Anti-aging blepharoplasty of the eyelids without the effect of the operated face

Laser eyelid blepharoplasty today allows you to make your look more attractive and expressive. The main advantage of this procedure is that it involves minimal surgical manipulation. In addition, the recovery period after laser blepharoplasty is less than 14 days. This innovation is extremely popular nowadays among the fair sex at any age.

The main task facing eyelid blepharoplasty is making corrections in the area of ​​the upper or lower eyelids through minor surgical intervention. The result of the operation is the elimination of “bags” under the eyes, as well as getting rid of drooping eyelids. Thanks to blepharoplasty, a woman will look several years younger.

Who is laser blepharoplasty aimed at?

Age-related deformation makes itself felt on average by 35-45 years, sometimes earlier. Accordingly, it is at this age that you can resort to laser blepharoplasty of the eyelids. There are no age restrictions in this case. As for deformation, it consists in deterioration of the elasticity of muscle fibers and skin of the eyelids. The overall tone of the face and eyelids decreases, and only this low-traumatic operation can help restore it fully.

In what cases is it recommended to use this operation?

The main reasons when it is advisable to perform surgery have been discussed above. But, there are others.

Indications for laser blepharoplasty:

  1. Eyelid defects. May be acquired or congenital;
  2. Correction of the shape or shape of the eyes. Eyes become more expressive;
  3. Removal of excess eyelid skin and bags under the eyes.

Only laser eyelid blepharoplasty allows you to change your facial expression and eliminate drooping corners of the eyes with minimal trauma.

Benefits of laser blepharoplasty

  • the possibility of infection is excluded. The operation is performed at elevated temperatures. As a result, the likelihood of pathogenic microorganisms entering the wound is reduced to nothing. Even if they end up there, the thermal effect will immediately eliminate them;
  • no noticeable scars. Wounds heal with the formation of thin scars;
  • minimal injury. Skin incisions are made with a scalpel, which guarantees a short recovery period for wounds, as well as their rapid healing with the formation of a thin, unnoticeable scar;
  • coagulation of blood vessels without bruising and swelling. High temperatures help avoid the occurrence of these temporary defects on the face;
  • short rehabilitation period. After a couple of weeks, you can return to a full life without any restrictions.

On top of that, it must be said that laser eyelid blepharoplasty does not require a person to be in the clinic after the operation. After a couple of hours, the woman can leave the walls of the establishment.

Contraindications to laser blepharoplasty

Alas, not all representatives of the fair sex can resort to laser blepharoplasty of the eyelids. The thing is that there are a number of contraindications. Carrying out a cosmetic procedure is not allowed in the presence of benign or malignant neoplasms. In addition, blepharoplasty is not recommended if you have HIV infection, blood diseases, or problems with the endocrine system. Temporary contraindications include pregnancy, breastfeeding and chronic diseases in the acute stage.

Preparing for laser eyelid lift

To ensure that the result of laser eyelid blepharoplasty exceeds all expectations and that there are no complications, you should properly prepare for the operation. The first step is to come for a consultation with a plastic surgeon. It is he who will inform you about which areas need to be given attention in order to achieve maximum effect. A couple of weeks before surgery, you need to stop using medications that directly affect the level of blood clotting. Avoid drinking alcohol and smoking.

The following tests will have to be taken:

  • fluorography;
  • electrocardiogram;
  • biochemical and standard blood tests;
  • hCG and HIV;
  • Analysis of urine.

Based on the results of all tests, the specialist will inform you whether a minimally invasive procedure can be performed. The anesthesia that will be used during the operation is also determined.

How to get flawlessly youthful eyes for 10 years or more

You are probably considering blepharoplasty. Choose a surgeon and clinic.

You've probably already read that eye rejuvenation usually involves removing excess skin in the upper and lower eyelids, as well as fatty hernias that give the effect of bags under the eyes.

You have already been promised that a youthful look will delight you for 7-10 years...

Unfortunately, this is false information.

Firstly , in a smoking and nervous metropolis, the result of classical eyelid surgery lasts no more than 5.

