Sokolov Alexander Anatolievich

Sokolov Mikhail Anatolevich

Plastic surgeon


- Medical School. Medical brother. 1988-1996 — Nizhny Novgorod State Medical Academy. Surgeon.

1996 — Nizhny Novgorod State Medical Academy. Professional retraining in neurosurgery.

2003 — Russian Scientific Center of Surgery of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences. Full-time internship in plastic, reconstructive and aesthetic surgery and microsurgery.

2003 — Russian Scientific Center of Surgery of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences. Intensive course in plastic and reconstructive surgery.

2004 — Course on plastic and reconstructive surgery. Center for Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery "Tapia". Moscow city.

2007 — Seminar “Modern rhinoplasty”. Yaroslavl.

2008 — Clovermed LLC. Master class “Complex cases in breast surgery.” Moscow city.

2008 — V International course on plastic surgery. Anti-aging facial surgery. Body contouring: reduction mammoplasty, abdominoplasty, liposuction, lipofilling, Yekaterinburg.

2009 — Master class “Enlargement mammoplasty, gluteoplasty, correction of curvature of the legs”, Moscow.

2009 — Course “Complicated cases of breast surgery”, Moscow.

2009 — Clinic of Aesthetic Medicine “NIKE-MED”. Master class on Plastic surgery and cosmetology. Moscow city.

2009 - ANO "International Medical Corporation".

2009 — Thematic improvement in plastic, reconstructive and aesthetic surgery and microsurgery. Moscow city.

2010 — Course “Endoscopic technique in plastic surgery.”

2010 — Intensive course on “Minimally invasive methods “Aptos”.

2010 — Russian Scientific Center of Surgery of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences “X1V intensive course in plastic and reconstructive surgery”, Moscow

2010 — CPC ANO "MMK" Plastic surgery. Moscow city.

2011 — Congress of Plastic, Reconstructive Surgery and Aesthetic Surgery, Beijing (China).

2011 — International School of Plastic Surgery, Moscow.

2011 — Course “Complicated cases of the breast”, Moscow.

2012 — International training seminar on rhinoplasty. Moscow city.

2013 — Symposium “Augmentation mammoplasty”. Moscow city.

2013 — Anatomical dissection hands-on master class on rhinoplasty under the direct supervision of Professor V. Gubisch, Stuttgart (Germany).

2013 — Anatomical dissection hands-on master class “Advanced Aesthetic Facial Surgery”, Vienna (Austria).

2015 — 17th International IPRAS Congress, Santiago (Chile).

2015 — 5th International training course in plastic surgery. Saint Petersburg.

2016 — Intensive course “Advanced aesthetic breast surgery”, St. Petersburg.

2016 — International Scientific Forum “Multidisciplinary Clinic of the 21st Century”. Saint Petersburg.

2017 — International course “Breast and body surgery”, St. Petersburg. Course “Reconstructive operations in the absence, defects and deformations of the ears. Ectoprosthetics of the auricles” under the guidance of Doctor of Medical Sciences. Chkadua T.Z. Federal State Budgetary Institution "TsNIISiChLKH" of the Ministry of Health of Russia, Moscow.

2017 — Course “Rejuvenating facial surgery.” Saint Petersburg.

2018 — International course on rhinoplasty and surgical facial rejuvenation. Saint Petersburg.

2018 — Course “Advanced breast and body surgery.” St. Petersburg.


1995-1996 — Internship in surgery at OKB named after. ON THE. Semashko

1996-2003 — City Hospital No. 39, Nizhny Novgorod Neurosurgeon.

2003-2004 — Central Hospital of Tripoli (Libya) Neurosurgeon.

Beauty and youth are always in fashion, today it is possible for everyone, since plastic surgery is developing very rapidly, for the same reason there are a lot of fictions and myths around it.

Is plastic surgery addictive?

Surgical operations are addictive only in people prone to mental disorders. This happens because before deciding on plastic surgery, a person comes up with a standard of ideal appearance for himself. Striving for the ideal, he loses touch with reality and tries to achieve results through numerous operations. In the course of which he faces not only physiological, but also psychological risks, which sometimes take the form of certain mental disorders.

Is plastic surgery only for rich patients?

The times when people with the most significant financial resources resorted to plastic surgery are long gone. Currently, plastic procedures are very common and every year they become more accessible to the general public.

