“L” curve in eyelash extensions - how to use correctly

What is an L bend?

L-curved cilia are geometrically curved hairs with a fairly sharp angle. Due to this, there is a feeling that the eyelashes seem to immediately grow upward from the eyelash edge, and not forward and upward, as is usually the case. However, it does not look strange, but rather attractive. Due to the fact that the bending angle is quite sharp, you can grow long, beautiful eyelashes with an actual short hair length.

It is also worth mentioning such a subtype of L bend as L+. It is something between the L and D bends. From the base it goes almost horizontally, then bends sharply (and the bend angle is sharper than that of L), and turns into a curl, which is located almost vertically.

Due to their unusual shape, synthetic hairs with L and L+ curves should be taken 1-2 mm shorter than if you used lashes with C, D curves on the same client.

Eyelash extension color

Eyelash extensions come in different tones - from classic (black, graphite, brown) to bright (blue, green, purple). What’s interesting is that the thinner the hair, the more it “blues” (the tip is almost transparent).

To make the image beautiful and harmonious, the master must very accurately select the color of the hairs. To do this, you need to take into account the color type of appearance (skin + hair + eyes). So, for example, chocolate shades are great for representatives of a warm color type. But for girls with a cold appearance, it is better to choose graphite.

What eye shape suits the L curve?

This form is good for:

  • European eye shape - gives expressiveness to the look, and zest to the appearance; when the outer corner of the eye is lowered, it visually lifts it;

  • Asian eye type - allows you to visually increase the height of the eye, open it up;

  • deep-set eyes – increases the area of ​​the plane of the eye, visually “pushes” it forward;

  • an eye with a drooping eyelid – distracts attention from the drooping eyelid, covers it, visually enlarges the eyes, avoids a “tired” look, allows you to look younger, makes your gaze more radiant and open;

  • close-set eyes - eyelashes with an L curve closer to the outer corners allow you to visually “spread” your eyes to the sides, making your gaze moderately focused;

  • any type of eyes when wearing glasses - if the client constantly wears glasses, but wants to have long eyelashes, extensions with curves B, C and D are unlikely to suit her, since the eyelashes will literally rest against the lenses; the L bend has a sharp bend angle, due to which the eyelashes do not protrude too much forward, and in front of the eyes they look long despite their actual short length;
  • for those who want to extend the life of their eyelashes - due to their unusual shape, eyelashes with an L curve experience less daily stress and better resist mechanical stress, so they can be worn for longer than a month if corrected in a timely manner.

If we talk about the L+ curve, it is more specific and will not suit everyone without exception, since it will look too extravagant on classic almond-shaped eyes. It is suitable for:

  • aged clients - will help to visually smooth out age-related changes in the eyelids, distract attention from them, enlarge the eyes in size and make the gaze more open;
  • clients with Asian-shaped eyes - produces the same effect as the L curve, but it is more pronounced;
  • those who want to extend their wear time - artificial hairs with an L+ bend also last longer than standard ones.

2D and 3D volume

This effect is often ordered because it gives a model’s volume to the eyes—it can even visually change the shape of the eyes (for example, create the illusion of the desired almond-shaped Asian type).
Most people will benefit from this kind of extension, but the main thing is to observe the measure. If you choose the wrong size and give an L-curve to a girl with a petite face, it will look more like a caricature. If you do not want to copy the touching doll, then it is better to be very careful when choosing the size.

A specialist will help you finally decide whether you need a 3D or 2D effect for your eyelashes. We recommend that you take the advice of a professional.

In what types of eyelash extensions is the L curve found?

L-curved eyelashes can be used with different effects, there are no restrictions. However, it is worth using it taking into account the anatomical features of the client’s face and her own preferences. Also, eyelashes with an L curve should be chosen of a certain length and combined on different parts of the eyelash edge with artificial hairs of other curves. For example, if a client has round

The L bend is usually used for extensions with the following effects:

