Facebuilding for eyes and eyelids - the best exercises against wrinkles

The benefits and effectiveness of gymnastics for the face

Gymnastics as a way of facial rejuvenation has become incredibly popular in recent years. This is the most progressive beauty trend, which arose as a healthy alternative to punitive cosmetology. After the world became overrun with “muckles” (faces pumped with fillers, Botoxed into a mask, unnaturally tense faces), it became obvious that beautiful is only natural. Millions of women “sculpt” their faces themselves, erasing wrinkles without injections or scalpels.

What idea has been imposed on us by cosmetologists for decades? Cosmetology is necessary for the beauty and youth of the face. In the West this has been happening for more than half a century, in Russia for about 20 years. Sufficient time to evaluate the real, destructive impact of surgical, injection and hardware techniques on appearance and health.

Yes, we are a little behind the Western view of the problem (we simply have less experience), but we will soon catch up. Many of our women have already realized that they can only rejuvenate their faces with their own hands.

Look at those who are on various “youth injections” - Botox, fillers, meso-cocktails - for at least five years. What happened to them? It’s the same thing everywhere: natural physiological mechanisms are disrupted. Vessels, muscles, skin have forgotten how to perform their functions. And now “the injections of youth” are their sentence for the rest of their lives.

  • The capillaries have atrophied, the vessels have stuck together - the blood does not deliver the required amount of nutrients and oxygen to the skin and muscles.
  • Some facial muscles spasmed, others atrophied, the configuration of the muscular system became abnormal - hence the wrinkles, folds, creases, nasolabial lips, drooping corners of the mouth, drooping eyelids, jowls, etc.
  • The skin experiences a chronic nutritional deficiency - it coarsens, becomes dry, flabby, wrinkled, and sallow-gray.

Having made an injection in the face, another woman can no longer stop, gets hooked on the needle, wants to somehow smooth out the rapid aging, but only makes everything worse. She wanted a magical, instant transformation and got her “cheese in the trap” - a bloated, immobilized, old face with distorted features.

Gymnastics for the face is completely different. She:

  • Safe.
    Naturally, obstacles to the full functioning of all tissues are eliminated, and rejuvenation mechanisms are activated.
  • Effective.
    The causes of age-related changes are eliminated and long-term results are achieved.
  • Convenient.
    You don’t depend on anyone, you don’t “work for a cosmetologist.” Spend 10-15 minutes a day on your face and do simple exercises.

Bringing back beauty to your eyes

Strengthening the intrinsic eye muscles

Exercise helps eliminate swelling.

  1. It is performed by drawing zigzags with the eyes from top to bottom and back.
  2. Do 10-20 times.
  3. Then you should clap your eyes at a fast pace.

Upper eyelid strengthening

  1. The middle and index fingers are fixed at the edges of the eyes, the eyes are closed tightly, pressing on the lower eyelid.
  2. Repeat 10-15 times, holding on to the last movement.
  3. Relaxation by frequent blinking.

Lower eyelid treatment

The exercise removes hollows and the tightening area under the eyes.

  1. Just as in the previous exercise, V-shaped arrangement of fingers, gaze directed upward, tighten and relax the lower eyelid.
  2. Repeat 10-15 times, holding on to the last movement.
  3. Relax your muscles by blinking quickly.

Why do you need facial exercises?

Facial gymnastics erases wrinkles in a few weeks.

But wrinkles are not the only age-related changes that occur to the face. And it is gymnastics that fights all the signs of aging.

What happens to your appearance over the years?

  • The architecture of the face changes. The cheeks slide down and become the base of the triangle (“the triangle of youth” with its apex on the chin turns over). The picture is complemented by lowered eyebrows, drooping eyelids, and Pierrot’s smile (downturned corners of the lips).
  • The terrain suffers. The skin becomes wrinkled and flabby.
  • Color deteriorates. The skin of the face turns grey, spider veins and pigment spots appear.
  • The face becomes swollen. Lymph flow is disrupted, and fluid is retained in facial tissues. Hence the swollen eyes, bags under the eyes and a puffy facial contour.

