Kalyadin Vladimir Anatolievich

Kalyadin Vladimir Anatolievich

Plastic surgeon. Graduated from Russian State Medical University named after. N.I. Pirogova, Faculty of Pediatrics. Then he completed his residency in general surgery at Department No. 2 of Faculty Surgery. Started practicing in 2008.

Plastic surgeon Kalyadin V.A. completed 576 hours of primary retraining in the specialty “Plastic Surgery”. Trained in Wroclaw (Poland).

Kalyadin Vladimir Anatolyevich regularly takes part in congresses and seminars on general and plastic surgery, cosmetology. Has certificates for the purchase and use of botuxolinum, fillers and Aptos threads.

Works at the Family Clinic. Conducts outpatient clinics for adults and children. He also performs full outpatient surgery, ingrown toenails, and removal of benign skin tumors. The doctor performs the following plastic surgeries: mammoplasty, abdominoplasty, blepharoplasty, liposuction, correction of age-related changes, contour injection plastic surgery, correction of postoperative rough scars.


  • Family Multidisciplinary Clinic

Prices for services:

Plastic surgery
Face-to-face consultation1.600


Mini abdominoplasty35.000

Depending on the type of operation.

Canthoplasty, canthopexy50.000
Upper blepharoplasty with periorbital fat reduction, canthopexy.
Scar treatment (surgical)2.000

Depending on the size of the scar and the type of surgery.

For 1 zone. Mini-liposuction (one zone) RUB 10,000. Dermatolipectomy for obesity RUB 160,000.

For 1 zone. Lipofilling of 3 or more symmetrical zones, for each additional zone - 10,000 rubles.
Breast lift (mastopexy)120.000

Depending on the type of operation
Thread lift40.000

Golden threads.
Removing Polyacrylamide Gel45.000

Breast augmentation80.000

Depending on the type of operation.
Correction of nipples and areolas30.000

Depending on the type of operation.
Breast reconstruction100.000

Depending on the type of operation.
Removal of implants30.000

IAL System8.000
For 0.6 ml
Teosial Redensity17.000
For 1.5 ml
Hyaluronic acid4.500

Botulinum toxin
Botox (1 unit)350
Treatment of hyperhidrosis15.000
For 50 units. Botox.
Contour plastic

0.5 - 1 ml.
1 ml.

For 1 thread.
Removal of tumors460

Depending on the type of procedure
Wart removal580

Mole removal2.040


All issues → Issue of 1970

Kalyadin V. A.

Lieutenant Colonel.

Born on February 1, 1949 in the family of a military man. Russian. In 1966 he graduated from high school and the school for young cosmonauts at the Balashovsky VVAUL. from 1966 to 1970 - cadet of the Balashovsky VVAUL. The first instructor pilot, Captain Slavin P.A.

Since 1969, member of the CPSU. He flew on L-29, An-24, An-12, An-26 aircraft.

Total flight time is about 4,100 hours.

Military pilot 1st class.

After graduating from college, he served in the Voroshilovgrad VVAUSH as an assistant ship commander.

In 1974-1979, he served in the Balashovsky VVAUL in the positions of instructor-pilot, flight commander, and deputy squadron commander for political affairs. Personally trained and mentored 20 cadets.

Participant in combat operations in Afghanistan in 1980, deputy squadron commander for political affairs in the 50th special forces smallpox in Kabul. Flew 167 combat missions.

Graduated from the VPA named after. IN AND. Lenin in 1983.

Appointed to the post of deputy regiment commander for political affairs in Balashovskoye VVAUL.

Since 1995, reserve lieutenant colonel.

Awarded two Orders of the Red Star and 11 medals, incl. medal of the Order “For Merit to the Fatherland”, II degree, medal “Patriot of Russia”. Awarded the Certificate of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR and the Badge “Internationalist Warrior”. Deputy of the regional Assembly of Deputies. For many years of conscientious work and great personal contribution to the patriotic education of the population of the Saratov region, he was awarded the Governor’s Badge of Honor.

Married, wife Kalyadin (Pavlova) Tatyana Aleksandrovna, born in 1950.

Son Andrey born in 1986.

Lives in Balashov, Saratov region. Contacts: tel.mob.8 927 117 01 38 tel.dom.8 84545 5 65 79

“Cadet everyday life” was recorded by Vladimir Andreevich KALYADIN

Flying in a circle!

I have been flying for a long time, teaching all the cadets, and I decided to write my own poem on this topic.

From helpless cadets We train lieutenants This is our craft Somehow I was unlucky

They gave me a group of cadets and you can’t say that they were corpses. Here’s an approximate picture. The first smart one was a kid

There was a second one, this way and that. The third one was a weakling. The rest were also foreheads and flew like oak trees.

And the task, so to speak, is to teach eaglets to fly so that it is not a shame to release them into the heavenly spaces

For this very purpose, we are starting ground training a week before May

On the eve of the flights, we accept tests. This is approximately the scheme. There is a two-point system.

You know five you hum four So perhaps in the whole world they pass in aviation And there is no secret here

After May, we may be in vain flying to the camps. We are celebrating their opening. To be honest, it’s in vain

To be more precise, it’s time to close them. But there are a lot of such questions Not for our minds.

I’ll tell you as a friend How we fly in circles And we’ll take any day Even if it’s the beginning of the export

Early in the morning, early in the morning, We arrive at the parking lot. We begin the pre-flight inspection immediately and cheerfully.

