How many facial mesotherapy procedures need to be done to have an effect?

Mesotherapy is a minimally invasive cosmetic procedure aimed at eliminating aesthetic imperfections of the skin. Depending on the results of her diagnosis, the doctor prepares a therapeutic “cocktail”, which includes vitamins, amino acids, hyaluronic acid and other useful substances. This elixir of youth is injected into the middle layer of the dermis, which, having received additional nutrition, improves its texture.

What does mesotherapy give?

After completing a course of procedures, you will notice how your skin tone will improve, small wrinkles will smooth out, bags under your eyes will disappear, your complexion will improve, and your oval will become more youthful.

Mesotherapy also normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands, which means it will rid the skin of oily shine, even out the tone of the face, “cleansing” it of hyperpigmentation, scars. But that’s not all, because “meso-cocktails” have an antioxidant effect. This means that it will be easier for you to relieve inflammation on the skin and cleanse the pores of sebaceous plugs.

How is the therapy process built?

It all starts with a visit to the doctor. Only a specialist, not only in skin diagnostics, but also in the latest aesthetic medicine, will be able to select the optimal rejuvenation program. During the initial consultation, the dermatocosmetologist:

  1. Will analyze the condition of the skin.
  2. Find out about past and existing diseases.
  3. Find out your body's reaction to certain drugs.
  4. He will select the composition and optimal method of treating the skin based on your wishes (therapy can be either needle or non-injection).

Who is suitable for mesotherapy?

We recommend resorting to these rejuvenating procedures for people who have reached or are approaching their 30th birthday. As a rule, from this age the skin begins to lose moisture and gradually fade. Timely replenishment of tissues with useful substances allows you to stop cell aging. And if you do “meso-cocktails” regularly, you will look much younger than your age, since thanks to microinjections, vitamins, amino acids and other beneficial substances penetrate deep into the skin of the face, having a direct effect on it - unlike cosmetics that act primarily on the epidermis.

How does the mesotherapy procedure work?

No special preparation is required for mesotherapy. Doctors recommend not to abuse alcoholic beverages for several days before visiting the clinic.

1. Consultation.

At the initial meeting, the cosmetologist determines the indications and contraindications for the procedure. If nothing interferes with the procedure, it can be done immediately after the consultation.

2. Cleansing.

The doctor removes decorative cosmetics and disinfects the skin.

3. Applying markings (if necessary).

The doctor determines the injection site for the drug.

4. Preparing the meso cocktail.

5. Direct injection.

The procedure does not require anesthesia and is almost painless. Its duration is on average half an hour. Injection depth is from 1.5 to 3.9 mm.

6. Skin treatment and receiving recommendations.

The doctor disinfects the skin and applies a healing agent. Next, the specialist will advise you on all issues related to the recovery period.

After leaving the clinic, it is better to avoid a long stay on the street. After injections, the skin is vulnerable, so we recommend traveling home or to work.

After the procedure:

The first 2-3 hours. Swelling and redness may occur at the injection sites.

The first 2-3 days. These days, it is advisable to avoid steaming your face, intense physical activity, drinking alcoholic beverages and smoking. On the first day you cannot wash your face. You must use ointments and creams prescribed by your doctor. It is recommended to drink more water and eat a healthy diet. There may be small bruises at the injection sites.

The first 7-10 days. You cannot do facial massage, peeling, or cleansing. It is forbidden to go to the bathhouse, swimming pool, solarium. Prolonged exposure to the sun should be avoided. It is necessary to use products with SPF protection. The use of decorative cosmetics should be kept to a minimum.

If you follow the cosmetologist's recommendations, the effect of mesotherapy will be pronounced and long-lasting. A course of procedures allows you to look 5 years younger.

How many procedures are required to solve aesthetic problems? Usually this is from 3 to 8 sessions with an average interval of a week. You need to visit mesotherapy again after six months. Subsequently, a couple of procedures once a year may be sufficient.

How many procedures are needed to improve skin health?

To achieve results, you need to undergo 6 to 10 mesotherapy sessions. The break between them should be on average one week.


Improvement in the skin will not be noticeable immediately, since bioactive microelements must first accumulate in the dermis. You will feel and see positive changes 10-15 days after the start of anti-aging therapy, and with each procedure they will be more noticeable. But you cannot interrupt the course - otherwise you will not be able to consolidate the achieved result.

How often can facial mesotherapy be done?

