Aliana Ustinenko (Gobozova) before and after plastic surgery - Biography + Photo and Video

“Dom-2” continues to give one scandalous news after another.
One after another, the participants (and even the participants) resort to the services of plastic surgeons to change their appearance. Some people openly advertise this, others immediately leave the project after the operation. One of the most scandalous participants, Aliana Ustinenko does not hide the fact that she had plastic surgery.

She made significant adjustments, now Aliana before and after plastic surgery is very different.

The girl came to Dom-2 in 2013. At that time she was 19 years old. But by the age of nineteen, she managed to work in the modeling business in Milan and at the same time studied to become a lawyer in her native Volgograd.

Biography of Aliana Ustinenko

A baby with an exotic name was born on December 31, 1993 in Volgograd in the family of Arthur Asratyan and Svetlana Ustinenko. After her parents' divorce at the age of 16, the girl took her mother's surname. The future TV star spent her childhood and youth in her hometown: here she graduated from school, studied singing and dancing, and then entered the correspondence department of the Faculty of Law of Volgograd State University. In parallel with her studies, Aliana mastered the modeling business and even managed to work in Milan.

In January 2013, a nineteen-year-old girl came to look for love on a television set and became famous.

The first object of sympathy for the sultry brunette was singer Oleg Miami, but he did not show mutual feelings for the fan. Then the bright participant turned her gaze to Alexei Samsonov, and again the relationship did not work out. Attempts to build love with Sergei Sichkar and Evgeniy Kuzin also ended in failure.

Aliana was on the project as a single person until Alexander Gobozov returned to Dom-2.

Gobozov immediately developed feelings for the passionate black-eyed beauty. The couple's relationship developed quickly, and six months after they met, they were preparing to become parents and got married.

After returning from their honeymoon, discord began in the family, and even the birth of their son Robert did not save the couple from quarrels and showdowns throughout the country. As a result, at the beginning of 2015, the Gobozovs divorced.

Soon Alexander, and then Aliana, left the reality show. Over the project, the guys got back together and even got married for the second time, but another attempt at family life ended in divorce in 2017.

In search of new love, Sasha again came to television, and at the beginning of the summer of 2022, Aliana Ustinenko, who had become prettier after plastic surgery, visited Love Island. Now viewers are wondering whether Aliana will come to the apartment and get together with her ex-husband for the third time.

Aliana Gobozova before and after plastic surgery

Aliana Gobozova never hid her plastic surgery and calmly shared emotional stories about changes in appearance with Instagram subscribers. In March 2015, while still participating in “House-2,” Aliana had rhinoplasty to restore breathing. In addition to correcting the deviated nasal septum, the plastic surgeon corrected the shape of the nose: after the operation, Aliana admired her neat nose without a hump.

According to fans, the operation greatly changed Aliana’s appearance for the better.

A couple of months later, the reality star shared her plans for mammoplasty with fans. According to the young mother, after breastfeeding, her bust lost its elasticity, so after consulting with a doctor, Aliana decided to have a periareolar lift with the installation of anatomical implants.

Aliana accompanied the entire process from the first consultation to the demonstration of the final result on the beach with photographs and words of gratitude to the plastic surgeon and the clinic. The girl posted post-operative selfies with emotional comments: she said that the plastic surgery was quick and comfortable, and that only tight compression garments caused inconvenience. Fans appreciated the new forms in the photo of Aliana Gobozova after plastic surgery and bombarded her with compliments.

After giving birth, the star TV show participant lost 25 kg by giving up late dinners, sweets and starchy foods. Aliana's diet is based on vegetables and a small amount of protein. By adhering to the principles of proper nutrition and playing sports, the girl keeps herself in good shape and does not gain weight.

The beauty takes part in photo shoots, advertises cosmetic brands and shows off her luxurious figure in open swimsuits.

Aliana Ustinenko proves by her example that moderate plastic surgery not only changes appearance, but also gives self-confidence.

Maria Kokhno

The bright blonde became famous on the show for her outrageous antics. Maria loves to attract attention not only with defiant behavior, but also with her striking appearance. Maria has undergone more than one plastic surgery. The girl enlarged her lips and breasts, changed the shape of her nose and emphasized her cheekbones. Unfortunately, the results of these numerous interventions leave much to be desired. The girl's appearance became unnatural and even a little vulgar.

