Rozanova Irina after plastic surgery - Biography + Photo and Video

An attractive woman and talented actress with amazing green eyes won the hearts of many men back in Soviet times. The peak of popularity of People's Artist of the Russian Federation Irina Rozanova occurred in the 90s, when “perestroika” was in full swing in the country. Today the actress is 58 years old. Despite her age, she is full of energy and continues to do what she loves. Rozanova willingly accepts invitations to various roles. How does she manage to stay in great shape and delight her fans with her creativity? See the photo of what Irina Rozanova looks like after plastic surgery.


The girl was born in Penza in 1961. At that time, the parents were involved in theatrical roles. Irina spent a significant part of her time with them, so from an early age her fate was predetermined. She showed great interest in creativity and attended rehearsals and performances. The girl really liked her parents’ profession and from a young age she dreamed of a creative career.

The first attempt to enter the theater institute was doomed to failure, but Irina showed persistence and did not back down. The next year she became a student at GITIS.

In 1985 there was a debut. Irina took part in the filming of the film “My Girlfriend,” directed by Alexander Kalyagin. Irina Rozanova gained general fame after filming the film “Intergirl”. She starred in many films and TV series, gradually revealing her creative potential. Perseverance and work brought fame and recognition. Irina has numerous prizes and awards, and in 2007 she received the title of People's Artist of the Russian Federation.


"Intergirl" (1989). Photo taken from a free source

“Where is nophelet?”
(1987). Photo taken from a free source It cannot be said that Rozanova quickly became a popular actress. She served in the theater and at the same time acted in films. Her first roles were received calmly, but a cameo role in the film “Intergirl” made Irina famous. In addition, there were no less noticeable roles in the films “Where is the nophelet?”, “Fathers”, “Anchor, more anchor!” and many other wonderful films where the artist was able to show women with a difficult fate. By the way, the actress was awarded a prize for her role in the last film.

"Fathers" (1988). Photo taken from a free source

“Anchor, more anchor!” (1992). Photo taken from a free source

With the advent of the difficult 90s, Rozanova showed herself as a TV series actress. The film “St. Petersburg Secrets” only consolidated her success. At the end of the 90s, the film “Voroshilovsky Shooter” was released, where Irina played the mother of the main character. Surprisingly, in the difficult 90s, the artist was not left without work. She was still invited to films and TV series. She still acts a lot today, despite the fact that she has crossed the 60-year-old mark.

"Petersburg secrets" (1994-1998). Photo taken from a free source

"Voroshilovsky shooter" (1999). Photo taken from a free source

Personal life

Irina’s first husband was Evgeny Rozanov. They got married as students, when the young actress studied at GITIS. After 2 years, the couple separated, but Irina decided not to change her last name. Some time later, on the set, Rozanova met Dmitry Meskhiev. A whirlwind romance began between them. Due to their nature, it was not easy for creative people to get along together. As a result, the couple separated.

Rozanova's second legal husband was producer Timur Weinstein. It would seem that an idyll reigned in family relations, but a misfortune occurred in the family. After a long-awaited pregnancy, a miscarriage occurred. The couple tried to cope with the loss of their child by immersing themselves in their careers. The matter ended in divorce. By the way, Irina never managed to experience the happiness of motherhood.

For some time, the actress dated cameraman Grigory Belenky. There was a short affair with director Bakhtiyar Khudoynazarov. It was not possible to start a family with any of the men. It is currently unknown whether the actress has a boyfriend. One can only assume that such a bright and interesting woman cannot be left alone.

Before and after plastic surgery

When Rozanova was offered a role in the series “Furtseva. The Legend of Catherine,” she readily agreed. For the sake of filming, I had to lose a few kilograms. Rapid weight loss affected her appearance: wrinkles formed. To eliminate the problem, Irina used Botox injections. Thanks to the “beauty injections,” she noticeably changed and looked younger.

In 2022, Rozanova took part in an advertising campaign for a fashion brand. In the photo, fans literally did not recognize the star, so fans suspect that plastic surgery was involved. Irina’s upper third of her face actually noticeably tightened and the corners of her lips lifted. This effect is often achieved by endoscopic lifting.

Irina still looks luxurious, but rejects information about plastic surgery, citing heredity and proper nutrition. We hope that the actress, beloved by many, will continue to delight fans with new roles.


Author: Svetlana Sergienko

Irina Rozanova: “I was beaten by everyone”

“I have a strong character. They don’t give me the role of “quiet Alyonushki,” says Irina Rozanova. Valery Todorovsky's film "Odessa", in which Rozanova played one of the main characters, became the opening film of the Kinotavr Film Festival 2019.

Olga Shablinskaya, Irina, the number of projects in which you are involved would probably be the envy of any actress. Are you satisfied with the way your cinematic destiny has turned out?

