Types of facial peels by depth and method of exposure

From this article you will learn:

  • Features of the facial peeling procedure
  • Types of peelings for facial skin
  • Chemical peeling for face
  • Mechanical facial peeling
  • Ultrasonic facial peeling
  • Laser facial peeling
  • Choosing the type of facial peeling based on age and skin type

Despite the large number of types of facial peels in cosmetology, they have similar tasks. Each helps cleanse and rejuvenate the skin. Depending on the depth of penetration, the substances included in the peels remove dead cells, stimulating regeneration.

The effectiveness of the procedure is also determined by the method of exposure. Some peels mechanically remove dead skin cells, while others dissolve them chemically. We will talk about the intricacies of using various types of peelings for the face and décolleté in this article.

Features of the facial peeling procedure

Translated from English, the word “peeling” means “to wash”, “to clean”. Therefore, this event is intended to deeply cleanse the facial skin, remove sebum and impurities, and eliminate dead cells from the surface of the skin.

After exfoliation of the stratum corneum, a renewed, fresh layer of epidermis appears. Young skin better absorbs oxygen and moisture, which normalizes metabolic processes, increases resistance to external negative factors, and improves cell nutrition.

There is an opinion that peeling is just a rejuvenating procedure. However, there are different types of facial peels that have their own characteristics. The basis for its implementation depends on the specifics of a particular procedure. General indications include:

  • sagging and sagging skin;
  • excessive pigmentation;
  • the presence of a thick keratinized upper layer of the epidermis;
  • consequences of acne.

Thanks to cleansing, age-related changes become less pronounced. Skin regeneration helps reduce deep or expression wrinkles. Peeling allows you to restore the structure of the skin layer, eliminating defects (microscars, age spots, various scars). In addition, during the procedure, the sebaceous glands and pores are cleansed, it serves as a prevention of inflammatory processes and acne.

Cleaning is not contraindicated for any skin type (dry, normal, oily).

Peeling is a fairly traumatic procedure, so it has a number of limitations:

  • overly sensitive skin;
  • presence of damage (wounds and abrasions on the face);
  • age less than 18 years;
  • acute stage of acne or herpes infection;
  • pregnancy, lactation;
  • tendency to allergies.

Peeling allows you to eliminate various defects and helps maintain healthy, fresh skin. The necessary conditions are the supervision of a professional and the implementation of all recommendations.


Do not peel at home if you have:

  • severe inflammation of the skin, furunculosis;
  • herpetic rashes;
  • tendency to food or drug allergies;
  • high sensitivity of the skin;
  • open wounds and scratches;
  • malignant neoplasms at the treatment site;
  • rosacea;
  • chronic dermatological pathologies.

Also, you should not peel too often during pregnancy and lactation.

Types of peelings for facial skin

An experienced specialist will help you determine which type of facial peel to choose. The effect of the procedure depends on the depth of exposure of the drugs. The cosmetologist will assess the condition of the skin, the specifics of existing problems and recommend the most suitable option.

Name and description of the main types of facial peeling:

  1. Superficial peeling. The procedure involves cleaning only the upper layers of the epidermis, without affecting the living layers. The process of superficial peeling removes dead cells. There are practically no contraindications to this procedure, it is painless and does not cause complications.
  2. Medium peeling. Involves cleaning the entire skin layer. During the session, drugs penetrate deeper into the epidermis, which has a beneficial effect on metabolic processes. Medium peeling is performed only by a professional cosmetologist. After such manipulations, the skin needs intensive restoration.

    This type of facial peeling in cosmetology is intended for rejuvenation. It helps eliminate large areas of pigmentation, reduce deep wrinkles, and get rid of old spots. After the procedure, minor burns and red marks remain, so the recovery period can be 3–4 days.

  3. Deep peeling. Quite a complicated procedure. All manipulations are performed only in a hospital setting with mandatory pain relief. In the process, all layers of the epidermis are destroyed. Tissues begin to regenerate from the remaining fragments.

    Deep peeling (laser and chemical) is an aggressive cleaning method. This procedure immediately rejuvenates by 8–10 years, due to the almost complete burning of old skin and its replacement with new one.

The most common anti-aging procedure is medium peeling.

In order to refresh the skin, superficial cleaning is performed at least 2 times a month. To eliminate defects and prevent early age-related changes, medium peeling is performed twice a year.

