Victoria Korotkova: before and after plastic surgery - Biography + Photo and Video


More than a dozen girls who lived ordinary lives have become more or less famous thanks to the TNT channel show “The Bachelor.” So Victoria Korotkova decided to try her luck to arrange her fate in front of millions of viewers. The girl emphasizes that she finds something special in everything that surrounds her; she even considers her own Instagram atypical, since she puts meaning into photos and videos that only she understands. But she came to “The Bachelor” in search of feelings, for a loved one, and did not set a goal to win the heart of the hero.

Fears on the project

As Vika says, what caused her the greatest discomfort throughout the entire project was the fact that she had to show all her feelings on camera. The girl wanted to share her emotions one on one, but had to talk about her fears and experiences to an audience of millions. Since participation in a reality show was new for Vika, such conditions turned out to be extremely stressful for the girl and really stressed her out, not allowing her to relax and just be herself.

At the end of the project, Victoria was able to slowly adapt and began to feel more confident in front of camera lenses, but it was still not the same as in life. According to the girl, those people who watched her on the show and then met her in real life say that in real life she is completely different, that her manner of communication is very different from the person they saw on TV.

Childhood and youth

Victoria was born in February 1995 in the westernmost part of Russia - in Kaliningrad. Nothing is known directly about the childhood biography of the slender brown-haired woman.

Yegor Creed and Victoria Korotkova in the show “Bachelor”

The girl received a diploma in animal science from the Faculty of Bioresources and Environmental Management of the Kaliningrad Technical University, but did not work in her specialty - even during her studies she realized how mistaken she was in her ideas about this profession, because creativity is closer to her by nature.

At the age of 16, Victoria participated in the Miss Kaliningrad competition, where she was among the top three winners, and at the age of 18 she became a participant in Miss Russia, but did not enter the top twenty.

Personal life

Love overtook Victoria at a young age, when she was still in 11th grade. As the girl says, she completely turned off her head and surrendered to her feelings. The chosen one was 9 years older, the couple lived together for 5 years, of which Vika was an exemplary wife for 3 years. At first, the couple planned to have children, but then something went wrong, and, according to the beauty:

“Someone from above saw that after the birth of the baby I was unlikely to become the happiest woman on the planet.”

As follows from an interview with a participant in the show, her husband began to cheat and went on a spree. Out of nervousness, Victoria lost 10 kilograms until her relatives and followers on social networks said that she was becoming more and more like a victim of anorexia.

The girl pulled herself together and is now slowly coming to her senses, her parameters are quite consistent with the model’s - weight 53 kg with a height of 173 cm. Occasionally, posts with sad poems and captions for photos appeared on the young wife’s page on VKontakte, but in the last couple of years optimistic shots from travel and fashion photo shoots appear there.

Some Internet portals classify Victoria Korotkova as a popular lifestyle and beauty blogger, noting in fairness that the beauty’s account acquired its first thousand subscribers long before the owner’s participation in the show “The Bachelor.”

Victoria Korotkova and Yegor Creed / Facebook

And it’s as if only now questions have arisen about Korotkova’s unrealistically thin waist and plump lips, the most popular of which, of course, is about plastic surgery and other third-party interventions in appearance. There have been no comments from Vicky on this matter yet.

Victoria carefully monitors her physical fitness, what and how much she eats, but she does not adhere to special diets, although she has tried veganism and a raw food diet. He loves seafood, sweets and does not refuse meat; he then works off his “sins” in the gym, but also irregularly.

The TV show participant’s favorite pastime is spending time with interesting people. Alone, the girl walks through beautiful places or listens to music. Vika lives at home with an oriental cat named Barca.

In 2013, it turned out that Victoria was afraid of flying on a plane after she once fell into an air pocket. To overcome her phobia, Korotkova reads specialized literature and noticed that the more often you fly, the less afraid you are.


Victoria did not find love in the “Bachelor” project, but does not despair in her search. The girl likes to spend time in the company of interesting people; when alone she prefers to take a walk and listen to music. He takes good care of himself, loves seafood, treats himself to meat and does not refuse sweets.

A man, according to Victoria, must have a good sense of humor, be self-confident and purposeful. She is looking for a kindred spirit in a partner, and not just a lover. Victoria is confident in herself and her appearance, does not overuse plastic surgery and tries to maintain her individuality.


Answering questions for her profile on the TV show, Vika noted that she does not consider herself a model in the full sense of the word. As such, modeling experience is limited to two beauty pageants. And according to the girl, she participated in filming, shows and photo sessions for her own pleasure, and did not receive payment for the work.

However, Victoria speaks of this kind of activity as serious, requiring a responsible approach and a constant positive attitude, otherwise they simply won’t be invited next time.


During their first date with Yegor in Barcelona, ​​the young people came across a contemporary art gallery, and, looking at the works, Creed offered to buy a painting that he and Vicky would later associate with their first date.