Secondly , few people know that the technique of performing classical blepharoplasty was finally formed by 1950 and has undergone virtually no changes since then!

Methods that don't work

Folk and home methods, unfortunately, cannot in any way significantly affect the manifestations of ptosis.

  • Massage and gymnastics. Positive effects include only stimulation of blood circulation in the periorbital area. One of the risks is injury to thin skin, which leads to an increase in wrinkles and the appearance of spider veins under the eyes.
  • Various serums and creams. They may slightly moisturize the skin, but they can cause more harm: cause allergies, blurred vision if it comes into contact with the eyes, and increase swelling.
  • Face fitness. It is an excellent exercise for vision, but in no way affects the tissue surrounding the eyes.
  • Taping. A method designed to lift overhanging areas of skin using special adhesive strips. It has minimal effect on gravitational ptosis, but often provokes redness, itching and burning in the area of ​​use.

Plastic surgeons at the GALAXY Beauty Institute strongly recommend not to experiment with your health and seek help from licensed specialists. We work only with effective, proven methods, use certified drugs and carefully follow safety precautions when carrying out any manipulations. Our doctors will select for you the optimal method for correcting a drooping upper eyelid, conduct a comprehensive diagnosis and help restore your youthful appearance in the shortest possible time.

The trust of celebrity patients is one of the best proofs of the “couture” level of skill

Let’s not hide that Platinental surgeons trust their eyes to celebrities and politicians.

We are somehow accustomed to the fact that all stars undergo plastic surgery. But we rarely think that they are not only the most demanding patients. They are also the busiest. Their filming and touring schedule is planned 3-5 years in advance .

Due to lack of time and the nature of the profession, such patients always make 2 strict demands:

  1. the operation should take place without complications and have the shortest possible recovery period,
  2. the operation must provide a long-term result and be done as rarely as possible, because forced downtime can easily ruin a career.

And the stars of politics and business present one more thing.

They are not eager to make public the fact of the anti-aging procedures performed. Therefore, the operations that we perform at Platinental provide the most natural result without the effect of an operated face. Everything looks as if the person began to lead a healthy lifestyle and gets enough sleep regularly .

We are pleased to offer all these technologies to you.

Iskornev Andrey, plastic surgeon.

Eyes are the main factor of attractiveness. They determine how sociable you are, what mood you are in, what mood you are in, whether you are flirtatious or strict, analytical or, conversely, prone to adventurism.

The harmony of the eyes, like all facial features, has its own rules, but the degree of “deviation” from the conventional norm can be much greater than with the shape of the lips, nose or chin.

Despite this, there are strict rules:

— The contour of the lower eyelid should touch the lower border of the iris, otherwise the eyes look round, “fishy”, this is how the eyelid of an elderly person looks. That is why lower eyelid blepharoplasty is a special science, and only a few surgeons are concerned about the stability of the eyelid shape after such an operation.

Regular and fisheye

— The outer corner of the eye should be 2-3mm higher than the inner one. This creates the effect of an almond-shaped eyelid, which on a woman’s face emphasizes the artistry and sexuality of nature.

Regular and almond-shaped eyes

- There should be a small roll of muscle under the lower eyelid (pretarsal roll of the lower eyelid). This should definitely be taken into account when planning lower eyelid blepharoplasty. The surgeon must be able to model this roll of muscle to highlight the youthful shape of the eyelid and the natural result of rejuvenation.”

The pretarsal ridge of the lower eyelid on Kate Middleton, Emma Watts and the model from the Christian Dior show certainly speaks of their youth.

For consultation

Before undergoing eyelid surgery, a consultation with a surgeon is required. The consultation usually reveals the patient’s wishes and his vision of the outcome of the operation. The surgeon assesses the condition of the skin, determines whether there are fatty hernias, tells the patient how the incision line is located, what result can be achieved as a result of the operation, and also determines whether there are any contraindications to the operation.

During the consultation, the doctor will explain how to behave in the postoperative period and what procedures need to be used to speed up the rehabilitation period.