Do only inadequate and unbalanced women resort to plastic surgery?

These are prejudices, any woman wants to please herself and others, over time her appearance can change in the most unpredictable ways. These changes can be radically corrected only through surgical intervention.

Plastic surgery will instantly transform a 50-year-old woman, turning her into a young girl?

This is impossible; it is necessary to adequately weigh the capabilities of plastic surgery and our biological capabilities. It is impossible to turn back time and turn a 50-year-old woman into a young girl. With the help of plastic surgery, you can eliminate wrinkles, tighten your face, improve the elasticity of the skin, but plastic surgery does not affect the biological processes that naturally occur in our body.

Can plastic surgery be done once and for all?

Another misconception that does not apply only to a single plastic surgery on the ears, after which the changes will remain forever. Any type of facial plastic surgery has a temporary effect due to the fact that no plastic surgery can stop time and affect the biochemical processes occurring in cells. Other plastic surgeries provide an effect for about 8-10 years.

Are complications after plastic surgery deadly?

Any surgical intervention carries risks, and even after tooth extraction, various complications can arise. Modern medicine does not stand still and has innovative technologies and the latest medical equipment to reduce all risks to a minimum. Often, the result of plastic surgery depends on the level of professional training of the surgeon, so you should take the choice of a plastic surgeon very seriously.

Can plastic surgery be done at any age?

Most types of plastic surgery are not performed until the age of 18-20, as this is still a period of growth for the body. The exception is operations aimed at eliminating birth defects. It is not advisable to perform plastic surgery after the age of 60, since the skin at this age has already completely lost its elasticity and is practically incapable of recovery.

After a circular lift, does your face look like a frozen mask?

Modern techniques for facial plastic surgery not only tighten the skin, as in former times, but also evenly redistribute all layers of facial tissue relative to each other. As a result, the face becomes fresh, youthful with the natural smoothness of a lively face.

Is it possible to have plastic surgery without scars and scars?

This is a statement from the science fiction section. Yes, there are endoscopic methods for correcting the face and body, which are gentle and less traumatic, but this does not mean that everything can be corrected in this way. Any surgeon tries to make minimal incisions to make scars less noticeable, but with large-scale surgical interventions, scars and cicatrices are inevitable. If you decide to have plastic surgery, you need to be prepared for this.

If you decide to prolong your youth and beauty, then we are waiting for you at the plastic surgery clinic of Mikhail Anatolyevich Sokolov.

Handmade beauty

Sokolov Alexander Anatolievich

Before my first pregnancy, I had 75B, I would say, a confident one. The breasts were small, but beautiful. Correct shape, elastic. Of course, I didn’t even think about breast augmentation then. During pregnancy and lactation, my breasts were stunning and remained beautiful while I was breastfeeding my first daughter (up to 2 years old). During this time, I got used to being slim with beautiful, lush breasts and naively believed that she would remain like this forever. What happened to my breasts after the end of breastfeeding not only upset me, I was simply shocked. She just disappeared! To say that she has become small is to say nothing; there are just nipples left. And this in a matter of days! The bras are all too big, the usual clothes don’t fit. “What should we do now?” - was spinning in my head every day. That's when I first thought about mammoplasty. But for a very long time these were just thoughts “someday I’ll save up…” And then all the stars aligned. My doctor Sokolov Alexander Anatolyevich. By the way, a wonderful person and an excellent surgeon. Always answers all questions and stays in touch all the time after the operation. My surgery is scheduled for February 15, 2022. Hurray!!!

Preparations have begun. I took all the tests for free at the clinic at my place of residence. You have no right to refuse examination. If they refuse, call the compulsory medical insurance hotline and give the doctor’s name. There are, of course, risks. For example, they didn’t take a general blood test from me at all because the therapist simply forgot to add it to the database. I had to be nervous, but fortunately everything worked out and the day before the operation the tests were in my hands. What else made me nervous was the ultrasound of the mammary glands. Fibroadenomas were found in both breasts. "God!" - I thought - “there are no tissues there, where are there any formations?” But during the consultation, the mammologist reassured me and said that this was not a contraindication to surgery at all. The surgeon didn’t even remove them, they were so tiny.

The long-awaited day came... By 9 I arrived at the Genesis clinic, filled out the documents and settled into the ward. The anesthesiologist came, asked me in detail about everything and left me to wait for the doctor. I must say that the anesthesia was simply gorgeous. No lapses or memory lapses. She fell asleep on the operating table and woke up in a room with treasured hills. “Ahhh... I have boobs... 305 are mine...” - my first words after anesthesia.