Indications for deep peeling must be very serious.

There are the following types of peelings for cleansing the skin:

  • chemical;
  • mechanical;
  • ultrasonic;
  • laser.

Let's look at each type in more detail.

Indications for use

There is an opinion that dry skin does not need peeling. However, this is not quite true. The outer layer of dead cells of the epidermis does not allow nourishing and moisturizing components to penetrate into the deeper layers.

Peeling removes dead skin cells, freeing healthy tissue, activates blood circulation and enhances the effectiveness of skincare products.

Dry skin needs exfoliation just as much as other types of epidermis. But not all drugs can be used for this purpose. Cosmetologists advise choosing the most soft and delicate products that will not injure the dermis and will help get rid of the following problems:

  • uneven complexion;
  • sagging skin;
  • small wrinkles;
  • lightening of pigment spots, etc.

For dry skin, delicate glycolic or milk formulations are usually chosen. It is desirable that the concentration of acids be minimal. The frequency of procedures is 2-3 per month, unless the cosmetologist advises otherwise. In just a few sessions, it will be possible to rid the skin of peeling, make it uniform, smooth, more elastic, and brighten up the signs of aging.

Due to the risk of pigmentation, peelings are carried out in autumn and winter.

Chemical peeling for face

  • Superficial peeling

The procedure is carried out using fruit alpha-hydroxy acids (glycolic, lactic, citric, grape). Under the influence of chemicals applied to the surface of the skin, the keratinized cells of the epidermis dissolve. These drugs not only cleanse and activate skin tissue. They have the following positive properties:

  • moisturize;
  • relieve inflammation;
  • normalize the functions of the sebaceous glands;
  • tighten pores;
  • disinfected.

Indications for the procedure are hyperkeratosis, acne, post-acne, oily skin, enlarged pores, signs of early age-related changes (minor pigmentation, shallow wrinkles).

To get a lasting effect, at least 10–15 sessions are needed. The frequency should be once a week.

  • Medium peeling

This type of chemical peeling for the face in cosmetology involves treating the skin with trichloroacetic acid (25–30%) and salicylic acid (30%). The action of these substances is to dissolve the cell layers to the depth of the papillary layer. The skin's response to chemical irritation is swelling and redness. Skin tissue is restored within 7 days, during which the dead layer of cells peels off.

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Using medium peeling, age-related changes in the skin (wrinkles, age spots, decreased tone) are eliminated. In addition, chemicals have anti-inflammatory and disinfectant effects. Medium chemical peeling is effective in the complex treatment of acne, as it normalizes the function of the sebaceous glands. Another advantage of this type of acid peeling for the face is its ability to cope with scars and stretch marks.

  • Deep peeling

As a rule, this procedure involves the use of drugs that contain phenol. The substance affects the deep layers of the epidermis down to the middle layer. The effect is a significant renewal of the skin. Most often, men and women after 40 years of age undergo phenol peeling to correct pronounced age-related skin changes.

The basis for this procedure is the presence of:

  • wrinkles, nasolabial and eyebrow folds, creases in the lips and eyes;
  • excessive pigmentation;
  • sagging, sagging skin;
  • scars, scars, stretch marks;
  • photoaging process.

The rehabilitation period after deep peeling lasts at least 4–6 weeks. To avoid complications, patients should strictly adhere to all medical recommendations regarding preparation for peeling and skin care after the session. At the end of the rehabilitation period, the face looks approximately 10 years younger. After one procedure, the result lasts for several years.

Contraindications to phenol peeling are severe heart and vascular diseases, liver and kidney diseases.

Healing period

After delicate peelings, the recovery period is very short, especially if a homemade exfoliating composition was applied to the skin. In just a few days, the face will look renewed, fresh, smoother. On the first day after peeling, you should not wash your face, touch the skin again, or apply decorative cosmetics. The doctor will tell you what products can be used to speed up the healing of the dermis. The specialist will also probably recommend special skincare products.

The first few weeks after peeling, you need to protect your skin from the sun: do not sunbathe, do not visit the solarium. Before each trip outside, you should use sunscreen cosmetics and regularly moisturize the treated areas with creams. In addition, during the rehabilitation period it is not advisable to go to the bathhouse, sauna or swimming pool.