Do you want to clarify some points for yourself before the consultation?

contact the doctor online and he will definitely answer your questions within 1-2 days.

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Seamless blepharoplasty of the upper eyelids

Typically, to perform a classic upper eyelid blepharoplasty, the surgeon makes an incision in the natural crease of the upper eyelid and carefully removes excess skin.

The art of the surgeon in this case:

  • remove as much as needed. No more and no less
  • make the seam as invisible as possible and hide it exactly in a natural fold.

And only a few know that in 3 out of 4 cases, an incision on the eyelid can be omitted . Especially in young patients.

Injection removal of bags under the eyes with Eyebag Solution.

Often the cause of excess skin on the upper eyelids is drooping eyebrows. Classic blepharoplasty in this case can greatly aggravate the ptosis and sharply outline the contours of the eye sockets.

Therefore, at Platinental we offer endoscopic brow lift as an alternative to blepharoplasty. It simultaneously allows you to 1) “open your eyes”, 2) remove the overhang of the skin fold of the upper eyelid and 3) model the shape of the eyebrows.

To obtain an even more pronounced and long-lasting result, eyebrow lifting and correction is performed using absorbable implants - endotins.

This three-in-one approach allows you to avoid 100% stitches on the eyes and provides a much more pronounced and long-lasting result.

The effect of the procedure is impressive. See for yourself:

Causes of drooping eyelids

Sagging areas of the skin under the influence of congenital, external or age-related factors are called ptosis. The main causes of this condition are:

  • natural aging, which reduces the production of elastin and collagen, which provide elasticity and tone to tissues;
  • some diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • diabetes;
  • genetic predisposition (for example, being Asian or certain congenital diseases);
  • poor diet with a lot of salt, which retains fluid in the body;
  • chronic fatigue due to insufficient night rest;
  • hard physical labor;
  • constant nervous tension;
  • improper care of the eye area (use of aggressive products, incorrectly selected decorative cosmetics, insufficient cleansing of the skin after makeup before bedtime);
  • frequent allergic reactions accompanied by swelling of the skin on the face;
  • myopia, due to which a person involuntarily squints in order to better see distant objects.

In some cases, the administration of botulinum toxin may cause ptosis: when the drug spreads (diffusion) into neighboring muscle groups, the eyelid may sag. To avoid such situations, cosmetologists at the GALAXY Beauty Institute recommend contacting only trusted specialists in professional medical institutions.

Lower eyelid blepharoplasty

During classic blepharoplasty, the surgeon makes an incision under the eyelash line. Its task is to eliminate excess skin and remove hernias, which create the effect of puffy eyes.

If there is no excess skin, a minimally invasive operation is performed to remove the bags - the so-called transconjunctival blepharoplasty without external incisions. An incision is made on the inside of the eye, through which the fat sac will be removed. The advantage of transconjunctival blepharoplasty is the absence of a visible scar on the face after healing.

Lower eyelid blepharoplasty at Platinental is performed differently. As a rule, simultaneously with a low-traumatic cheek lift. This technique is called Cheek lift light.

Circumferential blepharoplasty and endoscopic midface lift. Done by Andrey Iskornev.

Cheek lift techniques are varied.

  • you can fill the area of ​​the cheekbones and mid-face with your own fat (do lipofilling),
  • You can lift the overhanging area of ​​the cheekbone with the absorbable Endotine device. Endotins in plastic surgery are also called biological face lifting, since endotin is absorbed 5-6 months after injection, but the tissue continues to be stretched.

In this case, no additional incisions are required - the entire procedure is carried out through an incision in the eyelash edge.

No other eye blepharoplasty gives such a result! Just imagine. Your new face without nasolacrimal grooves, the protruding contours of the eye sockets (the transition between the lower eyelid and cheek) are smoothed, the nasolabial folds magically disappear, the cheekbones return to the top and are filled with youthful volume. Your face glows with youth!

