Alika Smekhova - photos of the actress after anti-aging plastic surgery

Alika Smekhova is a talented actress, singer, and TV presenter. The fatal brunette with an unusual bright appearance has broken more than one man's heart. Her army of fans are interested in how a woman manages to stay in great shape.

It seems that time has no power over her. She does not age over the years, but becomes even more attractive. Skeptics believe that the secret of her youth lies in the help of an experienced surgeon. To confirm their words, they offer to compare what Alika Smekhova looks like before and after plastic surgery.


Alika, or rather Alla, is the daughter of the famous actor Veniamin Smekhov, who played Athos in the film “D'Artagnan and the Three Musketeers.” She was born in March 1968. Together with her older sister Lena, she grew up in a creative atmosphere. Since childhood, they knew everything about the world of theater and cinema. People of art often came to their house.

The Smekhovs studied in a regular school and, like all children, underwent summer internship. Alla attended an amateur art group and a music school. The girls' mother, a theater expert by training, worked as an administrator at the Cinema Theater.

When Alika was 14 years old, her father left the family for another woman. Hard times have come for the family. The mother's salary was not enough to provide for her daughters. Therefore, they had to grow up earlier than their peers. The children were forbidden to communicate with their father, considering him a traitor.

It seemed obvious to the whole family that the children would follow in the footsteps of their parents. Therefore, Alika’s desire to become a singer came as a surprise to them. After school, the girl entered the specialty “musical theater actor” at the Academy of Theater Arts. Good vocal abilities and determination allowed the future star to record her first compositions. Smekhova graduated from GITIS in 1991.

Filmography of the actress

The actress made her film debut at a young age, when she took part in filming for the then popular TV magazine “Yeralash”. At the time of filming, the girl was 9 years old. It was this incident that gave her invaluable experience.

In 1985, Alika auditioned for a role in the film “The Insurance Agent,” where she played a young assistant. This film helped the actress reveal her talent, and she kept getting offers to star in films.

For the first time, the actress received the main role in the film “Woman of the Day.” The song from this film subsequently became a symbol of the nineties for many.

In 1986, the girl was approved to star in the film “Courier”. Here she had a minor role, but a memorable one. Thus, she gained more and more popularity.

Thanks to her spectacular appearance, Smekhova was best able to play femme fatales with a bitchy character. One such example was the filming of the film “Life Line” in 1996, where the actress played the role of a girl of easy virtue.

Then the girl stopped filming films for three years and delved into musical creativity.

The next time she was seen was in the role of singer Angela Rudina in the film “A Thin Thing.”

Since the beginning of 2001, the series genre began to develop in Russian cinema, and those actors who could act frequently and extensively were very popular. One of these actresses was Alika, who received an invitation to participate in the filming of the film “Maroseyka 12”.

The actress became most famous for her participation in the TV series “Balzac’s Age or All Men Are Theirs...”, which was released on television in 2004. The general director of NTV, Alika’s former classmate, invited her to audition. Therefore, the girl went through the casting for the role of Sofia Babitskaya without any problems or difficulties.

The series became incredibly popular. TV viewers watched the lives of four women - the main characters. Thanks to this picture, in the eyes of her fans, the actress finally gained the image of a bitchy lady, although the girl claims that in life her character is completely opposite to the character of Sofia Babitskaya.

Thus, Alika has appeared on television screens since 1985. She starred in many films and TV series, mostly in supporting roles. In 2022, the actress and TV presenter voiced one of the characters in the animated comedy Cars 3.

There is no information yet about what other films the artist plans to take part in.

Personal life

The actress often says that since childhood she dreamed of a large family with a loving husband and beautiful children. It is not surprising that the girl began to arrange her personal life early. There were rumors that Alika was the reason for the divorce of Denis Evstegneev and Tatyana Tsyplakova. But she received a marriage proposal from classmate Sergei Livnev. She was only 17 years old then. A year later, the couple officially registered their relationship.

The relationship between the spouses did not develop as Smekhova dreamed. She dreamed of children, but her husband categorically did not want to have them. Therefore, the woman decided to get a divorce.

The second husband was a man from a non-creative profession. Alla’s new chosen one is Assyrian by nationality, Georgy Bedzhamov was a co-owner of Vneshprombank. She reluctantly remembers this relationship and says that this union was a mistake. The husband was a supporter of strict Eastern traditions.

But the actress, despite her dream of family happiness, was not ready to devote herself to her husband and sit at home. The negative attitude of George’s relatives, who were against his daughter-in-law, added fuel to the fire. Disputes constantly arose between the spouses, the woman was constantly in a state of stress, which is why she had a miscarriage.

After her divorce from her second husband, the actress began to take a more careful approach to choosing a spouse. Alla got married to her next chosen one, businessman Nikolai, and gave birth to a son, Artem. The relationship with the father of the first-born did not last long.

The father of Makar’s second son was a man whose name the actress does not disclose. He disappeared from her life without a trace immediately after the news that he would soon become a dad. It is known from unreliable sources that this is the founder of the oil and gas company ARETI, Igor Makarov. But only Smekhova herself knows the truth.

Children bear the mother's surname. The eldest son maintains a relationship with his father and is interested in music. Artem did not follow in his mother’s footsteps, and went to study at the G.V. Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, at the Faculty of World Economics. Makar does not communicate with his father.

