Which mask is more effective against wrinkles around the eyes: proven recipes

Natural remedies continue to be in use that help women maintain their attractiveness. One of the effective remedies is peach oil, which is loved because it helps in the fight against wrinkles.

Why is peach oil considered beneficial?

The product has found its application in cosmetology due to its ability to significantly improve the condition of facial skin and make it visually younger. A similar effect is achieved thanks to the oil’s ability to reduce the depth of wrinkles and gradually completely smooth them out.

Beneficial properties for the face are provided by the rich composition of peach ester, which combines the following substances:

  1. Polyunsaturated and monounsaturated acids, giving the epidermis tenderness and beauty, slowing down cell aging, increasing turgor (linoleic, oleic, stearic, palmintic).
  2. Vitamins A, C, E, D, group B, which increase the tone of aging skin, strengthen cell membranes, and stabilize metabolic processes.
  3. Minerals that promote the normal functioning of skin cells, activating regenerative processes (potassium, iron, calcium, phosphorus).
  4. Antioxidants that have the ability to neutralize free radicals in cells and fight early tissue aging.

Peach oil also contains compounds such as carotenoids, tocopherols and phospholipids, which make it truly unique and keep the skin healthy.

peach fruits and seeds

Causes of female aging and the role of natural remedies in facial rejuvenation

Typically, the female body begins to age after 25 years. At this time, the first visible signs such as wrinkles and loss of skin elasticity appear. However, this process may begin a little earlier or later (depending on some factors).

The main reasons for the aging of the female body:

  • Genetic predisposition. According to scientists, the rhythm of the onset of age-related changes in the body is laid down at the genetic level, which is not possible to influence.
  • Stress. Frequently being in a state of tension has a detrimental effect on your appearance. In addition, regular stressful situations provoke the production of the fear hormone, which negatively affects the functioning of internal organs and tissues. This leads to early aging.
  • Toxins and waste. Poor nutrition, unfavorable environment and bad habits clog the intestines with these substances. They slowly poison the body, infecting the blood. As a result, cells lose their ability to regenerate.
  • Exposure to free radicals. A normal amount of them does not cause harm to the body, but an excess destroys the protein structure and genetic information.

On average, the aging process begins after age 25, but certain factors can speed it up.

It is recommended to start using cosmetic oils after 20–25 years. Their regular use will delay the aging process by 7–10 years, and all thanks to the following beneficial qualities:

  • the ability to preserve moisture in cells (at the same time, the water balance is normalized, which eliminates one of the main causes of rapid skin aging);
  • the absence of synthetic impurities that can penetrate into the deep layers along with beneficial substances (this distinguishes oils from ready-made cosmetics);
  • the ability to quickly absorb and penetrate all layers of the skin (this makes the epidermis more susceptible to natural compositions than to store-bought creams);
  • absolutely harmless to the skin (excluding individual intolerance to the product);
  • rich vitamin composition (individual for each oil and beneficial in solving specific skin problems).

Natural oils bring great benefits to the skin of the face, preserving its youth, toning, nourishing, and retaining moisture.

Results after use

The results of proper use of peach oil are:

  1. Increased skin elasticity.
  2. Complete hydration and toning.
  3. Smoothing of small and medium wrinkles.
  4. Strengthening the oval of the face, improving its color.
  5. Cheek and chin lift.
  6. Getting rid of edema, puffiness.
  7. Elimination of minor defects (pimples, imperfections).

According to reviews from cosmetologists, peach oil does not cause allergies and can be used even with increased sensitivity of the dermis. The product is easily distributed over the surface of the skin, quickly absorbed, leaving no greasy or sticky residue. This substance is suitable for any type of epidermis and provides high-quality care for all areas of the face.

To achieve noticeable rejuvenation, you need to use oil and formulations with it regularly. You can get the desired result only after completing the full course with peach essential oil.


Peach seed oil is suitable for all skin types, even hypersensitive ones. But it will bring particular benefit to dry skin with signs of wilting and wrinkles.

Regular (most importantly, correct) use of peach oil provides complete nutrition, moisturizing, softening, toning and rejuvenation of the skin. Within a month you will receive results visible to the naked eye.

This product has a slight lifting effect, restores the elasticity of the skin, nourishes it with a whole complex of vitamins and other useful microelements. As a result, flaking and dryness disappear, facial tone is evened out, and wrinkles are smoothed out.