Mechanical facial peeling

This type of manual peeling is considered the easiest way to cleanse the face. The procedure involves mechanical removal of the top layer of the epidermis using abrasives. The preparations used contain hard granules to quickly eliminate dead cells. Such means include:

  • Scrub. Available in the form of a gel or cream with abrasive particles. The product is applied to the face, after which it is washed off along with dead cells. It is important to try not to injure the skin during the scrubbing process.
  • Gommage. Designed for cellular nutrition and regeneration. The product is a rolling cream with soft abrasive particles or fruit acids that dissolve during cleaning.
  • Brushing (brossage) to exfoliate the dead layer of the epidermis. To perform the procedure, you need a special hard brush with synthetic bristles. The face is covered with abrasive paste, then massaged with a brush.
  • Salt peeling. The procedure is performed using products containing table or sea salt, rich in macro- and microelements.
  • Coral polishing. The products used during the procedure contain coral chips and plant components.
  • Film masks for removing dead cells from the skin. The product is a special silicone film that is applied to the face and then removed along with the stratum corneum.

With the help of manual mechanical cleaning, impurities are removed from the surface layer, the skin becomes fresh, and shallow wrinkles are smoothed out.

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In the beauty salon, specialists perform medium mechanical peeling, which includes microcrystalline dermabrasion and diamond exfoliation. Using these procedures, minor scars, scars, slight pigmentation, and post-acne are eliminated.

We cleanse according to folk recipes

Peeling prepared at home from high-quality products will leave no doubt about its naturalness and will delight you with an excellent result. The best components for such a product are:

  • cottage cheese;
  • vegetable oils;
  • cereals;
  • fruits and berries (apple, strawberry);
  • coffee grounds;
  • rice flour;
  • cosmetic clay;
  • semolina;
  • cream.

Here are recipes using these ingredients.

Banana-honey peeling


  • apple (1 tsp pulp);
  • banana (1 tsp pulp);
  • honey (1 tbsp);
  • semolina (2 tsp);
  • cream (1 tsp).

Read also: How to choose a facial cleansing device?

Combine the crushed apple pulp and banana with honey and cream, adding the semolina last. Apply the mixture to your face as soon as possible, massaging at the same time, and do not rinse off for five minutes. After time, rinse off the peeling with warm water, which can be replaced with tonic. Finally, rinse your face with cool water.

Citrus-curd peeling


  • milk (2 tbsp);
  • cottage cheese (2 tbsp);
  • orange (zest) -1 tsp;
  • lemon (zest) - 1 tsp.

After mixing the ingredients, apply to the face, rubbing gently. After five minutes, wash with water at room temperature.

Egg-buckwheat mixture


  • egg yolk (1 pc.);
  • pumpkin oil (1 tsp);
  • sugar (1 tsp);
  • buckwheat flour (1/2 tbsp.).

Beat the butter and yolk with a mixer, then add sugar and buckwheat flour. After applying to the skin, massage for several minutes, then leave for about ten minutes and rinse with slightly warmed water.

Strawberry mixture


  • strawberries (1 tbsp);
  • sour cream (1 tbsp);
  • pink clay (1/2 tbsp.).

First mix sour cream with chopped strawberries, and then add clay. Apply to face using massage movements and continue massaging for several minutes. Then leave on your face for seven minutes. Rinse off with warm water.

Oat flakes with bran


  • oatmeal (1 tbsp);
  • bran (1 tbsp);
  • water (3 tablespoons).

Grind the ingredients in a coffee grinder. Pour in the specified amount of water, stirring until smooth. Apply to face while massaging. Rinse off with slightly warm water. If there are no flakes or bran, you can make a one-component mask by doubling the amount of available product. This procedure should be carried out before going to bed for a course of 15 days, after which you should take a break for a couple of months. The result will exceed expectations.

Coffee grounds

Apply coffee grounds to a previously cleansed face, paying special attention to problem areas. After drying, remove the thickener from the skin with massaging movements, wash your face with warm water, then rinse with cool water and wipe with a piece of ice.

Cucumber with oatmeal


  • oatmeal (1 tbsp);
  • water (2 tbsp);
  • cucumber (1 pc.).

After cooking the oatmeal, add a small cucumber grated on a fine grater. Leave the mixture for half an hour. Apply to face with massage movements and leave for ten minutes. Rinse off first with warm and then cool water.

