How and with what to cleanse your facial skin: simple instructions for radiance and healthy glow

Living in a big city with clear skin? Mission Impossible. Walk down the street without makeup, and then wipe your face with a cotton swab. You'll be surprised how quickly it goes from crystal white to dirty and gray. Now imagine what happens to the skin when we are too lazy to wash our face and fall asleep with foundation on. The skin of the face becomes dull and takes on a tired appearance, rashes and wrinkles appear. There is a way out - regular cleansing. We tell you how to do it correctly at home.

Why cleanse your face?

Without high-quality and proper cleansing, there is no beautiful and healthy skin. Every day, dead cells, dust, sebum and cosmetic particles accumulate on the surface of the skin. If you don't cleanse your skin regularly, its condition will worsen.

Signs of poor skin cleansing:

  • dull complexion
  • acne
  • uneven terrain
  • feeling of a film on the face
  • early wilting

If the skin is not cleansed enough, then even the most expensive cream or serum will not give any effect. It will seem to you that cosmetics are not working, although you are doing everything right. The reason is that the active components of skincare products simply cannot act through clogged pores. Another thing is clean, healthy skin. She looks smooth, moisturized, radiant.

ARAVIA Professional foam with snail mucin is a universal product for gently cleansing facial skin, easily evening out tone and strengthening the walls of blood vessels.

How many times a day should you cleanse your face?

Dermatologists and cosmetologists are unanimous in their opinion: it is imperative to cleanse your facial skin twice a day. In the evening you wash off the remnants of decorative cosmetics and dust particles, and in the morning you wash off excess sebum and dust that have accumulated overnight. In addition, it is the thoroughness of morning cleansing of the skin that determines how smoothly the cosmetics will lie and how long the makeup will last throughout the day.

In the morning, just wash your face with a product according to your skin type. In the evening, if you are doing makeup, you need to act more intensely. First, you should cleanse your skin of cosmetics, and then of sebum, cosmetic residues and makeup removers.

How to choose a facial cleanser

Choose a cleanser based on your skin type and characteristics. The more sensitive the skin, the softer the product should be.

  • For dry skin, cleansers with moisturizers and oils are a good choice. Cleansing cream with cotton oil gently cleanses, leaving a feeling of hydration and comfort.
  • For oily skin, cleansers based on mattifying, sebum-regulating and bactericidal components are recommended. Gels are a good choice: they have a higher concentration of detergents than creams, which means they will clean the pores well. Gel with activated carbon regulates oily shine and helps fight comedones.
  • Those with combination skin need care that won't overdry dry areas and help combat oiliness in the T-zone. Use all-purpose cleansers or products labeled “for combination skin.” For example, cleansing gel with allantoin: it is good for both oily and combination skin.
  • Normal skin also needs high-quality cleansing; cleansers that do not dry out the skin, tone and moisturize are suitable for it. Foam with snail mucin and green tea gently cleanses, actively moisturizes and has a rejuvenating effect. Suitable for sensitive skin prone to redness.

How to properly cleanse your facial skin: step-by-step analysis

Cleansing is part of a comprehensive facial skin care routine, so don't ignore other steps in your daily skin care routine. To thoroughly cleanse your skin and prepare it for subsequent care, follow a simple sequence:

Step 1. Makeup removal

ARAVIA Professional makeup remover products
This is the first stage of skin cleansing. Special makeup removers will help you remove makeup:

  • Micellar water . Contains tiny micelle particles that, like sponges, attract dirt and grease particles. It’s good if the composition contains additional skin care components. ARAVIA Professional micellar water is enriched with gotu kola extract and natural betaine - they soothe the skin and remove toxins.
  • Hydrophilic oil . Dissolves cosmetics and penetrates pores, pulling out dirt from there. The oil is applied to dry facial skin and makeup is removed, and then the product is washed off with water. ARAVIA Professional hydrophilic oil not only removes cosmetics, but also has an antioxidant effect, preventing premature aging.

Apply the product to a cotton pad and wipe your face with it. It is important to act carefully, especially for the thin skin around the eyes.

