Biorevitalization of the face: what kind of procedure is it, the after effect and contraindications

From this article you will learn:

  • What is laser biorevitalization of the face
  • What effect does the procedure give?
  • To whom is laser biorevitalization of the face and neck indicated and contraindicated?
  • How is the procedure performed?
  • What reviews does facial biorevitalization have?
  • Does the procedure have analogues and what can it be combined with?
  • How much does laser biorevitalization of the face cost?

It's no secret that time is one of the main enemies of female beauty. The decline of the body begins at the age of 25, and we begin to look for ways to prevent early aging. Fortunately, modern science offers many methods to help stop these processes. One of them is laser biorevitalization of facial skin. Let's find out what it is, what the cost of this procedure is and what drugs are used during cosmetology sessions.

What explains the effectiveness of the method

The condition of the skin is largely determined by the activity of special cells - fibroblasts. Their main function is to produce structural protein components (elastin and collagen). They form an elastic frame that supports all layers of skin tissue.

The effect of biorevitalization of the skin of the face and neck depends on hyaluron. The branched structure of the molecule helps to retain a large amount of water, thanks to which turgor (elasticity) is maintained, which serves to prevent the formation of wrinkles.

Improvement occurs after the first session and consists of:

  • Normalization of moisture levels.
  • Activation of the production of scaffold proteins.
  • Acceleration of regeneration (renewal of cellular composition).

There is also stimulation of the natural synthesis of hyaluron, which significantly enhances and prolongs the rejuvenating properties of the technique.

When is biorevitalization needed?

The procedure can be performed between the ages of 25 and 50 years. The maximum result can be achieved up to forty - the older the patient, the lesser the effect of the drug will be. This is due to the depletion of resources for the synthesis of elastic proteins and a decrease in the number of fibroblasts. To compensate for them, you will need to use additional rejuvenation products.

Let's consider the indications for when facial biorevitalization can be done:

  • To compensate for natural dry skin or caused by harmful factors (smoking, ultraviolet rays, negative temperatures).
  • With pronounced pigmentation. It may occur as a result of congenital characteristics, exposure to sunlight, or metabolic disorders.
  • With age-related skin changes.
  • To correct puffiness and drooping eyelids.
  • For spider veins on the face and neck. Usually the reasons for their appearance are disturbances in blood circulation and vascular tone.
  • For recovery after plastic surgery, laser resurfacing.

What effect will be achieved after biorevitalization depends solely on the cause of cosmetic problems. For example, tissue injury, excessive work of the sebaceous glands, and other skin disorders are successfully eliminated with the help of revitalization. If acne appears as a result of hormonal imbalance, and dull complexion is the result of metabolic disorders, then the benefits of the procedure will be much lower.

Super thin injection needles Nanoneedle

Kurasen dermal biocorrector

Nanoneedles with ultra-thin walls 30G

Nanoneedles with ultra-thin walls 33G

Nanoneedles with ultra-thin walls 34G

Advantages of the method

The main advantages of this method of rejuvenation include:

  • The ability to correct the oval of the face, smooth out fine wrinkles, and activate the process of cell renewal.
  • No need for lengthy preparation.
  • The total duration is less than an hour.
  • Minimal discomfort.
  • Preservation of the result for a long time (subject to the doctor’s recommendations).

Facial biorevitalization also has disadvantages and contraindications:

  • allergy to the components of the drug;
  • presence of neoplasms;
  • severe chronic and autoimmune diseases;
  • diabetes mellitus in the last stages;
  • active phase of the inflammatory process.

Relative ones include pregnancy, the period of breastfeeding, and the use of anticoagulants.


Regardless of the conditions under which the procedure is intended to be performed, it is necessary to identify a number of contraindications. If ignored, the risk of complications increases, which cannot be corrected on your own.

This aspect is especially important if you decide to administer the biorevitalizant yourself.

List of restrictions:

  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • age under 18 years;
  • predisposition to the formation of keloid scars;
  • intolerance to components in the selected drug;
  • acute stage of a chronic disease;
  • pathologies of internal organs;
  • blood clotting problem;
  • psychosomatic disorders;
  • predisposition to allergic reactions;
  • viral and respiratory diseases;
  • dermatological rashes in the correction area;
  • inflammatory processes;
  • herpes;
  • unsatisfactory blood sugar levels;
  • taking coagulants;
  • autoimmune diseases;
  • oncology;
  • the presence of moles in the intended area of ​​influence.


