Hymenoplasty: two methods to restore virginity

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Hymenoplasty is the medical term for an operation to restore virginity (refloration or restoration of the hymen), which is performed at the woman’s own request. In colloquial speech, hymenoplasty is also called “suturing the hymen.”

Girls' hymen: how can it be damaged and returned?

The hymen (hymen) is a fold of mucous membrane with an opening covering the entrance to the vagina, located between the internal and external genitalia; it is usually (but not always) torn during the first sexual intercourse. It can be more or less elastic, thick, with one or more holes, or practically absent from birth.

Damage to the hymen can occur under a variety of circumstances and most often it can be the following:

  • sexual intercourse in the vagina;
  • physical injuries;
  • careless and active masturbation;
  • medical manipulations;
  • improper use of tampons, etc.

The nature of its damage and structural features depend on the possibility of performing short-term and long-term hymenoplasty, as well as the category of complexity of the operation. The experienced, best specialists of our clinic will be able to restore your virginity taking into account all your wishes and nuances, keeping everything strictly confidential! It is possible to provide all services on the day of treatment (the patient’s stay in the clinic is from 2 to 5 hours).

How much does hymen restoration surgery cost: features of the procedure

The hymen is a small fold of mucous membrane with an opening that covers the entrance to the vagina between the internal and external genitalia. As a rule, it breaks after the first sexual intercourse. But there is also traumatic defloration, in which its destruction occurs against the background of injury or any stress. Losing one's virginity is not always a planned event. Often girls become victims of violence, for whom restoration of the hymen means eliminating the consequences of physical (and moral) trauma. Therefore, many find out how much it costs to regain virginity and sign up for the procedure.

Hymenoplasty (operation to restore virginity) is a popular service. Its main feature is a complete imitation of the natural rupture of the hymen: insertion of the penis into the genital tract is a little difficult, discomfort appears during intimacy, and a mandatory attribute is bloody discharge. Many girls decide to restore their virginity; the price of the procedure is affordable. This technique is characterized by safety and does not lead to complications. Let's take a closer look at how much it costs to restore virginity, how the procedure goes and in what ways it is carried out.

Indications for hymenoplasty

Mostly girls come to carry out this operation in order to hide some moments from the past and approach the wedding, prepared according to the ideas of the future family. More rarely, but still there are situations when a woman marries not a virgin and wants to surprise her husband in the future. Also, this intervention may be indicated for victims of rape, or for patients after surgical defloration when performing any gynecological interventions.

There are no indications for this operation. The decision is made by the patient, and the doctor must fundamentally determine the most gentle and effective method.

The effect of hymen restoration on the body: pros and cons

There is a misconception that restoring virginity can have a negative impact on the body. There is no connection between it and the functioning of internal organs and systems. Surgery does not affect urination and reproductive function.

Experts note that if a child is conceived after the first intimate relationship (from the moment of hymenoplasty), this will not affect the fetus in any way. In addition, the operation will have a beneficial effect on the relationship between partners and will enhance the emotions from sexual intercourse.

When to check the result of hymenoplasty?

Restoring virginity
It is better to do this two weeks later, I recommend this to all my patients, since doctors say that everything is fine, but it is not always good. Therefore, it is better to be confident in the result yourself, rather than rely on the words of an almost unknown doctor. Again, the cost of his mistake is extremely high for you.

So, before the operation, two fingers freely penetrate the vagina; this size approximately corresponds to the average statistical male sexual organ. After it, only the tip of one will pass, or one with difficulty, the hole should remain for menstruation.

Main indications and contraindications

There are no medical indications for hymenoplasty, since the procedure does not provide a therapeutic effect. The only indication is the desire of the patient herself. Many people decide to do it for moral and religious reasons, in order to diversify their intimate life and present an unusual surprise to their partner. Other common reasons for girls to take this step include:

  • upcoming marriage, an integral condition of which is the purity of the bride;
  • an act of violence that was committed against an innocent girl;
  • injuries that led to rupture of the hymen.

The operation to restore virginity is not difficult for experienced surgeons, does not lead to complications and does not require hospitalization. Despite the safety of the procedure, there are a number of restrictions (absolute and relative) to its implementation. Contraindications include:

  • serious mental disorders;
  • sexual infections;
  • blood diseases (clotting disorders);
  • abnormalities of the endocrine system (diabetes mellitus);
  • oncological diseases;
  • exacerbation of a chronic process in the body.

Restoring virginity - refloration

The main reason to undergo a refloration procedure is the desire of the patient, who has lost the hymen due to injury, vigorous exercise, sex or medical manipulation, as well as due to its congenital absence, to become a virgin again. It is incorrect to believe that hymenoplasty is performed exclusively before a wedding in order to hide the sexual experience of girls in families with strict observance of religious traditions. Sometimes stitching is performed after rape, and women resort to this operation to get rid of psychological trauma and, if possible, forget this nightmare. Girls who have lost their virginity and now regret it, by returning it surgically, thereby regaining this symbol of virginity, regaining a sense of comfort and untouched personal space. Some resort to hymen restoration to turn the page after the end of a relationship with a partner and start building a new love from scratch.

