KLAZKO - plastic surgery clinic on Malaya Gruzinskaya

KLAZKO Clinic is a medical center that combines European service with a high level of services provided. Thanks to modern technical equipment, clinic specialists have the opportunity to introduce innovative technologies and develop their own unique methods of aesthetic medicine. World-renowned specialists help clinic clients gain self-confidence and achieve their dreams.

In the KLAZKO group of clinics, candidates and doctors of medical sciences, leading experts in the field of anti-aging therapy, provide patients with services that relate to the following areas of aesthetic medicine:

  • plastic surgery;
  • aesthetic cosmetology;
  • anti-age medicine.

The famous surgeons working in KLAZKO clinics have hundreds of thousands of masterfully performed surgical interventions that have given people back the joy of life, helped them build a career, and found a family. Most of the specialists at KLAZKO clinics are the authors of unique methods of reconstructive interventions. Leading plastic surgeons introduce the latest world achievements into their practice, but do not chase fashionable technologies. Patients are offered only proven techniques that have been tested in the world's leading aesthetic centers and have an evidence base of effectiveness, reliability and safety.

In KLAZKO clinics, doctors and all medical personnel comply with the rules of ethics and deontology, as well as the human right to privacy. The secrets of clinic patients never become public knowledge. For this reason, in the halls of the clinic you can see familiar faces from the field of cinema, great art, famous businessmen and politicians, but their names never appear on the pages of the “yellow” press.

Cosmetologists and surgeons at our clinics masterfully perform the most complex surgical interventions and are fluent in the technique of performing innovative cosmetic procedures. Kliniea offers its clients its knowledge, many years of experience, attention and care. The motto of the clinics: “With us your body will be in bliss and luxury, and your soul will rejoice at the successes achieved.”


  • Anisimov Alexey Yurievich
  • Iosaliani Nodari Bagratovich
  • Banizh Oleg Nikolaevich
  • Arkhipov Denis Mikhailovich
  • Rustam-Zade Adel Zaurovna
  • Kurakin Konstantin Alexandrovich
  • Lonskaya Ekaterina Alexandrovna
  • Aganesov Georgy Alexandrovich
  • Markushin Alexander Alexandrovich
  • Nemanov Boris Alexandrovich
  • Mikhailyukov Vladimir Mikhailovich
  • Strelkova Nadezhda Konstantinovna
  • Harutyunyan Narine Feliksovna

Clinic of aesthetic medicine "Klazko" on Malaya Gruzinskaya

My review is not really about the clinic, but about the plastic surgeon who works there now - V.V.K. In September 2015, V.V.K. He performed breast augmentation surgery on me for tubular breasts. (This is when the halos are enlarged and swollen. For me this was not very pronounced, but at one glance it is enough to understand that my breasts are non-standard.) I did not want to have a lift (I was afraid of scars), so it was decided to insert 330 ml implants from Sebbin and slightly reduce halos. This way we will solve two problems at once - we will enlarge the breasts without a lift and change the shape of the areola. The price of this operation was 400,000 rubles.

As I remember now, V.V.K. says: “bring cash.” My husband and I arrived, paid, signed an agreement, and I stayed at the clinic to prepare for the operation. Everything went well.

The condition after the operation is normal. Of course, everything hurt, I was warned. The next day I went home. At the appointed time, within a month, I arrived for dressing and control. Everything was OK. Then we agreed to keep in touch.

I lived with my new breasts as if I had always had them like this. I felt great and led a normal life. In 2022, I was traveling on business, was driving and felt pain in my left breast. I thought it was neuralgia. But it goes away sooner or later, and this pain grew and the frequency became more frequent. In the evening it became unbearable. And I felt like my chest was bursting. I decided to go for an ultrasound in the morning. I woke up with swollen breasts and realized it was serious. I chose a clinic that I trust (On Clinic, on Tsvetnoy Boulevard). There they gave me an ultrasound and announced the “verdict”: rupture of the implant, accumulation of fluid. It’s scary to imagine what’s going on in my body and in my head at these words. I'm calling V.V.K. Who else? In such cases, you immediately call the doctor who performed the operation, because you trust him. And all doctors hope for this, that if something happens (and it definitely will), you will return to him. (I understand this now). But V.V.K. He said calmly: if you want, do the operation there or wait for me, I’m away, I’ll be in Moscow in 2 days. In the meantime, take antibiotics and painkillers. I also sent him photographs of my breasts and stayed at home to lie and take medicine. While I was waiting for his arrival, we discussed the financial issue... V.V.K. explained that: “if I operated in my clinic, then everything would be different, you understand,” but they give me a discount and I still have to pay - 150,000 rubles. I understand that this is the only money I have, but my health is more important.