Is the jet plane ready for flight? Inspected for flight, ready for flight And signed in the notebook

For the initial squabble Gathered in the middle of the parking lot And in this formation Tell us the pressure

Changing the weather Your own Someone else's password and codes Which circle should we fly with Who should launch first

Recorded and ran away We quickly chased after the AUV Let's start launching the rocket launcher I'm yelling at the cadet

So that he, as dumb as a plug, would poke the right button. But he, with his mouth open, will poke just the opposite.

Now the turbines are spinning up The arrows are all moving Here in the pre-launch excitement What an inspection according to the map

And what’s turned off RU I’m yelling on the radio And in response the manager is like an affectionate parent Don’t yawn the answer And let’s taxi out

The steering wheel stoppers were removed from the parking position. We taxied to the start. A cadet helps me. For some reason he presses on the brakes. His eyes are already in the weather vane.

Taxied at full speed Gave the command to stay in position Reported that the pilot was preparing for takeoff Drumming like a crammer There was trim and flaps They said he had tested the rudders and was ready to take off from the ground

We've been given permission to take off here. I tell him, Pilot, watch me take off. You can gently hold on to the steering wheel without interfering. Let's be gentler, you're impudent. To cope with you, we'll have to start fighting.

We've finally taken off, we're starting to turn around. The arrows are all aligned together. We're talking at the first two hundred. We're gaining three hundred meters and flying, taking into account the wind.

And another lump of a suitcase from a box mastitis For such a flight in a circle I wished not only to a friend Even to a fierce enemy It’s a pity that I can’t be stronger

I’m looking at the Civil Procedure Code In combination with the ARC Two hundred and forty KUR will come, we’ll start turning around And report without risk on the second such and such three hundred

Well, after a turn, I let the pilot take control. I hold on to the helm myself so that he doesn’t break anything. So we fly up to the beam. We fly with him. Here, ask the flight technician to lower the landing gear.

And on the KUR there are two hundred and forty, not sparing the membranes. The navigator suddenly screams. We begin the turn. Turned around so as not to swear. Gave the flaps to fifteen.

I'm holding the steering wheel tighter, I'm looking at the variometer. Just if I miss, I can gain a hundred meters

What do all pilots know about the fourth turn? The EUR here should be two hundred and eighty-five. We perform a turn. We clarify our approach. And then it’s time to descend to get to the drive. With a height of two hundred meters. Taking into account the wind.

Here we ask the flight technicians to give the flaps thirty-eight And the cadet shouts with pressure as taught in order The landing gear is green landing As the landing was allowed we began to calculate So that we get to the beginning of the runway exactly like clockwork So that the speed is the same And the height is eight meters We smoothly remove the gas And we figured out eye So that it’s not too high It hurts to fall far

Sometimes they fall down the hill As in the famous saying Arrived and landed softly Send spare parts A couple of brand new engines Fuselage and planes

Landed, taxied, started to take off again, This will be repeated, well, probably twenty cools And on all these flights You have elements in a circle Repeat like a confused Just press the button

How they will cheat you in a day You can confuse the button You will get angry at the whole mmr And let’s let it go into efnr Remembering someone’s mother Here I’d better keep quiet

I admit without regret that I use stronger expressions, I’m wary, I use affection more, I don’t disturb their peace Nowadays it’s such a time

Today he is a cadet Tomorrow he will be a lieutenant He has an important dad Or someone’s paw is furry And he will float up like a bubble He will quickly become a commander He will fly with me, let’s say for a pilot test And he will begin to persuade me Who taught you to fly

It’s not a real case, you might say, Nowadays eggs teach chickens But such questions are not for our minds

And it’s time for me to wrap up So that people don’t laugh If you don’t know how, don’t write I agree from the bottom of my heart!

Letter from a cadet.

Greetings from a distant land, Where they give you porridge for free, where the rise is counted by the seconds, And they lead you to the dining room in formation.

You don’t know about the life of a cadet I won’t write too much Because for you, dear, It will still be difficult to understand You’re sitting and dreaming about something I’m sitting and studying the Rules You’re walking around the city with someone I’m standing in my company uniform You’re probably you listen to the song, At this time I am running cross-country.

You braid your hair I work like a locomotive And when returning from the park Your friend walks hand in hand At this time it’s pouring out of me?? Hateful greasy sweat You walk down the street freely at this time I go to dress up in the morning you sleep on a soft bed I stand at the door at the post In the morning the alarm clock wakes you up in my ear The orderly yells in my ear These are the everyday life of cadets Who has not been here will not understand me

Who is guilty?

Who is to blame that you are tired Why did you enroll in BVVAUL What did you dream about, what did you want and Balashov you came.

And whose is it day after day? It’s a little night, lights out, a little day gets up, And that the barracks is the father’s house and the women are just outside the window.

The light fades and the sounds become silent And hands seek new torment And if your pain goes away There will be a new trouble.

Who is to blame, tell me brother, What from the outfit again into the outfit And the floor is already worn to holes But the commander is dissatisfied.

And whose fault is it, tell me, friend? There are only green ones around, And cursing day and night, the cadets run away from them.

Who is to blame and what is the secret? That only porridge for lunch And they give us tea with bromine And our best friend is the toilet.

And sampo No matter how we sit And we all look at the ceiling And if they call you to the board You will come out and neither be nor me.

And if you get two marks, then you won’t go on leave. And you’ll curse everything and be bored, bored, bored again.
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