How Aliana Gobozova really lost weight

The notorious ex-participant of DOM-2 and the ex-wife of the “old man” of the TV project Alexander Gobozov, Aliana Ustinenko is now an exemplary mother, a successful businesswoman and an adherent of proper nutrition. A not very remarkable girl from Volgograd has changed beyond recognition. And not only thanks to plastic. After the birth of her son Robert, Aliana lost as much as 25 kg in just a couple of months. And what is the secret, and whether there was one, we will now find out.

Read about how her husband, Alexander Gobozov, actually lost weight in this article

Tigran Salibekov

The skinny boy from childhood photographs turned into a real handsome man, under whose spell many girls fell. This “hot southern guy” himself admitted that he was a desperate womanizer and often acted not too decently with girls. But it was on the television project that Tigran met Yulia Kolisnichenko, who later became his wife. And, although the marriage was a hit and miss, this did not stop the couple from creating a strong family. After the wedding, Tigran and Yulia left the project, correctly judging that family life should not take place under the gun of television cameras. The guys have three sons and are recognized as one of the strongest couples on reality TV.

How did Aliana Gobozova lose weight?

Aliana Ustinenko, who has lost weight, says that her transformation literally shocked the public and easily became the basis of many speculations and rumors. Someone said that she drank coffee to lose weight and ate Goji berries. And many said that the young mother was losing weight from stress - her mother-in-law was present on the project at that time, her relationship with whom was bad, as the whole country witnessed. Aliana refutes all this with a smile. According to her, there is no secret - proper nutrition, sports, youth and good metabolism. Thanks to her young age and good metabolism, she easily tolerated the diet and achieved excellent results - with a height of 177 cm, her weight is now 55 kg.

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Aliana has not just lost weight - she is well built and has a beautiful figure. She has a slim and sculpted body, which she happily demonstrates on social networks. Photos of a thinner Ustinenko can be seen on her microblog or simply on the Internet. A lot of them.

Diet of Aliana Gobozova

So, proper nutrition and sufficient physical activity. No miracle potions - don't believe the advertisements! Aliana says that she excluded from her diet all the harmful things that she had previously allowed herself and focused on boiled meat, vegetables, kefir and natural juices. The TV star gave preference to boiled chicken, rabbit, turkey and steamed cutlets made from this meat. Vegetables – any, non-starchy, mostly green. Aliana ate 4 times a day, her last meal was before 19-00. Water without gas – unlimited.

Being young and active, Aliana began to get rid of ballast incredibly quickly and within two weeks she showed off her flat tummy on social networks. Aliana Gobozova lost weight with the help of a proper diet suitable for nursing mothers, and now helps others lose weight.

It should be noted that Aliana was not skinny even before the birth of her son. Coming to the project, she even seemed a little massive compared to many other participants. You could say she had a real reboot. The girl herself admits that at that time she was happy with her figure, did not count calories and ate whatever she wanted. But, having become a media personality, she quickly reconsidered her views. And we see the result. And he's impressive!

Aliana, like many other participants in this never-ending project, demonstrated that losing weight for stars is not much different from losing weight for housewives. The main thing is to move a lot and maintain a calorie deficit. Aliana Gobozova, like Victoria Romanets and Marina Afrikantova, lost weight on the simplest foods! Why not an example?!

History of weight loss Romanets Wiki in this article . Afrikantova Marina - in this .

Vlad Kadoni

By the way, the former participant in the project and its current presenter also found themselves under the influence of the TV show and more than once turned to plastic surgeons. At first, rumors were actively discussed on the perimeter that Vlad Kadoni had enlarged his penis (by the way, it is still not known whether this is true or an invention of the participant himself for PR). Later it turned out that the TV presenter turned to specialists for nose correction - the operation was necessary for medical reasons. And just recently it turned out that another operation took place - otoplasty. Vlad, as in previous cases, does not comment on it.

Aliana Ustinenko before and after plastic surgery

Fans of “Dom-2” will not soon forget Aliana Ustinenko: sometimes her antics were simply shocking, and the scandals with her participation were so vivid that it seemed like the ceiling was collapsing. Her romance with Sasha Gobozov is a real roller coaster, then up to the shining heights of love, then a dramatic flight down to the very bottom of the relationship of a strange couple, peppered with burning jealousy. At the very beginning of the Dom-2 project, the girl’s appearance certainly did not cause a “wow” effect: a brown-eyed cutie, but definitely nothing super-outstanding. A lot has changed since then... In today's article, our team will figure out exactly what.

