All for fame: 15 Instagram stars before and after plastic surgery

Career:model, blogger
Date of Birth:November 14, 1995
Height:171 cm
Weight:55 kg
Family status:divorced
Social media:Instagram

Lyubov Lishnevskaya is a Russian model and blogger. She first gained widespread fame as a tattoo artist. In March 2021, the girl became a participant in the eighth season of the show “The Bachelor” on the TNT channel. She came to the project to compete for the heart of Timur Yunusov (Timati).


Lyubov Lishnevskaya was born on November 14, 1995 in Moscow under the sign of Scorpio. There is practically no information about the girl’s early childhood and parents. After graduating from school, the future star entered the Russian State University. Kosygina. I chose the faculty of fashion designers as my direction.

As a student, Lishnevskaya began to realize that she had to work by profession. Having received a diploma of higher education, the spectacular girl began to build a career as a model. Her athletic figure, excellent shape and expressive facial features made her famous.

Denise Richards

In an effort to highlight her beauty, the actress underwent several cosmetic procedures. She had three breast augmentation surgeries because she was not satisfied with the results of the first two.

In addition, Denise decided to use Botox to make her face look tight and wrinkle-free. Richards spent at least thirteen thousand dollars on all this.


Already being a fairly famous model, Lyubov Lishnevskaya began creating tattoos. The tattoo artist works in a minimalist style and is not afraid to use bright colors. Due to this, the model became known as a good tattoo artist. She has about 11 small tattoos on her body.

The Internet star is regularly invited to film in various advertising companies. The model collaborates with world-famous brands of fashionable clothing and accessories.

At the same time, Lyubov actively developed her personal brand. The model regularly posts photos on her Instagram page. Thousands of devoted fans follow the life of a charming girl.

She starred in the video for the song “Tears”, performed by Yegor Creed. The blogger became the main decoration of the video work. After this, rumors began to swirl around the musician and actress.

At the beginning of 2022, Lyubov Lishnevskaya became a participant in the eighth season of the show “The Bachelor”. What is noteworthy is that literally half a year before, the girl divorced her husband. Timur and Lyubov knew each other long before the project. Therefore, the main bachelor of the 8th season was very surprised by the appearance of his old girlfriend on the project.

Nadezhda Sanko (Nadine) - plastic surgery and scandalous popularity

Until recently, the name of Nadezhda Sanko was known only to those who liked to delve deeper into the wilds of YouTube. But in the summer of 2022, a real scandal erupted around her person. Just recently, Nadezhda interviewed Alana Mamaeva and was interested in her family life and difficult relationship with her husband. And after a short time she started an affair with Pavel herself. Social networks began to actively study the football player’s new mistress, her background and past relationships, find out where the apartments and expensive cars came from, and of course, what kind of plastic surgery was done for the sake of such a rapid “career”? tells the main thing:

↑ Biography: from the Krasnodar Territory to the conquest of Moscow

Nadezhda Sanko was born on May 12, 1985 in Anapa. She was raised in a family with two more sisters, Marina and Svetlana. Since childhood, I was restless, active, and a “tomboy.” At school she stood out because she was the favorite of the opposite sex, which often aroused envy from her classmates, but quickly put them in their place. Even then it was clear that Nadezhda was a girl with a backbone and would not allow herself to be offended.

After graduating from school, she entered the Russian State University, and at the age of 22 she moved to Moscow. For what? Like everyone else - to conquer the capital. Over the course of several years, the sociable and bright girl joined the club scene and made acquaintances among the golden youth.

As Nadezhda herself admitted in one of her interviews, she really wanted to enter this society. While still living in Anapa, she followed famous Moscow social divas on social networks, watched popular participants in the TV show “Dom-2”, visualizing her bright future and popularity.

What exactly the girl did in the capital for the next 7 years – history is silent. It is known that later, in 2014, Nadine opened her fashion showroom, which did not last long. Then she launched her own perfumes, the production of which continues to this day.

↑ Author's YouTube show “Points NadI”

In 2022, Nadezhda took the first steps towards blogging - she launched her own YouTube show “Tochki NadI” in interview format. As the presenter admitted, she was haunted by the fame of Yuri Dud, and she really wanted to do something similar, but in her own concept.

The concept was to communicate with “second echelon” celebrities. Nadine’s guests at various times were Katya Gordon, Evelina Bledans, Otar Kushanashvili, Rustam Solntsev, Alesya Malinskaya, members of Dom-2, as well as Alana Mamaeva and many others. By YouTube standards, the project did not attract a large audience, but the interview with Mamaeva became significant. Several videos with Alana were released, mostly dedicated to her relationship with her then-legal husband Pavel. It is noteworthy that Nadezhda was very actively interested in the details of the union, and a few months later... she announced her own affair with the football player!

↑ Personal life of Nadine Sanko

Nadezhda does not advertise her past novels, but Alana Mamaeva told the public something about them. According to her, in 2016, while in the United States, Nadine gave birth to a son, whom she named with the unusual name Abdullah. The child's father is businessman Usman Sadulayev.

