How to choose the best moisturizing eye drops? List of the most effective drugs

People with refractive errors who wear contact lenses often face the question of which eye drops to choose that would help cope with dry eye syndrome, burning and itching. Drops that can sufficiently moisturize the surface of the cornea and maintain this sensation for a long time contain an active component such as hyaluronic acid.

Such unpleasant phenomena as dry eye syndrome, burning, itching, redness, which often accompany daily wearing of contact lenses, can be easily treated with the help of special eye drops with the active component - hyaluronic acid. Eye drops with hyaluronic acid, like tears, envelop the cornea and maintain hydration for a long time, and also fight the burning sensation. Hyaluronic acid, which is capable of restoring dead cells, nourishes the cornea with moisture and retains it not for 5 minutes, like some other drops that do not have this component, but consolidates the effect for a long period.

Which moisturizing eye drops to buy that contain hyaluronic acid, and most importantly - where? Our online store has a large selection of drops that take care of the condition of your visual organs. You can order contact lenses, solutions, drops and accessories for delivery to your region here.

Pros and cons of using

There are a lot of positive aspects to using. Firstly, the drops have an almost natural composition, since hyaluronic acid is synthesized by our body and is also present in the eyeball. Secondly, the drops moisturize and lubricate the cornea at the same time. Thirdly, hyaluronic drops have an immediate effect, that is, they relieve irritation and dryness.

The only disadvantages of using hyaluronic drops are contraindications. Such drops have practically no restrictions on their use, but nevertheless, drugs of this group are not recommended for pregnant women and nursing women without consulting an ophthalmologist. Also, hyaluronic drops should not be used by people who are hypersensitive to the active component.

Other options for drops with a moisturizing effect

In addition to the listed names, there are other offers on the pharmacological market, for example, “Defislez” - excellent and at the same time affordable drops that relieve dryness. The product is prescribed to prevent “dryness” and as protection when using lenses.

"Slezin" is a means of artificial tears. Well moisturizes the cornea and outer mucosa.

"Oxial" - drops made using nanotechnology. They contain a lot of hyaluronic acid and electrolytes. Thanks to this composition, cell regeneration is accelerated and their deep hydration occurs.


Eye drops with hyaluronic acid "Oxial" were created by the popular ophthalmological company Bausch + Lomb. The composition includes the following components:

  • hyaluronic acid moisturizing;
  • sodium chloride;
  • boric acid;
  • magnesium chloride, calcium, potassium.

To use Oksial, you do not have to suffer from dry eye syndrome, although they cope with this ailment thanks to their moisturizing formula quickly and painlessly. The scope of application is quite wide, from burning and itching after prolonged visual stress, to discomfort after being in an air-conditioned room - Oxyal will cope with the tasks of: a) refreshing the look, b) moisturizing the cornea, c) making it easier to wear contact lenses. Cost - approximately 710 rubles per 10 ml.*

Inexpensive drops to relieve dry eyes

The budget cost of a product does not always indicate its low quality. The basic components used to create moisturizing drops really do not cost much, but they guarantee an excellent effect. The final cost of the drug is influenced by the “promotion” of the brand, the final composition of the drug and the trade markup. It is best to buy such products in large online stores that sell ophthalmological products. Such virtual supermarkets always have a large selection of medications for visual health and the necessary products for the use of contact lenses.

"Hilo chest of drawers"

Hylo-chest moisturizing drops contain: moisturizing hyaluronic acid, citric acid, sorbitol and distilled water. They are used in the postoperative period, that is, after surgical intervention in the visual organ, for example, after replacing the lens. However, they can also be used to maintain corneal comfort while wearing contact vision correction devices.

Directions for use: 1-2 drops in each eye as needed. An overdose of the drug is impossible. If you are currently carrying a child or breastfeeding, drops with hyaluronic acid are contraindicated in the same way as for those who have a reaction to this component. 10 ml of Hilo-Komod is enough for 300 uses - a very economical consumption for 630 rubles.

Biorevitalization: price for 1 procedure

How much biorevitalization of the face and neck costs will depend on the cost of the chosen drug, as well as the amount of the clinic’s markup. In most clinics the markup is +150-200% of the cost of the drug. Private cosmetologists usually have a markup of +100%. For the biorevitalization technique, the cost of 1 procedure in mid-price clinics will be (for 2022) –

Biorevitalization procedure: pricerub.
Restylane Vital – 1.0 ml Restylane Vital (injector) – 2.0 ml11 000 17 000
Restylane Vital Light – 1.0 ml Restylane Vital Light (injector) – 2.0 ml10 000 16 000
Juvederm Hydrate – 1.0 ml9000
IAL-System – 1.1 ml IAL-System ACP – 1.0 ml9500 10 500
NucleoSpire DNA-RNA line – 2.0 ml8000
“HyalRepair” line – 1.5 ml9000
Meso-Wharton P199 – 1.5 ml13 000
Aquashine – 2.0 ml Aquashine BR – 2.0 ml Aquashine BTX – 2.0 ml9 500 9 500 11 000

The purchase price for cosmetology clinics for Restylane Vital and Vital Light is about 5,000 rubles (for 1.0 ml), for Juvederm Hydrate – 4,000 rubles (for 1.0 ml), for Aquashine – about 3,500 rubles (for 2.0 ml) etc. But you must understand that the cost of the service includes anesthesia, consumables, and the cost of a special regenerating mask, which must be applied to the face after the procedure. Don’t forget about office rent, employee salaries, taxes, reimbursement of specialist training costs, etc.

