Contour plastic surgery and injection rejuvenation

The essence of the method

Contour plastic surgery is a cosmetic technique based on the introduction of gel fillers (fillers) under the skin. With their help, you can fill out wrinkles and correct the shape of your face by increasing the volume of certain areas. For example, such procedures can make the face more symmetrical and harmonious, correct facial asymmetry, correct imperfections, smooth out wrinkles and folds, and give expressiveness to features.

These are minimally invasive interventions that provide quick results. It is visible immediately after the filler is injected and continues to grow over the course of two weeks. The effect lasts for a long time, usually a year or more. The procedure can be repeated later.

Thus, the technique allows for many years to delay the need for surgical lifting and other traumatic operations (Use of hyaluronic acid fillers to treat the aging face).

The procedure is suitable for people of any gender and age.

Using injections of modeling gels you can:

  • Smooth out wrinkles and folds;
  • Get rid of asymmetry;
  • Smooth out the pronounced nasolacrimal groove: thereby remove the shadow under the eyes, make you look fresh and rested;
  • Change the shape of the nose: remove the hump, make the nose more elegant, visually make it smaller, raise the tip of the nose;
  • Give volume to lips, make them more sensual;
  • Form a “triangle of youth”, improve facial proportions;
  • Correct age-related changes associated with loss of volume (for example, sunken temples, sunken cheeks, depressions in the form of folds in the periorbital region);
  • Increase the volume of the cheekbones, work on the chin area, the corners of the lower jaw to give greater expressiveness to the image and definition of the face;
  • Emphasize individuality;
  • Smooth out hypotrophic (retracted) scars and scars;
  • Work on the neck area, get rid of rings;
  • Smooth out wrinkles and folds in the décolleté area;
  • Work on the area of ​​the hands, remove dryness, sagging skin, visibility of veins and tendons;

The technique is successfully used to eliminate defects not only on the face, but also on the body, including in the intimate area:

  • Enlarge the labia majora to prevent dryness of the intimate area; close the labia minora, aesthetically make this area more youthful and elastic, adding volume; folds and sagging are removed;
  • Filler can also be injected into the G-spot, thereby enhancing sensations during sexual intercourse;
  • Open the clitoral hood slightly, thanks to this a brighter and faster clitoral orgasm is possible;
  • It is also possible to narrow the entrance to the vagina thanks to the introduction of fillers based on hyaluronic acid.

With the help of contouring, you can increase volumes, but not reduce them. If you need to get rid of, for example, a double chin, then other procedures will help, for example, intralipotherapy or thread lifting. Contour plastic surgery is used to solve existing problems, more pronounced ones, as well as to prevent age-related changes, in order to create a frame and additional support for tissues.

The result after contouring lasts for a long time, usually from a year to two years, depending on the chosen filler, the individual characteristics of the patient, his lifestyle, the degree of ptosis (tissue sloughing) and the morphotype of aging.