They say that it was for his sake that Nadezhda converted to Islam and for a long time wore appropriate clothing, scarves and other elements of the images of Muslim women. A wealthy man gave her real estate, expensive cars, paid for household expenses and continues to support his son. But the relationship never came to the point of official registration.

In the summer of 2022, Nadezhda openly began dating football player Pavel Mamaev. This fact shocked both his ex-wife Alana and everyone who had previously followed the heroes of the “triangle” on social networks. After all, just a few months ago Nadine was included in the Mamaev family nest as a friend.

True, the bright blonde Sanko has her own version: she claims that she was never Alana’s friend - they were good acquaintances, nothing more. And, most importantly, she didn’t take her husband away, because at the time the relationship with Pavel began, he was already a free, divorced man.

↑ What plastic surgeries did Nadezhda Sanko perform?

Our heroine’s appearance represents the quintessence of what was actively cultivated on Instagram several years ago as the canons of beauty. Blonde hair, pouting lips, a clearly defined oval face and the obligatory sunken cheekbones. Perhaps it didn’t come down to a miniature nose with the thinnest back, but who knows what awaits us in the future.

Need I clarify that just a few years ago the girl looked completely different. She was a brunette with thin string eyebrows and, although plump, but much less voluminous lips - those photos, according to Nadezhda herself, she is not shy about, but she believes that she has only become her real self now.

Nadine doesn’t try to hold back or deny anything when it comes to her “tuning.” And this inspires respect: although there is nothing shameful in either plastic surgery or cosmetology, many celebrities still consider it necessary to hide these moments from their audience. Which, however, does not make sense - any changes can be easily tracked using photographs from different years, which is what we will do right now.

↑ Bulhorn - a tribute to dubious fashion

Sanko took a long time to decide on this operation, but in 2022 she finally had it done. Bullhorn is the removal of a small area of ​​skin under the base of the nose, due to which the distance from the bridge of the nose to the upper lip is reduced, and the lip itself turns out a little and looks fuller.

  • I had an excellent surgeon, and I like his work
    ,” said the blonde.
    There are scars under the nose, but this is apparently a place where it cannot be avoided.

The result in Nadezhda’s case is really good (the operation is specific and even if performed well, it does not suit everyone). The scars that the girl mentioned are located under the columella - there are no natural folds here, so it is completely impossible to hide them. But the skin in this area, as a rule, heals very well, so you can see the marks only if you really want to.

↑ Rhinoplasty by Nadezhda Sanko

This operation actually took place - moreover, the girl was not entirely satisfied with it and is thinking about correction. Nadine is not satisfied with the shape of her new nose, nor the appearance of the nostrils, nor the width of the back.

The result cannot be called completely unsuccessful, but it objectively does not have that elegance and diminutiveness for which metropolitan society ladies come for plastic surgery. And in comparison with the source, it is not at all impressive.

Unfortunately, the likelihood of correcting the situation with revision rhinoplasty is very small: this is an even more complex intervention, and the surgeon will be greatly limited by what his less skilled colleague has already done.

↑ What else was done to the lips

Everything is standard here: regular injections of hyaluronic acid plus tattooing. According to Sanko, she tries not to partition and strives for a balance between volume and naturalness. It turns out badly: perhaps 5 years ago, against the general background, it really would have looked quite “natural”, but since then a lot has changed... Moreover, judging by old photographs, Nadezhda’s lips are far from thin and they would only be slightly enough emphasize with filler, if you really want to.

In some close-ups, you can see the uneven texture of the lips. Such a specific relief may appear due to clumping of the injected gel ( see article

“Bumps and lumps after fillers”). There are also suggestions that Nadezhda previously injected a non-absorbable biopolymer instead of hyaluronic acid - this procedure was quite popular in Moscow until the end of the 2000s. It can only be removed surgically, which inevitably leaves scars and bumps.

↑ Have Bisha's lumps been removed?

The controversy surrounding Nadine's textured face continues. Commentators are divided into two camps - some are sure that Sanko had plastic surgery to remove fatty lumps, otherwise, how did her cheekbones become so sunken? Others believe that this facial structure is natural. Nadezhda herself sharply denies surgical intervention in this area, referring to photos of her youth.

  • «Check out my old photos! There are the same sunken cheeks, they just became even more pronounced with age!

Indeed, already in her youth the girl had quite confident pits, which only became more accentuated closer to the age of 30. It is during this period that “youthful fat” disappears from the face and, in the absence of problems with excess weight, the cheekbones can be contoured on their own, without any surgery.

↑ Other facial tuning

Nadezhda is very responsible about her appearance: her arsenal includes regular Botox injections to eliminate wrinkles on the forehead, between the eyebrows and in the corners of the eyes, professional care and biorevitalization courses. For her, this is a kind of fad: more than once in interviews, Sanko noted that the first thing she pays attention to is the quality of the skin of her interlocutors, which is why she takes full care of hers.

Nadine did not do anything more radical, such as threads or surgical lifts. She doesn’t need it yet, but the photo clearly shows the tendency towards gradual ptosis of the face (sagging soft tissues): in the cheekbone area, at the corners of the lips, and in the jowl area. Nasolacrimal grooves also appear, and the area around the eyes and cheeks recedes.

