Irina Meshchanskaya before and after facial plastic surgery - candid Photos and stories from her personal life + Video

View from the outside. Irina Meshchanskaya before and after plastic surgery - a fit lady or a silicone doll? Who is Irina Meshchanskaya? There are situations in life when no matter how hard you try, you will not be interesting to the public. Irina moved in famous circles, posted gorgeous pictures on Instagram, changed dresses and jewelry at an extraordinary brilliant photo shoot - and all in vain.

The girl was not noticed by influential men, when Irina was almost completely desperate, fate turned her face.

The inimitable athlete Alexander Shpak chose Irina Meshchanskaya as his 6th wife.

Irina Meshchanskaya - biography of Shpak’s sixth wife

It’s easy to guess that before her pompous marriage, Irina’s life was not so interesting.

She was born in a small town in Russia (the exact place is unknown) in 1981 into a family of professional athletes. They tried to accustom the girl to various sports, but Irina failed to climb the family career ladder. She had to give up her dreams of big-time sports, and the girl entered the psychology department of a prestigious Moscow university. Already in her second year, Irina came to work for a large trading company, and after a few years she was able to get the position of commercial director.

After her marriage to Shpak, many unjustified rumors appeared about Irina.

The most interesting and heartbreaking, unjustified story: information about Irina Meshchanskaya’s ex-husband. Journalists fanned a whole scandal, allegedly he pursued the Shpakov couple around the clock and begged Irina to return to the family. He threatened suicide. Fortunately, it all turned out to be a simple journalistic duck, and no one attacked the family.

Irina Meshchanskaya before the operations was much simpler and calmer. It was marriage to a shocking bodybuilder that turned the girl into a silicone doll.

Now Irina is a media personality: the girl runs a popular blog on Instagram about health, proper nutrition and training. Meshchanskaya began to be offered more paid photo sessions.

The girl’s life changed dramatically in 2015 after her official engagement to Shpak. Irina does not want to discuss her past with the press; the only thing that is known is that her first marriage lasted less than two years, and the couple separated with a scandal.

Marriage to Shpak gave Irina the love of fans and fueled interest in her personality.

The couple run a joint YouTube channel about training; in small inserts they kiss each other tenderly and tell stories about their personal lives.

Photos from the past confirm: Meshchanskaya repeatedly turned to plastic surgeons after marriage.

Shpak's first girl

Alexander admitted that until he was 20.5 years old, he was not in a relationship with girls at all. The young man thought only about studies and sports. By the way, Sasha has two higher educations. Shpak met his first girl at psychological trainings. The young people began to spend a lot of time together. At that time, Sasha’s beloved was studying at a medical institute. She was not associated with show business.

Photo: umnica-krasavica

Alexander beautifully looked after the girl and gave her beautiful bouquets. Still, the beloved realized that she was not on the same path with Sasha. It was the girl who suggested breaking up.

Operations Meshchanskaya

  • Mesothreads (facial contouring, complete change in relief)
  • Blepharoplasty (now Irina’s cheekbones are younger and have acquired more delicate contours)
  • Rhinoplasty (the tip of the nose has become less rough, the hump at the base has become longer)
  • Lip augmentation (Now the girl’s mouth is more sexy, her lips are swollen and large)
  • Gluteoplasty (insertion of silicone implants into the buttocks)
  • Laser therapy (Irina removed pigmentation)
  • Mammoplasty (the girl had her breasts enlarged by 3 sizes)
  • Liposuction of fat from the sides and abdomen

Irina’s husband believes that she has become even more sexy and desirable.

Irina disappeared from her beauty blog for exactly a year; most likely it was during this period that the girl went under the surgeon’s knife. In such a short period, the girl underwent about five operations; it is simply pointless to deny surgical intervention.

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The history of relations with the fourth wife

It was during this period that the man decided to change himself. Alexander lived for a long time with his fourth wife. They managed to get through a difficult period together. Alexander had problems with the law, which is why he was banned from leaving the country.