In addition, the oil helps cope with inflammation and irritation. It is characterized by regenerating properties. Thanks to it, the healing of damage to the epidermis is accelerated.

How to use this product?

Using peach oil, you can prepare various types of cosmetic products. All of them have anti-aging properties, but the best way to eliminate unattractive age-related folds are masks and creams. Next, you can get acquainted with the best recipes for wrinkles containing available ingredients.

Product for dry skin

A mask that helps make dry epidermis less wrinkled is made from the following components:

  • 20 ml peach oil;
  • pulp of one fresh peach;
  • 1 tbsp. l. high fat cream.

All substances are thoroughly mixed and distributed on the face in an even layer. After 15-20 minutes, the product is washed off with cool water.

With normal epidermis

The composition for normal skin type contains:

  • 10 ml peach oil;
  • ¼ part of a ripe banana;
  • 3-4 fresh strawberries.

Banana and strawberries are crushed in a blender, then mixed with oil. Before applying the mask, it must be infused for half an hour.

Apply the finished product to the face and leave for at least 40 minutes. To remove the product, you can wash your face or use wet wipes.

Recipe for oily skin

To make oily skin look younger, mix 20 ml of peach oil, 1 tsp. alcohol or vodka and 1 fresh egg yolk. The mixture is applied to the face for 20-25 minutes. The epidermis is cleansed of cosmetic products during the washing process.

Blends for the skin around the eyes

The first recipe will provide a comprehensive effect on the periocular area - it will help refresh and tighten the skin, and reduce the depth of existing folds. Components of the mixture for treating eyelids:

  • 10 drops of peach oil;
  • 5 drops of castor oil;
  • pulp of one ripe avocado.

The composition is distributed around the eyes in a thin layer, gently tapping in with your fingertips. The product should remain on the skin for at least 30-40 minutes, then it is carefully removed with water.

READ ALSO: Using shea butter for the face against wrinkles

The second version of the mask will provide deep nutrition to the fading epidermis in the upper part of the face. You will need to connect:

  • 20 ml peach oil;
  • 1 tbsp. l. cottage cheese and medium fat cream.

After mixing all the ingredients, leave the product on the problem area for half an hour. At the end of the procedure, wash thoroughly.

Day rejuvenating cream

This product will provide maximum benefits to normal and combination skin. To create an anti-aging cream you should have on hand:

  • 1 tbsp. l. peach oil;
  • 1 tsp. high quality vodka;
  • fresh yolk.

The listed components must be blended in a blender, after which they can be immediately used for their intended purpose. The resulting product can be stored in the refrigerator for no longer than two days, after which it is necessary to prepare a new composition.

Anti-aging night cream recipe

To prepare an effective anti-wrinkle cream yourself, prepare a mixture of several effective ingredients:

  • peach kernel squeeze (15 ml);
  • aloe juice (10 ml);
  • spermaceti (3 g);
  • lanolin (1 tbsp.).

The finished product is placed in a clean glass vessel and stored in the refrigerator. Use this product only at night.

Eyelid rejuvenation cream

This recipe is extremely simple and yet quite effective. To create a cream for wrinkles near the eyes, two types of oil are combined:

  • peach;
  • coconut

The substances are taken in equal proportions, after which they are thoroughly mixed. The resulting mass is applied to the upper eyelids and under the eyes, slightly heated. The cosmetic is well absorbed and does not require rinsing.

Helpful advice. To turn an ordinary cream into an effective remedy for age-related wrinkles, you just need to add a few drops of peach oil to it and stir thoroughly. It is important to only use a natural product purchased from a reputable source.

Versatile Action

Ekaterina Simonova : “I found advantages and disadvantages in peach oil.

About the advantages . One of the main advantages is the price from 60 rubles, while the consumption is minimal. There is no smell. After long-term use, my skin became healthier and my acne disappeared. I applied it to my lips and it helped with dryness and flaking. I tried the product on my eyelashes and they stopped falling out.

About the shortcomings . Unfortunately, they exist too. The consistency is unpleasant, slimy (I admit, this depends on the manufacturer). Immediately after application, the skin shines.

I read online that this cosmetic product strengthens nails, but I cannot confirm this from personal experience. Moreover, the nails peeled off the next day. Therefore, I do not recommend using the product this way.”

