Innovation! Biorevitalization Dermahil HSR and BOOM in cosmetology!

Since mesotherapy is now one of the most popular procedures for skin rejuvenation, girls often have the question of choosing a meso-cocktail that will not only be effective, but also safe for them. Dermaheal HSR mesotherapy is exactly the skin treatment option that will allow you to quickly achieve the desired result while avoiding unwanted consequences.

What is Dermaheal and how does it work?

Dermahil is a line of mesotherapy cocktails aimed at transforming the skin of the face, body or hair. Their effectiveness is based not only on the saturation of epithelial cells with useful substances, but also on the awakening of natural metabolic processes that slow down with age.

Dermaheal HSR is one of the types of meso-cocktails that promotes skin rejuvenation and launches internal processes that inhibit the aging of the dermis. The drug has a high level of permeability, due to which it quickly penetrates into the deep layers of the skin and dissolves. In addition, the composition is aimed at neutralizing inflammatory processes in the skin.

The composition of the mesococktail includes phosphatidylcholine, which is contained in the membrane of epithelial cells. Because of this, the drug is not rejected by the girl’s body, but on the contrary, it stimulates the production of collagen and elastin, as well as the regeneration of new cells.


Caregen Co is a company operating in South Korea. She owns the Dermahil brand, famous among cosmetologists and fans of modern face and body care procedures.

The company has hundreds of unique developments, specializes in the synthesis of growth factors and biomimetic peptides and supplies ingredients to factories of major American and French brands.

The company’s responsible approach to the development of each product is captivating, because the use of the latest achievements in bioengineering and nanotechnology allows us to hope for the absolute safety of drugs and high efficiency.

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Indications and contraindications

Many girls perform HSR mesotherapy at home for preventive purposes - to prevent premature skin aging and improve the overall condition of facial skin.

However, direct indications for the procedure are also prescribed:

  1. Flabbiness, dullness of the skin.
  2. Pigmentation.
  3. Enlarged pores.
  4. Acne and post-acne.
  5. Wrinkles.
  6. Scars and stretch marks.

Also, all products in the Dermaheal line provide an even complexion, eliminating dullness and fatigue of the skin.

In any case, despite the fact that dermaheal HSR mesotherapy is one of the safest procedures, it involves the creation of many punctures on the skin. Because of this, she is subject to some health restrictions:

  • Diabetes;
  • Pregnancy, lactation;
  • Low blood clotting rate;
  • Skin lesions;
  • Diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • Fungus;
  • Infectious and chronic diseases;
  • Individual intolerance to the components of the composition.

Dermahil meso-cocktails contain hyaluronic acid, so it is important to make sure you are not allergic to it. To do this, apply a small amount of the composition to the inner surface of the elbow for 20 minutes, then rinse it off and monitor the skin reaction.

If you want to perform the procedure yourself at home, you should first consult with a doctor or cosmetologist.

Side effects

Dermaheal HSR mesotherapy is considered quite safe in terms of the degree of its effect on the skin. It usually does not cause side effects or complications if you follow all the restrictions and precautions prescribed before and after the session.

However, be prepared for sensitive skin reactions to mechanical stress. It usually manifests itself in the form of local redness and increased sensitivity of the treated area. The reaction usually subsides within a day, without causing much discomfort to the girl.

If a more severe reaction occurs (burning, itching, irritation, rash), consult a dermatologist immediately, since ignoring such symptoms can lead to serious complications.

Rehabilitation period

After administration of the drug, the following may be observed:

  • redness;
  • swelling;
  • bruising;
  • bruises;
  • soreness.

They leave within a few days. At this time, it is recommended to wipe the puncture sites with antiseptic agents. The cosmetologist can also recommend restorative and antiseptic drugs - Traumeel S, Bepanten and others.

Considering the multicomponent nature of the filler, the likelihood of allergies increases. In this case, the doctor prescribes antihistamines.

In order to avoid complications and not provoke rapid elimination of the drug, it is important in the first 7-14 days to refrain from:

  • visits to solariums, baths;
  • long exposure to the sun;
  • physical activity;
  • applying decorative cosmetics to treated areas.

The effect of therapy lasts about 5 months. After which the course must be repeated.

How long does the course last?

You will be able to notice the first results after 1-2 uses of Dermahil, then the skin will begin to quickly recover, become saturated with useful components and transform.

However, to achieve the desired result you will have to complete the full course, consisting of:

  • 7-10 sessions when performing the procedure in the salon;
  • 13-17 sessions when using a mesoscooter at home.

When performing the procedure at home, use the mesoscooter even every day. However, the break between visits to cosmetology most often ranges from 3-4 days to one and a half weeks. This allows the skin to recover from the previous session and prepare for the next one.

Mesotherapy at home –

Mesotherapy at home is possible using special devices. The most effective is the use of a fractional mesotherapy device called DermaPen. This device is easy to use and costs only 6,000 rubles, which is quite a bit compared to the cost of a full course of mesotherapy. A cheaper version of this device are mesoscooters.

The latter are also effective for solving aesthetic problems, but due to some features of mesoscooters (you can read about them at the link below) - when used regularly, they lead to roughening of the facial skin. But the use of DermaPen does not lead to such consequences. In addition, both of these fractional mesotherapy devices are more effective against atrophic acne scars than the classic injection technique. However, you can get the maximum effect here - from a combination of DermaPen + injections of nucleotides and matrikin peptides.

