Is it possible to rejuvenate facial skin by ten years with Differin for wrinkles?

The main indication for the use of Differin is the fight against rashes on the face. But thanks to the peculiarities of the composition, the product began to be used to get rid of wrinkles.

The main active ingredient is a substance called adapalene. It is a retinoid obtained synthetically. It was this substance in the cream that made it possible to use Differin against wrinkles.

But those who hope to remove old and deep grooves with Differin should not count on an immediate positive result. As a rule, even the most elite anti-aging cosmetics cannot cope with such wrinkles. “Differin” is advisable to use only against fresh, recently appeared wrinkles.

In addition to the retinoid, the drug contains various excipients. Moreover, the set of components differs depending on what form of Differin is used:

  • 0.1% gel, in addition to 1 mg of adapalene, per 1 g of product contains propylene glycol, water, carbomer, sodium hydroxide and some other auxiliary compounds;
  • in the cream, glycerol, cyclomethicone and others are added to the already mentioned substances.

If you regularly use the product, the dermis will become smooth and will also be cleared of acne and even the oldest blackheads. Small grooves of wrinkles are smoothed out after several months of active use of the drug . Typically, noticeable results can be achieved after 3-6 months of using the product.

The choice of gel or cream is determined by the characteristics of the skin. Experts recommend determining the type of dermis before going to the pharmacy so as not to worsen its condition under the influence of the product.

Despite the fact that the concentration of the active substance in both forms of release is the same, only one of them is suitable for a particular person. For those with dry and dehydrated skin, experts recommend choosing Differin anti-wrinkle cream. The drug contains a large number of moisturizing components.

Sometimes on the Internet you can find negative reviews about the product, where girls who used Differin complained about drying out their skin. Most likely, they simply made the wrong choice of the form of the drug, preferring the gel.

Despite the fact that the cream is considered somewhat less effective than the gel, you should not choose a product based only on this parameter. The gel will help oily skin not only smooth out fine wrinkles, but also eliminate shine. A cream aimed at flaky and dry dermis will help retain moisture and saturate it with nutrients.

Some representatives of the fair sex advise applying the drug to the skin of the face once every 3 days or generally limiting use to once a week. Then the skin will not suffer much from drying out.

General recommendations for using Differin for wrinkles should be noted:

  • It is best to use the drug immediately before going to bed.
  • The cream or gel is applied to clean and dry dermis.
  • At the same time as using Differin for wrinkles, you should constantly moisturize your skin: use a daily moisturizer, and also periodically make masks.
  • When applying Differin to the face, you should avoid getting the product on the mucous membranes. Otherwise, you should immediately rinse them with running water.
  • Direct exposure of the skin to sunlight should be avoided.
  • You should stop using alcohol-containing products (for example, various lotions) while using the drug. Otherwise, there is a risk of drying out the skin even more. It is also not recommended to perform peelings using scrubs.
  • Differin should be applied in a thin layer. Do not rub the product in. This can lead to redness and flaking.

Young women under 35 years of age can limit themselves to using only Differin. At this time, the first signs of aging appear, which the drug can cope with on its own with regular use.

After this age, the skin begins to fade faster, wrinkles deepen, and new ones appear. Of course, you can continue to use Differin, but this alone will not be enough. In addition, people who have tested the drug on themselves noted that it deals mainly with wrinkles around the eyes. And he can no longer handle the grooves on his forehead.

Therefore, the older the woman, the less advisable it is to use Differin alone. The drug can give a noticeable result only in combination with age-related cosmetics, which, unlike pharmaceutical products, are directly aimed at solving the problem of skin aging.


  • hypersensitivity to the main active ingredient – ​​adapalene;
  • seborrhea;
  • eczema;
  • acute dermatitis;
  • psoriasis.

Doctors advise pregnant and lactating women not to start using Differin. The product is also contraindicated for children under 12 years of age.

A cream purchased at a pharmacy will cost the fair sex approximately 680-900 rubles . If you order the product online, the price will increase slightly. The lower price limit is about 800 rubles.

The cost of Differin gel is from 700 to 1000 rubles. A tube of 30 grams lasts a long time, as the product is used very sparingly.

Read more in our article about Differin for wrinkles.