Photo: idominicana

When Sasha was allowed to go on vacation, he met his next wife in the Dominican Republic. He realized that he wanted to be with this girl. It is worth noting that Alexander decided to leave all jointly acquired property to his ex-wife. She received two apartments and a car.


Despite the desire to seem like ideal beauty bloggers, newlyweds are not afraid to post the unsightly moments of their lives on the Internet. The couple constantly demonstrates alcoholic parties with unhealthy food and unbridled fun. Fans were very upset by this, because even constant plastic surgery and sports will not save elderly people from age-related changes. And constant alcohol parties will not keep them young and beautiful.

An inadequate lifestyle constantly adds excess weight, and the girl periodically has to pump out fat.

Personal life

Irina had two marriages; Ira lived in her first marriage for 3 years. As Irina herself says, she was very unhappy in her marriage. Irina and her ex-husband did not have mutual understanding. The man did not show attention to Irina as a woman for a long time.

The second time Irina married Alexander Shpak. Irina was officially Shpak's sixth wife. Now the young couple is happily married, in their videos they often talk about how lucky they are to have each other. Irina is not embarrassed by Alexander’s non-standard appearance. Irina is sure that her husband is the most ideal man.


After marriage, Irina Shpak plunged headlong into sports activities and in 2014 became a fitness trainer. The girl sincerely wants to help her students look better, showing by example that it is possible to achieve an ideal figure. Irina Shpak herself pays due attention to her appearance and works out in the gym at least four times a week. However, in 2022, she announced that she was putting her career on hold. When Irina will return to training, and whether she will return at all, is still unknown.

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Life together with Alexander Shpak

Irina and Alexander are a very popular couple on Instagram. They regularly make videos for their subscribers. In their videos you can see how kindly they treat each other. On Instagram, Meshchanskaya and Shpak call each other mom and masya, and mom is Alexander’s nickname.

In my videos, Shpak and his wife make various videos: cooking notes, training videos, Alexander’s thoughts about the relationship between a man and a woman. Alexander and his wife discuss quite frank topics that not every blogger could talk about. Perhaps this is why the young couple has so many subscribers.

Also, Irina and Shpak very often meet with their subscribers in real life. At such meetings, Shpak and Irina answer questions and take many photographs. At every meeting that the couple organizes, Irina is given a large amount of chocolate, so in her videos Irina often talks about her love for sweets.


Alexander Shpak registered on the popular Instagram network in 2014. Initially, he did not devote much time to the account and occasionally posted only his photos. Only in 2022, the Shpak family decided to develop their social network, posting many videos, photos, texts, conducting live broadcasts and answering questions from fans. Most likely, thanks not only to their appearance, but also to their frankness before society, the couple gained great popularity. Currently, the liberated family has more than two million subscribers.

Plastic surgery and training

Meshchanskaya spends more than 4 days a week in the gym; she has excellent body measurements. In 2014, Irina began working in the gym as a trainer. She believes that if she was able to achieve such a result, she can help others. Unfortunately, Irina stopped working in 2022, but during her work she trained more than 20 people and showed the results on her Instagram.

Irina Meshchanskaya had two plastic surgeries. The first operation was for breast augmentation, and the second Irina performed on the buttocks. Irina very often makes videos where she gives advice about plastic surgery; she does not advise unprepared girls to insert implants. To begin with, according to Irina, you need to prepare yourself well in the gym. Despite so many tattoos, Irina’s husband Alexander Shpak, she is against drawings on a woman’s body.

Rules of life from Irina

  • Visiting the gym 4 times a week: working out the gluteal muscles and abs.
  • Proper nutrition and a balanced diet. Irina had big problems with excess weight.

Probably, the dramatic changes in appearance were influenced by the husband’s attitude towards plastic surgery. He does not hide his love for surgery; he has undergone more than ten facial skin grafting operations.

Alexander Shpak's wife - photos of ex-wives, biography, operations

Alexander Shpak is a popular bodybuilder in Russia, and part-time star of the social network Instagram. His appearance is considered shocking and his popularity is growing. After Alexander became famous, his biography became of great interest to the public. There was also interest in who Alexander Shpak’s wife was.