These are inevitable age-related changes, and in the case of Nadezhda they will not become a disaster either now or in the future. If a girl does not give up regularly taking care of her skin, she will look very good at any age. If you really want a wow effect, you can think about additional support, first with threads and then with the help of SMAS lifting.

↑ What about the figure?

By nature, Nadezhda had a fairly modest bust size, and she has not yet had any implants.

It is possible that the girl will undergo mammoplasty in the near future. And her keen interest in the details of guests’ operations during her interviews is further confirmation of this.

A thin figure, slender physique, and natural slimness certainly add a special chic to the girl’s appearance. But, unlike most of her friends, Sanko does not indulge her fans with candid photos. Although among her old photographs from 10 years ago you can find some very spectacular shots.

Perhaps the love for closed clothes and maxi dresses is due to the fact that after giving birth, Nadine’s figure does not look the best? It’s unlikely, because she obviously doesn’t have excess weight, and the stretched skin on her stomach would be difficult to hide under tight-fitting clothes. Most likely, the matter is in the personal preferences of our heroine, for which no one is going to condemn her.

↑ Experiments with hair

In the early 2000s, Nadezhda was a burning brunette, and after a few years she went blonde for a long time and in earnest. It should be noted that with blond hair, a girl looks more interesting - it smoothes out large facial features, making her appearance prettier and more feminine.

By the way, Nadine has said more than once in interviews that she truly lacks femininity. Sometimes her behavior is dominated by excessive harshness and rudeness of a strong, strong-willed woman, but she should, by her own admission, be more meek.

  • Overall:
    Nadezhda Sanko enjoys using the entire arsenal of modern cosmetology and is gradually mastering plastic surgery. Her photo is the best proof of this. Over the past 10 years, the blonde has radically changed her appearance, but whether this has benefited her is no clear opinion. What is certain is that Nadezhda manages to look bright, and her hype romance with football player Mamaev adds fuel to the fire of her popularity.

Personal life

Lishnevskaya is often credited with various novels. After the release of the “Tears” video, rumors spread that there was more than a working relationship between the artist and the model. In addition, information appeared in the media that the blogger was in a relationship with Timati’s brother, Artem Yunusov. Allegedly, it was for this reason that Timur was so surprised when he saw the girl on the project.

Later it became known that Lishnevskaya was married. At the end of 2020, the couple divorced. There is no information about who the beloved blogger was. The reasons for the breakup also remain unknown.

Caitlyn Jenner

The American TV star spent a record amount of money on the transformation. And this is not surprising, because from a man the star has turned into a charming woman. No one knows whether the transformation is complete. One can only guess about this.

The celebrity is a fan of Botox. In addition, Caitlyn Jenner has gone under the knife more than once to “touch up” her eyebrows, eyelids, eyes, cheeks, and, of course, her breasts. The TV show star spent about eighty thousand dollars on her transformation. Gender reassignment surgery alone costs about ten to twenty thousand dollars. Not less!

Lyubov Lishnevskaya now

During the first meeting, Lyubov came to Timur in a dress of discreet colors. She gave the rapper transferable tattoos that she made herself. Participation in the 8th season of the show “The Bachelor” came as a surprise to fans. The charming participant, with a height of 171 cm and a weight of about 55 kg, intends to win the heart of the main bachelor of 2022.

After participating in the project, the model continued to actively develop her career. Lyubov Lishevskaya celebrated 2022 at an exotic resort, from where she published a number of piquant photographs.

Rita Ora

The celebrity resorted to the help of plastic surgeons several times. The Hollywood star had rhinoplasty and enlarged her breasts by several sizes. In addition, the actress resorted to using Botox to get rid of small wrinkles on her face. Rita Ora had her wisdom teeth removed and underwent several teeth whitening procedures to perfect her smile. The actress spent at least thirty thousand dollars on beauty treatments.

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Tara Reid

It must be said that the actress is famous more for her numerous plastic surgeries than for her creative activities. Some operations were not entirely successful. After one of the last procedures, many believed that the celebrity would refuse subsequent procedures. But it was not there. In her statement, the star said that she does not exclude the possibility of a new appeal to miracle doctors. According to preliminary estimates, the girl spent about ten thousand dollars on the services of plastic surgeons.

The desire to stop aging and make your face perfect is understandable! But is such a desire worth the risks that a person is exposed to? After all, the effect of operations does not always meet expectations.

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The celebrity claims that she has undergone only two plastic surgeries. Let's face it: this is hard to believe. The actress and singer changed the shape of her nose, used special compounds to enlarge her lips, and also resorted to liposuction to get rid of extra centimeters in problem areas of her body. According to preliminary data, Cher spent about a million dollars on transformation procedures.

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Jocelyn Wildenstein

The intervention of plastic surgeons is obvious. A woman has undergone a lot of plastic surgery to look like... a cat. Jocelyn is one of the leading celebrities who have caused significant damage to their appearance through surgery.

Seven facelifts, eye reconstruction, many collagen injections into the lips, chin and cheeks... and who knows what else! The woman spent about four million dollars on numerous transformations.

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