Composition of "Differin"

In order to obtain smooth and youthful skin, girls often use pharmaceutical preparations, which have a completely different direct purpose. This also applies to Differin cream, usually used to combat rashes on the face. But thanks to the peculiarities of the composition, the product began to be used to get rid of wrinkles.

The main active ingredient is a substance called adapalene. It is a retinoid obtained synthetically. It was this substance in the cream that made it possible to use Differin against wrinkles.

Retinoids are preparations of the well-known vitamin A, from which they get their name. They have rejuvenating properties: they significantly slow down the process of skin aging, reduce the severity of wrinkles (mainly expression lines around the eyes), and help preserve collagen.

Expert opinion

Tatyana Somoilova

Cosmetology expert

But those who hope to remove old and deep grooves with Differin should not count on an immediate positive result. As a rule, even the most elite anti-aging cosmetics cannot cope with such wrinkles. “Differin” is advisable to use only against fresh, recently appeared wrinkles.

In addition to the retinoid, the drug contains various excipients. Moreover, the set of components differs depending on what form of Differin is used:

  • 0.1% gel, in addition to 1 mg of adapalene per 1 g of product, contains propylene glycol, water, carbomer, sodium hydroxide and some other auxiliary compounds;
  • in the cream, glycerol, cyclomethicone and others are added to the already mentioned substances.

We recommend reading about how to effectively remove wrinkles under the eyes. From the article you will learn about the causes of wrinkles, methods of combating wrinkles under the eyes at home and in a beauty salon. And here is more information about which cream to choose for mature skin.

Differin analogues

  • Retinoic ointment is often used against wrinkles. This is the most common and relatively cheap remedy. It allows you to restore skin damaged by time. The only drawback is increased photosensitivity. After use, it is better to avoid prolonged exposure to the sun.
  • Radevit is a drug that will help get rid of superficial wrinkles. It contains a considerable amount of useful vitamins and microelements. The ointment helps to refresh the dermis, even out its tone, and give a woman a second youth. But the effect is short-lived.
  • Relief is the most unusual medicine used in cosmetology. It was originally used as a treatment for hemorrhoids. However, it contains many vitamins, as well as healthy shark oil. It allows you to retain moisture in the deep layers of the thermal bath, making the oval of the face clearer and more defined.
  • Zinc ointment was also used in dermatology, but in a different form. It was once used to get rid of eczema, dermatitis, and also to promote the rapid healing of wounds and abrasions. It also helps get rid of the fine network of superficial wrinkles.

Always rinse your face after use

Main purpose of the product

According to the instructions for use of Differin cream and gel, they should be used to treat acne. However, as mentioned earlier, the drug can be spread on those areas of the facial skin that are full of fine wrinkles. If you regularly use the product, the dermis will become smooth and will also be cleared of acne and even the oldest blackheads.

As a rule, the rejuvenating effect of using Differin cream or gel against wrinkles does not occur immediately. Small grooves are smoothed out after several months of active use of the drug. Typically, noticeable results can be achieved after 3-6 months of using the product.

Before and after using Differin cream

Indications for use

The main purpose is to use it to get rid of acne. Well suited for teenagers whose rashes are caused by changes in hormonal levels and increased oiliness of the skin.

A cream or gel is good for mild to moderate rashes. If we are talking about something serious, for example, deep and inflamed acne, then it is better to use Differin in combination with more serious drugs.

Another purpose is to solve problems with the dermis. The cream is well suited for people who constantly suffer from dryness, flaking, and irritation. The gel is good for getting rid of excess sebum.

In addition, the product allows you to get rid of wrinkles. Suitable for girls and women of all ages.

Use against wrinkles

Which is better to choose - gel or cream?

Differin, used for wrinkles, comes in two forms. The choice of gel or cream is determined by the characteristics of the skin. Therefore, experts recommend determining the type of your own dermis before going to the pharmacy, so as not to worsen its condition under the influence of the product.

Despite the fact that the concentration of the active substance in both forms of release is the same, only one of them is suitable for a particular person. For those with dry and dehydrated skin, experts recommend choosing Differin anti-wrinkle cream. The drug contains a large number of moisturizing components.