  1. Natural effect. L curl hairs allow you to create curled and fluffy eyelashes, longer, thicker and more voluminous, while maintaining a natural appearance and slightly correcting the shape of the eyes.
  2. Puppet effect. Suitable for those clients who want to look more playful and add a special charm to their look. This effect with L-curved eyelashes is best recommended to those clients who work in the media, participate in photo shoots, often speak at various events and are often under the gun of television cameras.
  3. Sparse effect. It looks even more natural than natural, makes the look slightly more expressive and radiant. Extensions are not performed individually, when one artificial eyelash is attached to each natural eyelash, but at intervals, for example, every other eyelash.
  4. Volumetric effect or Hollywood extension. The eyelashes are given extreme volume, which is achieved by gluing a bundle of several synthetic hairs to each “native” eyelash. This effect is suitable for brave girls who are not afraid to express themselves and attract everyone's attention.
  5. Squirrel effect. The emphasis in extensions is on the outer corners of the eyes, so as not just to lengthen them, but to slightly lift them up. This effect is achieved by gradually increasing the length of artificial hairs from the inner to the outer corner, and then the length from the longest one decreases quite sharply, due to which “tassels” are formed in the outer corners, which resemble those on the ears of a squirrel.
  1. Fox effect. It also allows you to stretch the shape of your eyes to the sides, making your look more intriguing, mysterious and sexy. This effect is achieved by increasing the length of the hairs from the inner to outer corners of the eyes. Thus, an imitation of a drawn arrow is obtained. The fox effect can be smooth when the increase in the length of synthetic hairs is gradual, and also sharp when the transition from length to length is more clear.

Statistics show that most clients choose a combination of L-curved eyelashes with a fox effect, since together they work perfectly to create a mysterious and languid look. However, an experienced master should always evaluate the initial external data of the client in order to understand whether such a combination will suit her and whether it will highlight the flaws in her appearance.

Advantages and Disadvantages of L

Each process has positive and negative sides. Before agreeing to a “cosmetic adventure,” it is advisable to learn more about it. Positive aspects of L extension:

  1. Length, density, look will be transformed under the hand of the master.
  2. Problem areas will be eliminated and wrinkles will be masked.
  3. You will get a beautiful, fresh look at any time of the day.
  4. Going to the pool will no longer bring you disappointment, you will look great in the water.
  5. L-curve eyelash extensions will give you large, expressive eyes.

Girls who wear glasses can safely undergo this procedure. They will gain a sexy look that everyone around them will notice.

This form of eyelash extension does not have any significant disadvantages. It all depends on the girl’s individual preferences. Not all representatives of the fair sex speak about the L shape as interesting and suitable for them.

Which eye shape will suit

Who is suitable for the unusual angle of eyelashes with an L curve? This is an ideal option for opening the eyes and increasing the shape of Asian-type eyes and correcting deep-set eyes. It is also often used to decorate girls who wear glasses.

To determine the shape, you need to use a special technique. Look at the eyes and roughly draw a straight line through the inner and outer corners. Next, you need to analyze the resulting axis. If it is even, then you have almond-shaped eyes that are correct and suit absolutely any curves and all extension effects. If the axis is descending, then the woman has a European type of appearance. The Asian variety has an ascending axis, that is, at the outer corner of the eye it rises up to the temple.

Features of the sparse effect of eyelash extensions. Who are the “rays” suitable for?

The L bend can be used for other types, but it is not a fact that the result will please the client. The wide base and upturned tip make the eye wider and help achieve the perfect shape. Thanks to it, the drooping eyelid becomes completely invisible, as if it is hiding behind a lush frame. It is impossible to achieve a similar effect with the help of other cosmetic procedures; only plastic surgery will help. But this is a radical intervention that is associated with risks to health and appearance. The defect is perfectly masked by eyelash extensions.

Who shouldn't do it

L-curved hair extensions are not recommended for girls of European appearance, as the eyes will look too unnatural. It is better for them to give preference to the classic volumes C, D.

Women with bulging eyes should not weigh down their eyelids with voluminous L-curved eyelashes.

What to do if the bend is chosen incorrectly?

If the procedure was carried out incorrectly, under no circumstances should you try to correct it yourself. Unfortunately, the specialist will also not be able to change the curl upon completion of the procedure - it will be necessary to completely remove the eyelash extensions and start again.