Dermatocosmetologists at VERSUA Clinic recommend repeating the course of microinjections no earlier than after a year. Otherwise, the skin may become accustomed to vitamin cocktails. It's too much.


The sooner you start a skin correction program, the longer the results of cosmetic procedures will last. That is, if microinjections are performed from 25-28 years of age as a preventive measure, the effect of therapy will last for a longer period - up to 2-2.5 years.

Much depends on the individual characteristics of the skin. Therefore, the answer to the question of how often mesotherapy can be done in your case should only be given by the doctor who performed this procedure.

What determines the duration of the course of procedures?

1. Depending on the client’s age. The sooner you start professional skin care, the less often you will visit a cosmetology center, since the effect of therapy will be the most long-lasting. We recommend performing facial mesotherapy from the age of 25. On average, it is at this age that the body gradually slows down the production of substances responsible for maintaining the health and beauty of the skin.


For clients under 30 years of age, the doctor mainly prescribes “cocktails” containing vitamins, amino acids and minerals. For older people, formulations supplemented with hyaluronic acid, medications, etc. are more suitable.

2. From the drugs used. The results of therapy do not appear immediately. It will be visible only after 2-4 procedures, since the active substances of the “cocktails” act on skin cells slowly. Much depends on the components of the chosen drug. Hyaluronic acid moisturizes the skin immediately, while microelements can be absorbed for 5-10 days.

3. From the chosen technique. Injection mesotherapy requires fewer sessions than non-injection mesotherapy. This is explained by the fact that when giving injections, the active components penetrate deeper under the skin. For comparison: a standard injection course ranges from 4 to 8 sessions with an interval of one week. Non-injection - from 6 to 12.

4. From the task at hand. To increase skin elasticity, even out its texture and tone, a standard injection course is sufficient. To resolve hernias under the eyes, the number of sessions can be reduced to 2-4. If you want to improve your scalp health using vitamin “cocktails,” the result will be achieved in 10-15 procedures.

Prices for mesotherapy injections in Moscow

Injection areaA drugCost, rub.
Facial mesotherapyViscoderm Skinko E (IBSA, ITALY)7 200
Mesotherapy of neck and faceViscoderm Skinko E (IBSA, ITALY)7 200
Mesotherapy of décolleté, face and neckViscoderm Skinko E (IBSA, ITALY)7 200
Mesotherapy of the eye areaViscoderm Skinko E (IBSA, ITALY)7 200

(5 bottles of 5 ml each)

25 000

A cosmetologist will help you determine the exact number of injections required, as well as the number of units for using the drug in different areas, at your initial appointment.

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Mesotherapy is indicated for:

  • deterioration of complexion;
  • acne;
  • rosacea;
  • excessively dry skin;
  • drooping facial tissues;
  • the appearance of wrinkles, as well as for their prevention;
  • thinning of the skin;
  • skin atony;
  • swelling of the skin;
  • wide skin pores;
  • fat deposits in certain areas;
  • cellulite;
  • hair loss;
  • thinning hair;
  • early gray hair;
  • excessive hair fragility.

Collost can be applied to any part of the body.


Mesotherapy is contraindicated in conditions such as:

  • pustular diseases at the site of proposed injections;
  • oncological diseases;
  • individual intolerance to hyaluronic acid or other components of the mesotherapy cocktail;
  • exacerbation of herpes;
  • pregnancy;
  • breastfeeding period;
  • blood clotting pathologies;
  • diabetes.

About the procedure

  • Duration
  • 30-60 minutes
    • Periodicity
  • Once every 7-14 days
    • Drugs
  • Mesoline, REVI MESO, Filorga NCTF 135HA
    • Anesthesia
  • Without anesthesia or pain relief with Emla cream, Acriol
    • Recommended course:
  • 3-10 procedures, depending on the problem and the drug used
    • The effect occurs:
  • Increasing effect during the course of procedures
  • Benefits of mesotherapy

    Not only mesotherapy, but also laser rejuvenation and biorevitalization have the effect of rejuvenating and eliminating skin problems. However, these are all different procedures.

    See for yourself:

    SignLaser rejuvenationBiorevitalizationMesotherapy
    What's the basisExposure to laser energy that burns out columns of tissue so that the remaining cells create new skinIntroduction of native hyaluronic acid - a substance that deeply moisturizes the skinIntroduction of a mixture of hyaluronic acid and other substances - micronutrients, antiseptics
    Effect against acneNo, just post-acneNoYes, if you choose a special cocktail
    Lifting effectExpressedAverageAverage
    Impact on rosaceaYesAlmost notYes, when choosing the desired cocktail
    Moisturizing dry skinNoYes, significantYes, a little less than biorevitalization

    Thus, it is best to entrust the process of selecting the procedure that is right for you to your doctor.