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Alexander's appearance, of course, breathes originality. Despite all this, the popularity of the bodybuilder is off the charts. He has six official marriages behind him, the first of which took place 8 years ago, namely in the year 2010. The ex-wives of Alexander Shpak are shrouded in secrecy. In an interview, he claims that family is not the main thing in his life, and he hasn’t even thought about children yet. In the photo: Alexander Shpak with one of his ex-wives

Internet fame

Fame came to Alexander after several photographs of his unconventional appearance appeared on the Internet. In these photographs, Shpak was swimming in a certain pond. As a result, these pictures blew up the Internet. Only the lazy did not discuss them.

Popular bloggers added fuel to the fire, who did not hesitate to mock the would-be bodybuilder who had made himself a freak. Realizing his popularity, the athlete immediately decided to take advantage of the situation and develop it.

He created his own channel on YouTube, which finally secured his status as a major Internet sensation. At this point in time, Alexander continues to actively update the channel with new videos.

Alexander Shpak's wife photo

But a lot is known about the current wife of Alexander Shpak. She is a model named Irina Meshchanskaya. The couple are happy in their married life. This conclusion was made by Shpak’s wife after the renovation. During this event, the newlyweds found no disagreement. They built the apartment to suit all their tastes. The city of their monastery became St. Petersburg. A photo of Alexander Shpak’s wife is presented below.

Alexander Shpak and his wife together are the most popular people on Instagram. Every time they vacation abroad. Shpak affectionately calls his wife Masya. Irina, just like her husband, does not want to have children in the near future. She thinks that she will be jealous because her husband will not only love her.

The official wedding of the newlyweds took place in 2015. Only the bride looked traditional. She was wearing a beautiful white dress and veil. But the groom, since summer is hot, was in a light summer suit. A distinctive feature of Alexander Shpak and his wife was their bright red manicure. There were only two witnesses at the wedding. Afterwards the couple got married and went on a trip to the ocean.

As you can see, the bodybuilder has a great passion for tattoos, the total cost of which is more than five million rubles. If we look at what Alexander Shpak looked like before and after surgery, we will notice that before surgery he was much prettier. Shpak underwent more than fifteen operations, thus completely changing his face. Popularity makeup is also a tattoo.

Alexander’s wife, Irina Meshchanskaya, is famous for being the most popular victim of plastic surgery in the country. The girl comes from a family of athletes. Since childhood, I trained and became accustomed to various sports. Irina was unable to make sport her profession, but her love remained. I entered the university to become a psychologist in St. Petersburg. She worked from the first year and very quickly achieved success, making a career in the largest company - she became the director of commerce.

After meeting Alexander, the girl changed her life - she became a model, promoted a blog in which she talks about training, as well as health and beauty. Alexander Shpak is Irina’s second husband. The life of the most famous couple is always under the supervision of millions of fans. In general, the Shpak family lives a completely open life. Alexander and Irina have frank conversations in the public domain. In addition to Instagram, the couple have their own YouTube channel, in which all views gain large numbers.

With the bodybuilder, the model became the most popular girl on social networks and not only them. Alexander Shpak and his wife also hold meetings with subscribers in reality. Unlike her husband, Irina does not change her body so much through plastic surgery. She also exercises a lot to maintain her beauty. However, Shpak’s wife still completely changed her face, as fans claim, beyond recognition. She also corrects her figure through surgery and has enlarged her breasts.

