Preparations for mesotherapy: ascorbic acid, artichoke, biotin, bepanthen

  • Targeted action to nourish and rejuvenate the skin
  • Elimination of wrinkles, dryness and skin rashes
  • Skin tightening, restoration of elasticity
  • Skin lightening
  • Affordable price for the procedure - from 3,900 rubles

The price for facial mesotherapy directly depends on the condition, type of skin and its individual characteristics. Based on these indicators, the cosmetologist selects the optimal drug and technique (injection, non-injection), calculates the duration of the rejuvenation course and prescribes the required number of sessions.

Cost of facial mesotherapy

NamePrice for 1 procedurePrice per course* of procedures
Mesotherapy Pluryal mesoline® REFRESH/SHINE, 5.0 mlRUB 5,900
Mesotherapy Pluryal mesoline® REFRESH/SHINE, 5.0 ml, 5 procedures5,300 rub.26,500 rub.
Mesotherapy Pluryal mesoline® CLEAR/CLEAR SKIN, 2.5 ml4,500 rub.
Mesotherapy Pluryal mesoline® CLEAR/CLEAR SKIN, 2.5 ml, 4 proceduresRUB 3,900RUB 15,600
Mesotherapy Conjonctyl (Konzhaktil) Sédifa Laboratoire, 5 ml5,500 rub.
Mesotherapy Conjonctyl (Konzhaktil) Sédifa Laboratoire, 5 ml, 5 procedures4,500 rub.22,500 rub.

* When purchasing a course of procedures, after the first procedure, you must pay 50% of the cost of the course, the remaining 50% is paid after the second procedure.

EJI Sakura

The drug is produced in Japan. According to experts, it is one of the best drugs for facial mesotherapy after 50 years. Many women noticed a good effect after the first session. According to cosmetologists, EJI Sakura can be a worthy replacement for plastic surgery.

The cocktail tightens the skin of the lower part of the face and smoothes out wrinkles, eliminates rosacea and pigmentation. For people under forty years of age, this is an effective means of combating scars and stretch marks on the skin.

The drug package contains 4 bottles and is designed for 20 sessions. The composition of the cocktail in containers is different - elastin, hyaluronic acid, placenta extract, collagen. The doctor mixes cocktails individually for each patient.

The essence of the procedure and indications for it

Mesotherapy is a procedure aimed at preventing age-related skin changes and effectively rejuvenating the face without plastic surgery. It involves the introduction of a specially developed cosmetology cocktail into the subcutaneous tissue by injection to a depth of no more than 1.5-3 mm.

Main indications for facial mesotherapy procedures:

  • Loss of turgor of the skin of the eyelids, décolleté or face;
  • Expression and age wrinkles that form around the eyes;
  • Acne, acne;
  • Hypersecretion of the sebaceous glands;
  • Nasolabial folds;
  • Pigment spots, stagnant spots on the skin;
  • Darkening of the skin.

Mesotherapy helps to correct the oval of the face and eliminate the “double” chin. Positive changes can be noticed immediately after the 1st procedure. But to achieve a lasting effect, you need to complete the full course; the exact number of sessions is calculated by the cosmetologist after an individual examination of the patient. To find out how much facial mesotherapy costs, you should make an appointment with a specialist.

Foto-age Elastase

The drug from the Italian brand Mesotech is used to rejuvenate the face and body. Contains elastin, DMAE, organic silicon compounds, plant extracts. Smoothes and moisturizes the skin. Activates the production of collagen, glycosaminoglycans, elastin. Due to this, the skin becomes denser and the permeability of capillary walls decreases. Cells are well saturated with oxygen and nutrients.

The drug reduces the severity of age-related changes - wrinkles, creases, dullness and sagging skin. Effective for treating damage caused by UV rays.

Preparations for facial mesotherapy

The cost of one mesotherapy procedure depends on the drug used. It is selected by a cosmetologist depending on the skin problems and the required treatment. Among the most effective are Pluryal mesoline® preparations, intended for anti-aging care and cleansing of the skin.

Pluryal mesoline® REFRESH

The cosmetic cocktail for injections REFRESH has a rejuvenating and regenerating effect with additional hydration and revitalization. Its purpose:

  • Prevention and elimination of primary signs of facial aging that develop after the age of 30;
  • Preparing the skin for plastic surgery and accelerating recovery after surgery;
  • Correction of damaged facial skin – wrinkles, dryness, loss of tone.