You can overcome all this with the help of facial gymnastics. It works on a deep level.

What happens to our face before and after gymnastics?

  1. Blood
    Before gymnastics

    As we age, blood flow to the skin decreases. The vessels become narrower: the cells that line them from the inside are damaged, because of this, fewer substances necessary to relax the vascular wall are released, and the lumen is reduced. The tone of the arterioles increases, congestion occurs in the capillaries and venules. The number and size of blood vessels is reduced.

    We add to this the compression of blood vessels due to muscle clamps. And nutrients and oxygen do not reach the skin in the same, “young” quantities.

    After gymnastics

    Blood flow and metabolism accelerate, microcirculation and cell nutrition improve.

  2. Muscles
    Before gymnastics

    There are 57 muscles on the human face. Some of them are almost always tense, for example, the muscles of mastication, the orbicularis oris muscle, and the orbicularis oculi muscle. Others are almost always relaxed.

    A spasmed muscle (hypertonicity) is a shortened muscle. It pulls the skin and adjacent muscles along with it. This is how wrinkles appear on the forehead and bridge of the nose, “crow’s feet”, nasolabial lips, drooping corners of the lips, ptosis of the upper eyelids, pecking nose, floating oval of the face and other age-related changes.

    Another problem is weak muscles that are hypotonic. Under the influence of gravity, they are pulled down, facial tissues sag.

    After gymnastics

    Spasmed muscles relax, weak ones are strengthened, healthy tone and natural length are restored to each muscle, and the natural configuration of the muscular system is restored.

  3. Leather
    Before gymnastics

    Due to an acute lack of cell nutrition, less collagen and elastin are produced - the main building materials of the skin, which are responsible for its youth. Their structure changes. The collagen fibers thin out and become more fibrous. Elastin fibers stick together.

    The matter is aggravated by the large amount of ultraviolet radiation that the face has absorbed throughout its life. Each time, the sun's rays destroy collagen fibers and lead to the accumulation of abnormal elastin.

    What's the result? The skin sags, becomes covered with wrinkles, becomes coarser, dries out, and turns gray.

    After gymnastics

    Thanks to the blood flowing to the tissues, the production of collagen and elastin is activated. The skin becomes more elastic, elastic, smooth, fresh, turgor and healthy color return.

  4. Connective tissue
    Before gymnastics

    With age, connective tissue contains less hyaluronic acid and collagen elasticity decreases. The connective tissue becomes stiffer, less strong and less extensible.

    After gymnastics

    The elasticity of connective tissue increases.

  5. Lymph
    Before gymnastics

    With age, the movement of lymph slows down, it stagnates on the face like a swamp, puffiness, bags under the eyes, and paint bags appear. The skin is forced to bear additional weight in the form of liquid, so it stretches more, becomes flabby, wrinkles and jowls intensify.

    After gymnastics

    Let's remember what moves lymph. Muscular activity. We do exercises for the face, do lymphatic drainage massage - the muscles move, the lymph is drained. And along with her, all the problems that she caused go away.

No wrinkles near the mouth

Orbicularis muscle training

The exercise lifts the corners of the lips and smoothes out wrinkles. Warm-up to increase blood circulation: slap your lips as if making the sound “p”, repeat up to 10 times.

  1. The palms are placed on the cheeks, the fingertips are fixed with a pressing movement on the corners of the mouth.
  2. The lips are slightly pulled forward, depicting a light kiss. Tension is felt under the palms and around the mouth.
  3. Repeat up to 15 times, holding on to the last one for several counts.

Afterwards, you should relax your lips, imitating the snort characteristic of a horse. This type of relaxation can be repeated throughout the day, relieving tension.

Japanese gymnastics for wrinkles - what is it?

The effectiveness of gymnastics against wrinkles is proven by the centuries-old traditions of entire nations. And Japanese women are among the first to stand here. The whole world knows about their amazing youthfulness. Their skin remains smooth and porcelain for a long time. At menopause they look 30-35 years old.

