Biorevitalization with Evolution gels: what results will the procedure give?

  • 1 Type of concentrations
  • 2 Exposure
  • 3 Indications and effectiveness of use
  • 4 Types of fillers
  • 5 Product with moderate concentration
  • 6 Characteristics of the drug line
  • 7 Instructions for use
  • 8 Healing period
  • 9 Proposal
  • 10 Precautions
  • 11 Contacts
  • 12 Side effects
  • 13 Indications and contraindications
  • 14 Real opinion about the platform for earning Crypto-Evolution
  • 15 General information about correctors
  • 16 Legend
  • 17 Carrying out the procedure

Type of concentrations

Preparations for biorevitalization Evolution are a whole line of products in which hyaluronic acids are presented in certain concentrations. Consequently, with the help of such birevitalizants it is possible to solve completely different problems.

Preparations with a minimal amount of hyaluronic acid:

  • 5% - for treating the skin around the mouth and sensitive area around the eyes;
  • 8% - for preventive procedures, skin restoration after sun exposure or as an auxiliary treatment for acne and acne (from 25 years).

Evolution biorevitalization products with a moderate amount of hyaluronic acid:

  • Evolution bioNA 1.8 is a basic product used at the first signs of skin aging and dryness;
  • Evolution BioHA 2 is used for oily skin types, with enlarged pores, rough and tough. This filler is recommended for men.

Maximum content of hyaluronic acid in Evolution biorevitalization preparations:

  • BioNA 2.7 – for working with problem areas;
  • BioHA 3 – to eliminate pronounced signs of aging;
  • BioNA 3.6 – for problem skin after 45, as well as for representatives of the stronger sex.

Advantages and disadvantages

Evolution biorevitalizants have good biocompatibility, hypoallergenicity, and provide lasting positive results. The line of products is represented by different options that can solve all kinds of problems.

Evolution biorevitalizants are among the top best products for gentle skin rejuvenation, but are not rating leaders. The drugs in the line are more popular than Princess Rich, IAL-System, and Restylane Vital. They provide a more pronounced anti-aging effect, which is appreciated by doctors and patients.


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Indications and effectiveness of use

Evolution biorevitalizants have a wide range of indications for use. The drugs are used for preventive and therapeutic purposes. Considered popular:

  • refreshing the appearance of “tired” skin;
  • normalization of the quality of integument with excessive dryness and flaking;
  • fight against age-related changes (wrinkles, folds, beginning ptosis);
  • elimination of defects (stretch marks, age spots, acne, scars).

Exposure to Evolution biorevitalizants helps stabilize water balance. The epidermis acquires a natural velvety texture. The relief of the covers is leveled. The dermal layers regain their firmness and elasticity. The tissues are compacted, the contours are tightened.

What are Evolution correctors and how do they work?

Birevitalizants Evolution are created on the basis of hyaluronic acid of non-animal origin, which has undergone several stages of purification. In addition, the product contains peptides that have a restorative and stimulating effect on the epidermis and dermis.

Evolution drugs have a number of unique qualities:

  • provide the effects of deep hydration, tightening and strengthening of tissues (reinforcement);
  • act on three levels – superficial, middle and deep (the same 3D effect);
  • make it possible to enhance the effectiveness of procedures by combining in one complex drugs with increasing concentrations of hyaluronic acid;
  • even within the same procedure, it is possible to use different concentrations of the active substance for different zones, which guarantees maximum effect;
  • can be used for different types of skin aging with variability in hyaluronate concentration.

A unique drug for bioreitalization Evolution with a record high concentration of 3.6% provides a good rejuvenation effect even with quite pronounced signs of aging.

All of the above qualities guarantee the effectiveness, durability and good tolerability of biorevitalizants.

Types of fillers

Basic line Evolution biorevitalizants are available in 7 variations:

BioHA 0.5. The drug is intended for sensitive skin and delicate areas. This option is ideal for working around the eyes and lips. The effect of biorevitalizant is weak, the occurrence of side effects is minimal. The product is ideal for patients under 25 years of age.