Features of extensions with L bend

As we have already said, due to their special shape and rather sharp bending angle, L artificial eyelashes have their own characteristics and require special care from the specialist when working. The bend should be selected not only taking into account the anatomy of the client’s face, but also in accordance with the desired length of eyelash extensions. Due to their non-standard shape, L-curved eyelashes appear much longer than they actually are, which is why many beginners find themselves in awkward situations when they first start working with this material. Therefore, if on a specific client with a specific extension effect you would choose stretch sizes from 7 to 12, then for the same client, hairs with an L bend should be chosen in lengths from 5-6 to 10-11 mm. Visually, after extensions, the length of eyelashes with a C and L curve will be the same, although in fact eyelashes of different sizes were used.

The second feature of working with L-curved eyelashes is the selection of material depending on the chosen type of extension and the shape of the client’s eyes. It is important to consider the length and location of the hairs. For example, if we have a client with round eyes and drooping eyelids, we should definitely use the L curve in our work to divert attention from the drooping eyelid and open up our eyes. However, if a visitor wants to correct the shape of her eyes and bring them closer to almond-shaped, eyelash extensions with a standard smooth transition, where all the hairs will have an L curve, cannot be applied. To make the eyes more elongated, it is better to place hairs with a shorter L-curve in the center of the eyelash edge, and then make a sharp transition to a longer length closer to the outer corners.

There are many such examples of “difficult” clients, and the task of the master is to study the basics of visual correction of the shape of the eyes, so that at the first glance at the visitor, he can determine what effect, size, thickness and curl of the eyelashes to use to solve the problem. Of course, it is worth matching the client’s personal preferences.

Otherwise, you need to work with L-bend synthetic hairs in exactly the same way as with the rest. Unless you have to get used to it and get used to correctly grabbing an eyelash with tweezers and gluing it to the right place, setting the required direction. With time and experience, this skill comes to every master.


Any process has its pros and cons. To prevent eyelash extensions from leading to a problematic situation, before going to a specialist, it is best to study the technique, the nuances of the procedure, and possible consequences. The advantages of L extension include:

  • long lasting effect up to 4 – 6 weeks without using mascara;
  • masking fine wrinkles;
  • eliminating problem areas around the eyes;
  • creating thick and long eyelashes;
  • expressiveness of the eyes;
  • if the eyelashes are straight, they will not need to be curled with tweezers;
  • the look will be beautiful and fresh at any time of the day;
  • During water procedures (for example, swimming), the eyes will remain expressive.

How does bending affect extensions?

If we talk about the bending of artificial eyelashes in principle, its influence on the extension procedure is obvious, and when drawing up a scheme for each client, it is worth paying special attention to this parameter.

When choosing a bend for extension, the following circumstances must be taken into account:

  • wishes and requirements of the client regarding the desired effect, visual correction of eye shape, etc.;
  • eye shape and anatomical features of the face as a whole;
  • features of natural eyelashes – intensity of curl, length, density, thickness of hairs, fullness, presence of gaps on the eyelash growth line;
  • the condition of the eyelashes - how strong or weakened they are, what their condition is after previous extensions, how often they fall out, etc.;
  • the client’s lifestyle - how often she applies makeup and washes it off, how she takes care of her skin, whether she wears glasses, lives an ordinary life or travels often, participates in events, where and who she works for, what is the dress code, etc.

If the shape of the hairs has been chosen correctly, it can be used to visually change the shape, size and location of the eyes.

The curvature of the eyelashes in extensions affects:

  1. Duration of the effect, period of wear, preservation of the result in its original state throughout the period of wear. As we have already mentioned, due to the special shape, eyelashes with an L curve last longer, as they are less susceptible to mechanical stress. However, if the eyelashes themselves are thin and weak, bending them too intensely will literally “twist” them and weaken them even more, causing them to fall out ahead of schedule.
  2. Health status of natural eyelashes after removal of extensions. If too much stress was placed on the hairs due to too intense bending, they will most likely immediately begin to grow weak, become thinner, fall out prematurely, break, etc. After removing the extensions, they will have to be restored and grown again for months.
  3. Aesthetics of the final result. If the curve is chosen correctly and correctly combined with the location on the eyelash growth line, the selected length and thickness, the extension will look beautiful and impressive, highlight the client’s advantages or correct the shape of her eyes. Otherwise, the image will look careless, ridiculous, strange and simply ugly.

Based on all of the above, we can say that the correct selection of eyelash curl for eyelash extensions has a huge impact on the final result in terms of both appearance and health. Therefore, you need to work with bends carefully, and this is especially true for such an unusual shape as L.