Irina Rozanova: Wait until you bury me! What does "satisfied" mean? I still want to work! Now I have such a time that sometimes everything goes on non-stop, really! I can mention Valery Todorovsky’s project “Odessa”, in which I recently starred. There are Leonid Yarmolnik, Vova Koshevoy, Ksyusha Rappoport, Evgeny Tsyganov. Zhenechka Brik (wife of Valery Todorovsky - ed.) plays my daughter for the second time.

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Posted by Irina Rozanova (@rozanovairina2017) Apr 23, 2022 at 9:40 am PDT

And in the new series “Moms of Champions” I got the role of a very strong woman. Can you imagine what a mother-coach is and what professional sports is? She wants what she thinks is best for her daughter. Of course, like any mother. The older generation really thinks: “I know better! I lived my life." In some ways, my heroine is really cruel, she imposes her will, but she does it with good intentions. After all, I myself have a very strong character, they don’t let me play “quiet Alyonushka.” But viewers still write: “No, Irina, you are kind and good, even though you played a scoundrel, but we love you.” Our people are naive - they believe that an actor in life is the same as in a movie. When the film “Once upon a time” came out, where I play an elderly widow in a headscarf living in a village, the audience said: “God, how they ruined her. Life is much better." How can you explain to them that I “damage” myself left and right in the movies? This is interesting to me, I don’t like it when all the roles are on the same note.

— How do you feel about your defeats?

“I was beaten by everyone, but they didn’t hit me with a stove.” One artist once told me: “You don’t know what it’s like to wake up famous.” I really don't know that. I really built my path myself. I like my profession, I get a thrill from filming. When I arrive on site, the energy immediately appears. We are like circus horses: everything happens on stage, and the adrenaline begins to go off scale. But, if I want to relax, then I will definitely give myself a day off. We need to charge the battery. I generally feel very good with myself. Sometimes I feel lonely among a lot of people. And I try not to go where I don’t want to go. Although this may be necessary for work, I personally don’t need it. I can get into the car alone and go somewhere. I especially like traveling around Europe by car - there is such respect for each other on the roads! I remember well my vacation in Venice: I swam in the morning, and then the islands of Murano and Torcello...

I love Venice! To some people the canals stink, but to me nothing stinks there. There was a trip to Costa Rica and Panama, the flight there took fifteen hours. Unforgettably. As a child, I traveled to a million cities with my parents, then we settled in Ryazan, so I grew up like a gypsy nomad. I remember my mother left me to be raised by my grandmother, came back, and I already call my grandmother mom. Of course, my mother became hysterical and they took me back. My mother was an actress. And my grandmother survived the war - a simple cleaner, with virtually no education. The grandfather went to fight, and the grandmother raised seven children. Grandfather Vasily reached Berlin, and she took my Aunt Raechka and went to Berlin: otherwise suddenly her Vaska would be taken away. Then my grandfather’s unit was disbanded, and they returned. And my grandfather passed away at the age of 40, simply because of a sore throat - they didn’t know how to treat it. And the grandmother raised the children herself: she bit her elbows, cried, but gave them all a higher education.

Irina Rozanova: “I have been watching my diet all my life” Read more

— On camera, your heroines often sport chic suits. Do you wear this in everyday life?

- Absolutely not. I recently went into a store, I was wearing jeans and a T-shirt. And they tell me that I still look like an artist. Cool! When famous brands offer me cooperation, I refuse, saying: their magnificence will not suit me (smiles). Honestly, I have enough beautiful dresses at work. And I have, as they say now, a casual style. There are things that I never part with my whole life. For example, a coat that is already 10 years old is like a second skin. Do you see these chuni? I bought them in Japan when I went there with the play “The Seagull”. I had them for three hundred years, and I love going through the boxes. This year I took one out, remembered the chuni and was surprised how comfortable it was to walk in them. I literally dissolve in them. We waited for our time. I love wandering through flea markets in Italy. But I don’t like antique things in my home, because for me they are museum pieces. I can't imagine putting my butt on an old antique sofa. I need my furniture to live with me.

— Is home your place of power?

- I’m a Cancer, so I like to lie at home. In my free time I do flowers and remodel my home. I can bury myself, zero out and go completely into the house. I had a difficult period in 2010, when my dad passed away. In general, that year was kind of crazy. And then I took paints and started painting Ikea clay pots. They used to tell me: “Let’s teach you.” But I kept insisting, like, don’t, don’t touch me. And when I do it myself, I’ll step away, look at my own creation and think: “Oh my God! Did I really come up with this and draw it myself?” Children's delight! I've already given away half of it.

Irina Rozanova: “I am from another life” Read more

— And in what style do you write?

- That’s how I paint... Maybe when retirement comes, I’ll draw more somewhere on the seashore, in nature, or just at home. I love painting. What else can you be inspired by?!

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