BioHA 0.8. The product is intended for thin, young skin. This option is used for preventive support of the natural state of tissues. The product is often used as an aid in the treatment of acne and seasonal restoration of tissue quality. The substance is ideal for patients 25–30 years old.

BioHA 1.8. The basic product of the line. Aimed at eliminating increased dryness of the skin, the first signs of aging in normal skin types. Used in the treatment of stretch marks, acne, rosacea. Biorevitalizant helps restore the skin after deep interventions (plasty, peeling, resurfacing). The substance is ideal for patients 30–40 years old.

BioHA 2. This option is suitable for basic treatment of thick skin prone to oiliness and enlarged pores. Copes with dryness and a feeling of tightness. Aimed at combating wrinkles of medium depth. Ideal for working with men's skin. The product is ideal for patients 30–40 years old.

BioHA 2.7. The product is used to work with the back of the hands, elbows, forearms, and shoulders. The drug helps tighten tissue, preventing sagging. Biorevitalizant is ideal for patients 35–40 years old.

BioHA 3. This option is ideal for eliminating an extensive network of wrinkles in the neck and décolleté. Surface irregularities and deep creases are corrected. The product is ideal for patients 35–40 years old.

BioHA 3.6. The product has a pronounced lifting effect. Helps eliminate ptosis and prepare the skin for contour modeling with dense fillers. The substance is ideal for patients over 45 years of age.

When prescribing the type of biorevitalizant Evolution, the cosmetologist takes into account the patient’s age, existing skin type, and condition of the integument. The characteristics of the products are conditional; the doctor approaches each client individually.

Opinion of cosmetologists

Doctors work with different borevitalizants. The Evolution line is recognized as convenient for work. The drugs can solve different problems and are suitable for different ages and skin types. The use of the products gives a positive effect, but does not completely eliminate defects.

The doctor likes to use Evolution products to treat acne.

The cosmetologist loves the extensive Evolution line.

The doctor likes Evolution products.

Medium concentration product

Biorevitalization and mesotherapy are often carried out on the basis of a drug such as Evolution bioHA 1.8. Of the entire line of products, this filler is the basic one for a reason. The main purpose of the corrector:

  • restoring the water balance of the skin when it is extremely dry;
  • elimination of the first signs of aging, shallow age-related or facial wrinkles.

In addition to the listed tasks, the filler also has additional positive properties. It is used as an adjuvant therapy for stretch marks, pimples, acne and rosacea. It has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin during the rehabilitation period after plastic surgery.

Mesotherapy and biorevitalization for patients with oily, porous and thick skin is carried out using Evolution BioHA 2. Reviews from many cosmetologists contain information that such a product is optimally suited for representatives of the stronger half of humanity. With its help, wrinkles are also perfectly eliminated, including deep ones, and you can get rid of the feeling of dryness and tightness of the skin.

Drug review

The development of Evolution biorevitalizants belongs to the French company Renne Biomed, which has proven itself well in the world market. These drugs are used in Europe, the Russian Federation and the CIS.

The main substance in the composition is hyaluronic acid, created during the synthesis of raw materials of non-animal origin (does not cause an allergic reaction in the body).

Hyaluronate replenishes the fluid supply in cells, triggers natural processes for the production of biological fibers of collagen and elastin, thereby restoring the firmness and elasticity of the skin.

Bioactive peptides ensure the penetration of the gel into the deep layers of soft tissue, trigger the production of fibroblasts and stimulate the regenerative functions of cells. Decapeptide-4 occupies a special place.

Buyanov Sergey Yurievich (Expert Doctor):

Decapeptide-4 acts as a cementing substance for the intercellular space. Due to the close connection between fibrocytes, there is less space for the formation of wrinkles, the skin shrinks, which prevents the formation of folds.

Indications for use:

  • improper functioning of the secretion of fatty glands;
  • presence of stretch marks;
  • hyperpigmentation;
  • insufficient level of hydrobalance;
  • facial and static wrinkles;
  • peeling;
  • first signs of ptosis;
  • skin creases and folds;
  • unhealthy appearance of the dermis (including “smoker’s skin” syndrome);
  • scars, post-acne;
  • sagging;
  • narrow lips;
  • insufficient volume of soft tissue in the cheekbones, temples, chin;
  • irregular facial features;
  • pronounced “shadow areas”;
  • drooping corners of the lips;
  • acne rash;
  • preparation for plastic surgery;
  • thinning of the skin in the area of ​​the hands, elbows and forearms;
  • aggressive cosmetology sessions carried out the day before, such as laser peeling, dermabrasion.