Features by impact zones

  1. Lips. The procedure is popular among women of all ages. The injection method is aimed at correcting the contour, giving charming swelling and expressiveness. The procedure is effective in combating age-related changes: thinning, wrinkles in the corners of the mouth. With the help of lip contouring, it is possible to get rid of congenital asymmetry, scars, and injuries.
  2. Nasolabial folds. The procedure smoothes wrinkles in the chin and lip area. The full effect can often be achieved in several stages. Injections are carried out both in the area of ​​the folds and in adjacent areas.
  3. Cheekbones. The procedure is indicated for gravitational ptosis of the skin, sagging or hollow cheeks, age-related changes in the relief of soft tissues, and pronounced tear troughs. Contour plastic surgery in the cheekbone area allows you to correct the oval of the face, makes the cheekbones more expressive, and the skin more elastic and smooth.
  4. Chin and “corners” of the lower jaw. The method is aimed at correcting the lower part of the face, improving its proportionality and symmetry. The procedure eliminates the effect of a “plumpy face” and removes unaesthetic folds. Another important goal of anti-aging correction is to restore a clear contour of the lower jaw with the expressiveness of the cervical-mental angle inherent in youth.
  5. Nose. Nose contouring is an alternative to rhinoplasty for those who are not yet ready to decide on surgery. With its help, it is possible to model individual parts of the nose (wings, tip). You can smooth out the hump, remove asymmetry, and compensate for the deficiency of soft or cartilaginous tissue.
  6. Earlobe. The procedure is indicated in cases of age-related changes in the structure of the skin, congenital lack of volume, deformation due to injury, and prolonged wearing of heavy jewelry. The procedure allows you to give the lobe the correct anatomical shape and restore its aesthetic appeal.
  7. Eye area. Injections of preparations based on hyaluronic acid in the area of ​​the lower eyelid, around the eye and under it are among the most popular. With their help, you can get rid of the so-called crow's feet (in combination with botulinum therapy), eliminate bags, and return the shape of the eyes, which have changed as a result of injuries or age, to their previous shape. In case of pronounced age-related changes, contour plastic surgery can be used in combination with both hardware techniques - CO2 laser resurfacing, and with surgical methods of rejuvenation and correction of the orbital zone - periorbitoplasty, canthopexy, blepharoplasty.
  8. Interbrow fold. A popular procedure - blocking the eyebrow folds with Botox, Dysport, Xeomin - smooths out wrinkles and makes the look open. Contour plastic surgery enhances the effect and makes the face even younger. In addition to the immediate effect, procedures with some drugs (for example, skin boosters, biorevitalizants) trigger the process of internal regeneration at the molecular and cellular level: they tone the skin, improve elasticity, restore firmness, stimulate the synthesis of collagen and elastin. The possibilities of contouring are not limited to the face. The injection technique is used in the intimate area to correct the contours of individual areas of the body and improve the condition of the skin. Separately, it is worth noting preparations aimed at improving the quality of the skin, which may contain not only hyaluronic acid, but also other components that can improve skin turgor, its elasticity, reduce the severity of wrinkles in general, cope with pigmentation and solve a number of other aesthetic problems .

Advantages of the method

  • The procedure is carried out without significant damage to the skin. Using a needle or cannula, small punctures are made that heal within a couple of days. After such punctures, there are no scars left on the skin;
  • Natural result. Small volumes of the drug achieve beautiful and natural results, without weighing down the face, without swelling and long-term rehabilitation. The density of gel fillers is selected individually depending on the characteristics of the body and the area;
  • Long lasting effect. Modern fillers slowly dissolve and are eliminated from the body naturally;
  • Universal technique. With the help of contour plastic surgery, you can not only straighten wrinkles and make the skin smooth. This procedure is designed to make people more beautiful, correct defects and correct features. When necessary, contour plastic surgery is used by women and men, young and mature - everyone who needs to improve their appearance and be confident in their appearance.


During a preliminary consultation with a cosmetologist, it is necessary to talk about previously performed contour plastic surgery and previously used drugs. It is important to provide the most complete and truthful information about your health status and medications taken.

The day before the procedure, you should not drink drinks containing alcohol, engage in active sports or exert yourself physically. If necessary, your doctor may recommend taking antiviral medications. For example, in the case of a tendency to herpetic rashes in the area of ​​​​planned manipulations.

Jewelry work

Like other injection procedures, contouring should be performed only in a clinical setting and only by a professional doctor who has a diploma and certificates allowing him to practice medicine. Strict hygienic requirements will help avoid infection of puncture sites, and the highly qualified cosmetologist will help you choose the right drug and inject it safely.

When contouring first became available, it was used to treat specific problems, such as filling wrinkles or enhancing lips. Nowadays, cosmetologists examine the entire face, as a whole. This approach provides the most natural and attractive result, allows you to harmonize the face, rather than working separately with a specific area, and does not deprive a person of his individuality. For example, to eliminate a nasolabial fold, you can work a little on the cheekbones and cheek area. By introducing filler into these areas, the tissues are lifted and the desired result is achieved: support is created for the tissues, their sagging is prevented, and the volumes in the most deficient area are replenished. This solves the problem of not only the nasolabial fold, but also the lack of volume in the middle third of the face.