→ Reviews about the DermaPen device → Reviews about the use of mesoscooters

There are also devices for needle-free mesotherapy based on iontophoresis (Fig. 16), which can be bought in special medical stores. With this technique, the skin is not injured by needles, and the device increases the permeability of the skin for mesotherapy serums. For iontophoresis procedures, mesoscooters and DermaPen, specially designed serums containing only low molecular weight active substances should be used.

Photos before and after procedures

In the photo you can see how mesotherapy transformed the condition of the skin on the girls’ faces and eliminated the signs of aging - wrinkles, pigmentation, unclear contour, sagging, etc.

Dermahil is also used on the body. It promotes the conversion of fats into energy and their gradual elimination from the body.

In any case, keep in mind that you cannot achieve such an effect in 1-2 applications of the meso-cocktail. You will still have to complete the minimum course - 5-8 sessions.

Features of facial mesotherapy and its differences from biorevitalization -

Many patients do not understand how mesotherapy differs from biorevitalization, because in principle these are very similar techniques, which use both the same injection techniques and similar active components. But nevertheless, these differences are very important, and will allow you to decide how suitable one or another method is for you. The main differences lie in the characteristics of the drugs used, so let's take a closer look at how mesopreparations differ from biorevitalizants.

The first difference is that mesotherapeutic preparations use much lower concentrations of active components. For example, in mesopreparations the concentration of hyaluronic acid (HA) is usually 0.3-0.5% (rarely up to 0.8-1.0%), and in biorevitalizants it is most often no less than 1.8-2.0%. The second difference is that mesopreparations contain, as a rule, low molecular weight HA (with a molecular size of 200-800 kDa), while biorevitalizants contain high molecular weight HA, from 1800 to 3000 kDa.

It should be noted that the larger the size of the hyaluronic acid molecules, the more pronounced the moisturizing effect of the drug on the skin will be, and secondly, the slower the HA molecules will be destroyed under the influence of the hyaluronidase enzyme, which means the effect of the drug will last longer. The third difference concerns the form of release of the drugs. Mesopreparations are produced on a water or sol basis (sol - liquid gel), which means rapid distribution in tissues, as well as very rapid elimination.

That is why mesotherapy procedures on the face and neck are done once a week. But biorevitalizants are always produced in the form of viscous gels, which improves the deposition of active substances at the site of each injection. The gel will dissolve more slowly, which means the active substances in its composition will act on the tissue longer. Therefore, biorevitalizants are usually administered once every 2 weeks, but there are preparations containing stabilized HA that can be administered only once every 3-4 weeks.

Important: thus, for biorevitalization, drugs are used that allow achieving more intense rejuvenation (the cost of biorevitalizants is many times higher than the cost of meso-preparations). Based on all of the above, you should understand why the cost of 1 mesotherapy procedure usually starts from 2,500 rubles, and biorevitalization - on average from 9,000 rubles or more for 1 procedure. Different properties of the drugs create differences in the frequency and number of procedures.

For example, mesopreparations are done once a week, and in patients 35+ the course will usually consist of 10-12 procedures, while biorevitalizants are done once every 2-3 weeks, and the course will consist of 3 to 7 procedures (depending on the severity of age-related changes). As for relatively young patients who seek prevention or only minor correction of changes, short courses of mesotherapy will be preferable for them. But for patients 45+ (and even more so after menopause), mesopreparations will no longer work at all.

→ Rating of drugs for biorevitalization

Reviews of the drug Dermahil

Elena, 26 years old:

Good afternoon I have been faced with the problem of acne and blackheads since I was a teenager. No matter how many ways and means I tried, it didn’t help. I turned to a new cosmetologist, she said that there was a problem with the tissue microflora - impaired metabolism and water balance, and advised me to take a course of mesotherapy. I did it myself and used Dermahil XSR about 10 times. I really liked the effect - the acne began to dry out, and post-acne went away faster. I will continue the course, I hope it will help me achieve the ideal skin tone!!!

Alexandra, 49 years old:

I have been taking a course of mesotherapy once a year for the fourth time. Previously, the master used a different drug, but this time we decided to stick with Dermahil. To be honest, at first I didn’t like the result at all. After the first two sessions, the skin remained in the same condition, it seemed to me that it had even become worse. But then... Each time the wrinkles became much smaller, some shine appeared on the skin, the tone evened out. In general, I'm satisfied! I don’t know how long the result will last, but most likely they will use Dermahil later.

Lisa, 34 years old:

Hello. A couple of years ago, very noticeable wrinkles began to bother me - “crow’s feet” around the eyelids, on the forehead and above the mouth. I turned to cosmetology, they advised biorevitalization or mesotherapy, I read about both procedures, eventually settled on the second, the drug was chosen by the master herself - dermahil. Since I haven’t had this experience before, I can’t compare, but I really like my skin now. It was as if 5 years had been taken off, I became more toned and smooth. In general, I recommend it to everyone!))

Effect of the drug on the skin in adulthood

The procedure using this drug is indicated for women in adulthood. In this case, it has a different effect:

  1. From 40 to 50 years – the skin becomes elastic, age spots lighten, freckles disappear. The drug effectively copes with the first signs of aging of the epidermis. Acne, acne, blackheads and pimples disappear. Pores become smaller and oily shine disappears.
  2. From 50 to 60 years - at this age the drug is used to smooth out stretch marks, wrinkles, lighten age spots, get rid of sagging, and combat age-related problems.
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