Touches to the portrait of a false athlete

  • Brows. Like a real fashionista, Shpak jealously monitors her eyebrows. Initially, the hairs were thick black, because the man used permanent makeup to save time. Over the years, “Marfushi”’s eyebrows were completely bleached using a laser. Now the man's face looks more than disgusting.
  • The panda's eyes have become the calling card of the flabby athlete. Initially, you might think that this is simple makeup, but the black circles are tattoos. Smeared on the eyelids, with an oily sheen and redness, tattooed eyelids have become every stylist’s worst nightmare. The coal-black eyes of the miner accompanied Alexander after his shift even on his wedding day.
  • Lips. Lipstick has become an integral part of a man's makeup bag. Ombre style in red and black version, berry shades and gloss are generously smeared on the lips of the would-be athlete.
  • Manicure. The special mass that Sasha Shpak applies to her nails allows her to forget about manicure for a month. He loves rich colors, competing in color schemes with many women.
  • Underpants. He is often called a hermaphrodite, because his pink underpants leave no room for flight of fancy. Looking at the photo of a man in swimming trunks, his complexes and desires for universal enlargement become clear. Enemies slander that the wife of Alexander Shpak has much more content in her swimming trunks.
  • Hairstyle. “Vegetable saleswoman” - this is exactly the association that arises when you look at a thin bleached ponytail. Multi-colored elastic bands make him look like an overgrown girl from the dashing 90s.
  • Tattoo. Almost 2/3 of Alexander’s body is covered with tattoos. Note that this is one continuous tattoo that took 22,000 hours to complete . The idea of ​​the tattoo is a skeleton grown into the human body. Most of the drawings cover Sasha's legs and back.
  • Fangs. The extended fangs were supposed to cost about $2,500, but the man insists that all the procedures were performed on him “as an acquaintance.”

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In June 2022 the couple announced their divorce. Irina, or fans know her as Masya Shpak, was tired of Sasha’s shocking behavior and began to have health problems, including hair loss. The woman chose life and health.

According to his wife, Alexander even controlled her trips to the toilet, and would not allow her to wash her pants, saying that dirt does not stick to the saint. “I lasted seven years,” admitted Shpak’s wife, “due to financial obligations.” The blogger noted that he doesn’t hold a grudge against Masya.

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Freak's wife Masya Shpak before and after plastic surgery, photo

Irina Meshchanskaya is better known on the Internet as Masya Shpak. She gained popularity after her marriage to the outrageous bodybuilder Alexander Shpak. The eccentric couple maintains vlogs (video blogs) on various social networks about sports and proper nutrition. However, this currently trending topic is only a “bait”; in essence, their vlogs are a reality show like “House 2” or “Behind the Glass”. The general sponsors of the “Celebration of Life” are various clinics and specialists in the field of plastic surgery. Their hidden advertising now makes up more than 50 percent of all content on the couple's accounts. decided to count how many plastic surgeries Masya Shpak has already done.

Sasha's new marriage

Alexander was very upset by the betrayal of his first wife. A second marriage helped heal emotional wounds. He met his new wife at the gym. The girl worked as a graphic designer. The young man appreciated that she was gentle and caring. Still, Sasha admitted that he does not love her.

Photo: freehelping

Shpak admits that he got married many times for the reason that he does not like simple relationships. He believes that civil unions insult girls because they seem frivolous.

What Irina Meshchanskaya looked like before plastic surgery

Before her fateful meeting with Alexander Shpak, Irina held the position of commercial director. Her appearance completely corresponded to her type of activity. The woman did not experiment with images; she wore her makeup discreetly, without attracting much attention to herself.

Meeting my future husband changed everything. The future Masya Shpak began to try herself as a fashion model, participating in candid shootings. On her social network page she wrote that “a woman is changed by love, care, affection.”

So, since 2015, Irina Meshchanskaya began to gradually transform, turning into Masya Shpak, who is now actively discussed by numerous subscribers to her vlogs.

Famous husband

It must be admitted that Irina became so famous, first of all, thanks to her husband. By the time they got married, he was already famous in certain circles.

Alexander Shpak was also born in St. Petersburg, but only in 1979. His mother was a school teacher, and his father was a military man. Sasha started playing sports when he was 14 years old. Since then, he has been regularly visiting the gym.

After graduating from school in 1997, Shpak entered the St. Petersburg University of Economics, mastering the specialty of financial manager. After his first higher education, he hurried to get a second one. All this time he was actively involved in sports, and in 2002 he began to get involved in bodybuilding.

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