The negative experience of relations with Makar’s father made the actress more selective and demanding of her chosen ones. She does not reciprocate the advances of men. On her page on the social network, photographs appear exclusively with children, colleagues and from various events.

Not a single man is seen next to Alika in any of the photos. The woman has no complexes regarding her appearance. And she is not shy about posting pictures of herself without makeup and in a swimsuit. She can afford it because Alika Smekhova looks amazing before and after plastic surgery.

Secret No. 4: beauty treatments

The actress considers facial and body care to be the same natural need as food or sleep. She has never gone to bed in her life without thoroughly cleansing her face (cleansing, toning, moisturizing). Once a week, Alika makes sure to have a massage to relieve tension and even out her complexion. The actress advises entrusting the choice of the right products to a cosmetologist. This will allow you to save on creams that will not bring benefits. To keep her body muscles in good shape, Alika takes, on the advice of her fitness trainer, products that replenish muscle fibers.

Photo by @alika_smekhova

The actress does not admit that she resorted to surgery. But if you compare the photos of her in her youth and today, the traces of operations are noticeable. Alika Smekhova's plastic surgery affected the naturally “heavy” eyelids (the look became more open) and the correction of the nose (it became more graceful, the hump disappeared).


Alika gained popularity in the 910s. It took her five years to find a producer who would help her record the album. In 1996, luck smiled at her and she signed a lucrative contract with Zeko Records. She recorded several albums, starred in videos, and her tracks were in rotation on television and radio. For a beginning artist, this is an invisible success.

Her first album, “I’m Really Waiting for You,” included songs written in her youth and while studying at the university. One of her popular compositions, “Night Taxi,” was written at the age of fifteen. The album was very popular, but none of the songs became a hit. In a duet with Alexander Buinov, Smekhova sang the song “Don’t interrupt me.”

Later, the singer opened her own recording studio, which she named after herself. In 2002, Alika completed her musical career with the release of her last album, “For You.” But she didn’t leave the stage. She began giving concerts in different cities of the country, and even performed a song in the style of chanson with Mikhail Shufutinsky.

What does Alika Smekhova look like?

At the age of 50+, a woman has a blooming appearance. The actress’s unfading youth gives rise to many different discussions. Fans are interested in knowing her secrets of eternal youth, while detractors attribute various plastic surgeries to her, claiming that she has become unrecognizable. They refer to photos before and after plastic surgery, emphasizing that the actress looks different in them. Alika does not comment on rumors about her plastic surgery.

In an interview, the woman emphasizes a positive attitude towards plastic surgery. She is sympathetic to adult women who, for a number of reasons, want to remain young. But he is perplexed when young ladies completely remake themselves as a tribute to fashion. After all, unsuccessful plastic surgery often spoils the appearance of girls. In her opinion, only weak and insecure people do this. Smekhova says that she will not make loud promises that she will never have plastic surgery. Because no one knows what might happen in the future.

In 2022, Alika Smekhova decided to return to her previous shape and lose 10 kilograms of weight. She decided to solve the problem with the help of specialists at a specialized clinic. She took a weight loss course together with her friend Anna Semenovich. Now Alika is in great shape.

Secret number 2: watch your weight

Even while studying at GITIS, teachers sometimes saw Alika Smekhova with rounded cheeks and barrels, so she had to give up dumplings, sausage, and pies. With a height of 170 cm, her weight never crossed the 60 kg mark.

Alika tried different methods of losing weight until she settled on Dr. Mayer’s system, which she has been following for 10 years. She does not consume meat broths, fried foods, or gluten. As for dairy products, he prefers those made from goat milk that do not contain lactose.

Believing that strict diets exhaust the body and lead to early aging, she never resorted to them. If you look at Alika Smekhova’s Instagram, you can be convinced of the effectiveness of the chosen system. From all the pictures, a young, beautiful woman, happy with life and with herself, smiles at her fans.

Photo by @alika_smekhova

Plastic surgery by Alika Smekhova

The celebrity's popularity has declined in recent years. Therefore, it can be assumed that the desire to regain past fame pushed the woman to undergo plastic surgery. According to fans, actress Smekhova began to look different after plastic surgery. They regret that their pet decided to experiment with her appearance. In their opinion, a woman with such a chic appearance as Alika does not need any operations.

The most attributed and discussed operation is rhinoplasty. In old photographs, Smekhova’s nose has a characteristic hump. In the last photos he became more graceful. But the woman hastened to disappoint the skeptics and showed her face in profile on the social network. The picture shows that the hump has not disappeared anywhere. Alika laughed at the critics and said that it’s all about the right posing.

Smekhova performed lip augmentation and a forehead lift. Now, after plastic surgery, the contour of the woman’s face has changed, and her gaze has become more open. The result of plastic surgery 2022 was not very good. But compared to other colleagues, Alika looks more attractive and natural.

Secret #1: love yourself

Photo by @alika_smekhova
For Alika Smekhova, this phrase means taking care of your appearance, figure, and mood. Beauty should be external and internal, so you need to monitor your thoughts, which are reflected on your face. Alika Smekhova’s personal life developed differently, but she is sure that

a friendly woman with a smile on her face always looks beautiful and desirable.

The actress tries to do everything that gives her pleasure. She compares herself to a panther, explaining that youth is not only a beautiful face, but also a toned body, an easy gait and grace. To be a “panther”, you need to sleep 8 hours, walk a lot, and play sports.

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