On August 5, 2022, I had surgery to replace an implant at the Clazco clinic. The operation was performed by V.V.K., who replaced 1 implant for me with another one from the same Sebbin company. He said that I was the first person in 10 years of working with these implants to experience a rupture. I didn't have any external influence. No sports in those days, no sex, no falls, no extra stress. Everything happened suddenly and unexpectedly.

At the Klazko clinic they treated me well, the attention to patients there is at a high level. When I was hungry after surgery at 06:00 in the morning, they brought me food no matter what. I left there generally happy, but without any money. But the chest is in place. And the overall condition is also good.

Then she came again for a dressing. Everything went fine, as always. But this incident shook my financial situation and, when communicating with my loved ones, everyone had the same question: what about compensation, a guarantee? Isn't anyone responsible for this? Then I began to understand this issue and went to lawyers. I could write about this particular story here for a long time, but the most interesting thing is that what I managed to find out, thanks to a request to RosZdravNadzor, is that at the time of the first operation in September 2015, at the Medifrance clinic, which was considered a clinic V.V.K., there was no license to carry out this operation! Accordingly, the law has been violated, which gives me the right to open a criminal case, which I report in the form of a pre-trial claim to V.V.K. Also in the complaint she asked to provide me with all the documents for this operation, the contract and documents, as well as a receipt, because I have nothing except the contract and passports for the implants! How did this happen? Hmm... well, you can call me a fool, but I trusted this surgeon. At the 2x2 meeting - me and my lawyer, him and his lawyer - the conversation turned out to be intense, where V.V.K. In general, he refuses that he performed this particular operation on me for 400,000 rubles. This really hurts me, because I understand: doctors simply forget us and, in general, treat us like meat on a conveyor belt: they opened it up, removed/added it, sewed it up and forgot about it.

We part, there is a feeling inside, but I decide to continue the matter. In court they tell me that I need to prepare my documents better and they are delaying the process. And the first spring lockdown of 2022 makes its own adjustments. Everything is on pause. Then everyone recovered from the crisis for a long time, I also did not understand where and what to look for a lawyer who would help me. Every day I thought about my breasts, about the possible consequences and risks that everything could happen again.

A year passes. In August 2022, I find a lawyer who takes on the case more quickly and promises to solve everything. In response to my request to provide documents and go to court, I receive an answer from lawyer V.V.K. that: Medifrance LLC has been liquidated, I had no complaints about the two operations, that the implant ruptured due to my reason, and if I go back to If I turn to them for compensation for damages, they will sue me for extortion.” I decide to leave this case because I was warned about a long investigation and other losses in the end. And I just wanted my money back, because I was operated on without a license, and the implant that ruptured in my chest was probably simply of poor quality. I'm leaving all this behind. I'm letting go.

2 months pass and on October 16, 2022 I feel pain in my right breast, several hours pass - swelling. Everything repeats itself, it seems to me. I'm in another city. I am terrified. I arrive in Moscow the next day in the evening, call the same On Clinic clinic, explain the situation, they make an appointment with a plastic surgeon, who will decide which is best for me: an ultrasound, an MRI or a CT scan, or straight away to an operation. I arrive and they offer me to take out the implants, get a lift and remain myself. These words fall right on my soul and I make this decision. Now I don't care about stitches anymore. If only I were healthy and didn’t expect anything higher than what was described every day... I write this and cry, because, looking back, I understand the stress I lived under for several years.

Next, I go for an MRI and ultrasound, where only liquid is visible, but the integrity of the implants is not compromised. My immunity decreased and inflammation developed in my chest, that’s what all the surgeons I went to for consultations said in order to gather different opinions. A syroma has formed, it can be pumped out, but no one can guarantee that it will not happen again. It is better to remove or replace the implants. I make the decision to be me and remove everything unnecessary from my body. On October 27, 2021, I had a mastopexy with removal of implants at On Clinic. And this is a lot of money, almost the same as during the first operation. And what do you think? The left (!) implant, the one that V.V.K. installed for me. at the Klazko clinic, it turned out to be torn! "Asymptomatic implant rupture." How is this possible? There is only one answer: I was given a defective implant, and more than once, it seems.

