphatic drainage during pregnancy or lactation is possible only after consultation with a doctor.

Lymphatic drainage exercises help eliminate swelling and reduce fat deposits on the face. In order not to turn refined facial features into overly angular ones, it is necessary to increase the interval between courses.

Preparation for the procedure

In order for the massage to be effective, it is advisable to adhere to the following recommendations:

  • on the eve of the procedure and during the entire course, do not drink alcohol or smoke;
  • do not drink a lot of liquid at night;
  • conduct a session three or more hours after eating;
  • Before the procedure, clean the skin and take a shower;
  • After the massage, immediately drink a glass of clean water.
  • Lie down for 15 minutes after the procedure.

It is advisable to increase the course of lymphatic drainage massage procedures to 10-12 sessions. After 6-12 procedures, results will appear: headaches will disappear, constant fatigue will disappear, the skin will become smoother, elasticity will appear, metabolic processes in tissues will improve.


Before performing the main set of exercises, it is necessary to warm up the muscles. To do this, perform a massage for 1 minute, stroking your head with your fingertips in light circular movements counterclockwise. Then, alternately clamping tufts of hair close to the roots, pull them up until pain occurs. This will improve blood supply to the hair roots and scalp as a whole.

When performing massage movements, the fingers fit tightly to the skin without moving it to avoid excessive stretching.

Home drainage recipes

There seems to be nothing better than home-cooked food. Having chosen homemade recipes, you are free to choose the composition for yourself, select the best ingredients and exclude what will not benefit you.

Drink with honey and lemon

Simple in ingredients, but requires temperature control. Bring 200-250 ml of ordinary drinking water to a boil, cool it to 40 degrees (no more, this is strict!), and add 10 grams of honey and 10-20 grams of lemon juice.

Sassi water

It’s almost like “water with lemon,” but the composition is more interesting. Grate 1 cm of ginger root, cut half a lemon and a medium cucumber into thin slices. Add all this to a jug of water (about 1 liter) and add a bunch of mint. Infuse the drink overnight in the refrigerator.

Fruit and vegetable cocktail

Take a couple of apples, half a peeled beet and 3 medium cucumbers. Chop all the ingredients and pass through a juicer (you can also use a blender). Drink immediately after preparation.

Unfortunately, there is no remedy that could make you skinny in a couple of minutes with the help of a magic pill. Just as you have been eating up the kilos for years, they should go away gradually. Drainage cocktails will help you remove excess fluid and cleanse the body, but you need to burn fat through a combination of sports, proper nutrition and a daily routine. Drainage cocktails will help you, but they won't do all the work for you.

How massage affects weight loss

Let's figure out why massage helps in the weight loss process and what happens to fat deposits during this procedure:

  • During exposure, the “bridges” between fat cells are broken, so dense fat layers become softer.
  • Massage has a positive effect on the metabolic rate and also accelerates the elimination of accumulated toxins and waste.
  • Thanks to the effect on the skin, dead particles are eliminated, which allows you to normalize the functioning of the sweat and sebaceous glands, as well as saturate the cells with oxygen.
  • During a massage of the abdomen and sides, the condition of the venous system is normalized, and blood circulation is improved. This has a positive effect on the elasticity of the skin and makes it smoother and tighter.
  • The swelling of tissues decreases, as a result of which it is possible to lose up to several centimeters in the waist.
  • Massage allows you to strengthen your abdominal muscles, thereby making your figure more toned.
  • Thanks to the sessions, the functioning of the digestive system and intestinal motility improves, which has a positive effect on weight loss.


Lymphatic drainage sessions are recommended if you are concerned about heaviness and pain in the limbs due to varicose veins, swelling under the eyes, on the face and neck.

The procedure is also:

  • eliminates redness, facial wrinkles, acne;
  • improves complexion;
  • gives the skin a fresh, healthy look;
  • accelerates the movement of lymph and blood;
  • reduces body weight and volume;
  • stimulates metabolic processes;
  • makes you look young.

Manual lymphatic drainage with application of a compression bandage

Using manual lymphatic drainage, the rehabilitologist acts on the subcutaneous fat layer in order to enhance the drainage function of the lymphatic system. The procedure enhances the removal of lymph from the depot and transport through the lymphatic vessels, and activates the motility of the lymphatic vessels. Doctors at the Yusupov Hospital in the presence of lymphedema (lymphatic edema) perform manual lymphatic drainage with the application of compression stockings. The benefit of compression hosiery is to increase tissue pressure and enhance the work of the muscle pump. This helps improve the production and transport of lymph and venous return. The procedure increases the speed of blood flow, which is an effective prevention of thrombosis.