Characteristics of the drug line

Biorevitalizants Evolution are produced by the French company Renne Bio Med. The products are designed to improve tissue health and combat signs of aging. The composition of the drugs is based on hyaluronic acid. The substance helps to moisturize and smooth tissues. Important components are bioactive peptides that actively stimulate the functioning of fibroblasts.

Gels contain different amounts of the base substance, which allows biorevitalizants to be divided according to purpose and age categories. With the help of a successful combination of different gels, you can cope with several problems in 1 procedure.

Evolution preparations are available in gel format for intradermal administration. The substance is placed in disposable syringes or glass bottles of different sizes. The blister pack contains 1 hermetically sealed syringe or 10 sterile vials.

Patient reviews

Preparations for biorevitalization are offered by cosmetologists. Patients rarely encounter Evolution products. Having tried different formulations, they came to the conclusion that Evolution gives an average result. There are means with more effective results.

The patient evaluates Evolution biorevitalizants positively, but likes other products better.

Instructions for use

  • Subcutaneous injections are performed precisely in the area of ​​the skin where signs of aging most clearly appear (nasolabial folds, forehead, eyes, neck). Before injecting filler, you need to cleanse the skin of cosmetics, dust, and sebum.
  • The filler is injected intradermally through a thin needle or a special injector. In this case, small papules should form.
  • Due to the discomfort that the insertion of a thin needle into the dermis causes the patient, a low pain threshold, and increased sensitivity, the skin is lubricated with a cream or gel containing lidocaine. This is how local anesthesia is performed.

This video will tell you about the injection of the drug into the lips:

Healing period

Immediately after the injection procedure, the patient’s face looks unaesthetic: papules, redness, and swelling are visible. Later, swelling and bruising may develop. Side effects are typical for biorevitalization and disappear without additional treatment.

A cosmetologist will say that trying to mask negative manifestations with cosmetics is unacceptable. On the first day, they refuse standard washing and the use of cosmetics. Antiseptic treatment of integument is possible. Further care is carried out according to the usual scheme.

The doctor will warn you about the need to comply with restrictions for the first 2–7 days. It is forbidden:

  • knead, rub treated areas, perform massage, apply decorative cosmetics;
  • swim in the pool, open water;
  • take a steam bath, sauna, wash with hot water;
  • sunbathe in the sun or in a solarium;
  • perform procedures not agreed upon with the cosmetologist.

The first achievements of biorevitalization are visible after 2–3 days. The skin becomes pleasant to the touch and takes on a healthy appearance. For prevention, it is enough to perform 2-3 sessions with an interval of 7-14 days.


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And there are even photographs of all members of this team. 4 handsome athletic young men, each with their own talents. And Pavel Bondarev, whose legal details are presented in Contacts, is also among them.

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Precautionary measures

At the preliminary consultation, the doctor asks many questions while collecting anamnesis. This is necessary to exclude the presence of contraindications:

  • severe dysfunction of the heart and blood vessels;
  • serious endocrine disorders (diabetes mellitus);
  • cancerous tumors;
  • epilepsy, somatic disorders;
  • hemophilia, other significant blood diseases;
  • allergy to the components of biorevitalizant.

The procedure is not performed during pregnancy and lactation. Biorevitalization is tolerated in the event of any general disease or exacerbation of a chronic disorder. Intervention is not performed if the integrity of the skin is compromised or if there are dermatological problems in the areas to be corrected. They refuse the injection type of biorevitalization if there is a tendency to form keloid scars.

The procedure using Evolution biorevitalizants is equated to minimally invasive interventions. Side effects of the manipulation are minimal: swelling, bruising, discomfort in the injection area. The likelihood of complications is low. There may be:

  • inflammatory processes;
  • changes in tissue sensitivity (numbness, soreness);
  • allergic reactions (itching, redness);
  • preservation of the severity of injection marks;
  • prolonged presence, widespread distribution of edema.