Belchonok : “There are a lot of oils in my collection. One of them is made from peach pits. This is a salvation for people with sensitive, dry skin prone to flaking. Briefly about how I use the cosmetic product:

  • on lips in winter - wounds, cracks heal, peeling disappears;
  • for eyelid skin - dryness is eliminated, elasticity increases, moisture is more difficult to leave the upper layers of the epidermis;
  • for cuticles and nails, hand skin - the skin is moisturized, acquires turgor, nails are strengthened;
  • for the face - peeling and allergic rashes disappear, complexion improves.”

How to use pure peach oil?

Peach oil is also beneficial when used independently. However, it must be remembered that this method of rejuvenation is intended only for dry and normal epidermis.

Before applying the herbal product, the skin is thoroughly cleansed with a scrub. Next, lubricate the fingertips with a few drops of oil and distribute it over all areas of the face, not forgetting the area around the eyes.

Leave the peach squeeze on the skin for at least 15 minutes. After this time, remove any remaining product with a clean paper napkin. There is no need to wash your face after the procedure.

Similarly, peach oil is used every other day. Once every 2 months, the skin must be given a rest period lasting 1-2 weeks.


Despite the fact that peach oil is well tolerated when used externally, it has contraindications - individual sensitivity . Although the product is approved for use even in childhood, it is better to first find out the opinion of doctors about such treatment.

As you can see, there is a lot of information, sometimes contradictory. However, the product will find a home in my makeup bag. Since I use dyes, I will try to make my hair healthier. I liked the recipes for cellulite. For example, like this:

The required amount of peach oil is mixed with a few drops of citrus oils - grapefruit, orange, lemon. Instead of citrus fruits, another composition is used - juniper, lemon, geranium oil (1-2 drops each).

But I wouldn’t risk replacing my day or night cream with peach oil—I’ll listen to the advice of cosmetologists. Maybe I'll try adding a couple of drops to the cream around the eyes and for the face .

Another reason why you should pay attention to this product is its healing properties. During the cold season, it helps fight the runny nose. To do this, 2-3 drops are instilled into the nasal passages.

Are there any side effects?

Peach oil is considered a product that is not capable of causing any serious harm. In rare cases, an allergic reaction to this substance may occur, manifested in the form of itching, redness or a slight rash on the skin. If such phenomena develop, you should stop using the substance and choose a remedy that does not cause rejection by the body.

Before starting anti-aging procedures, cosmetologists advise making sure that peach essential oil is tolerated normally. To do this, you will need to distribute a small amount of oil or a prepared mixture with it on the inner bend of the elbow and wait a day. If there are no negative manifestations on the skin, the product is perfect for an anti-aging course.


Upon first application and single uses, peach kernel oil perfectly moisturizes the skin. The unpleasant feeling of tightness immediately disappears, and instead a feeling of comfort appears.

Now I will explain why this happens. A film is created on the surface of the epidermis that prevents moisture from evaporating. And this is precisely where the potential harm of the product lies.

If you use oil too often and do not take breaks between courses, addiction develops. The skin reduces the production of its fat secretion in sufficient quantities.

A film that constantly covers the skin will do more harm than good. Problems arise with cellular respiration and metabolism, and pores become clogged.

As a result, we get the opposite effect - instead of the expected hydration, the skin dries out and becomes dehydrated. With a dry type, the risk of developing exhaustion increases, and with an oily type, the risk of inflammation and acne increases.

Recommendations for choosing peach oil

You can buy peach oil for wrinkles in pharmacies or aromatic shops. In this case, you will be able to buy a truly natural product that has all the necessary properties.

Experts advise choosing oil sold in dark glass bottles, tin boxes or jars. It is strictly not recommended to buy the substance sold in sachets or on tap.

High-quality peach pomace has a pleasant yellow color and a smell that has light fruity and nutty notes. The natural fresh product is completely transparent. When shaking the container, a slight sediment may appear at the bottom, which is normal.


Rules for application and use

Peach facial oil can be used for several purposes. To achieve the necessary and more effective result, it is recommended to follow certain rules.

When using it, the following points should be taken into account:

  • Do not boil oil;
  • Always cleanse your face before applying;
  • pre-test for an allergic reaction;
  • comply with the rules and shelf life of the product;
  • adhere to the recommended amount of oil used when using it in a specific recipe and method;
  • It is not recommended to apply the product multiple times during the day; usually it is limited to once a day, and in some cases less often.
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