Academy of Professionals #1, (Alexander Fedyaev)

Alexander Viktorovich has extensive experience performing reconstructive surgeries on the face and neck in children and adults, including recovery from unsuccessful rhinoplasty. At the moment he is one of the leading specialists in Russia in the field of plastic and reconstructive maxillofacial surgery. Area of ​​interest – “above the collarbone” zone.

She considers her main task to be an individual approach when performing plastic and aesthetic surgeries, as well as preserving the individuality and charm of each person - be it a woman or a man.


Over the years of work, the surgeon has perfected the technology of both reconstructive and aesthetic otoplasty. Alexander Viktorovich has experience in eliminating almost all possible problems associated with the auricle, including complete or partial loss, severe protruding ears, asymmetrical ear placement and lobe defects. The doctor unerringly chooses exactly the technique that in this case will provide the best result and lasting effect.

Ear surgeries photo

Photo of otoplasty - ear restoration


Kulikov Alexander Viktorovich, plastic, maxillofacial, reconstructive surgeon

General surgical experience since 1984. Experience in maxillofacial and plastic surgery since 1984, in aesthetic surgery since 1991. Lecturer at the Department of Plastic Surgery of the Northwestern State Medical University named after. I. I. Mechnikov (former LenGIDUV, former SPbMAPO) since 1999. Until now. Leading surgeon at the Clinic of Plastic, Maxillofacial and Reconstructive Surgery, Department of Maxillofacial Surgery named after. A. A. Limberg, Northwestern State Medical University named after. I. I. Mechnikova. Holder of international and Russian certificates in plastic, aesthetic and reconstructive surgery. Regularly participates as a speaker and moderator at Russian congresses and symposiums. Author of more than 20 scientific articles, including methodological recommendations and proprietary techniques for performing otoplasty and rhinoplasty. He has extensive experience performing reconstructive surgeries on the face and neck in children and adults, including recovery from unsuccessful rhinoplasty. At the moment he is one of the leading specialists in Russia in the field of plastic and reconstructive maxillofacial surgery. Area of ​​interest: “the area above the collarbones.”

She considers her main task to be an individual approach when performing plastic and aesthetic surgeries, as well as preserving the individuality and charm of each person, be it a woman or a man.


1984 - graduated from the First Leningrad Medical Institute named after. Academician I.P. Pavlov in the specialty “Dentistry”, awarded the qualification “Dentist”.

1985 - certificate of internship at the Novgorod Regional Hospital, awarded the qualification “Dental Surgeon”.

1988 - advanced training on the topic “Fundamentals of reconstructive surgery of the face and neck”, Moscow TsOLIUV.

1989-1991 — training in clinical residency at the Department of Maxillofacial Surgery of the Leningrad State Institute for Advanced Medical Studies.

1991 — a certificate was issued in the specialty “Surgical Dentistry” (Leningrad State Institute of Advanced Training of Doctors named after S. M. Kirov, Order of Lenin and Order of the October Revolution, Department of Surgical Dentistry with a course in Orthodontics).

1999 - certificate of advanced training in “Reconstructive treatment of the consequences of burns and injuries in adults and children” (St. Petersburg Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education).

2001 - issued a certificate in the specialty “Maxillofacial Surgery” (St. Petersburg Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education).

2010 - awarded the highest qualification category in the specialty “Maxillofacial Surgery” (St. Petersburg Health Committee Central Attestation Commission).

2010 - a certificate was issued in the specialty “Maxillofacial Surgery” (St. Petersburg Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education of the Federal Agency for Health and Social Development).

2011 - diploma and certificate of professional retraining, awarded the qualification “Plastic Surgery” (State budgetary educational institution of higher professional education “North-Western State Medical University named after I.I. Mechnikov of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation” under the additional program professional education of plastic surgeons).

2015 - awarded the highest qualification category in the specialty “Maxillofacial Surgery” (certificate issued by the decision of the Territorial Attestation Commission of the Health Committee of the Government of St. Petersburg).

2015 - admitted to carry out medical or pharmaceutical activities in the specialty “Maxillofacial surgery”. Northwestern State Medical University named after. I. I. Mechnikov" on advanced training under the program of additional professional education "Current issues of maxillofacial surgery."

2016 - certificate and advanced training certificate from the North-Western State Medical University named after. I.I. Mechnikov" under the program of additional professional education in plastic surgery under the additional professional program "Modern issues of anti-aging facial surgery", admitted to carry out medical or pharmaceutical activities in the specialty "Plastic Surgery".

Performs the following types of operations:

— aesthetic and reconstructive rhinoplasty, including the author’s method;

— reconstructive and aesthetic cheiloplasty, including using the author’s technique;

— reconstructive and aesthetic otoplasty, including using the author’s method;

— reconstructive and aesthetic blepharoplasty, classical, transconjunctival, fat-saving, deorientalizing;

— reconstructive and aesthetic genioplasty;

— closed facelift;

— SMAS – face and neck lifting.