One of the main secrets of their youth is Asahi’s self-massage of the face. It was known many centuries ago. Girls are taught it from a young age.

Unlike soft European facial massage, Asahi is performed with pressure, a smoother effect is applied only to areas with lymph nodes. The process involves not only the skin, but also the facial muscles and connective tissue. The face is recreated.

Japanese women are a wonderful example of women creating their own beauty and youth.

Advantages of the technique

Having familiarized yourself with the minimum set of exercises, you can already come to the following conclusions:

  • The technique is completely universal, applicable to different age categories;
  • Face building classes for the face after 50 years are simply necessary to resist the impending changes;
  • Training the neck muscles helps in the fight against osteochondrosis;
  • The stability of the fixation avoids the formation of creases;
  • The nutrition of tissues and their saturation with oxygen improves, which helps get rid of wrinkles and increase elasticity.

Basic rules of facial gymnastics for wrinkles

There are different views on what exercises the face needs.

Have you heard about Facebook building? This is pumping up facial muscles by analogy with bodybuilding. But the face is not the body. He doesn't need strength training. Moreover, face building harms the face. What better way to pump up muscles that have already shrunk from tension throughout our lives! While we laughed, frowned, wondered, squinted, chewed.

Pumping up the facial muscles can only accelerate age-related changes: wrinkles, creases, folds, nasolabial folds, etc. The subcutaneous fat layer will also become thinner, and it is very important for maintaining beauty.

To get rid of wrinkles, the muscles need to be relaxed and restored to their natural length. Therefore, the basis of work with the face should be self-massage.

Nothing will help your face like your hands. We knead, rub, press, pat. And wrinkles are smoothed out.

Self-massage is the simplest, most accessible and effective way to help your face. But remember a few rules.

  1. Do self-massage regularly and systematically.
    Every day, spend 10-15 minutes on your face. Imagine that you started working out to burn fat on your butt and belly, and suddenly you took a break for a few days. What will happen? All efforts will go down the drain. It’s the same with the face, only even stricter. We work without holidays and weekends. About a month.

    If you stop doing the exercises after completing the course, after a few months everything will return to the state it was before you started the exercises. Do you want to maintain the effect for years? Do a maintenance complex at least 2 times a week.

  2. We do self-massage taking into account the facial massage lines.
    This is necessary so as not to get the opposite effect - stretched and wrinkled skin.
  3. We relax, not tense.
    The set of exercises should be based on relaxation techniques, not muscle tension.
  4. Remember the safety precautions.
    There are not many of them. Massage should not be performed in case of skin damage, local inflammation, rashes, herpes, or dilated capillaries.

General recommendations before classes

This type of gymnastics has no age restrictions; it is recommended for women of any age to perform an individual complex, based on their needs. There are exercises that correct deficiencies, and you can train to maintain and prolong youth.

Evgeniya insists on conducting face-building classes in the morning, when the body is just beginning to wake up and is ready to absorb the benefits of aerobic exercise. The body is relaxed, only the face is working.

You should position yourself in front of a mirror to control the movement at each stage of execution, following the instructions exactly. It is important not to tire the muscles or cause harm, so the exercises are accompanied by recommendations on the frequency of repetitions and exposure time.

If you follow all the minimum rules, after a month of working on facial beauty, you can get the first fruits, enjoying a blooming appearance.

Preparing the skin and muscles of the face for exercise

The main thing is to choose the right set of exercises, which will be designed primarily to eliminate hypertonicity - the main problem of the facial muscles. And a bonus to this task should be the return of healthy tone to weakened muscles.

If you find such a complex, then no difficulties will arise.

No special preparation is needed. Is your face clean and without makeup? Are your hands clean? It's enough. For convenience, it is better to take your hair back.

You can begin.


Facebook building is not considered a labor-intensive activity and does not require mastery of special skills. Any woman can achieve mastery. However, overloading the facial muscles is also not recommended. It is necessary to distribute the load evenly, alternating exercises with relaxation.

Important! If you do not alternate exercise with relaxation, muscle spasm may occur, which will cause pain and discomfort.

