Injection intradermal implant JALUPRO HMW

What is Jalupro biorevitalization?

Biorevitalization Jalupro (Yalupro) is a modern skin rejuvenating procedure.

  • For young people, biorevitalization will help prevent the first signs of skin aging and get rid of “tightness” resulting from rapid weight loss.
  • For older people, the procedure will catalyze the aging process, rejuvenate and give freshness to the face.

Indications for biorevitalization

The use of Jalupro is recommended for people with so-called “skin aging”. In young people, this symptom manifests itself due to lack of sleep and overexertion, and its negative signs are almost completely smoothed out after a good rest and a vitamin supplementation complex. However, after 30 years, skin aging becomes common to many people, and in this case, the use of biorevitalization is strongly recommended.

Features of the drug Jalupro

The drug was developed by a team of Italian scientists and, unlike its competitors, has a comprehensive effect on the skin, completely eliminating signs of aging.

The main components of Jalupro are:

  • Hyaluronic acid is a hormone responsible for the synthesis of the dermis
  • Amino acid complex. Stimulator of protein synthesis in the skin

In addition to the main drug, its improved analogue is also isolated. Biorevitalization Jalupro HMW has an enhanced skin rejuvenation effect, thanks to an increased concentration of hyaluronic acid (2% instead of 1%) and an increased ampoule volume.

Why do people go to GMTClinic for rejuvenation?

  • 1.
    We guarantee a European level of comfort, high professionalism of doctors and medical staff, and the use of modern equipment.
  • 2.

    is selected for each patient at the GMTClinic center in accordance with individual needs, age and body condition.

  • 3.

    We adhere to the principles of honest cosmetology , recommending only necessary and truly working anti-aging techniques.

Yalupro biorevitalization: when is it needed?

Biorevitalization with Jalupro is a popular and effective rejuvenating procedure. It is recommended for use by men and women over 30 years of age.

Yalupro biorevitalization is most often carried out when age-related changes of varying severity appear. This procedure is also indicated for photoaging – deterioration of the skin as a result of ultraviolet radiation. Sunbathers on beaches and solariums, as well as people working outdoors, are prone to this condition. Photoaging is often observed in the absence of these factors in people with thin, light, photosensitive skin.

At a relatively young age, Jalupro biorevitalization helps to neutralize the first symptoms of skin aging, the consequences of rapid weight loss and the negative effects of ultraviolet radiation. And for people of the middle and older age groups, this procedure, when used regularly, allows you to restrain the aging process and smooth out its manifestations, giving the face and body a more fresh look.

Biorevitalization is also used to reduce the severity of stretch marks (striae) and in the complex treatment of trophic skin changes.

Precautionary measures

Swelling, hematomas, papules and allergic reactions are side effects. If they disappear 1-3 days after the administration of Yalupro, there is nothing to worry about. The development of complications is a completely different matter.

They can be caused by insufficient competence of the doctor, medical error or individual characteristics of the patient’s body (for example, sensitive or very thin skin, predisposition to allergies, etc.). Complications after biorevitalization:

  • nodules on the surface of the skin;
  • depigmentation (appearance of white spots);
  • blue and pink stripes appearing under the skin at the injection site;
  • the appearance of keloid scars;
  • decreased sensitivity of the skin;
  • embolism (blockage) of a vessel - if the needle gets into a capillary, the patient feels a strong burning sensation and the skin turns white. Requires urgent medical attention;
  • necrosis of the dermis is a consequence of embolism.

Also, side effects and complications often occur in patients who decide to undergo the procedure despite obvious contraindications:

  • pregnancy;
  • lactation;
  • oncology;
  • diabetes;
  • autoimmune diseases;
  • infections, including respiratory diseases;
  • poor blood clotting;
  • tendency to form keloid scars;
  • individual intolerance to the components of the drug;
  • skin diseases in those places on the face and body where Yalupro is supposed to be injected;
  • age up to 18 years.

Indications for biorevitalization

The main indications for Jalupro injections are age-related changes in the skin of the face and body associated with a decrease in the synthesis of hyaluronic acid and collagen.

At first, they appear in the evening, after stress, with fatigue and lack of sleep. At a relatively young age, they can be almost completely smoothed out with the help of proper rest, fortified nutrition and comprehensive skin care. But after 30–35 years, signs of skin aging become constant companions for most people. To correct such changes and prevent their rapid progression, biorevitalization can and should be used.

  • decreased skin tone, which is manifested by loss of elasticity and increased sagging, sagging contours, deepening of natural skin folds;
  • the appearance of wrinkles;
  • dryness and thinning of the skin;
  • hyperpigmentation (appearance of noticeable age spots);
  • preparation for and rehabilitation after traumatic procedures, resurfacing, plastic surgery.