2. Social networks:


Alexander Viktorovich Kulikov is a pro in performing blepharoplasty - a popular surgical procedure aimed at solving problems such as bags under the eyes, drooping corners of the eyes, excess skin, hernias on the upper and lower eyelids. The specialist’s proven skill over the years is a powerful argument for patients who want to achieve a youthful, radiant look. With filigree precision, the doctor makes an incision in the crease of the eyelid or along the eyelash growth line, making the stitches completely invisible. Excellent knowledge of the anatomy of the eye and enormous experience in performing operations of this type gives Alexander Viktorovich the right to guarantee the most natural and sustainable result without the effect of an operated face. The specialist performs blepharoplasty of any complexity in accordance with the highest world standards of plastic surgery.


Alexander Viktorovich Kulikov is a recognized expert in the field of facelift. The surgeon's portfolio includes a large number of operations of this type, including the most complex. When planning an intervention, he takes into account not only the client’s wishes, but also his individual characteristics: age, quality of skin and muscle tissue. The doctor knows a wide variety of techniques for performing facelifts, but prefers to minimize the number of postoperative scars by using a closed method of surgery. After anti-aging surgeries performed by a specialist, patients look not only attractive, but also natural.

Alexander Viktorovich Kulikov is a real guru of plastic surgery of the face. Pronounced results, harmony of lines and proportions, absence of visible traces of intervention - all these are features of the professional handwriting of a specialist.

Tightened face and neck

Face and neck skin tightening

Academy of Professionals #1, (Alexander Fedyaev)

If you read what they write on the Internet, it will be like that saying - don’t go into the forest. So, a lot has been written about the company Academy of Professionals No. 1 - both positive and not so positive. It is logical that potential clients and indeed ordinary people are interested in ensuring that their money is not wasted, which is why it is interesting to find out more information about one of its leading specialists, Mr. Alexander Fedyaev. He is represented on this project by as an expert in the commodity business.

Everyone understands that in the good old days of the Soviet Union, such activity was simply called speculation. But nowadays speculation is a normal word and is used in stock markets. So, if we put it into simple language, then our hero did not graduate from the “academy”. And if we switch to modern jargon, then it was aimed at profit.

Here it is especially necessary to emphasize and warn all potential readers that, for example, the main hero of the occasion is Alexander Fedyaev, he does not particularly like to disseminate any useful information about himself, which is precisely why, when compiling the review presented to your court, Only information available on the Internet was used, which, as we know, is neither possible to prove nor disprove.

And the most interesting thing is that that business, as one would expect, simply went bankrupt. And then he organized his web studio, which grew from freelancing, into a productive company. Then Alexander became seriously interested in investment topics. At first he was attracted to venture capital investments. When his activities began to pay dividends, he began to study the stock market and began investing in stocks and bonds.

There are approximately equal numbers of negative and positive reviews about Alexander Fedyaev’s training. But since a completely free course is also offered, there is nothing stopping you from visiting it and seeing how well this format suits you. Naturally, this seminar will sell a more advanced and probably even very expensive and paid course. Classes are mainly held in the form of video lessons and webinars. His courses talk about completely working investment methods and practices. But the returns are exaggerated. And you must understand that investments are not only additional income, but also risks. In other words, if we summarize everything that is written above, then the training presented on this Internet project may in reality not bring any dividends in the future, then its purchase is completely undesirable.


Alexander Viktorovich Kulikov acquired extensive experience in performing such a delicate and jewelry operation as reconstructive lip surgery. Thanks to the talented hands of a specialist, many patients have already gotten rid of severe congenital and acquired (post-traumatic or post-operative) lip shape deformations. The doctor successfully solves problems such as lip eversion, high lip, displacement of the corner of the mouth, “cleft lip” and many others. Miniature scars after operations performed by a professional are almost invisible, but the effect of surgical intervention is amazing.

Lip surgery in St. Petersburg

Upper lip restoration

Lip skin restoration photo


Many years of experience have convinced Alexander Viktorovich that the shape of the chin is one of the most important factors determining the appearance of the face. Often, a small, underdeveloped chin is not at all noticeable and is not perceived as a defect, but it significantly distorts the proportions and spoils the overall impression of a person’s appearance. The doctor has already helped many patients solve this problem. He has thoroughly developed the technique of chin augmentation using both biocompatible implants and local tissue. Alexander Viktorovich works exclusively with materials that are absolutely safe for the patient’s health and do not have any negative effects on the body. The doctor performs all manipulations during chin augmentation from the oral cavity, which means there are no traces of the operation left.

Plastic surgeries that correct the proportions of the face and body shape.

  • The popularity of various options for breast surgery, correction of the shape of the legs and buttocks using endoprostheses, is growing.
  • Rhinoplasty (nose surgery) is a very popular service. The shape and size of the nose significantly affect the proportionality and harmony of the face.
  • Removing Bish's lumps gives the face a more refined appearance.
  • Liposuction removes fat deposits from different areas of the body. Liposuction is also used to correct the submental area.
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