    How to prepare for the procedure

    In preparation for mesotherapy, you need to undergo a series of tests that will confirm that you do not have diabetes, coagulation pathologies, active herpes and immunodeficiency. No other preparatory measures are required. There is no need to not eat or drink when you go to the clinic.

    Stages of the procedure

    Mesotherapy is performed in several stages:

    1. Carrying out an allergy test with a selected cocktail in the forearm area (if necessary).
    2. Cleansing the skin of impurities.
    3. Applying anesthetic cream and covering it with a film.
    4. 15-minute wait for pain receptors to be blocked.
    5. Removing the film.
    6. Antiseptic treatment.
    7. Mesotherapy cocktail injections.

    Recovery after the procedure

    The recovery period after mesotherapy lasts about a week, but redness, injection marks, and swelling are observed no longer than three days. To ensure that the effect of the procedure lasts as long as possible, you should avoid the following for a week:

    • go to the sauna or bathhouse;
    • sunbathe;
    • steam your face;
    • do a facial massage.

    Consequences of the procedure

    The main consequences include bruises, hemorrhages, and redness of the skin at the injection sites. They disappear within three to a maximum of five days after the procedure.


    • Will mesotherapy help remove nasolabial folds?
    • To eliminate deep folds, it is better to use filler injections. But if such wrinkles are just beginning to appear, mesotherapy will have the necessary effect: it will moisturize and straighten the skin.
    • How long does the effect of mesotherapy last?
  • The drugs used in our clinic provide an effect that lasts on average 4-6 months.
    • Does mesotherapy help with scars?
  • No, for this it is better to use the laser resurfacing procedure.
  • Our doctors

    Konorezova Victoria Vladimirovna

    Doctor Dermatovenereologist

    Vaganov Nikolay Vladimirovich

    Plastic surgeon

    Romanova Liana Gadzhibalaevna

    Doctor Dermatovenereologist

    What they say about our clinic

    Questions and answers about the procedure

    Ask a question All questions and answers
    Question from 07/11/2019 / Guest What is the course based on the number of procedures?

    Hello! The duration of the course is 10 procedures, from half an hour to one and a half hours per procedure. Sincerely, Natalia Imaeva

    Question from 04/07/2019 / Guest

    What are the prices for non-injection mesotherapy services?

    Hello! You can see the cost of the procedures at the following link: Sincerely, Natalia Imaeva

    Question from 10/01/2017 / Elena

    How many mesotherapy procedures without injections should be done for the face?

    Hello, Elena!

    The required amount depends on the condition of the skin, its anatomical features and is determined during a personal consultation with a specialist. The recommended course is 10 procedures. Best regards, Ilmira Petrova

    Non-injection mesotherapy prices

    Service codeArea of ​​influence / List of procedures / DrugPrice

    — the price is indicated in rubles

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    The procedure is carried out in clinics

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    on Nikulinskaya

    The procedure is carried out by our specialists

    Imaeva Natalia Alexandrovna

    Head of the clinic

    Candidate of Medical Sciences.
    Dermatovenerologist, cosmetologist. Certified specialist in the field of laser therapy, injection and hardware techniques. Petrova Ilmira Farkhadovna

    Head of the clinic

    Cosmetologist, trichologist.
    Certified specialist in the field of laser therapy, injection and hardware techniques. Larina Sofya Vladimirovna

    Leading Specialist

    Dermatovenerologist, cosmetologist.
    Certified specialist in the field of laser therapy, injection and hardware techniques. Savina Galina Sergeevna


    Certified specialist in the field of injection and hardware techniques.
    Konorezova Victoria Vladimirovna


    Certified specialist in the field of laser therapy, injection and hardware techniques.
    Folosyan Sofya Nikolaevna


    Certified specialist in the field of laser therapy, injection and hardware techniques.

    Indications and contraindications for the procedure


    • Prevention of skin aging
    • Loss of skin elasticity
    • Wrinkles
    • Age and age spots
    • Cellulite


    • Herpes in the rash stage
    • Pustular elements on the skin of the face, neck, décolleté
    • Pregnancy and breastfeeding

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