Alika Smekhova: biography, personal life, filmography

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Alika Smekhova, who turned 51 in 2022, looks like a well-groomed and attractive woman. Our heroine is not trying to “look younger,” but she doesn’t plan to get wrinkles either. According to the actress, plastic surgery should be done wisely, that is, when it is really necessary. The actress does not talk about the plastic surgery she once had, but does not renounce surgical correction of her face and body in the future and, most likely, will decide to undergo surgery if age-related changes are obvious.

Biography of actress Alika Smekhova

The parents did not make concessions for their daughter. Alika studied at a regular school. Together with my classmates I went to practice at a collective farm. The actress studied well and also managed to attend classes at a music school. For as long as she can remember, Smekhova wanted to become a singer. As a teenager, the artist became interested in theatrical art.

When Alika was 14 years old, Veniamin Borisovich left the family. The daughter was very offended by him and did not want to communicate. Having received a certificate, Smekhova became a student at the Gnessin School. A year later, Alika entered the faculty of musical theater actors at GITITS.

In 1991, Smekhova graduated from the university with honors

Alika Smekhova's age

The actress was born on March 27, 1968 in Moscow. According to her zodiac sign, she is Aries; according to the eastern calendar, the patron of the year is the Yellow Earth Monkey.

In the spring of 2022, Smekhova turned 53 years old

Real name of Alika Smekhova

At birth, the actress was given the name Alla. Starting at the age of two, she renamed herself Alika. Relatives liked the girl's new name.

Nationality of Alika Smekhova

Smekhova is Jewish by nationality. Only her maternal grandmother was Russian.

Alika Smekhova's parents

Alika Smekhova’s father is Veniamin Smekhov, a Soviet and Russian actor. Everyone knows him for his role as Athos from the musical adventure film "D'Artagnan and the Three Musketeers." Mom graduated from the Institute of Food Industry, then from the Faculty of Theater Studies at GITIS. She worked at the film actor's theater as an administrator, and later worked at the Romen theater, on radio and TV.

Height and weight of Alika Smekhova

Despite the actress’s tendency to be overweight, her height and weight remain in ideal proportions – 167 cm and 58 kg.

Alika Smekhova’s figure parameters – 93x65x94

The actress takes care of her appearance and exercises.

Interesting Facts

  • The artist is an active user of social networks. Her pages can be found on Facebook, Twitter, and also has an account on Instagram.
  • Alika's height is 167 cm, weight is 58 kg.
  • The actress's real name, given to her at birth, is Anna. She doesn't like to celebrate her birthday. Her sister Elena is currently a writer.
  • The artist is actively involved in her appearance. It has its own nutrition system and a certain daily routine. He does swimming and yoga. He brags about his good genes. Also, the actress is greatly helped by a certain lifestyle that she has been leading for the last ten years, which helps her to be healthy and attractive.

Family and children of Alika Smekhova

After her father left the family, Alika decided that everything would be different for her. The actress dreamed of having many children, so she walked down the aisle for the first time at the age of 18.

Alika Smekhova's ex-husband - Sergei Livnev

Together with Sergei, they studied in the same course at the theater institute. Soon the young man proposed to his beloved. When Smekhova turned 18, they got married. The couple lived together for about six years.

Livnev and Smekhova broke up because of Sergei’s reluctance to have children

Ex-husband Grigory Bedzhamov

Alika's second choice was Georgy Bedzhamov. The man is an Assyrian by nationality; he headed the Glass Production Group and Vneshprombank. He wanted his wife to become a real Eastern woman - to stay at home.

Smekhova had her own plans for life, which is why her husband’s relatives disapproved of her

One day, the artist became aware of George’s numerous infidelities. At that time she was pregnant, but due to frequent quarrels she lost the child.

Former husband Nikolai

In 1999, Smekhova married for the third time. Her chosen one was a man named Nikolai, a middle-class businessman. Alika remained the main breadwinner in the family. When she became pregnant, the lovers got married.

In May 2000, the couple had a son, Artem

Although Nikolai earned little, love and harmony reigned in the family. The actress worked, her husband kept house and raised a child.

One day, Smekhova offered Nikolai a divorce because she fell in love with another man. The husband asked Alika to change her mind for the sake of the child, but the actress did not want to hear anything. She even insisted that they be debunked in church.

Son Artem

The boy grew up early. When his mother gave birth to a brother, he came up to the stroller and said that now he would be both a brother and a dad for the baby. During pregnancy, he also supported Alika as best he could. He slipped notes with warm words under her door. After school, Artem entered Plekhanov University at the Faculty of World Economics. I received my diploma in the summer of 2022.