Joseph Oganesyan

The big-eyed boy from the photo grew into an attractive guy, who, nevertheless, chose a girl of not the most model appearance as his partner for the project. Joseph admitted that he was attracted to Sasha Cherno by the girl’s charismatic personality. And in general, he is not attracted to skinny beauties, but to ladies with curvy figures. Compared to his beloved, Joseph looks even thinner and some fans even advised the guy to gain weight. And, judging by the early photos, Joseph’s youthful swelling really suited him.


The girl was born in 1993 into an international family: her father is Armenian (that’s where her olive eyes and luxurious dark hair come from), her mother is Russian. Alas, the family “Volga” boat sprang a leak, and her parents divorced when Aliana had just passed her teenage years, and her mother never remarried. It is not known for certain whether her parents’ divorce became an unhealable mental trauma for Aliana.

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The girl studied at a regular Volgograd school, already at a young age she was actively involved in sports and dancing, and took piano and vocal lessons. Successes were visible everywhere: talent!


From a homely teenager - the “ugly duckling” - Aliana turned into a young princess, her mirror hinted at a modeling career every morning, which is what happened - the first contract with a modeling agency was not long in coming.

In parallel with her active modeling career, Aliana crammed law codes and textbooks at the Faculty of Law of Volgograd University. How studies were combined with walks along the Milan catwalk is unclear, but nevertheless, he received a law degree, which speaks of a remarkable mind hiding behind a model appearance. A rare combination, especially nowadays!

In 2013, the epic began in Dom-2. Analyzing the twists and turns of the plot of a popular TV show and unraveling the tangles of relationships between the participants is an activity worthy of Sherlock Holmes. After several years in House-2, Aliana gained enough popularity to pursue her own commercial projects. Today the girl is one of the stars of Instagram, where she advertises cosmetics and clothing, and is involved in network marketing and advertising.

Personal life

Ustinenko flirted to her heart's content with several participants of Dom-2, but in vain... But the girl clearly does not have the character to accept amorous defeats! Everything changed with the appearance of Alexander Gobozov in the project.

The romance was so stormy that it took... one day, from the meeting to the declaration of love. Six months later, it became known that the black-eyed beauty was pregnant. Like a gentleman (which is disputed by some), Gobozov proposed his hand to his beloved, and then everything followed the standard scheme: a magnificent wedding, a trip to the coral beaches of the Maldives. Alas, the relationship in the young family was like a storm: the couple constantly quarreled over trifles and made scandals, inviting their parents as arbiters. Son Robert was born in the spring of 2014, but the marriage could not be saved - the couple separated at the end of that year. The second series of the novel unfolded in 2016 - Alina and Robert got back together, but again not for long.

Irina Agibalova

The participants themselves say about her that this woman managed to take everything from the project! At first she came to the perimeter as an assistant, caring for her newborn grandson. She got so involved that she quickly began to gain authority and later became one of the participants. At her age, she has undergone almost every possible operation to correct her appearance, from numerous liposuctions to a circular facelift. After a series of plastic surgeries, she even acquired the nickname “transformer grandmother”, which was given to her by Vlad Kadoni.

Was there plastic surgery?

Of course it was! The beauty especially never hid the fact that she repeatedly resorted to the services of surgeons famous in this field. In 2015, “dad’s” nose was adjusted, and at the same time the surgeon straightened the slightly curved nasal septum.

After breastfeeding baby Robert, the beauty’s breasts lost their former shape. Doctors recommended the latest generation of implants, mammoplasty was successful, the breasts were lifted up and acquired extremely seductive shapes. Selfies poured in on Instagram, which doubled the number of subscribers: one can easily guess that this was not at all at the expense of the female audience.

During her maternity leave, Aliana gained fat on her sides and hips: she had to take a tight rein on herself. The TV personality herself claims that she lost 25 kg with the help of a strict diet, but experts doubt it: she probably didn’t do it without liposuction!

Today Ariana Ustimenko looks exactly like a million (or even a billion). These are the miracles that the hands of a plastic surgeon can create if he is a true professional!

Olga Rapunzel

The girl categorically refuses to confirm the fact of plastic surgeons’ intervention in her appearance. Olga is proud of her natural beauty and long luxurious hair, which was the reason for her pseudonym. However, they say that the girl had mammoplasty, rhinoplasty, and also had her lips enlarged. Judging by Olya's past photos, this really looks like the truth. It should be noted that Rapunzel did not overdo it with plastic surgery, managing to maintain naturalness and emphasize natural beauty.

