"Aevit" for the face: how to use, beneficial properties "Aevit" in capsules: instructions for use

Women who carefully care for their appearance are increasingly turning to pharmaceutical drugs for help. They use various ointments, suspensions, emulsions, liniments, solutions, aerosols, drops and even suppositories for skin rejuvenation. Medicines contain active and beneficial substances in high concentrations. At the same time, they are distinguished by an affordable price. For example, Aevit capsules for the face. More and more women are interested in how to use this skin care product.

What is aevit: composition, forms

This medicine is based on fat-soluble vitamins: A (retinol) and E (tocopherol).

The drug is produced in several dosage forms:

  • gelatin capsules for oral administration: yellow or reddish in color. Each contains 100 thousand IU of retinol palmitate and 100 mg of tocopherol.
  • injection solution - oily liquid in ampoules: 100 mg of tocopherol and 35 mg of retinol per 1 ml;
  • nourishing cream Aevit: in bottles of 50 ml.

In addition to active ingredients, Aevit contains a fat base and stabilizers.

Ready-made cosmetics with “Aevit”

The high effectiveness of the drug Aevit in the fight against wrinkles inspired the Librederm laboratory to create a series of cosmetics with retinol and tocopherol. It is used to rejuvenate sensitive, dry and tired skin.

The composition of Aevit Libriderm for the face was enriched with vitamin B5, cocoa, shea and peach butters, as well as extracts of raspberry, edelweiss, mulberry and rosemary. This made it possible to enhance the effect of tocopherol and retinol.

The Aevit Libriderm series includes the following products:

  • Nourishing night cream.
  • Shower gel.
  • Face cream.
  • Hygienic lipstick.
  • Nourishing face mask.
  • Moisturizing lip gel.
  • Anti-edema cream for the periorbital area with blueberries.
  • Hygienic lipstick.
  • Hand cream.
  • Lip oil.
  • Shampoo.
  • Effect of the drug

    Aevit has immunomodulating, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and regenerating properties. It affects metabolic processes, normalizes the condition of capillaries, improves tissue trophism, and regulates protein and lipid metabolism.

    Vitamin medicine is used:

    • to eliminate deficiency of vitamins A and E;
    • in complex therapy of the reproductive system;
    • for dermatological diseases: dermatitis, retinitis pigmentosa, acne;
    • optic nerve atrophy, hemeralopia and other visual impairments;
    • psoriasis;
    • microcirculation disorders in tissues;
    • to eliminate dryness, peeling, wrinkles and other skin defects, improve its microrelief;
    • to accelerate hair growth and restoration.

    Where do we get vitamin E from?

    Sources of vitamin E, the vitamin of youth, are: vegetable oils (sunflower, cottonseed, corn), apple seeds, nuts (peanuts, almonds), leafy green vegetables, cereals, legumes, oatmeal, soy. Vitamin E is found in milk, animal and poultry liver, and egg yolk.

    According to scientists, only a third of vitamin E taken with food is absorbed by the body. Vitamin E is so indispensable for facial skin that it is often added to cosmetic products.

    How to use vitamin E for facial skin? You can replenish its deficiency for the skin with the help of dietary supplements. Ideally, these dietary supplements should contain other vitamins and microelements necessary for youthful skin and act in a complex manner, achieving maximum effect.

    Vitamin E is included in Oxylic

    In addition to vitamin E, Oxylic also contains other vitamins and microelements, which are selected in such a way that they are mutually reinforcing:

    • + vitamin C supports vitamin E in a metabolically active form;
    • + vitamin C, as well as selenium with vitamin E make up an active composition, enhancing each other’s biological effects.

    Vitamin E included in Oxylic:

    • + Protects cell membranes from damage;
    • + Activates collagen synthesis;
    • + Combined with vitamin C, helps protect skin from UV rays.

    1 capsule contains 5 antioxidants

    50 mcg
    Vitamin E
    36 mg
    Vitamin C
    300 mg
    2 mg
    2 mg

    How to take Aevit

    The drug in capsules is swallowed without chewing, washed down with liquid, regardless of diet. Recommended dosage - 1 pc. per day. The course lasts 20–40 days. Repeated: after 2–6 months. The doctor will prescribe a more detailed regimen.

    For cosmetic purposes, capsules can be used topically: to make masks or lotions by squeezing the concentrate out of them.

    The drug solution is administered intramuscularly. Average dosage: 1 ml per day. Duration of injections: 20–40 days. External use of Aevit in ampoules is also allowed.


    • Monitor the expiration date of the drug;
    • do not leave capsules in the light;
    • before using on your face, make sure you are not allergic by applying a little vitamin oil to your elbow;
    • the components of the masks must be at room temperature before adding the capsule composition;
    • You should remove an oily mask from your face with a dry cotton swab; you cannot wash it off with water.