There is information about IP Bondarev Pavel Olegovich with INN 420502100595 and OGRNIP 318420500045592.

In real life it exists, the registration date is 05/31/2018. OKVED 85.42 additional professional education.

Address: Kemerovo, 2nd Ilanskaya, 46 - also real.

Email address. Worker.

There is a Telegram - /t/evolution_life

VKontakte page - More than 6.5 thousand subscribers. There is not much activity, but the group is active.

Youtube channel - Also more than 6 thousand subscribers. Lots of videos, the last ones appeared 2 months ago. Lots of views, few comments. But commenting is not closed.

Facebook - There are less than a hundred subscribers, there is no activity. But the page is publicly available.

There is an online chat

Side effects

Despite the fact that biorevitalizan is positioned as the safest and most natural, it will in any case cause certain side effects, which, if you follow the post-treatment rules, go away on their own within 3-7 days.

May occur:

  • bruises and bruises at the injection site;
  • swelling;
  • formation of papules at the injection site;
  • redness or paleness of the skin in the same places;
  • slight itching or partial loss of sensitivity in the puncture area.

When choosing a good clinic and a qualified cosmetologist, chances of infection during the procedure are eliminated. But touching your face unnecessarily is strongly discouraged to avoid infection.

What patients say about the results of Evolution biorevitalization

Marina: “I tried the biorevitalization procedure for the first time and was very pleased. The procedure itself is practically painless, but the first couple of days after it the skin looks uneven and pimply. But then the result is simply amazing!”

Alexandra: “I’ve undergone biorevitalization for the second time, and I really like it. I used the drug Evolution, it contains acid that is very necessary for the skin and removes wrinkles.”

Read also:

  • Biorevitalization technique, injection pattern, frequency of sessions;
  • Biorevitalization with Viscoderm Skinko: reviews;
  • Pros and cons of the drug Bioactiv for biorevitalization.

Beauty injections. Biorevitalization // Who is it suitable for, what results to expect and how long does the effect last?

Indications and contraindications

First, let's talk about contraindications, since the indications for each drug, depending on the concentration of hyaluronic acid, will be slightly different.

Prohibitions on the use of birevitalizants include the following pathologies and conditions:

  • individual intolerance to any component of the drug;
  • infectious and fungal infections of the epidermis;
  • During pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • the use of drugs that affect blood clotting;
  • acute inflammatory diseases, regardless of genesis;
  • exacerbation of chronic pathologies;
  • endocrine diseases;
  • tendency to form keloid scars.

These are, in principle, standard contraindications for bioreitalization with any drug. But with the testimony it is much more interesting.

Evolution 0.5% hyaluronic acid:

  • elimination of dryness and rejuvenation of the epidermis around the eyes and mouth;
  • prevention of early aging in problem areas;
  • for sensitive skin - on the recommendation of a specialist, regardless of age.

Evolution 0.8%:

  • prevention of age-related changes at a young age (25-30 years);
  • rapid restoration of the epidermis after excessive insolation;
  • as a restoration and consolidation of the effect after treatment of acne and hyperpigmentation.

Evolution 1.8%:

  • combating moderate signs of aging to deeply moisturize the skin (30-40 years);
  • elimination of residual scars and pigmentation due to acne;
  • rosacea;
  • atrophic scars and stretch marks after sudden weight loss;
  • preparatory stage before other anti-aging cosmetic procedures and recovery after them.

Evolution 2.0%:

  • moderate aging;
  • dull complexion;
  • for men.

Evolution 2.7% is designed to work with problem areas of the hands, forearms and elbows, as well as for biorevitalization of the face at the age of 35-45 years.

Evolution 3.0% is used to work in the neck and décolleté area to eliminate signs of severe aging, and also as a preparatory stage before reinforcement.

Evolution 3.6% is a biorevitalizant with a maximum concentration of hyaluronic acid, designed to solve problems in women over 45 years of age with deep wrinkles, fine-wrinkled type of skin aging, vague oval faces and the presence of a double chin.