How to choose the length and thickness?

Another very important factor is the thickness of the eyelashes, on which the final effect depends. To choose the right one, use this table:

ThicknessWho is it suitable for?
0.05 mm0.06 mm0.07 mmThese are the thinnest eyelashes, intended only for experienced professionals. Working with them is not easy, but the effect is simply luxurious! Most often they are used for volumetric techniques (3D-6D effect).
0.10mm0.12mmDesigned to embody a natural look, ideal for everyday wear. With their help, they make two types of extensions - volumetric and traditional.
0.15mm0.18mmThe most common diameter for the classic version. Simulates the effect of makeup with black mascara. It does not make the look heavy, it is extremely comfortable both for wearing and for extensions.
0.20mm0.23mmAn ideal option for photo sessions and video shooting, they convey their splendor through the lenses. They are not suitable for everyday wear due to their excessive rigidity.

As for the stretch or length of the eyelashes, it can range from 6 to 14 mm. As a rule, masters use up to 4-5 lengths at a time, distributing them evenly from the inner corner of the eye to the outer one.

L-curve eyelash extension technique

Let's look at the eyelash extension technique using the example of classic eyelash extensions, when one artificial hair is attached to one natural hair. The fact is that eyelashes with an L curve are most often extended using this technique, since they are quite difficult to put in a bun, and the intensity of the bend itself does not require high-volume extensions - the finished result already looks self-sufficient and beautiful.

In order for the entire extension procedure to be successful, and the result to please both the artist and the client, the lash maker must gain a minimum of experience, “get” his hand and learn how to work efficiently with L-curved eyelashes. Due to the intense curl and special shape, such hairs are sometimes difficult to grasp and correctly stick to natural eyelashes, but with regular training over a long period of time, the experience comes by itself.

So, the eyelash extension technique includes several stages, each of which we will consider in more detail.

Analysis of the client’s initial data and selection of materials for extensions

This stage consists of several sub-points, each of which must be completed in strict sequence:

  1. The master assesses the condition of the client's eyelashes. Determines their length, thickness, density, the presence of gaps in the eyelash line, and hair color. Analyzes health status - how often eyelashes fall out, whether they break. They ask the client whether extensions have been performed previously, whether allergic reactions have occurred, and how much time has passed since the last extension.
  2. Based on the results of the inspection, as well as taking into account the client’s wishes, the master selects the necessary materials for extensions. If the visitor is prone to allergies, hypoallergenic glue is chosen. If the eyelashes are weakened, thin hairs are selected. The length of artificial eyelashes is selected taking into account the length of natural eyelashes, as well as the fact that the intensity of the curve L allows you to choose a size 1-2 mm smaller than usual. In any case, the length of artificial hairs with intense bending should not be higher than 125% of the length of natural ones. The sizes of the hairs are selected in such a way as to create one or another intended effect. If it is natural, the length of all synthetic hairs should be proportional to that of natural hairs; if it is fox hair, the size of the bristles increases closer to the outer corner.
  3. Drawing up a diagram of eyelashes. Many experienced hairdressers have already become quite adept at applying eyelash extensions without a “physical” diagram, since they have already drawn up a picture in their head and mentally check it against it. However, beginners should draw a diagram on a piece of paper and look at it periodically, especially when it is necessary to switch from one length to another. It is important not to have a reserve diagram for each effect, but to remember the principles of their construction and draw a diagram for each client individually.

Lower eyelid protection, vapor protection

In order to comply with the rules of hygiene and not cause harm to the client’s health, the master must treat his hands with an antiseptic and, preferably, wear gloves (if this does not interfere with his work). To prevent the lower eyelashes from sticking to the upper ones, they must be protected. For this purpose, special elastic stickers made of fabric or non-woven material, silicone or hydrogel pads are used. You can also use medical elastic tape. The protective material should be glued in such a way that the lower eyelid is not pulled back and the eye can be completely closed without effort.

Throughout the entire extension process, it is necessary to ensure that the client does not open his eyes. When glue for artificial eyelashes polymerizes, fumes are released, which, when they come into contact with the mucous membrane of the eye or eyelid, cause irritation and even chemical burns. In addition, tearing may begin, the upper eyelashes will become wet, and the specialist will have to remove the extensions, re-clean and degrease the eyelashes and re-extend artificial hairs.

