Preparations for mesotherapy (meso-cocktails) Dermaheal (Dermahil)

General characteristics

Dermaheal (Dermahil) is a new generation of injection preparations for skin revitalization with prolonged action. They not only slow down aging, but also trigger rejuvenation processes at the cellular level. An impressive result is achieved after the first procedure.

The nanocapsule shells contain phosphatidylcholine. Cell membranes are made of the same substance. That is why there is no reaction of rejection of the injected drug. It easily passes through many layers of epithelium, penetrates into the lower layers of the dermis and completely dissolves. As a result, a powerful activation of collagen and elastic fiber cells occurs.

Nelly Mezerya (Cosmetologist):

Phosphatidylcholine (lecithin) has an anti-inflammatory effect, enhances cell energy by increasing the intensity of metabolism in mitochondria. Strengthens cell membranes, enhances regeneration processes. In addition, it serves as an inducer of the production of interferon, a natural antiviral substance.

The product line includes care complexes for all ages and to solve any dermatological problems. Funds are used for the following purposes:

  • skin revitalization (using biomimetic peptides);
  • anti-aging effects on the skin of the face and area around the eyes;
  • protection from excessive sun exposure;
  • correction of defects;
  • basic care;
  • solutions to trichological problems.


Dermaheal products are used in several procedures.

1. Mesotherapy . Injecting the drug using a thin needle (as for insulin injections) or a special roller. Promotes cell regeneration, hydration, fights wrinkles and cellulite.

2. Galvanotherapy . When a low-intensity electric current passes, blood vessels dilate and irritate skin receptors. The production of serotonin and other biologically active substances is activated, cell restoration is accelerated.

3. Peptide boosters for face, body, scalp . Their use increases the effectiveness of mesotherapy manipulations several times: the processes of rejuvenation, fat burning, and hair strengthening occur much faster.

The line includes: Booster Face - for transforming facial skin, Booster Body - for non-surgical liposuction, Booster Hair - against hair loss.

4. Non-surgical blepharoplasty.


Dermaheal preparations contain broad-spectrum substances.
They promote rejuvenation and aesthetic correction of the skin (its barrier function as an organ of the immune system is activated). As a result of the improvement of the dermis, adaptation to aggressive environmental influences increases and protection against toxins is strengthened.

The basic components of meso cocktails include:

  • recombinant proteins;
  • hyaluronic acid;
  • low molecular weight biomimetic peptides;
  • coenzymes;
  • amino acids;
  • minerals and vitamins.

Biomimetic peptides are synthetic compounds with amino acids, a new development in gerontocosmetology. They are hypoallergenic and harmless to humans. They help replenish the lack of peptides, which are synthesized by the body less and less over time. A deficiency of these substances triggers the aging program. The drugs block it at the biochemical level.

Dermaheal complexes use human internal reserves. They do not compensate for the lack of elastin, collagen and hyaluronic acid, but stimulate their production.


The appearance of innovative cosmetics on the market was made possible thanks to the developments of scientists from the Caregen Co., Ltd. concern. from South Korea.

The company's success in the field of biomimetic peptide synthesis is recognized throughout the world.

Research concerns both cosmeceuticals and the creation of effective drugs for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis, psoriasis, and atopic dermatitis.

Contraindications for use

Of course, this cosmetics has a number of contraindications, and you should not thoughtlessly put yourself in the hands of a cosmetologist. Moderation in everything is the key to beauty and health.

  • oncological diseases,
  • autoimmune diseases,
  • diabetes,
  • tuberculosis,
  • serious skin diseases - both chronic and in the acute phase,
  • serious chronic problems of any organs

- all this is a reason before visiting a cosmetologist to visit a specialized specialist and therapist who has no idea about the state of your health.

Complications are also possible even with the correct administration of injectable drugs. These are hematomas (in other words, bruises), swelling that last longer than usual. During the normal course of the process, these obligatory injection companions disappear after two to three days.

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Fixed assets

Dermaheal HSR

Mesococktail is used for skin rejuvenation with hyaluronic acid. Provides an anti-inflammatory effect, eliminates stretch marks and acne marks, and narrows pores.

Dermaheal SR

The drug is intended for moisturizing dry skin, modeling the face, combating large pores and wrinkles, activating the synthesis of elastin and collagen, and revitalizing the skin.

Dermaheal HL

A therapeutic complex to combat hair loss and brittleness. Strengthens hair follicles and provides access to beneficial ingredients.

Dermaheal SB

A meso cocktail with a whitening effect is suitable for combating freckles and hyperpigmentation. Helps even out skin tone, facilitates rehabilitation after chemical peels and laser procedures.