Now I’m definitely sure that we need to see this matter through to the end! After all, this surgeon still operates and installs these implants on other women who just want to be beautiful, to feel complete, but they have no idea what they are carrying in their bodies. And why does this surgeon work with this particular company when many in this market refuse to work with Sebbin? I think everyone involved in this story, including the Klazko clinic, should assist me, and not try to hide, so as not to tarnish their reputation. Because my story is already an accomplished reality. This is no longer a coincidence! And this time I won't give up. I will see this through to the end.


It is difficult to say unequivocally what exactly has been helping KLAZKO maintain its leading position in the industry for almost 20 years. Perhaps this is a well-structured business, a clear customer-oriented policy, the ability to quickly and adequately respond to market changes, new trends and demand. Or maybe it’s all about the strong character, willpower and incredible determination of the founder of the group of clinics, its permanent leader and simply amazing woman Eteri Krikheli. Most likely, it is the combination of these factors that allows KLAZKO not only not to lose its leadership position, but, on the contrary, to only increase its momentum from year to year, soaring higher and higher. And now, in spite of everything - the crisis, the difficult political situation and the envy of competitors, KLAZKO is confidently moving forward, and proof of this is the new clinic, which opened at the end of 2015, and managed to win the love and trust of patients in such a short time.

KLAZKO on Malaya Gruzinskaya is not just a clinic, it is a new paradigm for the domestic market in the medical approach to the prevention of aging, which combines two key anti-age factors: functional and aesthetic. Thus, the functional factor represents timely diagnosis and prevention of chronic diseases, elimination of internal imbalances, detoxification of the body and regeneration of natural energy resources. The aesthetic aspect involves the prevention and correction of age-related skin changes through modern cosmetology methods, as well as imperfections in the shape of the face and body using plastic surgery.

The concept of the establishment offers a comprehensive approach to health, youth and beauty, comprehensive patient management and the presence of a unique pool of specialists. The new clinic employs highly qualified doctors with deep knowledge in the field of modern preventive, regenerative, aesthetic and anti-aging medicine, as well as biochemistry, genetics and nutrigenomics.

Despite the fact that the clinic has a fundamentally new philosophy, it retains the unchanged postulates of KLAZKO. The most modern techniques and procedures, hardware, cosmetic and therapeutic technologies of the latest generation, advanced areas of plastic surgery, aesthetic, functional and anti-aging medicine are presented here.

Advantages of our laser medicine center:

  1. In our work we use equipment that meets all the standards and requirements of modern medicine. All devices are the latest generation from leading manufacturers. The devices include: MCL 31 Dermablate - erbium laser, Hydra beauty, BOWA ARC 100
  2. Diagnostics using modern devices allows you to see all the processes that take place in depth and are not visible during visual inspection, all this allows you to solve external problems and prevent the manifestation of hidden symptoms.
  3. Our center employs specialists with many years of experience who can successfully solve problems of any complexity.
  4. We provide a personal approach to our clients.
  5. In our work, we use only certified cosmetology products, as well as innovative laser surgery methods that meet all quality standards.
  6. We try to help different categories of our clients, so the prices at Dr. Novikov’s clinic are quite affordable

Dr. Novikov's center offers our clients the most modern methods for diagnosing and treating skin diseases. The accumulated experience and knowledge of our specialists turn cosmetology into an art that allows you to get rid of aesthetic problems and bring your skin to ideal condition.

If you are interested in laser surgery and cosmetology in Moscow, we are waiting for you of guaranteed quality! For additional information and answers to your questions, you can call +7 (495) 694-56-59 Our manager will advise you and schedule an appointment with a specialist.

Why should you contact us?

Our clinic is deservedly popular among clients in Moscow and the Moscow region. We take into account all the wishes of our patients. During the initial appointment, we provide complete information on the specifics of the laser procedure and its final result. We are honest with our clients and do not promise impossible things. If our specialists do not see the need for a particular procedure, then we immediately tell the client about it. Based on your problem, you will be prescribed only those procedures that will give an effect specifically in your case. All treatment methods will be selected taking into account your individual characteristics and skin type. The presence of indications and contraindications for a particular procedure.

Advantages of laser surgery:

Surgery using laser equipment is today an advanced trend and is widespread throughout the world. From the point of view of modern medicine, the laser method has proven itself to be an excellent method of treatment without direct intervention in the body. Unlike the classical method of removing aesthetic skin problems, it has a number of advantages:

  • There is no need for hospitalization during the procedures. After any procedure, you can return to your normal rhythm of life.
  • The procedure is painless and does not require general anesthesia. It is possible to use only local anesthesia using a spray or gel.
  • After the procedure there will be no scars on your body.
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