    More about the benefits of vitamin aevit.⇓

    Aevit for face and skin, complete instructions for use.

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    Can Aevit be applied to the face?

    Externally use a cream or vitamin complex in solution:

    • to improve skin condition;
    • getting rid of pimples and fine wrinkles.

    It is recommended to mix the contents of the ampoules with olive or almond oil before use. Apply a small amount of cream or oil solution to cleansed skin. When treating the face, follow the massage lines. To speed up absorption, after applying the product, the skin can be covered with a cloth or film for a few minutes. To obtain results, repeat the procedure 2-3 times a week for 2 months. It is more effective to combine external use and oral administration of the drug.


    Most dermatologists say that Aevit capsules must be taken orally, and applying their contents to the face is useless. This opinion is completely refuted by reviews of women who regularly use the drug in their appearance care. They describe in detail all the changes that occur to the skin: facial wrinkles and creases are smoothed out, peeling disappears. In addition, the oval of the face becomes clearer.

    The nourishing face cream “Aevit Libriderm” is no less popular. Customer reviews say that after using the product, the skin becomes soft and velvety. No film effect is observed. The product is quickly absorbed, so you can immediately apply makeup. In addition to its anti-aging properties, customers appreciate the cream for its efficiency and affordable price.


    Side effects

    Their risk increases if dosages are exceeded or Aevit is used if there are contraindications. During treatment the following are observed:

    • increased irritability or apathy;
    • sleep disorders;
    • muscle cramps;
    • heart rhythm disturbances;
    • exacerbation of inflammation of the gastric mucosa;
    • regular nausea, loss of appetite;
    • joint pain;
    • an increase in the size of the liver and spleen;
    • excessive dryness, redness and irritation of the skin;
    • increased hair loss.

    Cosmetologists' opinion

    So can Aevit be used for the skin around the eyes? Reviews from cosmetologists differ somewhat from the opinions of dermatologists. Beauty experts do not deny the possible benefits of external use of vitamins.

    Tatiana Belokon

    “Despite the fact that Aevit capsules are intended for oral use, I do not exclude its use in folk recipes. For example, you can boil a potato, chop it, and add the contents of two Aevita capsules to the warm puree. Apply the mixture to the skin under the eyes and leave for 20 minutes. Course: 10 procedures every 3 days or 7 procedures daily.”

    Raisa Raiko

    “You can try applying Aevit to the skin, but in a thin layer. Another option is to add the drug to the cream. I recommend using the vitamins themselves for a course of 10 days, then take a break for a month, and repeat if necessary. You can also alternate aloe extract with a vitamin complex.”

    So should I use the product or not? Everything is strictly individual. However, before you decide to test a traditional recipe, you should at least test for allergies by applying the contents of the capsule to the skin of your wrist or elbow. It’s even better to consult a cosmetologist or attending dermatologist.

    In the modern world, our skin has to deal with many unfavorable factors every day: sun, wind, dry air, various chemicals, dust and microorganisms.

    Therefore, it is important to take care of the condition of our protective covering, especially in those places where the skin is thinnest and lacks subcutaneous fat. We're talking about the area around the eyes.

    • here the skin is 4 times thinner than the skin of the face;
    • contains few sebaceous and sweat glands;
    • little collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid in the dermis;
    • increased blood supply and number of nerve endings;
    • This is where the first wrinkles appear.

    Masks for dry and aging facial skin

    Masks with Aevit for dry and aging facial skin
    If the skin is dry or aging, the following effects of Aevit will come to the rescue:

    1. Improvement of cellular metabolism.
    2. Strengthening tissue regeneration.
    3. Increased cell life cycle.

    The use of masks with aevit will make your complexion healthy, improve blood circulation in the skin, and get rid of flaking. The skin will become firmer and more elastic. If you add glycerin to the mask, your face will be perfectly moisturized and dryness will disappear even faster.

    Honey and yolk

    The mask includes:

    • 1 tsp. melted honey;
    • 1 egg yolk;
    • 1 tsp. olive oil;
    • glycerin in the amount of ½ tsp;
    • 1 capsule of aevit.

    If the mixture is too thick, it can be diluted with green tea or herbal infusion.

    The mixture is mixed and applied to the face for 15 minutes, after which it is washed off with warm water. Apply the mask with gentle massaging movements. The effect of the product is refreshing tired skin, nourishing, moisturizing.

    Clay mask

    Moisturizing clay mask recipe:

    • 20 g of cosmetic yellow clay;
    • 4 tsp. warm milk;
    • finely chopped mint leaves - 2 pcs.;
    • 1 capsule of aevit;
    • egg yolk.

    The mask stays on the face for 20 minutes.

    With salt and egg yolk

    • 4 capsules of aevit;
    • 1 raw yolk;
    • a little table salt.

    The mask lasts 10 minutes, perfectly cleanses and exfoliates the skin.

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