Cream and gel "Differin"

Sometimes on the Internet you can find negative reviews about the product, where girls who used Differin complained about drying out their skin. Most likely, they simply made the wrong choice of the form of the drug, preferring the gel. But “Differin” for wrinkles, produced in this form, is designed specifically for oily and problem skin.

Despite the fact that the cream is considered somewhat less effective than the gel, you should not choose a product based only on this parameter. It’s not for nothing that exactly two forms of release were created. The gel will help oily skin not only smooth out fine wrinkles, but also eliminate shine. A cream aimed at flaky and dry dermis will help retain moisture and saturate it with nutrients.

Watch this video about how Differin works on the skin of the face:

How to use Differin for wrinkles: instructions for rejuvenation

Instructions for the safe and successful use of Differin for rejuvenation include several points:

  1. remove decorative cosmetics using a neutral “wash” (preferably without sulfates);
  2. rinse your face with clean water and pat dry with a soft towel;
  3. Apply a thin layer of cream or gel to the entire face (use no more than a pea-sized amount of product);
  4. Do not smear it on the upper eyelids or too close to the edges of the eyes on the lower ones.

While using Differin, you should not use cosmetics containing alcohol, do peelings, or cleanse the skin with scrubbing compounds. In the mornings, you should moisturize your face with a suitable cream, and during the day, protect yourself from sunlight.

The instructions for use of the drug say that when used as directed, it should be lubricated on the affected areas once a day in the evening. But this method does not work if Differin is applied to wrinkles. The girls who followed the instructions noted that in this case the dermis becomes very dry.

Therefore, it is necessary to figure out how to properly use Differin for wrinkles. Some representatives of the fair sex advise applying the drug to the skin of the face once every 3 days or generally limiting use to once a week. Then the skin will not suffer much from drying out.

General recommendations for using Differin for wrinkles should be noted:

  • It is best to use the drug immediately before going to bed.
  • The cream or gel is applied to clean and dry dermis.
  • At the same time as using Differin for wrinkles, you should constantly moisturize the skin. To do this, it is worth expanding your arsenal of facial care cosmetics. For example, experts recommend using a daily moisturizer, as well as periodically making masks.

Facial moisturizers

  • When applying Differin to the face, you should avoid getting the product on the mucous membranes. Otherwise, you need to rinse them immediately with running water.
  • Direct exposure of the skin to sunlight should be avoided.
  • You should stop using alcohol-containing products (for example, various lotions) while using the drug. Otherwise, there is a risk of drying out the skin even more. It is also not recommended to perform peelings using scrubs.
  • Differin should be applied in a thin layer. Do not spread the product too thickly or rub it in. This can lead to redness and flaking.

Watch this video about the features of using retinoids:


Differin (adapalene) is a medicine used to treat acne. Acne (acne) is a common disease that affects appearance and for this reason significantly affects the psycho-emotional state. Differin is a representative of a new generation of synthetic retinoids. This is the only drug that is included in the international therapeutic standards for the treatment of comedonal acne. The drug can be used on any skin type, while most other topical medications are suitable mainly for oily skin. Available in the form of gel and cream. Visible results of pharmacotherapy are observed after just a week of using the drug: there are 37% fewer comedones (blackheads) than before the start of treatment. The average duration of treatment is 3 months. At the end of the drug course, blackheads decrease by 70-75%. Differin has a comedolytic effect, which significantly reduces the frequency of new comedones. Differin appeared in our country in 2002, and to date an impressive evidence base has been collected on this drug. The drug is effective both as monotherapy and in combination treatment of acne as part of complex therapy. Differin realizes its effects exclusively in relation to the skin, is not absorbed into the general bloodstream and does not cause the development of systemic undesirable side reactions.