Remove makeup in the following order:
  1. Lips . Remove lipstick from edge to center, holding the corners of your mouth with your hand. Treat one half of your lips first, and then the other.
  2. Eyes . Apply makeup remover to a cotton pad and apply it to your eyes. When treating a moving eyelid, gently move the disc in the direction from the bridge of the nose to the outer edge. When removing makeup from the lower eyelid, work in the opposite direction. Change the discs if there is still cosmetics left.
  3. Skin on the face . Using light massage movements, remove any remaining tone, powder and dirt. Move from the center to the periphery of the face.

Step 2. Washing

Any makeup remover must be washed off with water. Constant contact of such products with the skin can disrupt the barrier function of the epidermis and lead to dryness, redness and flaking. Washing with gel or foam will remove any remaining micellar water or hydrophilic oil, open pores and further cleanse the skin.

How to wash your face correctly: instructions

  1. Wash your hands. Washing your hands with dirty hands can spread bacteria to your face.
  2. Apply a little onto your palms. For one application, 1-2 clicks on the dispenser are enough.
  3. Turn on the water faucet. It's better when it's moderately warm. Too hot water washes away lipids, disrupting the natural protective barrier of the skin, and cold water injures the capillaries.
  4. Lather cleanser into palms and cleanse skin using light, circular motions. Move in the same way as during makeup removal: from the center to the periphery.
  5. Rinse your face well. If you do not wash off the product with enough water, traces of surfactants will remain on your face. They destroy the skin's protective barrier, leading to dryness and inflammation.
  6. Gently pat your face dry with a napkin or soft towel.

Step 3 and 4. Toning and moisturizing

Many people forget or skip about toning because they don’t understand why tonics are needed. But the use of this product is important: it helps restore the pH balance of the skin, which is disturbed by exposure to tap water, prepares the skin for further care and improves the penetration of active substances of other products.

After toning there is always hydration. This is the next step towards healthy skin. With a lack of moisture, the skin loses its elasticity and firmness, which can lead to the early appearance of wrinkles. To prevent this, use moisturizing creams and serums.

How to properly care for your skin after 35 years

Women over 35 are well aware of what wrinkles are. Therefore, it is necessary to pay special attention to facial skin care, depending on what type it is. Oily skin types need to be constantly cleansed to avoid the appearance of blackheads. The dry type needs to be moisturized as much as possible with special products, and not with tonics, which only dry it out.

At the age of 35 years and older, you need to choose products with a rejuvenating effect. They should contain SPF filters, collagen, hyaluronic acid, vitamins A and E, antioxidants and other beneficial substances. It is these components that will slow down fading and aging of facial skin and generally improve its condition.

Of course, you need to go to cosmetologists for cleanings, peelings and massages. But if this is not possible, similar care can be carried out at home.

Knowing how to properly care for your facial skin after 35 years, you will preserve its youth for a long time.

For many people, men and women of different ages and social status, facial skin care has long become an urgent need. And there is nothing unusual or reprehensible in this: the desire to feel cheerful, to look always fresh, bright, irresistible is natural and understandable.

In addition, these days you no longer have to spend a lot of time on this or perform complex and unpleasant procedures at home. It is much easier to seek help from real professionals - the Veronika Herba beauty and health center, equipped with effective and modern equipment. There are two such centers in Moscow – near Timiryazevskaya metro station and Otradnoye metro station.

Why clients choose Veronika Herba Beauty and Health Center:

  • This is a beauty center where you can take care of yourself at a reasonable cost, while your face and/or body will be treated not by an ordinary cosmetologist, but by one of the best dermatologists in Moscow. This is a completely different, higher level of service!
  • You can receive qualified help at any time convenient for you. The beauty center is open from 9:00 to 21:00, seven days a week. The main thing is to agree with your doctor in advance on the date and time of your appointment.

Sign up for a consultation with a specialist by phone +7 (495) 085-15-13

, and you will see for yourself!

Additional facial cleansing

In addition to basic daily care, the skin needs to be periodically cleansed more deeply. Exfoliating products remove dead skin cells, improve blood circulation and make the skin smooth, porcelain and radiant. Use them 1-2 times a week.

