Facial cleansing: types, advantages and contraindications

Facial cleansing is one of the most common salon procedures. Its goal is to cleanse the skin of impurities, eliminate some dermatological problems, and give the face a fresh look. Cleaning is recommended for any skin type. But first of all, the procedure is useful for oily types prone to inflammation and rashes. There are different types of facial cleansing, which will be discussed below.

Indications for cleaning


  • increased oiliness of the skin;
  • enlarged pores prone to the accumulation of dirt and dust particles;
  • the presence of blackheads (comedones) and sebaceous plugs;
  • increased activity of the sebaceous glands;
  • acne during remission;
  • dull complexion.

These are indications for facial cleansing on any skin type. But oily skin needs cleansing most of all, in which case it should be done at least once a month. It is recommended to clean normal skin once every 2-3 months, and dry skin no more than once every three to four months.


Of course, facial cleansing by a cosmetologist of any kind is useful and should be carried out at least 3-4 times a year. But for all procedures, including this one, there are certain contraindications. It does not work when:

  • elevated body temperature;
  • reduced immunity;
  • active viruses and infections;
  • skin diseases on the face;
  • violation of the integrity of the epidermis;
  • ulcers and inflamed rashes.

Performing the procedure during menstruation will increase the discomfort.

There are even more contraindications for hardware cleaning. They should not be given to pregnant women, people with high blood pressure and a built-in pacemaker, or after recent heart attacks and strokes.

Mechanical cleaning

This type of skin cleansing in cosmetology is also called manual or manual cleansing. It is carried out manually, using a special tool to remove deep-seated comedones and sebaceous plugs. Cleaning steps:

  • preliminary cleansing;
  • applying masks according to skin type;
  • steaming the skin or applying a special cream;
  • performing cleaning;
  • applying a softening/moisturizing cream or mask to the skin to soothe the skin.

If we are talking about which facial cleansing is best for blackheads, here the palm goes to the procedure that is carried out mechanically.

This cleansing method allows you to remove even deep-seated pimples and blackheads. However, manual cleaning has a disadvantage: it is quite painful and leaves behind redness and swelling of the skin. It takes several hours for the skin to recover. After cleaning, it is not recommended to apply decorative cosmetics to the face or scrub. In the first 2-3 days, it is better to refrain from visiting the bathhouse, swimming pool or sauna. Before going outside in sunny weather, you should apply sunscreen to your face.

Rehabilitation period

There are general rules that must be followed after any type of cleaning.

  • It is forbidden to wash your face for 24 hours
  • In the first 3-5 days, use cream with SPF (at least 30)
  • Do not use aggressive cosmetics or perform chemical peeling.
  • Avoid harsh mechanical impact on the treated area.
  • Do not apply makeup until complete healing.
  • Use moisturizing serums or creams daily.
  • Take any antibacterial drugs.
  • Do not visit the sauna, bathhouse, swimming pool or solarium.
  • If necessary, apply anti-inflammatory agents to irritated areas.

Chemical cleaning (peeling)

This procedure is carried out not only to eliminate acne and inflammation, but also to treat uneven skin, scars and post-acne. Cleansing is achieved through the complex effects of various acids. The advantage of chemical peeling is deep cleansing and the launch of regenerative processes that promote skin renewal. Peeling can be superficial, medium and deep. The most effective results can be achieved with deep peeling. However, such cleaning has its drawbacks: it leaves behind severe redness and marks, which will take some time to heal.

What it is

Deep cleansing is the process of removing impurities not only from the surface, but also from the inner layers of the dermis. Such manipulation is necessary to carry out the following tasks:

  • restore the protective functions of the skin;
  • eliminate acne ;
  • regeneration processes , metabolism and blood circulation.

The procedure allows you to remove various impurities, excess sebaceous secretions and keratinized layers of the dermis.

Vacuum cleaning

This type of cleansing is carried out using a special tool that, under a vacuum, cleanses the skin of impurities and accumulated sebum, and also “pulls out” blackheads. Vacuum cleaning is carried out following the same steps as for mechanical cleaning. After applying a series of masks to the face and steaming, they begin to treat problem areas with a vacuum apparatus. At the end, apply a moisturizer or mask to the skin. The advantage of such cleansing is that it is painless and the procedure does not cause discomfort. In addition, it increases blood circulation and improves muscle tone of the face. The disadvantage of vacuum cleaning is that it is less effective than mechanical cleaning, so after vacuum treatment it is recommended to clean the most problematic areas manually.

Contacting a medical and dental clinic

Medical and dental clinic in Moscow provides services in various areas of medicine, in particular cosmetology. Leading specialists work here, who regularly expand their knowledge and improve their skills, and participate in scientific conferences. Prices for the services provided are affordable (for convenience, there is a price list on the website).

To make an appointment for an initial consultation with a cosmetologist, just use the standard online form, indicating contact information for feedback from the administrator. The opening hours are convenient: daily from 9:00 to 21:00, so even people with irregular work schedules can get an appointment. On the website you can see in more detail how to get to the clinic from different places in Moscow.

Ultrasonic cleaning

This type of cleaning is carried out using an ultrasonic device. Ultrasound exposure has a beneficial effect on the skin and can be recommended for any skin type. Ultrasonic cleaning is especially useful for those with sensitive skin, as it is a gentle, painless and safe procedure.

Ultrasound affects blood vessels and connective tissue, increasing blood circulation and the production of collagen and elastane - the top layer of skin becomes more elastic, even, smooth, and its color improves. Before starting the ultrasonic cleaning procedure, the skin is cleansed of cosmetics and impurities using lotion or micellar water. If necessary, a special mask can be applied to the face and neck, which softens the upper layers of the epidermis and promotes the greatest opening of skin pores.