Indications for blepharoplasty

Main indications for eyelid plastic surgery:

  • loss of tone and elasticity of the skin of the eyelids;
  • tired look (“heavy” eyelids);
  • drooping skin of the upper eyelid (“drooping eyelid”, including congenital eyelid ptosis);
  • drooping (ptosis) of the lower corners of the eyes, as a result of which their shape changes and the size of the eyes decreases;
  • excess skin of the lower eyelids, wrinkles, hernias, folds of the lower eyelids.

An eyelid lift allows you to get rid of excess skin and fatty tissue in the eyelid area, reduce signs of age-related changes, eliminate congenital and acquired eyelid defects, and correct the muscles of the periorbital area.

Laser blepharoplasty: young eyes should look wrinkle-free!

Contrary to popular myths, it is impossible to eliminate crow's feet using classic blepharoplasty.

For radical eye rejuvenation, we at Platinental combine surgery with light fractional laser eyelid peeling. Carbon dioxide laser allows you to make the skin more elastic after surgery, erase the relief of fine wrinkles and improve its color, especially for those who suffer from dark circles under the eyes.

Resurfacing is performed in the clinic simultaneously with the operation under TIVA anesthesia, so pain is excluded.

Advantages of the EMC Clinic

Plastic surgery on the eyelids includes a number of different correction options and requires the highest qualifications and precision from the specialist. Blepharoplasty at the EMC clinic is the best plastic surgery specialists with international practice and extensive practice, mastering the most complex methods of eyelid correction.

Innovative technical equipment, a modern fully equipped operating unit, the possibility of a comprehensive examination before surgery, and a postoperative hospital allow the EMC Aesthetic Clinic to maintain the highest level of medicine in Moscow.

Photos "before and after"

Circular blepharoplasty. One of the indicators of successful blepharoplasty is the stability of the lower eyelid. Changing the curvature of the line even by 1 mm gives the effect of “operated” eyelids. The result “before” and 9 days “after” the operation. Subsequently, the seam will almost completely turn white and disappear. Surgeon: Iskornev Andrey.

The photo on the left shows a patient with rounded eyelids after previously performed blepharoplasty. The photo on the right shows the corrected shape due to canthoplasty and lipofilling of the infraorbital areas. Performed by surgeon: Andrey Iskornev.

SMAS lift, upper and lower blepharoplasty, forehead lift, Hollywood neck lift, CO2 laser resurfacing. Surgeon: Iskornev A.A.

Marina Glushenkova underwent upper and lower transconjunctival blepharoplasty. The result is relief from drooping upper eyelids and bags under the eyes. Surgeon: Iskornev Andrey.

Photo from the patient’s personal archive. Completed by: Andrey Iskornev.

Elena Savitskaya “before” and 6 months “after” blepharoplasty. Surgeon: Iskornev A.A.

Review by Elena Savitskaya

SMAS face and neck lift, blepharoplasty of the upper and lower eyelids. Surgeon: Iskornev Andrey.

Done by Andrey Iskornev.

Done by Melnikov D.V.

Blepharoplasty of the lower eyelids, Cheek lift (cheek lifting) using the Endotine Midface ST fixator. Done by Andrey Iskornev.

Blepharoplasty of the upper and lower eyelids, cheek lift light. Surgeon: Iskornev Andrey.

Bags or dark circles under the eyes occur not only due to pathology. Sometimes, after a party or drinking a lot of liquid at night, bags can appear in healthy people. These are fatty hernias of the lower eyelids.

Transconjunctival blepharoplasty can help get rid of dark circles or bags under the eyes. Excess fat hernias are removed without visible incisions. As a result, the bags will disappear, and dark circles will not appear even after the New Year holidays.

Completed by: Vasiliev Maxim.

The administrator is the face of the clinic! Blepharoplasty of the upper and lower eyelids, SMAS lifting of the lower third of the face. Plastic surgeon: Iskornev A.A.

When to do blepharoplasty: expert opinion

Plastic surgeons recommend doing the first procedure at the age of 35-40. At this age, the aging process has already begun, and timely surgery will make it possible to avoid scars - marks on the skin will remain almost invisible.

Since blepharoplasty stops aging only temporarily, the operation will need to be repeated. The best age is 50 and then 65 years.