Yalupro-rejuvenation injection procedures are used to improve the condition of the skin on the face; they are also used for biorevitalization of the submandibular area, neck, décolleté and mammary glands, abdomen, hands, shoulders, thighs, and areas above the knees.

Biorevitalization is recommended to be combined with hardware techniques, such as radiofrequency lifting, laser and elos rejuvenation. This gives a comprehensive rejuvenation effect, multi-level lifting and a significant improvement in skin quality.

Patient reviews

Despite the fact that the drug is universal, reviews of Yalupro are left mainly by women. They share their personal experiences on thematic forums and other Internet platforms. The author of the review praises the biorevitalizant, which refreshed and rejuvenated her skin.

The cosmetologist’s knowledge and experience also helped in another case, when it turned out that one dose of the drug was enough for the patient not only for her face.

Choosing a good specialist is no less important than choosing a biorevitalizant, says the author of this positive review of Yalupro.

Among the negative aspects, women note the pain of the procedure.

This woman noticed that the sleepless nights associated with the birth of a child were reflected on her face. Skin care cosmetics did not help, but Yalupro coped with the task, although not right away. At the same time, the author notes that the drug will not cope with deep wrinkles.

In addition, some users find jalupro unreasonably expensive.

In such cases, when there are doubts, comparison of the drug with biorevitalizants from other manufacturers cannot be avoided. For example, with Juvederm.

Some women find jalupro more effective than the popular IAL systems.

Others, on the contrary, like IAL. At the same time, the woman does not rule out that Yalupro simply might not suit her.

Negative experiences with jalupro may not only be related to the pain of the procedure, but also to the healing period. Patients often delay visiting a cosmetologist, preferring to solve problems through virtual communication with doctors.

The Italian drug jalupro has earned a not impeccable, but very good reputation both among patients and in the opinion of professionals. Trust experienced doctors, monitor your body’s reaction to beauty injections. And remember that healthy and radiant appearance of firm, elastic skin is the merit not only of hyaluronic acid injections, but also of a healthy lifestyle.

What features does biorevitalizant Yalupro have?

The drug Jalupro is produced by the Italian laboratory Professional Dietetics and is intended exclusively for biorevitalization. Its difference from other drugs is its special combined composition, which provides a comprehensive effect on the deep layers of aging skin.

The main component of Yalupro is hyaluronic acid, which is responsible for hydration of the dermis. It also stimulates the work of fibroblasts responsible for the synthesis of collagen, elastin and other structural proteins to improve skin elasticity. The hyaluronic acid in Yalupro is in an unstabilized state, so its molecules do not need to be released and can be immediately used by the body.

The second component of the drug is a balanced amino acid “cocktail” that supplies material for the synthesis of proteins in the deep layers of the skin. It includes lysine, glycine, leucine and proline, which do not differ in structure from endogenous amino acids and are immediately included in the collagen synthesis cycle.

The combination of quickly absorbed hyaluronic acid and easily accessible amino acids is the key feature of Yalupro. It is this composition that ensures this biorevitalizant safety, effectiveness and rapid onset of clinical effect. But the components of the drug are quickly consumed by skin cells. Therefore, to saturate the deep layers of the dermis and achieve long-lasting anti-aging results, a course of treatment is necessary.

One package of the drug contains 2 bottles with a mixture of amino acids and 2 ampoules with 1.5 ml of 1% hyaluronic acid. The components are mixed by the doctor immediately before the procedure. One package is enough for 2 biorevitalization sessions.

Yalupro HMW is also produced - a drug with an increased concentration of hyaluronic acid to 2% and an ampoule volume increased to 3 ml.

Advantages and disadvantages

Advantages of the drug Yalupro:

  • improves complexion, elasticity and skin tone;
  • smoothes out small wrinkles;
  • slows down the natural aging process of the dermis;
  • eliminates signs of skin dehydration - dryness, sagging, flaking;
  • does not form compactions on the skin;
  • has a cumulative effect;
  • improves metabolism and blood microcirculation;
  • suitable for sensitive skin;
  • practically does not cause allergic reactions.

However, Yalupro also has some disadvantages:

  • patients complain that the procedure is painful, even if it is performed with local anesthesia;
  • the cost of biorevitalization is quite high;
  • Yalupro does not smooth out deep wrinkles;
  • the drug does not act immediately;
  • after the procedure, papules and bruises appear on the face;
  • the risk of allergic reactions cannot be excluded.

Yalupro is in the middle price segment when compared with other popular biorevitalizants. There are more expensive ones, but there are also many cheaper ones: Skin, Aquashine, etc. In addition to hyaluronic acid, many of them contain additional components - vitamins, antioxidants, coenzymes. Amino acids, as in Yalupro, are also included in Teosyal MesoExpert, Skin, etc.

How is Jalupro biorevitalization performed?