It was as if nothing had happened. She lay down on the table, put a catheter in, and said there would be a taste in the mouth, tingling in the face and sleep. I remember both the taste and the tingling sensation. I realized right away that I was about to pass out.

For the first half hour after waking up, I was shaking from the cold, like Kashtanka. This is a normal reaction. Then I warmed up. I didn’t sleep. Doesn't make me sleepy and that's it. I wanted to eat wildly. She demanded lunch, they brought it, she ate it in 5 minutes. It's like I haven't eaten for a year. I was very hungry. By the way, after the operation I began to eat like I was crazy. This lasted for 3 months. I gained a couple of kilos. Then the weight loss went away and the weight returned to normal.

On the first day I didn’t feel any pain at all, apparently because I was on painkillers. The only thing: the drainage holes were a little tight. The peak came on the third day, but even there KETANOL coped with a bang. In general, in principle, the sensations are tolerable. I expected the worst. The chest is stone and motionless. The sensation is comparable to the flow of milk after childbirth. Many people say that it’s difficult to even press the toilet button yourself. I coped with any buttons just fine. Apparently this is an individual matter. Breathes great. I remember the girls said that they couldn’t take a deep breath, I didn’t have that. I was breathing as usual.

Walking around in the morning is the most difficult thing, in my opinion, in the first days. Wild tone and feeling of fullness. It seemed like my balloons were about to burst. But after about 10 minutes everything settles down and life becomes easier. The main thing is not to lie for a long time during the day and then everything will not be so difficult. My rehabilitation was magical, I think. I officially declare: after the operation, you are not a vegetable in the garden, as I thought, but quite a person. On the 4th day I got up much faster and the discomfort was more likely not in my chest, but in my shoulder blades. The doctor said that women who have given birth tolerate reaba more easily, since after childbirth it is like a poultice for a dead person. However, this is not a reason not to take care of yourself and wave your arms like a firefighter.

I would like to note that all the staff at the clinic are very pleasant, friendly and responsive. I felt at home. This is a very important point, in my opinion. And the food is incredibly tasty.

The next morning after the operation, the drains were removed and I was sent home. The stitches were removed after 6 days. Yes, everything healed so quickly for me. I didn't expect it myself.

What you need to be prepared for:

  1. You can’t raise your arms above your head for a month. And in general, try not to wave them. I washed my hair on my own on the third day without any problems, without lifting my hands. The only thing: the hairdryer is a bit heavy. Get all the necessary items from the top shelves.
  2. Avoid physical activity for 3 months; it is advisable to avoid stress on the pectoral muscles altogether (when installing an implant under the muscle). That is, you can lift the barbell, but you need to be prepared for the consequences.
  3. Sudden changes in temperature in the chest area should not be allowed. That is, swimming in an ice hole after surgery is not for you.
  4. Edema. He will. And it will be on your stomach. After the operation, it seemed to me that I was in my sixth month. We remember that this is temporary. The swelling will go away, but beautiful breasts will remain.
  5. Do an ultrasound once a year (but this is not only required after breast augmentation)
  6. You can only sleep on your back for a month, then you can sleep on your side, and after 3 months on your stomach. The numbers are very conditional, and in each case they are individually discussed with the surgeon. For me, this is the most difficult point, since I am not at all used to sleeping on my back. But she endured it. It's worth it. A pregnancy pillow can help. It really helps.
  7. Compression garments are worn for about a month. But again, the surgeon sets the deadlines, taking into account the specific situation.
  8. You can start driving in 2 weeks. I sat down on the 10th day. I felt great.
  9. Well, be prepared for the fact that at first you will have to either crawl out of bed or get up with the help of abs. Therefore, having pumped abdominal muscles will do you good. Well, or call a tow truck)))

At this point, 9 months have passed since my surgery. There is no discomfort, the breasts seem to have always been like this. Am I satisfied? I'm not just satisfied, I'm incredibly happy. The breasts came out amazingly beautiful, natural-looking. I wear my treasured lace lingerie, and the triple push-ups have gone to the trash heap.

I look at old photos where there are no breasts, and I don’t believe that it was me. Any clothes fit as they should. I can afford any swimsuit. Isn't this happiness?

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