Aliana Ustinenko (Gobozova) before and after plastic surgery - Biography + Photo and Video

“Dom-2” continues to give one scandalous news after another. One after another, the participants (and even the participants) resort to the services of plastic surgeons to change their appearance.

Some people openly advertise this, others immediately leave the project after the operation. One of the most scandalous participants, Aliana Ustinenko does not hide the fact that she had plastic surgery.

She made significant adjustments, now Aliana before and after plastic surgery is very different.

The girl came to Dom-2 in 2013. At that time she was 19 years old. But by the age of nineteen, she managed to work in the modeling business in Milan and at the same time studied to become a lawyer in her native Volgograd.

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Alena Vodonaeva

One of the most famous participants in the television project. Arriving at the show, Alena immediately aroused the interest of the audience with her extraordinary behavior and spectacular appearance. Alena's childhood photographs are the best confirmation that the girl got her beauty from nature. The girl does not confirm plastic surgery, but according to rumors, Alena first enlarged and then reduced her breasts again, pumped up her lips and emphasized her cheekbones, removing Bisha’s lumps.


Aliana was born into a multinational family. His father is Armenian by nationality, his mother is Russian. This mixture of blood gave the girl a bright appearance. When she was 16, her parents divorced and Alina took her mother's surname.

Since childhood, she has shown abilities in various areas. She studied vocals, dances, played sports and played the piano. She showed herself to be a versatile personality.

After graduating from school, she entered Volgograd State University, Faculty of Law. At the same time, she made big steps in the modeling business and even worked in Milan. Despite this combination, she successfully graduated from the university and received a diploma.

And in 2013, Aliana Ustinenko appeared on the Dom-2 project. At first, her relationships with young people did not work out. Oleg Miami, Alexey Samsonov, Sergey Sichkar, Evgeny Kuzin did not have fiery feelings for Aliana. Things didn't go further than flirting. But when Alexander Gobozov came to the project, the guys began a whirlwind romance.

Rustam Solntsev

Another popular top participant in the project, who, thanks to Dom-2, began to look completely different. His first operation was lip augmentation, and the guy still continues to add volume to them by regularly injecting fillers. Next, Rustam Solntsev has already gained a taste for it and will continue to change his appearance: he had rhinoplasty, blepharoplasty, injected fillers into different areas of the face, etc. The current Rustam Solntsev outwardly has practically nothing in common with the character from the past, except that his mind remains just as sharp.


Events developed very quickly! From the day they met to the confession of feelings, only one day passed. And six months later it became known about Aliana’s pregnancy. The lovers had a magnificent wedding and went to the Maldives on their honeymoon.

But this did not strengthen their relationship. There were quarrels and scandals for any reason. Even with the birth of their son Robert, the lovers continued to quarrel. In 2014, the couple separated. But not for long.

Already outside the perimeter, the Gobozov family was reunited and now they lasted until 2022. And again there were quarrels, scandals and separations.

While still on the project, Alina had her first operation - rhinoplasty. She straightened her nose, removing the hump that she inherited from her father, and straightened the deviated nasal septum. The girl actively posted photos from the clinic on her Instagram and shared her impressions of the operation.

The second operation was to correct the shape of the breast. After pregnancy and breastfeeding Robert, the girl's breasts sagged slightly. To correct the situation, Aliana received modern implants. Mammoplasty was successful, Gobozova’s bust became very attractive.

After publishing the result on social networks, the number of her subscribers doubled. Aliana, without a shadow of embarrassment, actively posted photographs from the hospital, saying that the rehabilitation was going well, and that only the special compression garments caused inconvenience.

Subscribers reacted very strongly to their favorite's new breasts and bombarded her with compliments and enthusiastic comments.

During pregnancy, Aliana gained a lot of weight. After giving birth, she managed to lose 25 kilograms and became very slimmer. Some argue that liposuction could not have happened. But Aliana Gobozova says that several rules led her to this result: do not eat flour, sweets, do not eat 4 hours before bedtime and do a lot of sports.

Elena Bushina

Perhaps no one will remember the early casts of the TV show. But in vain, since it was those people who made plastic surgery on the perimeter fashionable. A striking example of one of the most impressive transformations is Elena Bushina. Initially, the girl’s facial features were quite rough, but thanks to plastic surgery, it was possible to correct the shortcomings of nature. Elena had rhinoplasty (and more than one), corrected her cheekbones, lips, and also performed other operations. The result was truly impressive!

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