Our facial care line includes several deep cleansing products that can restore your skin's healthy appearance:

  • A cleansing mask with clay and AHA acids effectively copes with oily skin problems. The product removes impurities and sebum residues, deeply cleanses pores and helps tighten them, and also has an anti-inflammatory and detoxifying effect.
  • An exfoliant paste with enzymes is a product for gentle but at the same time effective cleansing of the skin. A soft exfoliant acts as an enzymatic and abrasive peeling: it evens out the skin microrelief, deeply cleanses pores, activates cell renewal processes, and has a bactericidal and soothing effect.
  • Enzyme powders are airy products in powder format. When combined with water they turn into foam. They act gently, so they are suitable even for sensitive skin. The ARAVIA Professional series has several types of powders: both classic and powders with additional care components for skin problems. Before using the products, consultation with a cosmetologist is required.

Skin changes after 25 years

When we turn 25, natural processes proceed much slower, the skin loses moisture and elasticity. If you do not maintain the water balance in your cells, you will not be able to avoid the following processes:

  • change in facial tone;
  • increased fat content;
  • prolonged wound healing;
  • manifestation of traces of post-acne that were in adolescence.

Basic facial care after 25 years comes down to maintaining water balance at an optimal level. If you miss this moment, at thirty you will look much older.

How to properly cleanse your face: briefly

  • Cleansing your facial skin is where you should start and end your day. In the morning, a cleanser is enough, and in the evening it is worth doing make-up removal first. Proceed gently and carefully. Persistently rubbing the skin will damage the top layer of the skin and cause premature aging.
  • A couple of times a week it is worth carrying out additional cleansing of the facial skin using exfoliants with acids, clay or enzymes. Such products deeply cleanse pores and help the skin renew itself, giving the face freshness and a healthy glow.
  • You can choose a care product yourself or trust a specialist. The cosmetologist will assess the condition of the skin, prescribe proper care and, if necessary, recommend beauty procedures to improve the condition of the skin (cleansing, peeling course, etc.). If you are unable to make an appointment, take an online skin diagnosis. Answer a few simple questions and receive a personalized home care program.

Recipes for homemade skin masks after 25 years

Facial skin care after 27 years can be done using home remedies. They are prepared on the basis of natural juices, herbal decoctions, and homemade products.

Nourishing masks

By the age of 30, facial skin care is primarily aimed at nourishing it. Use these recipes to nourish the epidermis with beneficial substances:

  1. Take a tablespoon of raspberries, strawberries, black currants. Place the berries in a blender and puree them, apply and rinse off after an hour with chamomile infusion;
  2. Dilute white clay with water, add a spoonful of lemon juice and kefir, stir. Leave the mask on for twenty minutes. This treatment will relieve inflammation and get rid of blackheads;
  3. Mix a spoon of oatmeal, yolk, three spoons of honey. Apply to skin and wash after fifteen minutes.

Moisturizing masks

Be sure to include facial moisturizing masks in your regular care routine in the spring and summer, when the epidermis is exposed to the sun.

Make moisturizing face masks:

  1. Grate the carrots, add the yolk. Apply the mask for 15 minutes. The care is not suitable for girls with fair skin; carrots can turn it yellow;
  2. Peel a few grapes, remove the seeds and crush the fruits with a fork, mix the pulp with a teaspoon of homemade sour cream, leave for half an hour;
  3. Grind a couple of slices of grapefruit pulp and the yolk into a homogeneous mass, let stand for 20 minutes;
  4. Grate the cucumber and add a spoonful of sour cream. Apply to your face, cover the top of the mask with gauze, remove after 15 minutes.

Cleansing masks

Use these masks to cleanse your skin at home:

  1. Dissolve 20 grams of yeast in water, add a spoonful of cranberry juice. Leave for twenty minutes;
  2. For problem types, mix a spoonful of nourishing cream with the same amount of tar soap shavings. Apply to face for twenty minutes;
  3. Mash two tablespoons of cottage cheese with a spoon of honey in a bowl with a fork. The mask is suitable for the care of dry skin, application time is at least 15 minutes;
  4. For the normal type, dilute the cosmetic mud with milk to a paste and leave for fifteen minutes.

Important: After cleansing masks, apply nourishing cream to your face. The procedure can be carried out no more than once a week.

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