You can learn more about how biorevitalization is carried out with Evolution from the video:

Compositions with the maximum content of hyaluronic acid

The maximum amount of hyaluronic acid is contained in such Evolution preparations as BioHA 2.7 and BioHA 3 . Let's talk in more detail about each of them. In the first case, the corrector is used specifically to care for specific areas. Among them: the back of the hands, elbows, shoulders and forearms. The second product is designed to eliminate pronounced signs of aging on the neck and décolleté. It perfectly eliminates deep folds and numerous fine wrinkles that form a mesh on the surface of the skin.

Real opinion about the platform for earning Crypto-Evolution

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General information about proofreaders

It is not always possible to use products to treat and rejuvenate the skin. During pregnancy, as well as lactation, during exacerbation of chronic diseases, the presence of infection and inflammatory foci on the surface of the epidermis, individual intolerance to components in the composition of the products and a tendency to scar formation. The full list of contraindications is usually determined by a cosmetologist. After the intervention, minor side effects are observed within a couple of days. Among them: bruises, swelling and bruising, injection marks, mild itching. Basically, these manifestations disappear on their own.

Fillers under the Evolution brand are modern and high-quality products for biorevitalization and mesotherapy. All products are based on hyaluronic acid, which has undergone several stages of purification. All ingredients are completely safe, effective and natural.

How do Evolution correctors work?

The main active ingredient of any Evolution filler is hyaluronic acid of non-animal origin. After its introduction under the skin, the process of optimizing the water balance begins, which leads to the rejuvenation of epidermal cells. The skin becomes more hydrated, acquires a healthy and natural color, and at the same time wrinkles begin to smooth out.

In each product, hyaluronic acid is presented in a certain concentration, which allows the use of fillers to solve a specific segment of problems with maximum efficiency.


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Service cost

The cost of the procedure is determined individually. Much depends on the size of the treatment area, the type and amount of filler, as well as the technology for its introduction into the skin. Additionally, an initial conversation with a cosmetologist and other consumables, including an anesthetic and antiseptic, are paid for.

The popularity of the medical center, as well as the qualifications of the specialist and the location of the salon relative to the city, also play an important role.

The average cost of one procedure is 5-10 thousand rubles. The price for the entire course is based on the required number of sessions.

Carrying out the procedure

Biorevitalization with Evolution preparations is performed by injection or hardware. The patient chooses the technique and agrees on the option with the cosmetologist. Intradermal administration of products when performing biorevitalization gives a more striking effect. This method is often used for therapeutic purposes.

Before the biorevitalization procedure, the cosmetologist provides instructions on how to prepare for the intervention, determines the drug and the scheme of action

It is important to get into the hands of an experienced doctor who will solve the problem with minimal likelihood of complications. It is recommended to control the situation:

  • make sure that the cosmetologist has a certificate for the possibility of performing biorevitalization;
  • It is desirable to have documents confirming training in working with Evolution products;
  • monitor compliance with the sterility of the process;
  • Check the expiration dates of the substances used.

Before the procedure, the doctor cleanses the affected areas and disinfects the “working” areas. Anesthesia of the areas is done at the request of the patient. It is not recommended to ignore anesthesia when working in delicate areas. Evolution biorevitalizants do not require additional preparation. The doctor opens the package and begins the procedure.

The cosmetologist punctures the desired areas using a thin needle or injector. The papular technique is used. The needle is immersed in the upper dermal layers, the biorevitalizant is injected in small portions, forming a characteristic bubble on the surface. When using a hardware technique, the integument is treated with gel superficially, and the areas are additionally exposed to the selected device.

The procedure lasts 20–60 minutes. The doctor ends the session with antiseptic treatment. The cosmetologist gives recommendations for recovery, sets a date for the next session, and releases the patient.

Purchasing the drug

Purchasing products for biorevitalization and other cosmetic procedures is the responsibility of the clinic and private cosmetologist. Specialists work with large suppliers and are interested in carefully checking certificates, observing storage conditions and expiration dates. Independent purchase of drugs for biorevitalization by patients is fraught with the purchase of counterfeit products.

A limited number of cosmetologists will agree to work with clients’ funds. Attempts to independently carry out biorevitalization threaten to obtain a negative result and develop complications.

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