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Curd coffee mixture

Mix equal amounts of cottage cheese and coffee grounds thoroughly and apply to the skin with massage movements. Leave for fifteen minutes. All this time you need to carefully massage your face. Rinse off with warm water. Use nourishing cream.

Ultrasonic facial peeling

This type of peeling refers to hardware procedures for surface cleaning, which involves removing dead cells and cleansing contaminated pores.

Opinion of cosmetologists

Not all doctors call peeling a suitable procedure for dry facial skin, noting that after this the epidermis may experience an even greater moisture deficiency. Therefore, it is important for women who decide to cleanse their face to consult with an experienced specialist. For example, this cosmetologist does not consider brossage to be a gentle technique.

It is necessary that the doctor not only select the optimal type of peeling taking into account your skin type, but also talk about all the nuances of the procedure, including possible contraindications and complications. The author who expressed this opinion is counseling a young mother who has recently completed her lactation period.

Laser facial peeling

This type of peeling involves exposing the epidermis to a laser beam. Depending on the type of radiation, as well as the depth of laser penetration, one or another result is achieved.

Contraindications to this type of facial peeling in cosmetology for problem skin:

  • oncological diseases;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • infections;
  • pregnancy;
  • impaired blood clotting;
  • presence of fillers in the treated area;
  • connective tissue diseases, autoimmune diseases.

Peeling helps in solving a variety of aesthetic problems. To achieve maximum effect, you need to focus on your skin type. In addition, it is important to strictly adhere to the technology of performing the procedure.

Choosing the type of facial peeling based on age and skin type

When choosing the type of superficial (or other) facial peeling in cosmetology, it is customary to take into account two important factors: the age of the client and the specifics of the problem.

Depending on the degree of skin aging, the optimal type of cleansing is selected:

  1. 21–25 years old. At this age there are no significant changes yet. Only pigmentation may appear. Experts recommend gommage or scrubbing, enzyme cleansing, and peeling using fruit acids.
  2. 25–35 years old. This period is characterized by the appearance of facial wrinkles, keratosis, and age spots. Cosmetologists recommend cryopilling, laser or superficial chemical peeling.
  3. 35–50 years old. At this age, changes in the condition of the skin become clearly visible: dull complexion, pronounced pigmentation, capillary network. Laser cleaning and vacuum peeling are recommended.
  4. More than 50 years. This period is characterized by the presence of many wrinkles and creases of varying depths. After 50 years, the skin needs deep chemical peeling and laser cleaning.

For mature facial skin after 40 years, cosmetologists recommend dermabrasion, mid-level professional laser or ultrasonic peeling.

  • For oily skin, diamond peeling, coral mechanical or dry cleansing is suitable.
  • For problem skin, salicylic or almond peels are performed.

Cosmetologists consider peelings to be an effective remedy that helps maintain skin health and renew it. Thanks to the procedure, skin tissue rejuvenation occurs quickly, skin tone increases, wrinkles are smoothed out.

If you perform peelings regularly, there will be no need for plastic surgery to restore and rejuvenate the skin.

The downside of these procedures is the risk of complications in the form of intense pigmentation, spider veins, and tissue scarring in the area of ​​severely damaged or burned skin.

To avoid unforeseen consequences during cleansing or restoration, you need to contact trusted beauty salons. In addition, it is necessary to choose only high-quality drugs.

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Patient reviews

Women often leave opinions about different types of peels for dry skin. For example, the author of this review praises drugs based on lactic acid.

Another girl believes that milk peels are good not only for salon use, but also for home use. The main thing is to choose the right tool.

There are reviews regarding specific products. For example, here we are talking about Gentle Peeling produced by Natura Siberica. A girl suffering from dry skin praises the drug, which turned out to be especially useful for her in the winter.

The author of this review has dry, sensitive skin with wrinkles, which reacts to changes in humidity in the room and on the street. On the advice of a cosmetologist, the girl did peeling with fruit acids, but was dissatisfied with it.

Dry and especially sensitive skin requires special care. Not every peel will suit her. Before the procedure, you must do a sensitivity test so as not to provoke an allergy.

You should start with the softest, most delicate means and procedures. Thanks to the right cleansing method, your skin will be smooth, even, and radiant. Only you will know that it is dry.

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