Such work is akin to the work not even of a sculptor, but of a jeweler.

A cosmetologist must have a very good understanding of anatomy and physiology in order to achieve the optimal effect.

Under no circumstances should you trust such a procedure to an unqualified specialist: the risk of complications, filler migration, overcorrection, ischemia, tissue necrosis, and even blindness is too great. A cosmetologist must have a diploma, certificates of a dermatovenerologist and a cosmetologist. All these certificates are confirmed by a doctor every five years. If at least one document from the list is missing, it’s better not to risk it and look for another specialist! Your health is only in your hands! You need to trust professionals!


Gels intended for local increase in volume are divided into three types:

  • Synthetic;
  • Biosynthetic;
  • Biodegradable.

The history of contour plastic surgery began with synthetic fillers based on paraffin and silicone. They have one advantage over other types - the result lasts forever. There are a lot of disadvantages: allergic reactions, rejection, and migration of fillers to the most unexpected places. Now the vast majority of doctors have abandoned the use of such drugs due to the unpredictable results and a huge number of complications.

Biosynthetic gel fillers include synthetic components, but such products are based on substances of natural origin. Such drugs provide a more natural result, but often cause allergic reactions and are rejected by the body.

Biodegradable fillers are the most popular type of filler gels based on hyaluronic acid today. To create them, biocompatible substances are used, which over time are independently absorbed and excreted by the body (degraded, resorbed). Such drugs are completely safe and well tolerated, but the effect after their use rarely lasts longer than 24 months (about HA-based fillers).

Fillers based on hyaluronic acid are very common, widely used by cosmetologists, and are well tolerated by patients.

Only fillers based on hyaluronic acid have an antidote! This means that if you don’t like the result or seem excessive, or serious complications arise after the administration of the drug, then it is possible to eliminate these phenomena with the enzyme hyaluronidase, which breaks down hyaluronic acid, turning the filler gel into water.

Silicone gels, biopolymers, containing calcium hydroxyapatite do not have an antidote!!! This enzyme will dissolve them and will not remove them from the body.

Modeling gels based on calcium hydroxyapatite, an inert mineral that is part of bone tissue, stimulate collagen production. Fillers with polylactic acid also contain an analogue of a substance of natural origin and stimulate skin renewal, firmness, turgor and affect its quality.

Today, most clinics use biodegradable varieties - they are safe and provide a completely natural effect. Preparations for volumetric modeling differ in density, viscosity, and durability. The choice of a specific filler depends on the area of ​​application, age and individual characteristics of the patient. For example, for lip augmentation, more fluid, delicate gels are used, and for correction of the chin or cheekbones, denser and less plastic ones are used.

The safety of biodegradable drugs does not mean that you can trust anyone to carry out the procedure, as long as the filler is of high quality. The success of the procedure only partially depends on the drug; what is more important is the professionalism of the doctor, the accurate calculation of the dose and injection site, and the correct execution of the injection.


For contour plastic surgery in St. Petersburg, the GALAXY clinic uses fillers with hyaluronic acid Juvederm, Restylane, Belotero, Art Filler and others, as well as for rejuvenation - a drug based on calcium hydroxyapatite Radiesse, Restylane skin boosters (Restylane Vital and Vital Light), drugs to stimulate production collagen and improving skin quality - Sculptra, Estefil.
The lines of many manufacturers offer a wide selection of certified drugs that differ from each other, including the density and concentration of the gel. Such variability makes it possible to find the optimal option for correcting any aesthetic problem, taking into account all the individual characteristics of the patient. Most drugs are based on synthetic hyaluronic acid. HA preparations of non-animal origin do not contain protein molecules or impurities even in trace (minimal) doses, and therefore are absolutely safe. The biological properties fully correspond to the characteristics of natural acid, which is produced in the human body. Synthesized HA attracts water molecules and stimulates the work of fibroblasts - connective tissue building cells.