The active component of the drug, adapalene, promotes regular renewal of skin cells, normalizes keratinization and differentiation of the epidermis. Differin is anti-inflammatory (prevents the course of pathological processes due to a direct effect on the components of the inflammatory reaction), comedolytic (eliminates mature comedones and prevents the development of acne), anti-comedogenic (prevents the occurrence of microcomedones). The drug does not have a photosensitizing effect, which makes it possible to use it during periodic exposure to direct sunlight. Frequency of application: 1 time per day. The optimal time to use is before going to bed. The area of ​​skin where the drug is intended to be applied must be clean and dry. Differin is a safe drug, the use of which carries only a minimal risk of side effects. Rare local reactions in the form of hyperemia and dry skin are possible. The drug is contraindicated in persons with hypersensitivity to adapalene, as well as pregnant and lactating women. Differin combines well with other acne medications, makeup products and cosmetics to moisturize the skin. Differin does not combine well with cosmetics that cause a drying effect or irritate the skin (for example, products containing ethanol).

Moisturizing cream after Differin

To give your skin complete care, you should use a moisturizer daily 30-40 minutes after washing off Differin (it’s best to apply a composition with an anti-wrinkle retinoid at night). The following products are suitable for morning use:

"Cetaphil Derma Control" It will protect oily and combination skin from the sun, saturate it with moisture, but will not allow inflammatory elements to form.

And most importantly, the cream does not provoke a negative reaction of the epidermis, which tolerates the influence of retinoids.

"Lipobase" Contains natural components (oils, ceramides, lactic acid, carbomer) that attract moisture to the skin. The product is also advisable to use for oily or combination skin types.

The cream does not contain synthetic fragrances, so there is no need to fear a negative reaction with Differin.

"F99" Contains milk thistle oils, Omega-3 fatty acids, glycerin, so it is more suitable for dry, irritation-prone skin.
"Uriage Hydrolipidique" This is an emulsion for thin skin that lacks nutrition. It contains glycerin, fatty acids, unique thermal water, but the composition is without parabens.
“Noreva Aquareva Moisturizing day cream Rich textured” The cream is created for dry skin that lacks moisture. The composition copes not only with hyaluronic acid deficiency, but also with redness, itching, and discomfort.

"Skin-Absolute" from "Filorga" The day cream contains hyaluronic acid, a unique anti-aging NCTF complex. Therefore, it is especially good for aging skin of any type.

"Filorga Hydra-Filler Mat Gel-Creme Hydratant" This moisturizing cream-gel is indicated for normal and combination skin.

All of the listed products belong to the pharmacy cosmetics segment, but among them there are very affordable and more expensive ones.

What to give preference: Differin or age-related cosmetics

The effectiveness of using the drug against wrinkles depends on many factors. In this regard, many women are trying to figure out what will be more useful - Differin or age-related cosmetics.

It was previously noted that the pharmaceutical drug helps to get rid of only small wrinkles. Therefore, young women under 35 years of age can limit themselves to using only Differin. At this time, the first signs of aging appear, which the drug can cope with on its own with regular use.

After this age, the skin begins to fade faster, wrinkles deepen, and new ones appear. Of course, you can continue to use Differin, but now it alone will not be enough. In addition, people who have tested the drug on themselves noted that it deals mainly with wrinkles around the eyes. And he is no longer able to smooth out the grooves on his forehead.

Therefore, the older the woman, the less advisable it is to use Differin alone. The drug can give a noticeable result only in combination with age-related cosmetics, which, unlike pharmaceutical products, are directly aimed at solving the problem of skin aging.


Not every girl can use Differin for wrinkles. Since this drug is intended to treat inflammation, it has a number of contraindications, including:

  • increased sensitivity to the main active ingredient – ​​adapalene, which is expressed in the occurrence of an allergic reaction;
  • seborrhea;
  • eczema;
  • acute dermatitis;
  • psoriasis.

Retinoic dermatitis
Doctors advise pregnant and lactating women not to start using Differin. The product is also contraindicated for children under 12 years of age.

Differin composition and pharmacological properties

Differin anti-wrinkle gel consists of several medicinal components that help relieve inflammation, restore the natural balance of the skin and, of course, get rid of age-related changes.

The following components can be found in the composition

  • Adapalene. The main active ingredient of the drug. An analogue of renitoic acid, which has a powerful anti-aging effect. It also helps get rid of acne.
  • Purified water. It allows you to give the cream its final form, slightly moisturizes, dissolves and combines the remaining components of the drug.
  • Glycerol. Serves one purpose - strong hydration.
  • Carbomer. Allows you to slightly moisturize the skin. Serves to refresh the dermis, rejuvenate it, and get rid of color changes.
  • Sodium hydroxide. Helps regulate acidity levels, relieves inflammation and removes infections.