Artem Smekhov is fond of music, maintains a relationship with his fatherArtem Smekhov is fond of music, maintains a relationship with his father

Son of Alika Smekhova - Makar

Makar is the fruit of Alika’s love with the head of a large company, whose name she does not name. While the couple lived together, the man fulfilled the actress’s every whim. As soon as she wanted something, after a few days she became the owner of the coveted gift. This continued until Smekhova became pregnant.

The actress never saw her boyfriend again. Instead, the influential man persecuted Alika and her relatives. This benefited the artist. She began to communicate closer with her father. Veniamin Borisovich and his wife supported the artist not only morally, but also financially.

Makar Smekhov was born in 2007, two weeks ahead of schedule

His father’s lawyer forced Smekhova to sign documents that she had no claims against the man. After which the harassment in the press stopped. The boy does not have a middle name yet. Alika warned Makar’s father that when he grows up, she will tell the child everything, and he himself will decide which middle name to write down in his passport.

Some sources claim that the lover who gave Smekhova her son Makar may be Igor Makarov, the head of the oil and gas industry.

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Music and films of Alika Smekhova

Smekhova first gained fame as a singer. She made her first recordings of songs back in her student years, but it took time to find a producer who helped publish the album. In 1996, Alika signed a contract with Zeko Records. In addition to recording songs, the agreement provided for the shooting of videos, rotation on TV and radio.

Smekhova’s first album was called “I’m Really Waiting for You.” It includes compositions written by the artist in her youth and student years. In 1997, the disc “Alien Kiss” was released. It also included the composition “Don’t Interrupt,” performed by Smekhova in a duet with Alexander Buinov.

When the contract with Zeko Records ended, the singer created the Alika Smekhova studio. In 1999, she released the disc “Wild Duck” under her own brand.

In 2002, the album “For You” was released, and Smekhova’s musical career ended

Alika began acting at the age of nine in Yeralash. The actress appeared in adult cinema in 1985 in the comedy “The Insurance Agent.” The debut turned out to be successful, directors drew attention to the artist and began inviting her to their projects. They saw her in the images of girls with a bitchy character.

In the new millennium, the time of TV series has come. Smekhova decided to keep up with her colleagues. In the detective story “Maroseyka, 12” she appeared as a singer. In Alika’s career, the melodrama “Balzac’s age, or All men are their own...” became a landmark. The actress played the main role, reincarnating as Sofya Viktorovna. After the release of the film, Smekhova finally gained the image of a femme fatale.

In 2011, Alika’s filmography was replenished with the melodramatic series “The Diary of Doctor Zaitseva.” In the comedy “Housekeeper,” the actress played Elena Aistova, the wife of an oligarch. In February 2015, the premiere of the romantic comedy “Women’s Day” took place, where Smekhova appeared before the audience in the image of careerist Regina.

In the sixteen-episode melodrama “Letters on Glass. Fate" Alika played the main role. Her character is Nadezhda Tregubova.

In 2022, Alika Smekhova starred in Yuri Kuzmenko’s comedy “Diplomat”


The celebrity believes that a sauna is the best way to cleanse the body
Photo: Dmitry Dubinsky

“At least once a month I go to the hammam, Russian bath or infrared sauna. The last option is good because it provides very slow warming up of the body. I go there when I want to truly relax and if I have a lot of time. The principle of influence is that heating occurs due to infrared waves, which penetrate the body an average of 4 centimeters. The physically felt temperature does not exceed 40 °C.”

“Unlike a regular Finnish sauna, which dehydrates the body and helps remove only a small amount of toxins, infrared, even with slight heating and moderate sweating, allows you to remove up to 20% of toxins. This option is also suitable for those who have heart or blood pressure problems.”


Alika cannot imagine her life without training
Photo: Dmitry Dubinsky

“I like the effect of the cardio machine: the body warms up, the heart muscle strengthens, blood circulation improves, I feel cheerful and energized. Well, I’m losing weight, of course, although the number of calories burned is not the goal in itself of training. The main thing about physical activity is that it is a necessary activity for the body. Without rational exercise, proper digestion is impossible; it improves sleep, relieves stress, and speeds up metabolism.”

Photo by Alika Smekhova before and after plastic surgery

Alika denies that she went under the plastic surgeon's knife. She says that her figure and appearance suit her quite well. But fans of the actress’s talent do not believe her. They suspect that the artist had rhinoplasty, since in comparison with earlier photos the tip of her nose has changed, it has become thinner and more graceful.

Experts in the field of plastic surgery claim that Alika Smekhova resorted to correction of the oval of her face and slightly enlarged her lips

Personal life

Alika Smekhova was married three times. Her first husband was director Sergei Livnev.

The main character of the famous film “Assa” Alika was named after Alika Smekhova, to whom the screenwriter of the film Sergei Livnev was then married.

The next two husbands were businessmen. The actress has two sons from her last marriage - Artem (2000) and Makar (2007).

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