Hyaluronic acid preparations are safe for humans. They rarely cause allergies or individual intolerances and are biodegradable. They are destroyed by enzyme systems and over time are eliminated from the body naturally without any residue. Thanks to these features, they can be used on any area of ​​the face and body.

Although all hyaluronic fillers dissolve over time, the achieved effect remains, albeit not fully. This is explained by the fact that modern drugs serve not only to fill the missing volume and smooth the surface of the skin. They promote the synthesis in tissues of such natural substances as elastin, hyaluronic acid, collagen. Contour plastic surgery is aimed not only at obtaining a temporary effect, but also at preventing skin aging.

Gel manufacturers

The following brands have proven themselves to be effective:

  • Novacutan Fbio. The line includes three drugs, differing in density and, accordingly, areas of application: Light, Medium And Volume.

    All varieties contain 2.4% HA and are well distributed in tissues. Cosmetologists value these drugs for their predictable effect that lasts up to 9 months;

  • Restylane. The Swedish manufacturer was one of the first to offer modeling gels. The products are traditionally distinguished by high quality. Hyaluronate content – ​​2%.

    Restylane Touch is used to correct fine wrinkles on thin skin, Restylane SubQ is more dense and allows you to increase volume, Restylane Lipp is used to enhance lips. The result lasts for an average of 6-9 months;

  • Stylage. In addition to stabilized hyaluronate, the French brand's fillers contain the antioxidant mannitol, which protects the skin and slows down the process of gel resorption.

    Depending on the density, the gels are marked S , M , L , XL , Special Lips . Some fillers also contain lidocaine for maximum comfort during the procedure. The duration of the effect is about a year.

The final choice of drug is made by the doctor after an in-person examination. At the same time, the doctor takes into account all factors influencing the result and uses accumulated knowledge and experience. Choosing the right modeling gel is very important, so trust a professional!


Like other injection procedures, contour plastic surgery is contraindicated:

  • Pregnant and lactating;
  • For bleeding disorders of any etiology (including within 2 weeks after taking anticoagulants);
  • With a tendency to form hypertrophic/keloid scars;
  • For any acute inflammatory diseases or exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • In case of an allergic reaction to the components of the drugs;
  • Oncological diseases, without remission;
  • Mental disorders;
  • Excessive demands from the procedure, when expectations exceed the possibilities of correction;
  • Persons under 18 years of age;
  • Diabetes mellitus without compensation.

Photo results of contour plastic surgery for men

Facial correction performed for men is a universal means of rejuvenation without surgical intervention.

Male contouring: the photo shows complex facial modeling results. For a more vivid effect, a combination of cosmetic techniques is necessary.

What happens after the gel is administered?

Immediately after the procedure, the skin may turn slightly red, there may be swelling and slight discomfort. Minor bruising is also possible since the facial area is very well supplied with blood. All these phenomena usually disappear without a trace within a couple of days.

The volume of tissue under the skin increases, the tissue acquires support, a frame, and as a result, the epidermis is slightly stretched. Naturally, at the same time, folds and wrinkles on the skin are straightened, the skin becomes smoother. Over the course of two weeks, the effect gradually increases and becomes more and more natural - swelling subsides, the filler is distributed in the tissues, the face “gets used” to the new contours, and the effect of the procedure is “revealed” to the maximum.

Sometimes it is not possible to achieve the desired result in one go. This depends on the patient’s financial condition, the degree of readiness for the procedures performed, and the desire of the patient himself: either a phased correction or a full face.

In some cases, the doctor may recommend other procedures to enhance the effect - for example, combine with botulinum therapy, hardware techniques or mesothreads.

If for some reason you are forced to undergo repeated procedures with another cosmetologist, be sure to tell him about your previous experiences with contouring - when they happened, what specific filler was used, what was the reaction to it.

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