Pre-cleaning and preparation of eyelashes for the extension procedure

Eyelashes on the upper eyelid should be thoroughly cleaned of cosmetics, as well as oil-based makeup removers, serums, creams and other caring cosmetics that contain oils and waxes. They can prevent the glue from firmly fixing, and the eyelash extensions will peel off. For cleansing, special products for delicate cleansing or micellar water, as well as tonics, are used.

A degreaser is applied to cleaned and dried eyelashes using a microbrush - a special product that dissolves the remaining oils and waxes from care cosmetics, if preliminary cleansing was not enough, as well as sebum. It is not advisable to use a cotton swab in this case, since it can leave microscopic fibers that do not contribute to reliable fixation of the glue.

Additionally, after cleansing and degreasing, you can treat the eyelashes with a primer - a special substance that slightly “fluffs” the top layer of hair scales to improve adhesion to the glue. If your eyelashes are thin and weak, you can skip this step. If the natural hairs are thick, smooth and silky, it is better to use a primer, as the glue can easily “roll off” them.

Modeling the eyelash row

If at this stage the diagram has not yet been drawn up, you can do it right now. Often, masters mark the sizes of artificial hairs directly on the pad that protects the lower eyelashes. It is better to work alternately on both eyes to achieve perfect symmetry.

Gluing hairs in a given direction

The main difficulty in working with L-curved eyelashes is their special shape. It can be difficult for novice craftsmen to pick up a hair in such a way as to glue it to the right place in the right direction the first time and with one precise movement. For ease of work, you can try different types of curved tweezers; fortunately, different manufacturers offer entire ready-made sets of tools for working with different curves.

The master firmly grasps the artificial hair in the required manner, dips it in glue to a third of its length and places it on the natural eyelash, having previously separated it using straight tweezers. The synthetic bristles are given the correct direction, the hair is fixed during the setting time of the glue, which is usually indicated on the packaging. Regardless of the bend, the direction of the artificial eyelash should not differ much from that of the natural one, unless it is characterized by abnormal growth.

Placement of eyelashes taking into account the distance from the eyelid

One of the most important components of eyelash extensions from the point of view of health safety, comfort and duration of wear is maintaining the distance between gluing synthetic hairs from the eyelash edge. After high-quality extensions, the client should not feel artificial eyelashes at all, he should not have the sensation of something foreign on his eyelids, not to mention the tingling sensation when he closes his eyes tightly. In addition, artificial bristles should not peel off from natural eyelashes - only fall out along with them at the proper time of hair renewal.

In order for all extension rules to be followed, when gluing hairs, it is necessary to deviate from the eyelash growth line by at least 0.5 and maximum 1 mm. Such an indentation will not be visually noticeable, but it will avoid the feeling of discomfort and extend the wearing period. Correct placement of the eyelash involves gluing the base of the synthetic bristles to the natural eyelash by one third. The opposite thin end of the hair should be free. If the eyelash is glued from the middle, and its base is not fixed to the natural eyelash, this will lead to a tingling sensation and subsequent peeling of the hair.

Separating eyelashes and styling them into the final shape

If we consider L-curve eyelash extensions from the point of view of classic eyelash extensions, it is important that all the hairs are carefully separated from each other - this will not only give the necessary volume to the final result, but will also allow the eyelashes to last for a long time and without discomfort. When applying extensions, it is important to ensure that one artificial eyelash is not glued to 2-3 or more natural ones, otherwise this will cause a feeling of tightness, and natural hairs may fall out ahead of time. In addition, when one hair falls out, it will “hang” on the others, as it will be glued to them, and visually this is not very beautiful.

It is important to make sure that after extensions all the hairs are clearly separated; they must be combed with a brush and the entire eyelash fabric must be laid in the final shape.