The use of Pluryal mesoline® REFRESH allows you to restore the firmness, brightness and elasticity inherent in young skin. With its help, you can restore the barrier function of the skin and reduce moisture loss, maintaining an optimal level of hydration. This role is assigned to hyaluronic acid.

Thanks to the presence of plant extracts (a booster containing extracts from wheat and peas), the cocktail promotes the natural renewal of skin cells. And polydeoxyribonucleotides, which act as structural components of DNA, improve its structure. Additionally, the composition includes vitamins B3 (niacin), B5 (panthenol), B6 ​​and A.

Pluryal mesoline® CLEAR

The drug CLEAR has an anti-inflammatory effect. It is actively used for infiltrates, as well as to prevent the development of pigmentation and postoperative scarring. This is the optimal solution for people with oily skin. The drug is used to treat age spots, regulate skin immunity and normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands.

Reviews from cosmetologists and patients confirm that after using Pluryal mesoline® CLEAR you can expect the following results:

  • Cleansing the skin and disappearing stagnant spots;
  • Acne elimination;
  • Relieving inflammation of the skin and strengthening the immune system;
  • Reducing the volume of subcutaneous fat;
  • Improving microcirculation and strengthening capillary walls.

The active ingredients of the drug include retinyl palmitate, ginkgo biloba, hesperidin, vitamins B3, B5, B7, octapeptide-18, and hyaluronic acid.

Conjonctyl (Konzhaktil) Sédifa Laboratoire (Monaco)

Konjaktil is a drug for mesotherapy in the facial area, developed on the basis of monomethyl trisilanol (organic silicon). The principle of operation of this cosmetology cocktail is based on the ability of biologically active components to trigger the compensatory abilities of skin cells. Thanks to this, metabolic processes in tissues are normalized, the volume of fibroblasts, which are the basis of the dermis, increases and blood microcirculation improves. The drug guarantees antioxidant protection, protects the skin from premature aging and promotes its rapid rejuvenation.

Conjonctyl (Konjaktil), used in facial mesotherapy, is effective in combating the following cosmetic problems:

  • Wrinkles and dry skin;
  • Acne and rashes;
  • Primary signs of photoaging;
  • Scars;
  • “Bags” and “dark circles” under the eyes.

The drug also works effectively to eliminate cellulite and double chin.


MESO-XANTHIN F199 is manufactured in the USA. ABG Lab LLC is one of the market leaders producing the most effective mesotherapy products.

The cocktail can be used from the age of 25 to moisturize the skin, improve skin tone and prevent aging.

Contains hyaluronic acid and fucoxanthin. The product effectively eliminates post-acne and rosacea, tightens the skin and improves the contours of the chin. It is considered one of the most effective mesotherapy drugs for facial pigmentation.

Available packaged in syringes. The package is enough for 1 session. The effect of the injections lasts from 6 to 12 months.

First results of facial mesotherapy and rehabilitation period

The visual lifting effect is noticeable even after the first mesotherapy session. Wrinkles will begin to smooth out, the oval of the face will tighten. Comprehensive facial rejuvenation can be expected after 2-3 procedures. The skin will look fresh and rested. For complete facial restoration, 6-8 sessions are usually enough.

If the procedure is done correctly, then no rehabilitation is required after mesotherapy. Even if redness or swelling develops at the injection sites, they will completely disappear in just 40-60 minutes. By the way, even microtrauma caused by a syringe needle has a kind of rejuvenation effect. It starts the reparative process and the cells regenerate more actively.

The result obtained lasts for several months. It is advisable to repeat the course every six months.

Facial mesotherapy in Moscow is carried out at the Absolut Med Aesthetic Medicine Clinic. Experienced cosmetologists are at your service, using advanced skin rejuvenation techniques and certified European-made products. You can get acquainted with our other services by reading the price list.

Basic Meso

Basic Meso is a brand produced in Spain. This is a whole series of mesotherapy products. The main active ingredient is hyaluronic acid. It has a complex effect on the skin of the face, neck and décolleté:

  • Maintains hydrobalance of intercellular substance;
  • Has a lifting effect;
  • Relieves inflammatory processes;
  • Stimulates local immunity.