→ Cost of facial mesotherapy procedures → Cost of hair mesotherapy


Moisturizing hyaluronic drops “Hilomax-Komod” contain an even higher content of hyaluronic acid than in “Hilo-Komod”, which indicates their effectiveness. They are used to treat symptoms of “dry eye”, from visual fatigue after prolonged work with gadgets or text, as well as to care for the cornea while wearing contact lenses. The scope of use of the drug is wide, because it can moisturize the eyes both in hot or windy weather and in an air-conditioned room. Are your eyes red, itchy, and do you feel like your eyes are covered in a film? To get rid of these ailments, you can use Hilomax-Chest. A minute after use, the symptoms will disappear.

The 10 ml bottle is used economically and is convenient to carry even in your pocket or the smallest handbag. The cost on the website is 720 rubles.

What are drops that eliminate dry eyes made of?

Almost all preparations that moisturize the mucous membrane include the following four components:

  • povidone;
  • purified water;
  • glycerol;
  • sodium salt of hyaluronic acid.

Hyaluronic acid perfectly connects water molecules and binds them to each other. As a result, a homogeneous hydrophilic film appears on the organs of vision, which fully moisturizes them. The film helps to prolong the comfortable wearing of lenses and qualitatively protects the eyes from the unwanted influence of environmental factors.

Doctors have long used glycerin as an affordable and effective emollient and lubricant. It is the main ingredient in many creams, ointments and even drops designed to moisturize and eliminate irritation from mucous membranes and skin. Glycerin is also characterized by excellent antiseptic qualities.

The viscosity of eye drops is increased by povidone. As a result, the effect of using the drug lasts longer. In addition, this increases hydration.

In addition to these basic components, eye drops are enriched with natural or synthetic additives, microelements and vitamins. Before purchasing this or that drug, you need to familiarize yourself with its composition. It is possible that it contains substances that are contraindicated for some reason.

Adria Relax

Are you interested in a budget option for high-quality moisturizing of the cornea using hyaluronic acid, which has been actively used in medicine and cosmetology for the last decades? Then this is Adria Relax from South Korean ]Interojo[/anchor].

The drops contain hyaluronic and succinic acids. Hyaluronic acid perfectly moisturizes, and amber one protects the retina from natural deposits on the surface. “Adria Relax” is necessary for those who actively work with text or electronic documents and whose eyes experience daily visual stress. Remember your feelings when you stared at a computer monitor for several hours - blurred vision, burning and even itching. Drop 1-2 drops into each eye, and then blink: your vision will clear, the cornea will moisturize, the burning sensation will subside, and the itching will stop. The price of drops in the Lens Store catalog is 150 rubles excluding delivery.

High Fresh+

Another option for moisturizing drops with hyaluronic acid is High Fresh+. Multifunctional, like the previous options, “High Fresh Plus” is designed to control eye moisture. It is effective to use these drops for discomfort while wearing contact products, both optical and decorative. You can bury the lenses both when the lenses are already on your eyes, and when you are just about to put them on. It is important not to allow the bottle to come into contact with the conjunctiva, as this leads to the transmission of germs. The cost of funds is minimal. 15 ml drops will last you a long time.

When is it necessary to use moisturizers?

Experts say the need for daily use of moisturizing drops when the eyes are exposed to extreme influences or when they are adversely affected by physiological factors. If a user of contact ophthalmology works in conditions that have a negative impact on the organs of vision, for example, working in a hot shop or working at a computer for a long time, then he needs to moisturize his eyeballs from time to time to prevent irritation. In addition, the solution will be useful when traveling to a hot region - it will moisturize the mucous membrane in an unusual microclimate.

VizoTeque Giasol

VizoTeque Giasol is an effective care product that is essential for contact lens wearers. Daily daytime or prolonged wearing of contact vision correction products requires more than just basic cleansing care. Natural wetting of the eye is not enough when using optics, therefore, in order to prevent the lens from drying out and causing discomfort, it is necessary to use drops for the appropriate purpose. The best component for hydrating the eye is hyaluronic acid, which has the amazing property of retaining moisture in the cells. It is not without reason that hyaluronic acid is used to care for facial skin, which it fills with vital moisture and returns it to its former freshness.

VizoTeque Giasol drops contain the presented component, as well as hypromellose, which has a bactericidal effect, that is, it rids the visual organ of bacteria and germs, which, along with hydration, is important when you use contact lenses. The volume of the bottle is 15 ml, and this only at first glance seems small, in fact it is enough for at least 500 drops.

Solutions to relieve fatigue

When standing in front of a monitor for a long time, human eyes are faced with a problem such as fatigue. To get rid of it, you need to use special drops. Among the most effective are the following:

  1. "Ophtolik" is a special preparation used when using contact lenses. It relieves dryness and the feeling of sand, eliminates the effect of cutting, relieves pain during blinking;
  2. “Blink” - can be presented in the form of a solution for contact optics and as a means for caring for a dried out cornea;
  3. “Thealoz” is a substance created to thicken and lubricate the mucous membrane for the purpose of its regeneration.

Any of these or other products should be purchased only after consultation with a treating specialist.

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