Laser neck skin rejuvenation: pros and cons of the procedure, its effect, approximate cost

From this article you will learn:
  • What is laser neck skin rejuvenation
  • What are the types of laser skin rejuvenation of the neck and face?
  • What is the difference between fractional laser neck skin rejuvenation and traditional laser resurfacing?
  • How is the laser neck skin rejuvenation procedure performed?
  • What is the effect of laser neck skin rejuvenation?
  • What are the pros and cons of laser neck skin rejuvenation
  • How is rehabilitation after laser rejuvenation of the neck skin?
  • How to independently prolong the effect after laser neck skin rejuvenation

Every woman pays close attention to her facial skin and wants to preserve her youth and beauty for as long as possible. But it must be said that it is the neck, which is least thought about, that reveals the real age of a lady. In addition, the situation when a representative of the fair sex has a well-groomed face and a wrinkled neck looks very strange and funny. In this article, we will discuss laser neck rejuvenation as a procedure to improve your skin.

What is laser neck skin rejuvenation

The use of a laser beam not only for medical, but also for cosmetic purposes has increased the ability of people to change their appearance. Therefore, nowadays you can easily achieve beautiful skin on your face and neck, free of scars, acne marks, and age spots.

The laser beam can also be used to remove signs of aging. In 75% of all cases, laser rejuvenation is used by cosmetologists to eliminate wrinkles, bags under the eyes and tighten the oval of the face. This procedure has its advantages and disadvantages, but its implementation should be trusted exclusively to a professional.

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Laser rejuvenation of the skin of the face, neck and hands is one of the most serious cosmetic techniques aimed at completely removing excess pigmentation, wrinkles, and sagging areas. The procedure is carried out using a laser machine. Equipment parameters allow the master to regulate the temperature and depth of beam penetration. A very important part of this process is the competent selection of the necessary parameters, since any mistake can result in a burn.

In order to select the ideal parameters for a laser machine, the cosmetologist takes into account the client’s skin type, its thickness, and rejuvenation area. The doctor also takes into account what the patient wants and what specific problem needs to be corrected.

When consulting a client for the first time, the specialist explains that eliminating wrinkles is impossible in one session and will have to undergo a course of procedures. After selecting the necessary (and most importantly, safe) parameters, the step-by-step treatment of the skin with a laser beam begins. As a result, high temperature has a destructive effect, as a result of which the skin cells burn out, and then the tissues are renewed.

Read material on the topic: Laser facial skin rejuvenation: useful tips and recommendations

Causes of aging décolleté

It is possible to restore skin tone only through an integrated approach. However, to combat wrinkles in the décolleté area, it is necessary to first identify the causes of their formation, and then reduce the impact of negative factors.

The décolleté area can age faster under the influence of the following factors:

  • unbalanced diet;
  • insufficient hydration;
  • intense exposure to ultraviolet radiation;
  • use of low quality cosmetics;
  • natural aging;
  • bad habits;
  • heredity;
  • sudden change in body weight;
  • habit of sleeping on a high pillow;
  • hormonal changes;
  • incorrect posture.

If you take these factors into account at a young age and fight them as much as possible, it is possible to slow down aging and maintain youth in the décolleté area for a long time.

Reviews about the décolleté area

“The Abrielle Plastic Surgery Clinic changed my body and my attitude towards myself. I'm checking out already beautiful. I became slimmer thanks to breast lipofilling and my breasts became beyond praise. I am a beauty and I like it! Special huge thanks and bow to the plastic surgeon M.G. Levitskaya. for understanding me as a woman and making me beautiful. Thanks to Sarukhanov G.M. for your participation and care. Thanks to the cosmetologist Svetlana for the rehabilitation and warmth! Once again, a huge, incredible thank you to everyone for changing my life! Maria Grigorievna - You are a miracle! » Alla and other reviews about mammoplasty .

Types of laser rejuvenation of the skin of the neck and face

Laser rejuvenation in general is a fairly broad concept of the procedure, but it has several varieties.