In some cases, Facebook building is contraindicated. You will have to stop exercising if:

  • have arterial hypertension in acute or chronic form;
  • pathology of the facial nerve was identified;
  • the woman is going through a rehabilitation period after any surgical intervention;
  • Botox injections were performed.

How to do facial exercises against wrinkles at home

Try a few anti-wrinkle exercises from MelAnnett right now:

  1. Removing the eyebrow area
  2. Removing horizontal wrinkles on the forehead
  3. Removing wrinkles around the eyes

Did you feel the blood rush to your face? The processes have begun.

If you do the exercises every day, then within half a month you will see the result in the mirror. After a month, he will become noticeable to others.

Also be sure to try vacuum self-massage using Beauty365 glass jars (sold in the online store www.beauty365.ru). They make blood and lymph flow through the vessels, as in youth, and erase wrinkles like an eraser.

Have you received a parcel with vacuum jars? Then turn on the video and repeat:

If you perform at least local self-massage of problem areas, you will already see changes. But for a more pronounced and lasting result, it is also necessary to work with the spine, neck, aponeurosis of the head, and other (non-target) facial muscles.

For what?

Participants in MelAnnett beauty marathons will answer this question without hesitation. The tangle of problems that leads to wrinkles on the face also stems from poor posture. This is where everything that leads to musculocutaneous deformities on the face begins. And you need to start unwinding this ball from the back.

  • Relax the muscles of the back and shoulders, return them to their natural length and thereby remove obstacles to straightening the spine.
  • Relieve muscle spasms in the cervical region, stretch the “muscle of youth” platysma and clear the way for blood flow to the face and lymph outflow.
  • Restore mobility to the aponeurosis of the head (tendon helmet).
  • Work on a variety of facial muscles. Even if it seems that they are not related to the area where wrinkles form, there will be some connection. The configuration of the entire muscular system of the face should be the way nature intended it, without distortions.

For example, what are wrinkles on the forehead and between the eyebrows

? They appeared due to spasms of the frontal, pyramidal and pride muscles. But the frontalis muscle works in tandem with the occipital muscle, and is also associated with the aponeurosis of the head and the temporal muscles. And in order to eliminate these spasms, you need to knead other areas: the neck muscles (occipital and trapezius), the masticatory muscle, the tendon helmet.

Forehead correction

Work with the frontal muscles

The technique restores their elasticity, lifting the eyebrow arches.

  1. The palms are placed on the forehead along the line of the eyebrows, also pressing the temporal muscle.
  2. The eyebrows are raised 30 times, stopping at the last one.

An exercise that removes a horizontal fold on the bridge of the nose

The effect occurs due to the toning of the interglabellar muscle.

  1. The fingers are arranged in a fan shape, pressing the area under the eyebrow and along the middle of the bridge of the nose. You should not strain the muscle too much.
  2. The bridge of the nose moves slightly downwards, pretending to frown, overcoming the resistance of the fingers. The movement is like vibration.
  3. Repeat 30 times, holding on to the last one.

After working out the frontal muscles, you need to relax them by tapping over the entire surface of the forehead.

Review of post-workout facial care products

Did you do the exercises? Be sure to cleanse your skin of sweat and oil afterwards. Choose a gentle and natural product for this. For example, you can wipe your face with Beauty365 hydrosol, depending on your skin type it can be lavender, sage or mint. You can buy them at www.beauty365.ru.

We have activated microcirculation from the inside, and it's time to nourish the skin with beneficial substances from the outside. Use any natural creams, oils, balms for this - they contain a lot of vitamins and acids necessary for youthful skin.

You can look at the range of natural products at Beauty365. There are oils (coconut, camellia sasanqua), squalane (sugar cane), Verbena balm (hemp, coconut, pistachio, shea oils and oil extracts of calendula, carrot seeds). All of them perfectly moisturize, nourish and regenerate the skin. Go to www.beauty365.ru and choose. Read the product descriptions - there are products for very dry skin, for smoothing out facial wrinkles, and for whitening age spots. You will definitely find a suitable option.

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