Dermaheal LL

A lipolytic with a pronounced lifting effect is used to sculpt the face and body.

Action: gets rid of the “orange peel”, reduces the amount of fatty tissue, removes the double chin, and gives clarity to the oval of the face.

Dermaheal Dark Circle solution

A product for lightening dark circles and age spots in the area around the eyes. The effect is achieved by blocking the formation of melanin.

Helps smooth out deep wrinkles by improving microcirculation, fights swelling and age-related changes in the periorbital area.

Dermaheal Eyebag solution

With its help, non-surgical blepharoplasty is performed to get rid of bags under the eyes. The product improves lymphatic drainage, reduces swelling, smoothes facial wrinkles. By strengthening the skin framework and improving lymph flow, soft tissues do not sag.

Stem C'rum HL

Two-phase serum with stem cells and amino acids to nourish hair follicles, combat hair fragility and hair loss. Lasting effect on all hair types.

Stem C'rum SR

Bi-phase serum for wrinkles. Cell regeneration, moisturizing and nourishing the skin, long-lasting effect. Allergic reactions are possible with sensitive skin.

For best results, before the procedure you need to use a deep peeling product from Dermahil.

Additional funds

The product line also includes boosters (amplifiers).

  • Dermaheal M.Booster Hair . Booster to combat hair loss and restore its structure.
  • Dermaheal M.Booster Face . Powerful acceleration and greater efficiency of rejuvenating procedures when introducing meso-cocktails for revitalization.
  • Dermaheal M. Booster Body . Booster cocktail for non-surgical liposuction and cellulite treatment. Particularly effective in combination with Dermaheal LL.

Dermaheal LL

Dermaheal LL is a South Korean medical lipolytic created by Caragen Co, a leader in the global market.

Dermaheal LL is absolutely safe for health. Its 3 main components are levocarnitine, phosphatidylcholine and decapeptide-4. The lipolytic cocktail models the contours of the body, eliminating fat traps and eliminating the “orange peel” effect.

Mesotherapy procedure with Dermaheal LL

It is a method of subcutaneous injection of a cosmetic product into a problem area of ​​the epidermis. Everything is done manually using a special syringe. This method is the most effective due to its pharmacological and reflex action.

Precautionary measures

Indications for the procedure

The main indications for using Dermaheal products may be problems with the skin of the face, body, and hair loss.
The drugs successfully cope with skin aging, hyperpigmentation, stretch marks, scars, post-acne and wrinkles.


Dermahil belongs to medicinal cosmetics. The basic principle of medical ethics is “do no harm.”

Therefore, like any medicine, there are certain contraindications:

  • chronic diseases in the acute stage;
  • cancer;
  • pregnancy;
  • allergy to the drug, intolerance to the components;
  • tuberculosis;
  • insulin-dependent diabetes;
  • herpes.

Features at different ages

When using meso-cocktails, the following factors are taken into account:

  • Dermaheal HSR is indicated for persons over 40.
  • Dermaheal SR - after 30 years.
  • Dermaheal HL - at any age.
  • Dermaheal SB - from 25 years old.
  • Dermaheal LL - no restrictions.

The earlier treatment is started, taking into account age-related characteristics, the better the effect will be. Before the age of 25, the use of drugs is not advisable.

Advantages of MC “HEALTHY FAMILY”

Before administering the drug, consultation with a dermatologist or cosmetologist is necessary. On the day of the manipulation, you should refuse to visit the bathhouse, sauna, or swimming pool. Increased physical activity and prolonged exposure to the sun are extremely undesirable.

The duration of 1 procedure varies between 40-60 minutes. At the end of the procedure, you should limit your fluid intake and stop using cosmetics for 1-2 days. After the procedure, some swelling is observed, which subsides after several hours. The duration of the drug is at least 3 months.

At the moment, the Healthy Family MC is hosting unprecedented cosmetology promotions; you can find out the terms of the promotions at the LINK.

How does the procedure work?

When manipulating the face, amateur actions are unacceptable. You only need to contact an experienced cosmetologist.

At least an hour is allocated for the procedure. For injections, syringes with microneedles and mesopistols are used.

Two techniques are used to administer the drug into the periorbital region.

  1. Nappage is the treatment of a large surface of the skin to achieve a noticeable aesthetic effect.
  2. A mesoscooter is a roller with thin needles, used to regenerate the skin and increase the absorption of nutrients.