  1. Fractional ablative rejuvenation is a widely known variant of cosmetic manipulation, with which you can get rid of individual minor defects. In order to remove them quickly and permanently, they must be single, because combining several skin imperfections into one greatly complicates the doctor’s work and makes it impossible to solve this problem in one or two sessions.
  2. Cell renewal in different areas of the face and neck occurs at an unequal rate. This is due to the fact that in some areas the integrity of the tissue may be compromised, while in others it can remain healthy. A specialized point laser is used to treat exclusively problem areas.

  3. Laser biorevitalization is a new product in cosmetology. This procedure is capable of qualitatively eliminating deep wrinkles and scars without pain or surgical intervention. Short-term pulses are applied to separate the top layer of skin. This effect helps accelerate the process of cell division, activates collagen production, resulting in skin renewal. New fabric is always smooth and elastic.
  4. The effectiveness of the procedure depends on the specialized mixture applied by the cosmetologist. Getting into the cells, it fills them with useful substances, which has a positive effect on the condition of the epidermis.

  5. Non-ablative rejuvenation. The peculiarity of this procedure is that it uses a long laser beam, which treats the entire surface of the face. The effect is manifested not only in the elimination of wrinkles, but also in the removal of acne, scars, and hyperpigmentation.
  6. Laser resurfacing. It is performed using a sapphire or erbium laser. During this procedure, a lighter effect on the tissue occurs, as a result of which the facial skin becomes firmer, more elastic, acne is removed, and the contour is modified.
  7. Complete fractional rejuvenation of the skin of the face and neck (phototherapy). The effect of the procedure is manifested in skin elasticity, increased tone, and tissue rejuvenation. According to cosmetologists, this method of laser neck rejuvenation is used most often.

The advantages of this technique include the absence of complications, which is very important in medical practice. Photoexposure is the simplest and safest method.

Advantages of fractional skin rejuvenation:

  • reduced facial pores;
  • wrinkle removal;
  • even natural shade of the skin of the face and neck;
  • elimination of vascular networks;
  • elimination of hyperpigmentation;
  • velvety facial skin.

The above positive results can be achieved by patients not only in middle age, but also as a result of laser rejuvenation of the skin of the neck, décolleté and face after 50 years. This happens because the action of the high-energy beam is equally effective at any age.

Today, women most often choose laser resurfacing and fractional rejuvenation methods. Let's take a closer look at them.

Read material on the topic: Laser biorevitalization of the neck: what is good, to whom and when is this procedure indicated


A universal procedure that helps solve a variety of skin problems, including those caused by age-related changes. The doctor can create an individual cocktail, carefully selected to suit the needs of a particular patient. With the help of mesotherapy, you can reduce the severity of wrinkles, rosacea and age spots.

During the procedure, the cosmetologist injects therapeutic cocktails into the skin, stimulating the production of collagen and elastane as a result of microtrauma caused by the needle during the procedure. In addition, the administered drug improves metabolic processes, nourishes and deeply moisturizes.

With the help of mesotherapy, you can tighten the oval of the face, reduce wrinkles and pore sizes, and increase skin tone and elasticity.

Fractional laser rejuvenation of the neck skin and traditional laser resurfacing: what is the difference

The well-known laser resurfacing, carried out using standard devices, involves laser burning out problem areas of the skin. That is, the laser beam makes a continuous burn on the surface of the skin, in place of which new tissue begins to grow. After performing this procedure, the face and neck become like a large wound, and recovery can last for more than one month. In addition, there is a high probability of negative consequences, such as hyperpigmentation, scarring, infection and the development of an inflammatory process.

Fractional laser rejuvenation using devices is a more lightweight method that eliminates any side effects. This system is called DROT - dermal radio wave optical thermolysis, since we are talking about systemic rejuvenation, combining two energies - CO2 laser beam (fractional ablative skin rejuvenation) and RF radiation (thermolysis and neocologenesis).