All these components provide deep cleansing and moisturizing, freshness of the skin and relief from even deep wrinkles.

"Differin" for mature skin: side effects

"Differin" when used on mature skin can provoke the following undesirable reactions:

  • the appearance of local redness and flaky areas;
  • burning sensation on the face;
  • feeling of sand in the eyes, redness of the whites, swelling of the eyelids;
  • the appearance of rashes similar to allergic ones;
  • the occurrence of acne or an exacerbation of the problem if it was already bothering you;
  • skin soreness.

Side effects from the first two points are the most common. All other unpleasant changes are quite rare.

The listed symptoms can occur on their own, but they are also provoked by exposure to the sun after applying the product and the use of cosmetics with strong flavoring components along with it.

Side effects

Differin has several side effects, but often they are not noticeable. Mostly women only complain about mild tingling and irritation in particularly sensitive areas of the face. When using on dry skin, it is better to mix with oil or moisturizer.

The affected areas may change color and experience minor redness and peeling. In rare cases, mild contact dermatitis occurs. With frequent use and ignoring problems with the dermis, weeping eczema may occur.

Most complications are reversible. They initially intensify with treatment, but decline over time. Usually the symptoms stop after the middle of the course, otherwise the drug should be discontinued. If the side effects are too pronounced, then Differin is also prohibited from use.

If the symptoms do not disappear on their own, be sure to consult a doctor. In this case, a dermatologist will help. You may need to use restorative or moisturizing medications. Complications cannot be ignored, as they can develop into serious dermatitis.

Why does Differin make your face oily?

The face from Differin may become oily for the following reasons:

  • A cream is used, not a gel. This composition contains more components that can activate the sebaceous glands. Therefore, when your skin type is oily, but there are signs of aging, it is better to apply anti-wrinkle gel.
  • Temporary skin reaction to a retinoid-like component. These substances have a rather aggressive effect on the cells of the epidermis and deeper layers, awakening their internal resources. On the contrary, retinoids reduce the production of sebum, that is, they suppress the activity of the sebaceous glands. And at the beginning of use, they resist this by increasing fat production.
  • Using excessive amounts of product. It is not completely absorbed, so a greasy shine remains on the face.

Cream Differin

Storage conditions

It is better to store the cream out of the reach of children, preferably under lock and key and in a closed cabinet. Application of the product is external only. Apply only in a thin layer. If a child accidentally eats a little cream, you should definitely consult a doctor as soon as possible. Self-medication in this case is prohibited.

It is better to keep the gel in a dry place. Avoid exposure to direct sunlight. A good place is a first aid kit in the closet. There are temperature restrictions - no higher than 25 degrees Celsius. Also, it should not be stored at temperatures less than 10 degrees to prevent it from freezing.

A prerequisite is not to use cream or gel that has expired. It can be stored for three years from the date engraved on the package. After this, be sure to throw Differin away. Otherwise, a severe allergic reaction may occur.

Cost of the product

“Differin” for wrinkles, containing adapalene, cannot be classified as a cheap drug. A cream purchased at a pharmacy will cost the fair sex approximately 680-900 rubles. If you order the product online, the price will increase slightly. The lower price limit is about 800 rubles.

The cost of Differin anti-wrinkle gel is practically no different from the cream. In pharmacies it can be purchased from 700 to 1000 rubles. But do not forget that the price can vary greatly in different pharmacies. Therefore, it makes sense to look for the point with the lowest price at which the drug is sold.

Despite the fact that “Differin” for wrinkles is quite expensive, its price is completely justified, because its effectiveness has been noted by many people. A tube of 30 grams lasts a long time, as the product is used very sparingly.

Cream "Differin" for wrinkles: reviews from cosmetologists

Judging by reviews from cosmetologists, Differin anti-wrinkle cream helps better with oily and combination skin. Its rejuvenating effect is to eliminate dead cells and stimulate the reproduction of new ones (synthesis of collagen fibers). But for dry skin, experts advise using not only adapalene cream, but also other more effective care products.

The result of using Differin gel

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