Nelly Mezerya (Cosmetologist):

Nappage is a picotage technique that involves multiple punctures of the skin over a large area. The distance between injections ranges from a few millimeters to a centimeter. The essence of the procedure is to simultaneously saturate the skin with a drug. The needle does not penetrate the subcutaneous tissue, so the drug does not spread deeper, but occupies a certain area of ​​the skin around the injection. When there are several such injections, the injected substances are combined into a single area, which increases the effect of mesotherapy several times.

Standard mesotherapy regimen:

  • Cleansing the skin of impurities.
  • Antiseptic treatment.
  • Before injection into the periorbital area, anesthesia with local anesthetic is performed.
  • Injection of the drug to a depth of 3 mm.
  • Repeated treatment with antiseptics.
  • Applying soothing creams.

Course duration

The intensive course must include at least 3 sessions. On average, up to 10.

Maintenance therapy involves 1-2 procedures per quarter to consolidate the effect obtained.

The exact number of repetitions is determined by the cosmetologist depending on age, health status and individual skin characteristics.

Dermahil: mesotherapy for face and body

Needle mesotherapy is one of the most popular and effective methods of preventing aging and improving the appearance of the skin while maintaining a natural effect.

Thanks to this technique, active substances are introduced subcutaneously, bypassing the epidermal barrier, through which most cosmetic products do not penetrate.
In addition, the injection process itself leads to the activation of skin repair mechanisms responsible for its formation. Indications:

  • wrinkles;
  • loss of skin firmness and elasticity;
  • facial oval rejuvenation;
  • dry, dehydrated skin;
  • reduction of circles under the eyes;
  • stretch marks and scars;
  • cellulite;
  • treatment and prevention of hair loss.


  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • active autoimmune diseases;
  • oncological diseases;
  • active viral infections (eg, herpes) and bacterial infections in the treatment area;
  • allergy to the ingredients of the drug;
  • tendency to the appearance of keloid scars.

During the procedure, drugs are used consisting of a mixture of many healing and regenerating substances, which, by stimulating cell metabolism, increase the production of collagen and elastin, which leads to improved skin condition.

One of the most commonly used elements is hyaluronic acid, which has strong hygroscopic properties (it can hold huge amounts of water) and increases cell proliferation and angiogenesis.

Depending on the composition of the drug, treatment is aimed at patients of any age and with various problems. Thanks to this method, we can nourish or strengthen the skin of the face, décolleté, bust, limit hair loss, reduce cellulite or reduce under-eye circles and puffiness.

Healing period

To avoid redness or swelling after the injection, you can lubricate the area with a soothing cream or gel. 3 days later, do a lymphatic drainage massage - gentle stroking.

You cannot sunbathe, visit the bathhouse or swimming pool, or massage the skin in the correction area.

Dermaheal eyelid blepharomask with an anti-inflammatory effect helps well with healing.

Side effects

Mesotherapy Dermahil is rated very positively. The gentle nature of the procedure and the almost complete absence of side effects are attractive.

Light redness and small papules and swelling from injections quickly disappear after using soothing gels.

But turning to a non-professional can lead to infection, necrosis, and blockage of blood vessels at the injection site.

It is necessary to carefully approach the choice of a cosmetologist; be sure to make sure that he has a license and a document on medical education.

Duration of action

The first results of the Dermahil lipolytic for the body will be noticeable almost from the second procedure, since the cocktail is injected into individual problem areas.

A pronounced effect in relation to the contouring effect on the face is achieved in the 3-5th procedure and lasts for a long time, provided that the usual caloric intake of the diet is observed without noticeable distortions in the direction of decrease or increase. Otherwise, due to stress, the body may continue to build up fat packets, which will reduce the effectiveness of the lipolytic to zero.

Photos before and after

Price for the procedure

The cost of procedures using Dermahil meso-cocktails depends on the drug and the use of boosters.

One injection of the product in an amount of 5 ml costs 3500-4000 rubles.

In Yekaterinburg you will have to spend from 5,000, and in Moscow clinics the price of manipulation may be higher.

Adding a booster increases the cost by 2000-2500.

You can save money if you buy a subscription for several procedures. The costs fully pay for themselves. It costs less than plastic surgery.

The effect of Dermaheal LL mesotherapy

It has been practically proven that fat traps in treated areas are broken down very quickly.

Also, the drug Dermahil LL provides a longer lasting effect compared to analogues.

Dermaheal LL:

  • fights cellulite and unwanted fat deposits,
  • helps to model the contours of the body,
  • improves skin elasticity and creates a lifting effect,
  • eliminates signs of premature skin aging.
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