☹ ☹ In communities that consider the hymen as evidence of a certain sexual status, its premarital rupture can lead to social disaster. At the same time, in some countries, hymenoplasty surgery is illegal for social and cultural reasons.

☺ ☺ In some cases, refloration for the purpose of reconstructing the hymen can help a woman once again enjoy its “untouchedness”, again experience the moment of defloration in all its colors, or give the opportunity to experience the sacrament of taking possession of the “forbidden fruit” for her sexual partner. Short-term hymenoplasty in this sexual experiment will best help you!

♕ Revirginization - some women undergo this procedure to offer their partners a special gift for some event in life (relationship anniversary, birthday, Valentine's Day, wedding anniversary, etc.).

Preparatory stage

Restoration of the hymen in Moscow is in great demand. At the initial appointment, the doctor listens carefully to the patient, clarifies what type of hymen is needed - long-term or short-term (the cost of restoring virginity depends on this) and collects anamnesis. After this, he will definitely prescribe a laboratory and instrumental examination, which includes:

  • general and biochemical blood test (determines the amount of urea, creatinine, bilirubin and a number of other indicators);
  • blood type;
  • blood test for clotting;
  • Rh factor;
  • ECG.

Additionally, a consultation with an anesthesiologist is recommended, since the method of restoring the hymen is carried out under anesthesia. To avoid negative consequences, if contraindications are detected, surgery is not performed. For example, if diagnostic results reveal an inflammatory process, preliminary treatment is required.

Hymenoplasty before and after

  • undergo a comprehensive examination, consult with a doctor and other specialists to identify deficiencies and disorders in the body;
  • do an electrocardiogram and x-ray;
  • It is necessary to undergo an in-depth examination by a gynecologist, take a urine and blood test for HIV, syphilis and hepatitis, blood clotting, determine the Rh factor and blood groups, and also need to take a smear for flora.
  • do a video colposcopy.

The doctor makes a decision about the possibility of surgery only after studying the results of such an examination. The reconstruction operation is performed quite quickly, however, in order to obtain the desired effect and prevent any complications, it is important to follow the doctor’s recommendations. It is not recommended for several days after surgery:

  • take a bath (only showers are allowed);
  • avoid close relationships;
  • swimming in saunas, baths, open water;
  • avoid the formation of gas in the intestines; in the first days you can only eat liquid food.

How long does it take to restore virginity: progress

One of the main questions from girls is: “how much does it cost to sew up a hymen?” The price is largely influenced by the chosen technique. The operation to restore virginity can be carried out using two methods - short-term and long-term. Both types of surgical intervention are performed no later than 4-5 days before the next menstruation.

The short-term (purse-string) technique involves applying a purse-string suture made of ultra-thin absorbable suture material (maximum resorption period - 7 days) onto the remains of the hymen after defloration. In this case, the area of ​​the vagina where manipulations are performed is not damaged. As a rule, the procedure is performed under local anesthesia. The duration of the technique is 20-30 minutes. Carrying out such surgical intervention has a number of advantages, including:

  • fast rehabilitation;
  • no effect on hormonal levels;
  • low morbidity;
  • absence of pronounced painful sensations.

It is worth noting that, taking into account the duration of resorption of ultra-thin suture material, it is important to have sexual intercourse no later than a week after surgery. This is due to the fact that after the biodegradation of the threads, there is a high probability that the result will be lost. This technique is especially preferable for girls who signed up for surgery in order to diversify their intimate life and present a surprise to their partner.

Long-term (three-layer) hymenoplasty is usually resorted to for religious or social reasons. The doctor mobilizes a flap from the posterior wall of the vagina, with which he strengthens the hymenal ring. Such manipulations make it possible to restore the hymen for a long time (does not depend on the period of biodegradation of the suture material, as is the case with a short-term technique). The result lasts for 2-3 years. Reconstruction of a new hymen is recommended for girls who are currently not sexually active. It helps you look confidently into future relationships.

With repeated defloration, all the accompanying signs are present, with bloody discharge during the first sexual intercourse, as a rule, more pronounced than in normal cases. Such a surgical intervention can be performed under local or general anesthesia (in the latter case, a mandatory condition is on an empty stomach). The duration of the procedure is 40-60 minutes. The cost of restoring the hymen using this technique is higher, since it is more difficult and takes longer.

Three-layer hymenoplasty, long-term hymenoplasty: SHELF DATE

Three-layer and long-term hymenoplasty for girls in Moscow and the Moscow region in our Hymenoplasty Clinic is performed for an UNLIMITED TIME.

Three-layer hymenoplasty and long-term hymenoplasty differ from short-term hymenoplasty by excision of sections of the vaginal mucosa and the formation of artificial patches that visually correspond to the NATURAL hymen.

After complete epithelialization (healing), even the meticulous VIEW OF A GYNECOLOGIST is not able to determine the artificial nature of the newly formed hymen.

COMPLETE HEALING of the newly formed hymen when restoring virginity using the method of three-layer hymenoplasty and long-term hymenoplasty in our Clinic occurs in 28-30 days.