Additional nuances of the L-curve eyelash extension technique

Each master must remember and observe the following rules while working:

  1. It is necessary to promptly replace the glue during the procedure. A drop of glue “lives” for 15-20 minutes, depending on the properties of the product, the specific manufacturer and composition.
  2. You should comb your eyelashes with a brush periodically throughout the procedure. If suddenly the technician did not notice the gluing, by the end of the extension the glue may completely polymerize, and it will be very difficult to separate the glued hairs.
  3. Despite the fact that the maximum hardening time of the “slowest” glue takes an average of 5 seconds, the product must be “helped” to harden. For this, the optimal level of humidity in the room may not be enough, so the master must periodically dry the glue using a fan, pear or a special nebulizer. This is done so that the glue dries faster, the eyelash extensions are completely fixed and do not “go” anywhere, and the glue vapors evaporate faster.

Performance technique

Eyelash extensions are a painstaking job that requires a lot of time and patience. You must be prepared for the procedure to be lengthy. Before starting the process, you should discuss with the master what material is best to use, as well as all the nuances. Eyelash extensions must be applied evenly, one after the other. Obvious omissions should be avoided, as this may spoil the overall picture of the final result. Typically, the technician applies glue to the fiber and then, using special tweezers, secures it at the base of the natural eyelashes. The material must be of high quality and hypoallergenic.

Rules for care and correction after extensions

In order for eyelash extensions to please their owner longer, it is necessary to properly care for them, as well as perform a planned correction approximately in the middle of the wear period, which is usually about a month. That is, you should convey to the client information on how to perform care correctly, and when it is necessary to come to you for eyelash correction.

Correction is the process of restoring eyelash extensions approximately two weeks after the first procedure. The timing varies depending on the individual characteristics of the client - the speed of hair renewal. The master’s task is to promptly “grow” new hairs to replace the ones that have fallen out, so that the eyelash fabric restores its original appearance. Natural hair loss occurs gradually after the end of their life cycle, so at first it does not affect the appearance in any way, but after two weeks the fan of cilia becomes sparse, noticeable “bald spots” appear. And with an L bend, the thinning is even more noticeable than with natural hair extensions with B or C bends.

Correction allows you to increase the wear period of eyelash extensions to a month or more, so the client will be interested in visiting the specialist again.

To extend the wear time of your extensions even further, you should properly care for your eyelashes. The client must follow these simple rules of care:

  • for at least 24 hours (preferably 2-3) after the procedure, you should not swim in the pool or ponds, take baths or showers for a long time, or visit the bathhouse or sauna;
  • after three days, the eyelashes can already be in contact with water for a long time, but you should not allow exposure to very hot water, or rub your eyes with your hands;
  • you should not paint eyelash extensions with regular mascara - it usually contains oils that dissolve the glue, but if you really want to, the client should use special water-based mascara;
  • in eye makeup, you should avoid contact with cream and oil textures on the eyelashes, the same applies to caring cosmetics;
  • It is necessary to comb the eyelashes regularly with a brush to maintain their shape, but you should avoid combing the hairs at the very roots;
  • You should wash your hair carefully to avoid getting shampoo on your eyelashes;
  • Makeup remover products should not contain oils or waxes;
  • if the client is used to sleeping face down on a pillow, then you should try not to do this for the first three days, and then, when the glue has finally polymerized, you can sleep however you like;
  • It is better to avoid sleep masks.

Rules for caring for false eyelashes

After the correction procedure, new eyelashes will look impressive and mesmerizing. In order not to spoil the work of the eyelash maker, it is important to follow a number of rules and properly care for your eyelashes.

  1. Do not rub or touch eyelash extensions with a towel.
  2. The use of waterproof mascara and cosmetic pencil is not recommended. Otherwise, the girl will use a special makeup remover to remove not only decorative paint, but also artificial eyelashes.
  3. Aggressive and humid environments are bad for false eyelashes. You need to carry out water treatments, swim in the pool, and visit saunas as little as possible.
  4. You can use light cosmetics. Do not apply greasy creams to the skin around the eyes or use alcohol-containing lotions.

If you follow the recommendations, you will be able to correct your eyelashes less often, and the curve of the desired shape will remain until the next correction begins. If you don't follow the rules, you can ruin your false hairs and damage your natural ones.

Bend L – photo after extension

As an example for inspiration for both beginners and experienced professionals, we will show several photos of eyelashes with L-curve extensions:

We hope that our article answered all your questions regarding working with L-curve eyelashes. We wish you good luck and rapid professional development!