The following happens: the laser beam, before affecting the skin, is divided by a specialized scanner into a large number of small beams of equal size, which are located at the same distance from each other. By acting on the skin, mini-rays destroy “column” cells, thus forming microthermal areas of damage. It looks like a specific matrix of damaged and healthy areas. Consequently, the process of cell restoration in the affected areas is launched - the skin is renewed.

RF radiation enhances regeneration processes (tissue remodeling), activates the synthesis of fibroblasts, influences the normalization of intercellular metabolism, that is, it forces skin cells to work in a “young” mode.

Laser resurfacing with the device is effective in the fight against post-acne, scars, scars, neoplasms (moles, nevi, warts), hyperpigmentation, and stretch marks. It can also help with correcting enlarged pores: in this particular case, it is an independent procedure.

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How is the laser neck skin rejuvenation procedure performed?

There are three stages that include a method of cleansing and rejuvenating the skin.

  1. Application of a specialized product to the skin of the face and neck, which provides the epidermis with nutrients, preparing it for subsequent laser exposure.
  2. A cosmetologist aims a laser beam at a problem area of ​​the skin. The length of the beam and the time of its exposure are set by a specialist and depend on the problem being solved and the actual state of the epidermis. The method of pain relief is selected according to the type of procedure. If during the session the superficial or middle level of the skin is involved, then local anesthetics are used, if deep, general anesthesia is indicated.
  3. At this stage, a specialized paste is applied to the face and neck, which promotes the regeneration of subcutaneous tissues and rapid healing of the dermis.

All stages of the procedure take place under the close attention of a doctor. The operation of the equipment is also carried out under the supervision of a specialist who sets the necessary parameters on the laser device (beam length and duration of action). For these reasons, there are simply no unexpected situations.

The laser beam is directed to the problem area of ​​the skin, burns its top layer, thereby eliminating defects. In addition, the beam stimulates nearby cells to restore and multiply. This cell reaction to the laser activates the independent production of collagen, which is responsible for skin elasticity.

It is worth noting that the laser beam is capable of destroying microbes. It eliminates pathogenic flora on the skin and immediately disinfects it.

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What is the effect of laser neck skin rejuvenation?

The effect of laser neck skin rejuvenation can be compared with the result obtained using surgical methods:

  • increasing skin elasticity;
  • elimination of wrinkles;
  • removal of sagging skin;
  • improvement of osmotic pressure in cells;
  • elimination of pigmentation.

The result is visible after the first session. The skin on the neck is renewed so much that, according to patients, you can safely subtract 8–10 years from your age.

To obtain the most pronounced and lasting results, it is recommended to undergo a course of laser neck skin rejuvenation, which consists of 2-4 procedures with a break of 1-3 months. You need to consult a specialist who will determine the required number of sessions for you personally. The results are very pleasing to clients who have undergone laser neck skin rejuvenation. You can find reviews, before and after photos on the Internet.

Read material on the topic: How to remove wrinkles on the face: the most effective methods

Botulinum therapy

Perhaps the most common option for correcting age-related changes. During the procedure, the doctor injects drugs containing a toxin into the muscles. They cause them to relax, interrupting the supply of nerve impulses, which in turn leads to the smoothing of wrinkles.

A competent doctor using Botox can not only remove wrinkles, but also correct asymmetry, tighten the oval of the face and make the face “fresh, young and rested.”

Cosmetologists recommend not to take a horizontal position for 4 hours after administering the drug, to refrain from the beach and sauna, as well as sports for a week.

Pros and cons of laser neck skin rejuvenation


  • visible skin rejuvenation;
  • elimination of small scars, acne marks, pigmentation and other defects;
  • no cuts, punctures and, of course, scars.


  • the recovery period lasts 5–7 days;
  • the need to complete a course of four procedures;
  • sun exposure limit.

