Beauty demands: 10 celebrity beauties who removed ribs for a wasp waist

Resection of the first rib is a surgical operation aimed at eliminating compression of the vessels and nerves of the upper limb as they exit the chest. Today, this operation is the best treatment for compression of the neurovascular bundle. The operation is performed under general anesthesia and requires special delicacy in execution. With the correct indications, this operation completely eliminates the clinical picture of compression of the neurovascular bundle.

Surgery at the Innovative Vascular Center

The surgeons of our clinic have successful experience in operations on the arteries of the upper limb. removal of the first rib is a well-mastered operation in the arsenal of our clinic. We carry out detailed diagnostics and determine the exact indications for this intervention.

Marilyn Monroe

Source: Legion-Media

Marilyn was naturally inclined to be overweight, and the extra pounds were deposited in the abdomen and hips. To maintain her status as Hollywood's main sex symbol and meet accepted standards of beauty, Monroe had to wear constricting corsets.

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After learning that this problem could be solved with surgery, the actress decided to remove her lower ribs and was one of the first women in America to have such a procedure. However, after the transformation, Marilyn continued to wear corsets, which further emphasized her wasp waist.

Preparing for surgery

In order to determine indications for intervention, studies of blood flow in the upper limb are carried out during various functional tests. Most often, functional tests are performed during ultrasound of the arteries of the lower extremities.

To clarify the condition of the arteries and their relationship with the bones, we perform MSCT angiography.

A general assessment of the body’s condition includes the study of general blood and urine tests, blood tests for HIV, hepatitis, and syphilis. A chest X-ray, an ultrasound of the heart, and an examination of the stomach (EGD) are required to exclude possible ulcers.

Direct preparation for surgery consists of shaving the axillary area and installing a urinary catheter

Dita Von Teese

Source: @ditavonteese

Many women dream of such a chiseled silhouette, like that of a burlesque star. Although Dita herself admits that she did not get these data from nature, but thanks to plastic surgeons who removed her lower ribs. Her waist circumference is only 42 cm, so many believe that Von Teese has the thinnest one.

To emphasize her figure and curves, Dita, like Marilyn Monroe once did, prefers to wear corsets.

Pixie Fox

Source: @pixeefox

Dita may compete with a model from Sweden, who is nicknamed “living Barbie.” Pixie tries so hard to resemble the famous doll that she has resorted to the help of a plastic surgeon more than once. Fox's waist also deserves attention - its girth is only 40 cm (Dita, move over). It turns out that in order to achieve this silhouette, the model had to remove three pairs of ribs! Now she can’t do without corsets.

Valeria Lukyanova

Source: @valeria_lukyanova21

Another popular girl who dreams of turning into a living doll is Valeria Lukyanova. The model, nicknamed "Odessa Barbie", is doing everything she can to look more like the character. However, Valeria claims that she went under the plastic surgeon’s knife only once to increase her breast size; all other changes were her efforts.

The girl also denies the absence of lower ribs, which she allegedly removed to become the owner of a thin waist. But, if you look at Lukyanova’s earlier photographs, you can see that she is disingenuous. This is also confirmed by many experts.

How is rib resection performed?

Over the years, our today's heroes found doctors who agreed to perform this operation. It is done under general anesthesia and lasts about an hour. Small incisions are made in the back or navel and the bottom of 12 pairs of ribs are removed.

There is nothing unnecessary in the body - these ribs protect the internal organs during a fall or pressure, and their absence can cost a person his life at a critical moment.

It is believed that it is possible to “sharpen” the lower pair of ribs without much harm to health, but some patients, in pursuit of a thin waist, ask to remove the vital 11th and 10th pairs.

Demmy Moor

Source: still from the movie “Striptease”

The actress spent a lot of money to change her appearance. Demi had rhinoplasty, abdominal liposuction, a circular facelift, inserted veneers to become the owner of the famous Hollywood smile, and also had breast enlargement.

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However, Moore did not stop there - before the start of filming the film “Striptease,” the actress decided to have her lower ribs removed so that her figure, which was athletic from birth, would become more feminine and sexy. Of course, these changes are not as noticeable as those of other “brave” stars who want to have a chiseled waist.