Hyaluronic acid can be administered in different ways. Depending on the method of administration, the cost and other features will differ. The simplest type of revitalization is injection. The degree of injury is minimal and affects only the superficial layers.

Injection biorevitalization

Revitalization is carried out under sterile conditions using modern proven drugs. The injection is administered deep into the dermis using a syringe equipped with a thin needle. Most often, a point technique is used (punctures follow each other at a distance of up to 1.5 cm).

Since the procedure is traumatic, it is performed in combination with local anesthesia. Together with a cosmetologist, it is important to choose in advance the correct method of how to do facial biorevitalization in order to eliminate contraindications and choose the best option. There are two main ones:

  1. Manual. The specialist personally performs the injections, thereby reducing the amount of damage.
  2. Hardware. The substance is administered with a special device. It has a more aggressive effect, the cosmetic product is distributed as evenly as possible.

Recovery takes 1-3 days, after this period the effect becomes clearly visible.

Non-injection biorevitalization

In this case, hyaluronic acid is introduced using auxiliary technologies. The risk of complications is minimal and no recovery is required after the session. The technique is divided into several varieties:

  • Cryo-biorevitalization. Involves the use of liquid nitrogen.
  • Ultraphonophoresis. The drug enters the skin under the influence of ultrasound.
  • Iontophoresis. The substance penetrates the dermis due to galvanic current. It also stimulates metabolic processes and regeneration.
  • Magnetophoresis. Hyaluronic acid is injected using magnetic waves.

Any of these options can be used if there are certain contraindications or for clients who are afraid of injections.

Laser biorevitalization

It is placed in a special category, since in addition to the drug, the laser radiation itself also has an effect. Due to this, it is possible to obtain the following results:

  1. Improving microcirculation of blood and lymph. This provides an additional flow of oxygen and nutrients.
  2. Reducing inflammation.
  3. Increased production of scaffold proteins.
  4. Correction of uneven microrelief and microscars from acne.

Using a laser, cosmetologists introduce low molecular weight varieties of hyaluronic acid. It penetrates the skin better and has an increased stimulating effect on fibroblasts.

Injection biorevitalization of the face

The technique can be divided into three stages. Before using it, you should definitely consult a specialist to exclude contraindications. For example, the technique cannot be used during pregnancy or in the presence of acute inflammatory diseases.

All stages take about 30-40 minutes, in some cases up to 1 hour. Moreover, most of the time (15-20 minutes) is spent waiting for the anesthetic to take effect. The injections themselves are performed in 10-15 minutes.

Preparation for the procedure

During the consultation process, cosmetologists conduct an external examination of the skin and interview the patient. Then the area of ​​influence, the optimal drug, and the method of its administration are selected. CURACEN has proven itself well - it is a multi-component product that has a complex restorative effect - reducing the rate of skin aging, preventing the appearance of wrinkles, preventing and treating pigmentation.

Progress of the procedure

Before visiting a specialist, you should avoid stress and alcohol consumption, and also not smoke a couple of hours before the session. Before biorevitalization and before injecting the substance, cosmetologists follow the following algorithm:

  • Removing makeup from the client's face.
  • Treat the skin with an antiseptic solution and mark the area where the composition is introduced.
  • Application of local anesthetic.
  • Injections of the drug are performed using Japanese NANONEEDLE needles. They make the procedure less painful and traumatic. This means that the rehabilitation period will go faster.

For women, it is advisable to carry out manipulations after the 14th day of the menstrual cycle. This is due to increased pain sensitivity and significant hormonal changes that are observed in most clients before this time.

Consolidate the result

After the end of the session, medicinal cosmetics with a soothing and anti-inflammatory effect are applied to the skin, and in the summer, cream with SPF. Next, the cosmetologist evaluates the patient’s condition and makes recommendations for further home care.

What to do if papules do not resolve after biorevitalization?

First of all, it is important to remember that you should not resort to the usual methods of dealing with redness. Ordinary washing gels and masks can only be used with the permission of a cosmetologist, and forget about massage and rubbing! You should not try to disguise papules with foundation - this will only increase inflammation. You should immediately contact the doctor who performed the examination before the procedure; he will be able to choose an effective method of combating papules. Until the symptoms go away, it is not recommended to visit the sauna, bathhouse, solarium, swimming pool, or wash your face with hot water or steam your face.