Before you sign up for this operation, look for information about laser neck skin rejuvenation, what it is, its pros and cons, photos before and after the procedure. And only after studying this data, make a decision.

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Rehabilitation after laser neck skin rejuvenation

Laser neck skin rejuvenation usually occurs under local anesthesia. To do this, a thin layer of a specialized product is applied to the skin, and the patient does not experience pain during treatment. However, after it the tissues may remain increased sensitivity, dryness and red color for some period of time.

To get rid of these symptoms, you should apply products that have a moisturizing and cooling effect to the skin. Contact with water should be avoided for 24 hours after sanding. In addition, it is recommended to use sunscreen for several weeks after the procedure. It should be noted that laser neck skin rejuvenation, the price of which is quite high, gives very good results.

Read material on the topic: Masks for facial rejuvenation: 8 tips from cosmetologists

Getting rid of wrinkles

After you have moisturized these areas, you need to eliminate wrinkles on them. Wrinkles in these areas can be eliminated with many medications.

Getting rid of wrinkles with mesotherapy. Mesotherapy refers to injections with vitamin cocktails and various medications. The cocktail is made based on your needs, depending on your skin condition. With their help, you can make the skin elastic, tightened, give the skin a fresh look, eliminate wrinkles, and launch intensive production of new cells.

Plasmolifting. From the outside, this is a rather scary procedure, but it’s not that scary. For the procedure, the blood of a person undergoing plasma lifting is taken, the blood is driven through a special apparatus, and the plasma is separated from it. Using this procedure, you can start accelerated cell production and good regeneration. The procedure is allowed even for patients who have many allergic reactions. If you are allergic to hyaluron or vitamin cocktails, then plasma lifting is created for you.

How to independently prolong the effect after laser neck skin rejuvenation

Home peeling

The first and main procedure, excellent for rejuvenating the skin of the face and neck, is peeling. It allows you to easily remove dead cells from the top layer of the skin.

Most likely, you have salt, soda, oatmeal at home (you can make it yourself by grinding rolled oats in a blender) and kefir.

You will need one large spoon of each ingredient. Combine them and mix. If you have very dry skin, add any unrefined vegetable oil to the mixture. Using a brush with soft bristles, massage your face, neck and décolleté using gentle circular motions. Continue doing this for two to three minutes. Then rinse the mixture with water and apply nourishing cream.

Homemade masks

  • You will need 30 g of fresh yeast (or 1 packet of dry) and ½ small spoon of olive oil. Yeast must be diluted in 60 ml of water, adding oil. Mix everything thoroughly and wait five minutes. The mask should be applied in four layers, and each subsequent layer should be applied to the dried previous one.
  • You will need 25 g of oatmeal. They need to be filled with 120 ml of hot water and allowed to cool. Next, the mask must be applied to the skin, covered with parchment, and insulated with a towel.

Neck wrap at home

You should heat linseed oil (or olive oil) to +40 °C, then apply it with a brush to problem areas, cover with a thin cloth and secure as you wish. It is recommended to leave this unusual compress on the neck until the morning, since the applied oil will be absorbed into the skin overnight and will not need to be washed off.

In order for the skin on your neck to become even and smooth, you should perform this procedure a couple of times a week.

Nowadays, you no longer have to spend a lot of time performing complex and unpleasant procedures at home. It is much easier to seek help from real professionals - the Veronika Herba beauty and health center, equipped with effective and modern equipment.

Why clients choose Veronika Herba Beauty and Health Center:

  • This is a beauty center where you can take care of yourself at a reasonable cost, while your face and/or body will be treated not by an ordinary cosmetologist, but by one of the best dermatologists in Moscow. This is a completely different, higher level of service!
  • You can receive qualified help at any time convenient for you. The beauty center is open from 9:00 to 21:00, seven days a week. The main thing is to agree with your doctor in advance on the date and time of your appointment.

Sign up for a consultation with a specialist by phone +7 (495) 085-15-13

, and you will see for yourself!

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