Danger after removing the lower ribs

It’s not for nothing that nature created exactly 12 pairs of ribs. It is the lower pairs of ribs that are designed to protect the internal organs that are located in this part of the body. When the lower pairs of ribs are removed, the kidneys, liver and spleen are left without the natural protection created by nature itself. Also, the lower ribs should not be removed for women who plan to have children, since bearing a fetus will be difficult without the lower pair of ribs.

Accidental injuries and simple falls can be fatal. The internal organs remain completely defenseless. Even relatively small impacts can lead to hemorrhage or organ rupture.

Even if you manage to survive without the lower ribs, then as the owners of “wasp waists” age, they will experience nephroptosis - prolapse of the kidneys. As a result, chronic diseases develop, such as lomerulonephritis or pyelonephritis, which shorten life by 5-10 years. In addition, the lower ribs are involved in the breathing process, and after their removal, problems with ventilation of the lungs may arise. Phantom pain also appears at the site of the removed ribs.

But, despite everything, for the sake of unearthly beauty, women go through this suffering so that the reflection in the mirror is stunning.

Let's see what it looks like in real life. It's beautiful, but maybe it's terrible? Does the end really justify the means?

Lady Gaga

Source: @ladygaga

The example of Demi Moore was followed by Lady Gaga, who in recent years decided to significantly transform herself and leave the image of a freak in the past. The singer began by changing the shape of her nose, chest and cheekbones. The star admitted that she is also prone to being overweight; all the excess remains on her stomach and hips. Lady Gaga decided to remove her lower ribs to make her figure more attractive.

How to provide first aid for a broken rib

The success of subsequent treatment depends on how quickly and correctly the first aid is provided.

The first aid algorithm is as follows:

  1. Call an ambulance.
  2. Help the victim take a semi-sitting position.
  3. You give analgesics and apply ice to the injury site.
  4. Apply a tight bandage to the chest and bandage your arm to the site of injury.
  5. Don't let the victim sleep.

With an open fracture, any movement is prohibited.

Kim Kardashian

Source: @kimkardashian

No matter how much Kim insists that she got her appetizing forms from nature, and she maintains these data with the help of diets and exercises in gyms, people will insist that she turned to plastic surgeons. Indeed, with her build, it is unrealistic to have such a thin waist. Many experts also believe the same, who claim that Kardashian more than once turned to professionals for help and also had her ribs removed.

Rib fracture symptoms and complications

In a healthy person, the ribs heal within one to two months; in a child, they grow together in 3 weeks. But this is only possible if you seek medical help in a timely manner.

The presence of a dangerous rib injury can be determined by the following signs:

  • paleness of the skin;
  • shallow breathing;
  • presence of tissue swelling, bruising;
  • rapid pulse;
  • restricted movements;
  • pain when sneezing and coughing, inhaling and exhaling;
  • typical crunch of bones.

Subcutaneous emphysema and coughing up blood indicate a complex fracture. Dizziness, low blood pressure, weakness are signs of internal bleeding. If these signs are present, immediate hospitalization of the victim is required.

Failure to consult a doctor in a timely manner is fraught with the following consequences: pneumothorax may develop (meaning difficulty breathing), post-traumatic pneumonia is a consequence of impaired ventilation of the lungs. Such complications pose a danger to human life. Only a specialist can determine whether the respiratory organs are affected or whether the hematopoietic system is damaged.

Janet Jackson

Source: @janetjackson

Everyone knows that the singer’s brother, the King of Pop Michael Jackson, was one of the record holders for the number of operations performed. Janet is also suspected of similar procedures, and she claims that she did not follow in the footsteps of her famous relative in order to change anything about herself.

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No matter what the singer says, the professionals are sure that she could not do without plastic surgeons; the wasp waist is also their merit.


Source: Legion-Media

Throughout her life, the singer has undergone about 100 plastic surgeries (possibly more). Cher always dreamed of a feminine figure, and she especially liked the hourglass type. To achieve what she wanted, the artist had to undergo surgery to remove her ribs in 1980. Cher tried to emphasize her figure and curves with the help of corsets.

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