It is important to choose a clinic where services are provided only by professional cosmetologists using sterile instruments and modern equipment. Most often, those who are interested in how long papules last after biorevitalization received such a side effect due to the desire to save money. It is not recommended to carry out biorevitalization at home or with cosmetologists without education certificates. Don’t try to save on your beauty and youth, and then the effect of biorevitalization will definitely please you!

Carrying out

Injections can be performed using several (different) methods; the type is selected by the cosmetologist depending on the area and condition of the skin.

Papular technique

The drug is injected into the middle and superficial layers of the dermis. The needle is placed at an acute angle (about 15 degrees) and held with the cut facing upward. Small elevations form on the surface of the skin - papules, filled with the injected substance, which is gradually distributed in the surrounding tissues. When using products based on synthesized hyaluronic acid, the recovery process can take up to 3 days. When using the drug CURACEN - from 20 to 60 minutes. The consequences of such a cosmetic procedure are positive; biorevitalization is characterized by long-term preservation of the effect due to the slow resorption of the drug.

The average size of the tubercles is about 4 mm. In particularly delicate areas (around the eyes and lips), smaller papules are created, up to 2 mm in diameter.

Tubercular or micropapular technique

Injections are made with a 4 mm long needle at an angle of 45 degrees. Due to this, the active substances penetrate into the deepest layers of the dermis. Externally, the skin remains smooth, only traces of injections are visually visible.

Linear-retrograde technique

The essence of the technique is to introduce the composition with a long needle (up to 13 mm), which, after puncture, is carried parallel to the surface of the skin through the middle layers. On the reverse movement of the syringe, the active substance is injected.

By using this technique, specialists are able to reduce the number of injections, and the deep penetration of the needle additionally stimulates the regenerative processes of the skin. How long the effect of facial biorevitalization in this way will last largely depends on the skill of the cosmetologist, the individual characteristics of the patient and home care. On average, this period ranges from 6 months to 1 year.

Biorevitalization - how long do papules last?

Since biorevitalization is an invasive method, exposure to the skin through injections has a certain effect. Mechanical damage can cause minor swelling, swelling and redness, but at the same time, it is thanks to small punctures that regeneration processes are launched.

Do not be afraid of side effects (bruises, swelling), this is a natural reaction of the skin to damage. On average, all this goes away a few days after the procedure, but if the papules do not resolve after biorevitalization, you should immediately consult a doctor - a cosmetologist. In such a situation, the doctor may consider it necessary to prescribe anti-inflammatory and restorative procedures, or resorption therapy.

Papules are bumps that appear at injection sites. Such consequences are extremely rare, and if the injection technique is followed, the risk of papules appearing is almost zero. To prevent a situation where papules do not resolve after biorevitalization, resorption therapy is prescribed.

Why is capillary mesotherapy needed?

This is a good way to prepare for revitalization and other cosmetic procedures, allowing you to significantly increase microcirculation, accelerate lymph flow, increase blood flow, and reduce swelling. It is prescribed for:

  • Severe sagging skin (ptosis).
  • Severe swelling.
  • Large-scale age-related changes.

For capillary mesotherapy, cosmetologists use vascular preparations. They are introduced first into the cervical-collar region, slowly moving towards the earlobes, collarbones, and submandibular area. Next, injections are made along the tension lines. Usually 1-2 sessions are enough, but their number can increase to 4-5 if problems in this area are severe.

How effective is it?

In the photo above you can see the effect of facial biorevitalization before and after the procedure. It lasts quite a long time, the specific period depends on the condition of the client’s skin, the severity of the problems, heredity, lifestyle and other factors. On average, one session lasts 6-12 months. To improve the results, you can carry out additional manipulations, their number will depend on the goal:

  • Preventive – 1-2 sessions are enough.
  • Medicinal – less than 5 is required.

The interval between them is determined by a specialist, usually the interval is about 1 month. How often biorevitalization is done after the main cycle again depends on the recommendations of a specialist. Usually one procedure is prescribed every six months, this allows you to maintain youthful skin for a long period.

Features of the procedure

The doctor selects an individual composition of drugs for each patient so that biorevitalization after the first procedure shows its maximum effect.
For example, for young girls who do not have pronounced defects that need to be dealt with through beauty injections, 3 sessions will be enough. But for women after 30, at least 4-5 procedures will be required, and then maintenance sessions are prescribed, 1-2 times. After the full course, repeated biorevitalization is prescribed after 6-8 months. For injections, cocktails with hyaluronic acid (HA) of varying concentrations are used. Indications for biorevitalization:

  • signs of photoaging;
  • small wrinkles;
  • expression wrinkles;
  • sagging skin;
  • bruises and bags under the eyes;
  • rosacea;
  • pigmentation;
  • acne;
  • dry skin;
  • improper functioning of the subcutaneous glands.