The best preparations for facial mesotherapy after 40 years from the Basic Meso series contain extracts of medicinal plants, vitamins, amino acids, Coenzyme Q, ribonucleotides, and organic silicon.

Photos before and after the procedure

Dermaheal SR

The manufacturer of the drug is CAREGEN from South Korea. The meso cocktail contains 57 components. Indications for use are:

  • Dry and flabby skin of the face, neck and décolleté;
  • Enlarged pores;
  • Acne;
  • Early expression wrinkles.

The drug is also used to correct the shape of the face and shape the figure. Patients notice improvement after the first procedure. The manufacturer's recommended course includes 5-7 sessions.

How is body mesotherapy performed?

There are two ways to do it: manual and hardware. In the first case, injections are carried out with syringes with microneedles, in the second - with a special device with the ability to adjust the depth and frequency of injection. With the hardware introduction of “cocktails”, it is possible to treat a large area of ​​skin in a relatively short time.

Mesotherapy for weight loss will relieve:

  • excess weight;
  • cellulite;
  • local fat deposits;
  • sagging skin.

Oxygen mesotherapy for the body

Oxygen mesotherapy for the body at A Clinic is carried out using Jet Peel gas-liquid peeling technology.

Jet Peel is both cleansing and rejuvenating of the skin. Gas-liquid peeling affects the skin with a directed stream of water with oxygen. This allows you to combine several effects at once: exfoliation and removal of dead epidermal cells; massage, micromassage, lymphatic drainage massage, elimination of swelling, tightening effect.

Active oxygen comes with a stream of water. It activates metabolic processes and also disinfects, that is, it has an antiseptic and antibacterial effect. The high pressure of the gas-liquid jet completely cleans the pores at great depths.

You can also add various vitamin and mineral complexes to the apparatus for the procedure.

The massage effect of a directed flow of water improves lymph flow, blood circulation, and metabolic processes. Therefore, Jet Peel gas-liquid peeling is one of the rare technologies that combines the cleansing effect with rejuvenation and healing.

Methodology of the procedure

This manipulation can be carried out by two methods, namely:

  1. Hardware – suitable for patients who cannot tolerate physical pain. At the same time, there is a high efficiency of hardware injections for eliminating cellulite.
  2. The manual method allows you to accurately calculate the dosage of the drug separately for each patient. In addition, this technique will allow you to treat delicate areas of the face as correctly as possible: the mouth and eye area. And manual introduction is ideal for those with thin skin.

Injection mesotherapy for weight loss

There are so-called basic “cocktails” that are calcined superficially: along the spine and along the intercostal spaces. With this method of administering biological products, biologically active points are “triggered.” With their help, weight begins to decrease as quickly as possible.

In addition to the basic ones, there are local “cocktails” that are injected into problem areas - sides, stomach, riding breeches, inner surface of the arms.

“Cocktails” do not consist of several components. Lipolytic components break down the fat cell. Drainage components, consisting of extracts of various plants - from green tea to artichokes - speed up the work of lymph flow: so that what has been destroyed comes out better. L-Carnitine is an amino acid, a natural substance related to B vitamins, which promotes the rapid conversion of fats into energy.

It is important to note that after removing fat deposits, sagging and sagging skin does not appear, since the substances included in the “cocktails” stimulate the formation of collagen, which is responsible for elasticity. The level of lipids (fat-like substances that make up cells) is also normalized.

To combat the “orange peel”, which, due to metabolic disorders, unbalanced nutrition, and a not very healthy lifestyle, appears even in petite ladies (men, as we know, suffer from cellulite only in exceptional cases), drugs are used that break down fat deposits , as well as medications that have a lymphatic drainage effect, removing intercellular fluid, promoting improved blood microcirculation.

When will the result appear?

The effect of mesotherapy is noticeable immediately. However, it reaches its greatest severity after about ten sessions.

Mesotherapy ensures the normalization of metabolic processes, the direct destruction of fat cells, its breakdown into components, followed by natural removal from the body.

Anti-cellulite mesotherapy helps restore microcirculation, normalize lymphatic and venous outflow, reduce swelling and heaviness in the legs, improve the condition of subcutaneous fatty tissue and visually reduce the appearance of cellulite. In addition, the skin becomes smoother and more elastic.

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