Thanks to manual lymphatic drainage with the application of a compression bandage, the permeability of the capillary wall for plasma proteins is significantly reduced, and the protein load is minimized. A compression bandage improves lymph transport processes. Contraindications to banding are acute thrombosis, erysipelas, severe arterial stenosis, as well as a number of other diseases and conditions that are determined by the doctor during consultation.

Manual lymphatic drainage with the application of a compression bandage at the Yusupov Hospital is a multi-layer bandage with an individual approach to each patient. The compression bandaging procedure, performed by specialists at the rehabilitation clinic, improves lymph outflow. The skin is preserved as much as possible when wearing a bandage. Rehabilitators protect the skin from abrasions, prevent squeezing, carefully monitor and treat existing or newly formed ulcers, cracks and other defects on the skin. For this purpose, individual pads are manufactured and used for bandaging.

Reviews from people

Here's what ordinary users write about abdominal massage with cups and a dry brush:

Review by Carta blanshe about massage with Beauty365 MIRACLE jars on www.otzovik.com:

“Of course, you can get by with jars from the pharmacy. But for me personally, they are very hard, it’s difficult to work with them, they are the same size and it’s quite difficult to grab hold of them when your hands are covered in oil. Although it is possible. But I decided to try miracle jars from the beauty365 brand, 4 of different sizes, with a comfortable grip and soft enough to squeeze with one hand and “suck” them to the body. They work on the vacuum principle, it is quite painful at first, but it is effective if you use them regularly. The effect is very noticeable. If you have loose or saggy skin, if there is cellulite or fat traps in problem areas, then only this massage will solve these problems. It is important to be regular and not feel sorry for yourself. And of course, the jars should include oil so that they slide. I recommend this brand and these jars, because everything is thought out and simple.”

Review from goodzaika about massage with a dry brush on www.otzovik.com:

“During 1.5 months of remote work, I noticed that I was apparently “rounded” at the waist. I don’t really like diets, and it’s very difficult to stick to diets at home with all the family members. I don’t have much time to take care of myself. I bought a brush from an online store. When purchasing, please note that the brush comes with boar bristles and cactus bristles. The latter is very hard, so it may not be suitable for beginners. I bought from boar, medium hardness Result. After 3 weeks of daily massage, the waist and stomach area tightened. The kilograms did not go away, but the appearance was better than “before”. I carried out the massage every day in the morning, about 7 minutes were spent on the whole body.”

Do you want to get rid of your big belly? Get rid of the “postpartum apron” and “life preservers”? Straighten the fold hanging over the scar after a caesarean section? Conquer stretch marks and cellulite?

Come to the “Flourish” marathon from MelAnnett. In 4 weeks you will remove excess water from your belly, burn fat, and tighten your skin.

How to improve blood circulation in your legs

If you do not monitor blood circulation in your legs, you may miss the onset of the development of irreversible disorders. Poor blood flow leads to varicose veins - persistent dilation of veins. In order to ensure normal blood flow and vascular tone, avoid elevators and give preference to walking up the stairs. It is also useful to walk and ride a bicycle/exercise bike.

And these exercises can be done at home every day:

  • Get on your knees with your elbows on the floor in front of you. As you exhale, straighten your legs so that your body forms the letter “L”, hold for 10 seconds, return to the starting position.
  • Lying on your back, imitate riding a bicycle - arms behind your head, raise your legs perpendicular to your body. 30 rotations, the number of approaches may vary depending on the strength of the muscles.

  • In a sitting position, press your heels to the floor, raise your toes, then vice versa. Repeat 20-30 times. Ideal in the evening for those who suffer from calf muscle cramps.
  • Lying on your back, lift one leg. Rotate it clockwise 20 times. Repeat with the other leg counterclockwise.
  • While sitting, spread your straight legs to the sides as far as stretching allows. Bend alternately in both directions 10 times.

Lymphatic drainage using microcurrents

Microcurrents are used to improve microcirculation, eliminate swelling and improve the regenerative properties of the skin. Lymphatic drainage can be done at an affordable price at the Yusupov Hospital. During the procedure, specialists use special cosmetics that are saturated with vitamins, collagen, and amino acids, since microcurrents are excellent conductors that deliver substances deep into the skin.

Lymphatic drainage using microcurrents has the following effects:

  • improves tone and strengthens blood vessels, removes stagnant fluid from tissues;
  • has an anti-inflammatory effect and accelerates healing processes;
  • restores muscle tone;
  • accelerates the resorption of hematomas and edema.

Contraindications to microcurrent therapy are pregnancy, heart rhythm disturbances, the presence of gold threads, metal structures and pins in the bones, and malignant neoplasms. Before prescribing a procedure, rehabilitation specialists analyze the results of a comprehensive examination of the patient.

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