What you need to know about drugs

The exchange of hyaluron occurs quite quickly; without additional stabilization, it is absorbed in 1-2 days. If you give it a gel-like consistency, it will be possible to form a depot in the tissues, which will significantly prolong its resorption. To further increase the period of exposure, the substance is subjected to chemical stabilization, which significantly lengthens the decomposition time.

What facial biorevitalization gives depends on the type of drug used in cosmetology. There are two of them:

  1. Low molecular weight. It retains less water, but small molecules act as signals, stimulating the work of fibroblasts and accelerating the natural regeneration of the skin. Significantly improves the overall condition of the skin and has an increased anti-aging effect.
  2. High molecular weight. Provides a high degree of moisture retention, significantly increases turgor, and promotes rapid smoothing of shallow wrinkles.

Depending on the composition of the drugs, they are divided into:

  • Monocomponent. Contains one active ingredient (hyaluron). Inexpensive, well suited for slowing down age-related changes under the age of 35, in the absence of other health problems. Allows you to normalize the level of moisture in tissues and eliminate fine wrinkles.
  • Combined. They contain vitamins, microelements, and other useful compounds. Well suited for women 35-45 years old who do not have serious skin health problems. The drugs eliminate pigmentation and reduce the degree of photoaging.
  • Powerful biorevitalizants. They contain many active components, such as peptides, various growth factors, amino acids.

Among the drugs is CURACEN from the Japanese manufacturer Japan Bio Products. It allows you to significantly reduce the rate of cellular aging, compact and even out the surface layers of the epidermis. This is achieved by enhancing the synthesis of its own structural proteins, such as collagen and elastin.

When choosing a suitable product, be sure to consult a cosmetologist. Cosmetologist specialists can correctly assess the condition of your body, indicate indications and choose the most effective and safe product.

Anti-age drugs

Bb Laboratories – Hyaluron-elastin-collagen extract

Laennec – solution for injection

Curacen Essence (20 fl x 2 ml)

Two-phase placental serum concentrate

How to choose a drug for biorevitalization -

Preparations for biorevitalization are currently produced by countless companies.
One of the main components for these purposes are hyaluronic acid (HA) molecules. Typically, the lifespan of chemically unmodified (unstabilized) HA molecules is only 24 to 48 hours. However, biorevitalizants are produced in the form of a viscous gel, which allows even unstabilized HA to be deposited for a slightly longer period, reducing the rate of its destruction. The properties of the drug are very dependent on the molecular weight of the HA chains. High molecular weight HA (from 1500 to 3300 kDa) moisturizes the skin well, but does not have a stimulating effect on fibroblasts. Low molecular weight HA has a stimulating effect on fibroblasts and angiogenesis, but rather weakly moisturizes tissues. At the same time, low-molecular HA is destroyed faster in the skin than high-molecular HA (unless, of course, it has been chemically modified). For example, the preparation “Ial-system ACP” contains stabilized low-molecular HA with a molecular size of 200 kDa.

According to the manufacturer, the degradation period of HA in this drug is 10 days, and given the size of the molecules, one can immediately understand that the drug mainly has a stimulating effect on fibroblasts, activating collagen synthesis in them, but the moisturizing effect of such a drug will be less pronounced than if we will use a drug with high molecular weight HA with a molecular size of, for example, 1800 kDa or more. Next we look at the percentage of HA content in the drug. For drugs with unstabilized HA, its optimal concentration is 1.8-2.0%, but if we are talking about drugs with stabilized HA, then 1.4% is enough.

Important: modern data suggests that preparations with hyaluronic acid should not be used more than once a month, because frequent administration of high concentrations of HA leads to - 1) increased production of the enzyme hyaluronidase, which accelerates the destruction of its own HA synthesized by fibroblasts, 2) enhances the activity of metalloprotease enzymes that destroy the intercellular matrix. Those. it turns out that you inject too much HA into the dermis, and the body reacts to this with a surge in the production of hyaluronidase, which will rapidly destroy not only the biosynthetic HA you introduce, but also its own endogenous HA produced by fibroblasts.