  • When using Yalupro, the course of procedures most often consists of the main (saturating) and maintenance stages. Biorevitalization sessions are recommended to be carried out once every 2 weeks, in a course of 3-4 procedures, then maintained with one-time procedures once every 1-2 months, as recommended by a doctor. No special preparation is required.

    The skin is first cleaned and treated with a local anesthetic. The biorevitalizant is administered by intradermal microinjections into the middle layer of the dermis; the method of inserting the needle depends on the nature of the existing skin changes. The most commonly used method is the papular technique.

    After completing the procedure, the doctor treats the skin with a cream with a disinfecting and soothing effect and gives recommendations for care.

  • The procedure is performed on an outpatient basis and lasts from 20 to 60 minutes.

Preparation and administration of the drug

Your first visit to a cosmetology salon or medical center should be for informational purposes only. Talk to the doctor, describe your problem and talk about your expectations from the procedure. An experienced specialist will tell you which drug you need to inject, what is the duration of the course and the intervals between injections.

Be sure to discuss your health status with your doctor. If it turns out that there are contraindications, a qualified professional will refuse to perform biorevitalization.

Otherwise, the doctor will warn you about possible side effects and consequences, obtain your consent and set a date for the procedure.

On the day when biorevitalization will be carried out, it is not advisable to steam the skin by taking hot baths, showers, visiting a sauna, etc.

How does the procedure work?

The description of the phased introduction of the drug Yalupro in a salon or clinic looks like this:

  1. The specialist cleanses the patient's skin of makeup and impurities.
  2. Disinfects with an antiseptic.
  3. Treats the area prepared for biorevitalization with anesthetic cream. An alternative is an injection for pain relief.
  4. In the presence of the patient, the doctor opens the package and mixes all the components of Yalupro. It turns out 3 ml of the base drug and 2 ml of the enhanced one (HMW). The instructions for Yalupro indicate that the composition should be used immediately after preparation. However, some cosmetologists assure: if the area being treated is small, part of the finished cocktail can be left for the next procedure, provided that the cocktail is stored in the refrigerator for no more than 2 weeks.
  5. Then the doctor begins to perform injections. The depth of introduction of Yalupro is 2–3 mm. For point (micropapule) and linear techniques, it is recommended to use 4–12 mm needles. It is possible to administer the drug via cannula (with needles without sharp edges) into some areas: under the eyes, in the area of ​​the cheeks and nasolabial folds, shoulders, hips, and décolleté.
  6. Processing time depends on the volume and complexity of the work. On average, Yalupro biorevitalization takes from 20–30 minutes to 1.5 hours.
  7. After administering the drug, the specialist treats the skin with an antiseptic, a sedative and gives the patient recommendations for care. For example, sometimes doctors recommend using Jalupro masks or taking the biological dietary supplement Proglyme from the Jalupro brand.

Attention! Yalupro should only be administered by a doctor who has qualifications that give him the right to work with biorevitalizants. Such specialists often undergo special training and receive appropriate documents.

Recovery period: how to behave correctly

  • In the first hours after Yalupro revitalization, redness and swelling of the skin are usually observed in the injection area, and papules and spots at the injection sites can persist for up to 3 days.
    All this passes without a trace on its own, without additional effort. No special treatment is required during the recovery period. You just need to follow the recommendations for skin care, protect your skin from direct sunlight, temporarily avoid solariums, scrubs, baths and saunas, and avoid increased physical activity.

Price for Jalupro biorevitalization in St. Petersburg

Skin rejuvenation services using biorevitalization are offered by many clinics, beauty salons and medical centers in St. Petersburg. The price for biorevitalization Yalupro depends mainly on the qualifications of the doctor and the class of the medical institution. The low cost of the procedure is often explained by the lack of a full set of necessary certificates and licenses or insufficient experience of the specialist. But mistakes during biorevitalization are fraught with the development of unpleasant and difficult-to-disguise consequences in the form of inflammation, intradermal infiltrates, expressed by hematomas. Therefore, the choice should be made in favor of licensed medical institutions with modern equipment and highly qualified specialists.

You can find out the cost of a course of Yalupro biorevitalization procedures and create an individual rejuvenation program at a preliminary consultation with a doctor. To make an appointment with ]GMTClinic[/anchor] specialists, you can contact the Center administrators at the phone numbers listed on the website, use the feedback form, or contact an online consultant.

If biorevitalization is Jalupro, then at GMTClinic!

Photos before and after

What is the price

Biorevitalization with Yalupro preparations is not a cheap service. In Moscow, the cost of one procedure is 7,000–16,000 rubles. In the northern capital - about 8-12 thousand rubles. In the regions the price will be lower, but don’t rely solely on it. Be sure to pay attention to reviews of the salon or clinic and make sure that the institution has all the necessary certificates and permits.

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