Before long-term hymenoplasty

Long-term hymenoplasty using the three-layer hymenoplasty method in our specialized Clinic after 3 months. Pay attention to the EXCELLENT comparison of tissues

Three-layer hymenoplasty and long-term hymenoplasty for Moscow girls, performed in our Hymenoplasty Clinic, are highly valued by our Patients and plastic surgeons.

You can see photos of three-layer hymenoplasty and long-term hymenoplasty performed in our specialized Clinic on many websites of general medical institutions offering hymenoplasty in Moscow.

ONLINE information about hymenoplasty can be found at

SIGN UP ONLINE for long-term and three-layer hymenoplasty here.

Sign up for hymenoplasty in Moscow

Features of the postoperative period and possible complications

Once surgery is complete, the woman will remain in the inpatient department for a couple of hours (the exact time depends on the anesthesia used) before being discharged home. The next day, it is important to carefully follow the specialist’s recommendations. During this time, a woman is prohibited from:

  • lift weights weighing more than 4 kg;
  • sit on the twine (both longitudinal and transverse);
  • perform squats;
  • use hygienic vaginal tampons.

At first, it is recommended to eat a liquid diet, minimize the consumption of foods that can cause bloating, and increase fermentation processes in the intestines. At the same time, there are no restrictions on intimacy, so starting sexual activity is allowed at any time (if we are talking about a short-term technique). Unlike most surgical interventions, visits to the bathhouse, solarium, swimming pool and sports are not prohibited. The physical sensations during sexual intercourse with a restored hymen are similar to natural defloration.

After long-term hymenoplasty, it is forbidden to have sex for 2-3 weeks, sit for a long time and make sudden movements. Surgery to restore the hymen rarely leads to complications. Sometimes after a long-term technique there is slight bleeding and numbness in the area of ​​manipulation. Some girls experience discomfort in the vaginal area in the first days; this is normal. If the bleeding does not stop after a few days, it is important to consult a specialist for advice.

How to keep your virginity after surgery

During this period, you should not lift weights or swim in open waters, where you can get an infection. You need to wash yourself with a weak pink solution of potassium permanganate or another septic tank as prescribed by your doctor.

After long-term recovery of the hymen, you should see a gynecologist in 2 weeks so that he can evaluate the results of the operation and see if everything has healed well. Then the woman will be sure that at the right moment everything will go as it should.

When performed correctly, the operation is safe, so you need to carefully select a clinic and gynecologist who practices hymenoplasty. Experienced doctors at the Diana Clinic will perform the operation efficiently and safely.

How much does surgery to restore virginity cost in Moscow?

Many girls are interested in how much it costs to restore virginity. The price directly depends on the status of the medical institution, the qualifications of the specialist and the method of implementation. The price directly depends on the status of the medical institution, the qualifications of the specialist and the method of implementation. All surgical interventions are performed by a certified plastic surgeon, Candidate of Medical Sciences - Kirill Viktorovich. The main advantages of seeking help include:

  1. Complete security. Kirill Viktorovich always prioritizes the interests of the patient, therefore he informs in advance about possible risks and consequences, and the features of the rehabilitation period. In his medical practice, he uses proven techniques using high-quality materials.
  2. Equipping with modernized equipment. The clinic where Kirill Viktorovich performs surgical interventions is equipped with the latest equipment, which guarantees a positive result of surgical interventions.
  3. Confidentiality (no patient information will be passed on to third parties).
  4. Individual approach to each patient.
  5. Loyal pricing policy. Despite the high quality of the services provided, the prices are affordable (you can find out more about how much it costs to sew up a virginity on the clinic’s website).
  6. Conclusion of an agreement. All surgical procedures are carried out strictly after the conclusion of the contract. It indicates the rights and responsibilities of both parties (the clinic and the patient).

Despite being very busy, Kirill Viktorovich conducts free online consultations: you can ask a question on the website and provide contact information. He will give an answer soon. To make an initial appointment with a specialist, just contact the administrator at the specified phone number or fill out a standard form on the website, selecting the expected date and time of the appointment. An affordable price for virginity restoration surgery is guaranteed.


The price list depends on the region and level of the clinic where the manipulation will take place. In St. Petersburg, the average price for restoring virginity is 20 thousand rubles. It should be understood that the short-term method is 25-50% cheaper than the long-term method.

If the cost of surgical services at a medical center is suspiciously low, think about whether it’s worth going there and whether the result will satisfy you? There is a risk that a short-term recovery will be carried out under the guise of a long-term one.

Read more about short-term hymenoplasty

The operation is a simple one; it involves stitching together flaps of the hymen. This type of hymenoplasty can be performed without anesthesia, but usually the doctor will apply an anesthetic spray (more for the patient’s peace of mind). After the sutures are completely dissolved, the hymen can separate back into flaps. Therefore, short-term hymenoplasty is suitable in cases where virginity is “required” in the immediate days after surgery. Usually such cases are typical:

  • “proof” of innocence is required for the man or for relatives (the patient herself or the family of the future husband);
  • a woman (or both sexual partners) begins to desire to diversify her sex life.

Rehabilitation after short-term hymenoplasty is not required; sexual contact is allowed within a day or two.

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