Therefore, it is worth using biorevitalizants with HA no more than once a month, alternating them, for example, with nucleotides. Or another option is to use biorevitalizants with stabilized HA, which has the property of gradually releasing chains of active hyaluronic acid without creating excessively high concentrations of active HA molecules in the tissues over a short period of time. Such drugs act gradually and over a longer period of time, and are usually administered once every 3-4 weeks. Examples of drugs are “Restylane Vital”, “Juvederm Hydrate”, “HyalRepair”, etc.

Mono-preparations with hyaluronic acid –

Below we give an example of the most famous monopreparations with hyaluronic acid. Please note that in any case it makes sense to take such drugs only up to 30-35 years of age. After this age, it is impossible to achieve good skin lifting or intensive rejuvenation using HA alone. More or less the effect will be noticeable only after a course of 4-5 procedures, and then only if your skin is in relatively poor condition. These drugs will not be particularly effective in case of photoaging, because These do not contain a complex of components to relieve oxidative stress.

  • Restylane Vital and Restylane Vital Light (Sweden) are the first biorevitalizants in which the technology of chemical modification of HA (i.e., its stabilization) was applied. The preparations contain only 2% and 1.2% hyaluronic acid, respectively, and are used in patients with finely wrinkled type of facial aging: Restylane Vital - for more mature skin, and Restylane Vital Light - to prevent aging of younger skin. Reviews: these drugs are of high quality, but their composition is outdated, and they are suitable for no more than the prevention of age-related changes, and then only with a stretch.
  • Juvederm Hydrate (USA) – contains 1.35% stabilized hyaluronic acid + antioxidant mannitol. The antioxidant is quite weak, so the drug is not very suitable for the treatment and prevention of photoaging. Reviews: in our opinion, Juvederm Hydrate should be used only for the prevention of aging in patients with fine wrinkles, and no older than 30 years. A course of at least 3-4 procedures performed once every 3 weeks will be more or less effective.
  • The drugs “Ial-system” and “Ial-system ACP” are a line of two biorevitalizants produced in Italy. The drug "Ial-system" contains 1.8% of unstabilized low molecular weight hyaluronic acid (molecule size only 200 kDa). Accordingly, its effect occurs quickly, but will not be too long-lasting, and besides, such a drug moisturizes the skin less - compared to drugs based on high molecular weight HA. Available in 0.6 or 1.1 ml syringes.
    The second drug is “Ial-system ACP”. Available in 1.0 ml syringes and containing 2% partially stabilized low molecular weight HA (molecule size also 200 kDa). According to the manufacturer's information, HA remains in the skin a little longer - about 10 days, but this, of course, is still significantly less than the above-mentioned drugs from other brands. Reviews: in our opinion, Ial system biorevitalization is optimal only for the prevention of aging in patients no older than 35 years.

Combined preparations with HA (cocktails) –

The group of these drugs is so numerous that we will present only one of the many options - the Revofil Aquashine line of affordable drugs (made in Korea). Available in 2.0 ml syringes.

  • Biorevitalizants Revofil Aquashine - the first option is “Aquashine”, containing unstabilized high molecular weight 1.5% HA, peptides, amino acids, vitamins and minerals, coenzymes (56 components in total).
    In our opinion, it is better to use in patients 35+; it gives a good lifting effect when used as a course. The second option is “Aquashine BR”, which additionally adds peptides that lighten the skin, and therefore it is well suited for hyperpigmentation, for example, for aged skin 45+, as well as for the treatment and prevention of photoaging. “Aquashine BTX” – suitable for ages 30+. It also has a similar composition, but peptides are additionally added to it, the effect of which is similar to Botox®, i.e. smooth out small facial wrinkles. Aquashine biorevitalization reviews: these drugs are suitable for patients with moderate age-related changes. Not suitable for patients with deformational/edema type of aging.

Powerful biorevitalizants for aging skin –

If your age is 40-45+ and you need a noticeable lifting effect and reduction in the depth of wrinkles, then hyaluronic acid, vitamins, minerals, amino acids and antioxidants alone are no longer enough. This requires nucleotides (DNA-RNA complexes), as well as peptides and growth factors. At this and even more so at an even more mature age, the dermis contains a significantly smaller number of fibroblasts, not to mention their activity. And if there are almost no fibroblasts, then there is nothing to stimulate. This is especially true for postmenopausal women.