Effect after the procedure

The first days after the procedure, sebum secretion and peeling may increase. The cleaning effect can be assessed after 5 – 7 days:

  • cleaned pores become narrower;
  • the skin becomes smooth, elastic, radiant, matte;
  • microrelief is leveled;
  • greasy shine disappears;
  • the functioning of the sebaceous glands is normalized;
  • the face looks refreshed and rejuvenated.

Galvanic cleaning

This type of facial cleansing is carried out using an alkaline solution that is applied to the skin, as well as low-power galvanic currents. Fatty deposits and dirt particles accumulated in the pores are pushed out to the surface under the influence of current. Galvanic cleansing is useful not only for oily skin prone to inflammation and acne. Its implementation also contributes to:

  • improvement of lymphatic drainage and microcirculation;
  • normalization of the activity of the sebaceous glands;
  • synthesis of collagen and elastin;
  • restoration of water-lipid balance;
  • smoothing facial wrinkles;
  • improving metabolism in the tissues of the upper layer of facial skin;
  • increasing the firmness and elasticity of the skin.

One of the disadvantages of galvanic cleansing is its drying effect, so the procedure should not be carried out more than once a month, even if we are talking about oily skin. For dry skin, it is better to choose other types of cleansing, since exposure to galvanic current increases the risk of irritation, redness, peeling and itching.

Brossage (brushing)

The procedure is designed to cleanse the top layer of skin using an automatic device with rotating nozzles. These can be pumice stones, sponges and brushes made of various materials. The advantage of brushing is that it does not injure the skin and, at the same time as cleansing, has a massage effect. The procedure is performed after cleansing and steaming the facial skin.

Brushing is recommended to be done with caution for people with very dry and sensitive skin. For oily skin, the procedure can be performed once every 4-5 weeks. Another advantage of brushing is that it can be done at home. But experts still recommend salon procedures to eliminate the risk of skin injury.

Mandelic acid

40% mandelic acid.

The most gentle acid that can be used even by teenagers over 10 years old. It is used for very sensitive skin, can be done in the summer, and also as a preparatory peeling (pre-peeling preparation) for a subsequent course of other acids. This is a specific treatment, indicated for all skin types, also for very sensitive and thin skin, does not create any aesthetic discomfort and gives visible and long-lasting results.


  • hyperpigmentation
  • treatment of mild acne
  • comedones
  • treatment of rosacea (even acute phases)
  • at all stages of demodicosis (as an addition to treatment)


Immediate improvement:

The skin glows from the inside, becomes polished, and acquires a beautiful color. Can be done before and after tanning in a solarium or in the sun, before applying makeup.

Almond care No. 1 is aimed at structural rejuvenation of the skin. Leads to noticeable improvements in the appearance of the skin. — Improves and makes the tan more even.

  • Strengthens the skin's immune system.
  • Protects cell DNA.
  • Removes the first signs of inflammatory erythema and reduces the effects of free radicals.
  • Strengthens the skin barrier.

Frequency of the procedure:

1 time per week up to 10 procedures. Alternation with INTERACTIVE CARE is possible.

Almond care No. 2 for facial skin with pigmentation problems: aimed at structural rejuvenation of the skin. Leads to noticeable improvements in the appearance of the skin.

  • Strengthens the skin's immune system.
  • Protects cell DNA.
  • Removes the first signs of inflammatory erythema and reduces the effects of free radicals.
  • Strengthens the skin barrier, facial skin becomes less susceptible to aggressive environmental factors.

FREQUENCY: 1 time per week, up to 10 procedures.

Expert opinion

  • Cosmetologist
  • Surgeon

Anna Avaliani

practicing cosmetologist

Most often, mechanical cleaning is carried out in a beauty salon. This is a quite popular service. This procedure is especially relevant for people with oily or problematic skin. With its help you can get rid of blackheads and cleanse pores.

Aisha Baron

plastic surgeon

Cleansing the skin is important for those with any skin type. First of all, this is a hygienic manipulation. Also, of course, it is carried out for aesthetic reasons, because black dots do not at all decorate the face of a woman or man. After cleaning, the pores are cleansed, so they can perform all the necessary functions.

Question answer

To thoroughly clean your face, it is recommended to periodically go for mechanical cleaning. But it is best to combine different procedures. Sometimes some contaminants need to be removed mechanically, followed by ultrasonic cleaning. Contact a good doctor, he will determine which procedure is suitable in a particular case.

Absolutely all people need to cleanse their face. Sometimes home care is not enough. Therefore, it is worth visiting a professional periodically.

Combined cleaning includes both mechanical and ultrasonic cleaning methods.

The choice of facial cleansing technique depends on several factors. First of all, it is necessary to take into account your skin type and the problems that are associated with it. Existing contraindications and individual skin characteristics are important. For low pain thresholds, more gentle techniques are recommended. Whatever cleaning you choose, it is important to remember to apply sunscreen in the first days after the cleaning.

Advantages and disadvantages

The main advantages of the procedure include the variety of implementation methods and efficiency.

Disadvantages include the presence of contraindications, the need for a recovery period, side effects, high trauma and pain of certain types of procedures.

Deep cleansing is an effective method that allows you to get rid of most skin defects. Involves hardware, manual and chemical effects. When choosing a cleaning method, it is important to pay attention to the specifics of its implementation, as well as the presence of contraindications.

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