To understand what results you will get, you can read reviews about blepharoplasty on forums. Almost all patients are satisfied with the result. The main thing is to approach the task responsibly and choose a good specialist.

You can get advice from the best surgeons in Moscow at the SM-Plastika plastic surgery clinic. The “Our Experience” section will introduce you to the results of such operations.

Postoperative period

  • Sutures are removed on days 2–6 after surgery.
  • Day 7 – You can go to work.
  • Bruising and swelling after blepharoplasty can last up to 10 days.
  • During the first week, it is recommended to limit sports and dancing, sexual contacts, and refrain from cleaning, reading and watching television.
  • Starting from day 8, you can use hypoallergenic decorative cosmetics.
  • 14 days – it is forbidden to sunbathe in the sun or in a solarium.
  • 21 days – it is not recommended to use contact lenses.
  • 30 days - avoid hot showers, saunas, baths and swimming pools.
  • For 3 months after surgery, you need to use sunglasses to protect from ultraviolet radiation.

Benefits of non-surgical blepharoplasty:

  • A careful approach.

Laser fractional eyelid surgery is a gentle procedure. It does not require long recovery. For the comfort of our patients, we apply a numbing cream. The more careful the approach, the faster you will see the result.

  • Quick results.

We will need about 30 minutes for the procedure. In some cases, rejuvenation and eyelid lift are visible immediately. Depending on the patient's background, several sessions may be required. As a result of non-surgical eyelid correction, only 3 procedures will give a 100% guaranteed result.

  • Short rehabilitation.

CO2 laser beams literally evaporate cells in a targeted manner. As a result, small traces and fractions are formed. On average, 7 days are needed for complete recovery and natural convergence of the crusts. We recommend following all doctor's recommendations. Then rehabilitation will be easy.

  • Reliable results.

As a final result, non-surgical blepharoplasty provides high-quality lifting and rejuvenation of the eyelid. The CO2 laser intensively stimulates collagen synthesis, which prolongs the lifting effect. The final result will be noticeable at the end of recovery.

Reviews from our clients speak for themselves. The non-surgical method of eyelid surgery has proven to be an effective and most gentle method.

In difficult cases, to enhance the effect, a plasma blepharoplasty procedure can be performed before laser treatment.


  • Pregnancy
  • Lactation
  • Oncology
  • Infections
  • Viral diseases
  • Inflammation of the eyelid
  • Herpes
  • Diabetes


Scars after blepharoplasty are no thicker than a “cat scratch” and are located strictly in natural folds.

Complete absence of scars after upper blepharoplasty 3 weeks after surgery. Surgeon - Vasiliev Maxim.

For additional resorption, fractional laser resurfacing of the skin of the upper and lower eyelids is performed 1 month after surgery. As a result, the seam will not be visible even to the most experienced “best friends” without makeup.

How is the operation performed?

A plastic surgeon can perform blepharoplasty in two ways - using a laser or classically (using a scalpel). Both of these methods have the same number of advantages. Laser surgery does not imply the complete absence of bruises, swelling and postoperative stitches. If an operation was performed on the body, especially with the removal of excess tissue, then there will be stitches, swelling and bruises regardless of how it was performed.

Laser is considered a new, more convenient way to perform surgery. For the surgeon, it is of great importance whether the operation is performed with a laser or scalpel. The patient will not notice any difference if blepharoplasty was performed by a competent and qualified surgical team.

The operation is performed under local (very rarely general) anesthesia with intravenous sedation. The incision during upper blepharoplasty runs along the natural crease of the eyelid, so those faint scars that the operation will leave behind will be additionally hidden. In order for anyone to be able to see these scars, they need to be specifically demonstrated.

When performing blepharoplasty, the doctor performs the following manipulations (one or all):

  • Excision of excess skin (a small oval-shaped area is removed);
  • Plastic surgery of the eyelid muscles. It involves either partial displacement of the muscle to the upper position, or excision of its excess;
  • Removal of excess fatty tissue.

The duration of upper blepharoplasty is 1-2 hours.

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