  • Nucleotide-based drugs – an example is NucleoSpire DNA-RNA from Mesopharm®. It contains nucleotides in a concentration of 2% and is available in syringes of 1.3 and 2.0 ml. Reviews: the drug gives a delayed but pronounced lifting effect, stimulates collagen production, and is used to correct hyperpigmentation, chrono- and photoaging. Suitable for intensive rejuvenation, can be used periodically in patients 35+ and regularly after 40-45 years. Suitable also for patients with deformational (edematous) type of skin aging. A similar drug based on nucleotides is Plinest (Italy). These drugs do not work for young people.

  • “Meso-Wharton P199” - this drug contains not only nucleotides, vitamins (A, E, C, group B), trace elements and antioxidants, but also high molecular weight 1.5% hyaluronic acid (with a molecular size of 3300 kDa). This drug contains growth factors, as well as peptides that stimulate the proliferation of fibroblasts and stem cells in the dermis, and also enhance the production of new collagen by fibroblasts. Not for deformation/edema type of aging.
  • The “HYALREPAIR” line – biorevitalizant “Hyalrepair -02” contains 1.4% stabilized HA, vitamin C and the main amino acids involved in collagen synthesis, these are proline, glycine and lysine. An excellent product for loose, finely wrinkled skin. The drug “Hyalrepair -04” - in addition to the same hyaluronic acid, contains vitamin C, glutathione and cysteine. This drug is well suited for the treatment of photoaging, copes well with the network of fine wrinkles, hyperpigmentation and rosacea. The course of these drugs usually consists of 3 procedures at intervals of 3 weeks.
  • “Nucleospire Revitalizing Complex A” is a good biorevitalizant based on 1.8% unstabilized HA, with a large amount of antioxidants (vitamin C, glutathione, thioctic acid, coenzyme Q10), vitamin B5. This composition perfectly relieves oxidative stress after sun exposure, helps moisturize the skin, lighten hyperpigmentation and prevent its formation. Those. this drug is good for photoaging, optimal before and after vacation to hot countries. You can have 30+ regularly (and even 25+, but not often).

  • “Nucleospire Revitalizing Complex B” (Hydro Line Extra) is a good biorevitalizant also based on 1.8% unstabilized HA, contains 19 amino acids, all B vitamins, microminerals, and the antioxidant glutathione. If the previous drug is used for the prevention and treatment of photoaging (including at a moderately young age), then this drug is for aging skin and is intended to stimulate collagen production. Naturally, it is not as effective as Meso-Wharton P199, but it also costs 2 times less.

Important : for aging skin, only a course of biorevitalization (from 3 to 7 procedures) can give a good effect. Most often, the course is carried out not with one particular drug, but with a combination of several, and their choice for each woman will be individual.

Complications and precautions

Side effects for this technique are uncharacteristic and are observed extremely rarely. They usually appear as:

  • Allergies to anesthesia or drug components.
  • Microhematoma. The number of subcutaneous hemorrhages depends on the characteristics of the skin, the condition of the capillaries and microarteries.

There are also cases of infection penetrating into the dermis. Such situations arise when aseptic rules are not observed during the procedure or subsequent care is improper. If all standards and recommendations are followed, the likelihood of infection is zero. A consultation with a specialist dermatologist will help you decide whether biorevitalization is worth doing.

Avoiding negative consequences is quite easy. To do this, strictly follow medical recommendations, including:

  • Do not touch your face for 24 hours after the session.
  • Do not wear makeup for 48 hours.
  • Avoid physical and mental stress, stress for 2 weeks, avoid going to the bathhouse or public swimming pools.
  • Avoid drinking alcohol.

When washing, you need to use gentle cleansers that do not dry out the skin. It is also necessary to use an antiseptic recommended by a doctor, regularly treating the dermis until the injection marks are completely healed, and drink the recommended amount of water.

Now you know the basic information about facial biorevitalization and understand that this procedure helps get rid of wrinkles, significantly slowing down age-related changes in the skin. To avoid negative consequences, it is important to use certified drugs. Entrust the care of your health to specialists.

Healing period

The first time after biorevitalization, swelling and redness may appear in the corrected area; in rare cases, hematomas are observed at the puncture sites.
You should not be afraid of such symptoms - they go away on their own, in a couple of days, without additional therapy. To shorten the recovery period and avoid complications, you should adhere to a number of recommendations and restrictions:

  • the first day do not touch the skin of the face;
  • for a couple of days you need to stop using cosmetics, you can’t even wash your face;
  • It is prohibited to visit the sauna, gym, solarium, swimming pool;
  • You should also not do rough cosmetic procedures in the next few weeks;
  • It is recommended to give up alcohol, smoking, excessive consumption of coffee and salty foods.
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