Later, on another one of their dates, Victoria decided to get a tattoo of this painting and asked Yegor to act as a tattoo artist. True, as it was stated later, Vika’s tattoo was given by Anya Darbitskaya, a professional in her field, and Egor only added a small touch. But still, now we can safely say that Creed left a mark on her body - this is how Vika signed a photo of the tattoo on Instagram.

Now Victoria claims that she does not regret the tattoo at all. According to her, this was an absolutely conscious step; she understood that the tattoo would remain with her for the rest of her life, and therefore she thought about her decision more than once. The girl has no plans to remove the tattoo at the moment.

Show "Bachelor"

Victoria became the first participant in the sixth season of the show “The Bachelor,” in which Black Star label member Yegor Creed set out to look for love. Only her mother knew about her daughter’s participation in the program; the girl’s action caused a lot of surprise among friends and relatives. And at first Vika didn’t believe that the popular singer would become a new bachelor, thinking it was a PR stunt. I didn’t follow the hero’s musical work, but I appreciated the latest album.

As a gift for getting to know each other, the girl took a box of chewing gum. At the welcome flower ceremony, Korotkova had to worry - she was the second to last of the 17 participants to receive a rose. During a conversation in private, Vika openly stated that she was still not officially divorced, although she did not live with her husband.

Korotkova was one of the first to go on an individual date, which the producers of “The Bachelor” organized in Barcelona. Egor and Vika walked around the city, visited an art gallery, painted graffiti on the walls, and at the end of the date the singer gave the participant a rose, thus granting immunity.

The charming brown-haired girl was lucky the next day, when Creed announced that he was inviting on a date those girls who managed to get ready in 30 seconds. Together with Victoria, three more participants fulfilled the condition - Dasha Klyukina, Nicole Sakhtaridi and Galina Chibis.

In her assessment of the other participants, Victoria was diplomatic, saying that she did not see them as rivals, but not because of self-confidence, but because she believed that she had qualities that set her apart from others. Moreover, Vika found three girlfriends on the show, but does not mention their names in the interview.

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Victoria Korotkova and Daria Klyukina
When meeting people, it doesn’t matter whether they are men or women, they are first of all guided by the principle “They meet you by their clothes” - if you don’t like a person from the first minutes outwardly, contact will not work. In men, Korotkova values ​​a sense of humor, confidence and determination. It is important for a girl that her loved one is a friend and partner, and not just a lover.

Victoria said about her relationship with Yegor that she was drawn to the musician, she liked to get to know and understand the artist. And I want to spend more time together, so that common memories remain, “leaving a flash” in my memory.

During the entire show, Victoria Korotkova was invariably considered one of the favorites, but in the very finale the fans were disappointed, because Yegor chose Dasha Klyuchkina. When Creed gave the ring to Daria, making it clear that she was the one who won the show, many were shocked by the hero’s impulsive decision.

Life after the project

Despite losing in the finals, after the project Victoria Korotkova gained a huge army of fans - at the moment Vika has almost nine hundred thousand subscribers on Instagram, and each of her photos gains a cosmic number of likes and comments.

Now the girl is a sought-after model. Before The Bachelor, Victoria did not work, but now she is busy seven days a week and is able to provide for herself. In one of her many interviews, Vika stated that she plans to enter the British School of Design, where she plans to study stylistics.

Road accident

On October 6, 2020, Victoria’s name again appeared on the pages of news publications. True, this time for a sad reason: a girl hit a pedestrian to death. The tragedy occurred in Moscow on Kutuzovsky Prospekt. It is already known that Korotkova was not to blame for the accident; the person was crossing the road in the wrong place. Information also appeared in the media that the former “Bachelor” participant was sober.

Victoria herself was also injured in the accident: due to a deployed airbag, she received a concussion. The girl's life is not in danger.

About plastic surgery

It’s hard not to notice the stunning beauty of Victoria Korotkova - thin waist, plump lips, regular facial features. Of course, in this regard, many fans of “The Bachelor” had a reasonable question: is this natural beauty, or did surgical interventions help Victoria?

Surprisingly, Vika was quite frank with her subscribers. The girl honestly admitted that she resorted to the services of a cosmetologist and cosmetic interventions. In particular, Victoria received hyaluronic acid injections to enlarge her lips, however, as she claims, this was long before the project. Vika did not change anything about herself through surgery: her nose, chin, cheekbones and everything else were hers. The girl also admitted that she was going to get rid of Bisha's lumps (fat globules in the cheeks, which are removed to make the cheekbones appear more expressive), but specialists dissuaded her.

According to Vicky, after the project she returned to her cosmetologist and removed everything unnecessary. Now the girl does not change anything about herself and does not give any injections.

Victoria claims that she does not see anything like this in plastic surgery. If a person, by changing something in his appearance, feels more confident and beautiful, there is nothing wrong with that. There is nothing reprehensible in improving your appearance through surgical interventions - this is Vika’s position.

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