Extension schemes for different effects

Surely you have heard more than once about “fox” and “squirrel” looks - these are not peculiar advertising slogans or euphemisms, but real terms from cosmetology.
With the help of an L curve, any talented specialist will turn you into a princess with one of the following looks: Foxy

- the most popular effect, moderately languid, with a sense of self-esteem;
- softer, less predatory, with playfulness, a bit of naivety;
- with a hint of aggression, as well as deep, real sexuality.
is the most strict option, in which the main goal of the cosmetologist is to achieve a natural look. It is offered to girls whose natural hair volume is weak, or for some reason they are temporarily lost (unsuccessful curling with curling irons, for example).

But the classic style is also an eternal companion to natural makeup, as well as a strict style of clothing. There is nothing wrong with such a choice - on the contrary, naturalness, when used correctly, turns into absolute attractiveness.

Features of the technique and step-by-step instructions

The girl's preliminary preparation consists of removing makeup, if any. After this, special patches are glued under the eyes, the client takes a comfortable position, half-sitting or lying down, and closes her eyes.

  1. If the lady came for the procedure not for the first time and is already wearing remnants of her previous work, it is necessary to make a correction. To do this, use a special brush to identify hairs that are ready to fall off.
  2. The remover is applied to each eyelash, after which the remnants of artificial eyelashes are removed.
  3. The next stage is also necessary for girls with natural eyelashes. Degreasing helps to achieve maximum adhesion of the glue to the hairs.
  4. The material is selected taking into account the characteristics of the eye shape, gluing pattern and work technique.
  5. The eyelash is attached no more than half a millimeter from the eyelash growth line.

When carrying out the procedure, it is useful to know some rules:

  • the shorter the lint, the stronger the bend;
  • when selecting L type material, it is better to choose fibers that are 0.5-1 mm shorter than the D or C types used;
  • There should be no gaps between the eyelashes, otherwise they will be noticeable after the procedure is completed and look sloppy;
  • The length of the extended villi should approximately correspond to the natural one.

Types of volumes

There are several types and effects of volume of artificial eyelashes:

  • Outer corner - this procedure is performed only at the outer edge of the eye. This option will make the look more mysterious and feline. This technique will give your eyes a neat and natural appearance.

  • 1D- This is a classic extension option. It is suitable for those who do not like overly bright makeup. “Classic” - fully emphasizes the natural beauty of the eyes. The classic 1D effect follows the natural growth of your hair, giving it thickness and length.

  • 2D effect — this volume is ideal for those who are tired of manipulating mascara every morning. This option will perfectly highlight the look, but at the same time it looks natural. 2D eyelash extensions differ from 1D eyelash extensions in that in this case the material is attached in two pieces at a time. Thus, it gives more volume and makes the eyes more expressive.

  • 3D. This technology is used to create a breathtaking cat-like look with Hollywood volume. It is important to take into account the size, shape of the client’s eyes and other individual features of appearance when using 3D eyelash extensions.

  • 4D - a beautiful and fashionable option for transforming your look. It requires responsible care for artificial eyelashes. The owner of such a volume will need to visit a specialist 2-3 times a month for adjustments. 4D eyelashes will look thick, long and fluffy, but at the same time natural. Despite this, eyes with 4D will be expressive, the enchanting look will definitely not leave anyone indifferent.

  • 5D — the technology of this extension consists of attaching five artificial villi to one natural hair. 5D eyelash extensions are hugely popular in 2022. This volume effectively highlights the eyes; you will not need to apply mascara and eye shadow every day. Since the eyes will look quite graceful and bright without makeup.

  • Hollywood volume - an extreme solution for those who like to stand out from the crowd. This technique got its name thanks to Hollywood stars. Actresses, singers, and models love to use this shape to add luxury to their appearance. This volume option is suitable for photo shoots and parties.

We have reviewed all types of eyelash extensions. Their photos with names.

How to diversify?

The 3D doll-effect method looks unusual and original, but you can further add variety to the image to adjust it with makeup or clothes for a special occasion. To do this, you can add colored artificial threads to the eyelid in different orders, which looks original and bright.

But pay attention to the choice of colors for your work, as it does not always suit the event or look appropriate.

You can add multi-colored hair to the eyelid in different orders, which determines the effect that will complement the client’s doll-like look created by the master. The following methods are usually suitable for this technology:

  1. Uniform distribution of color across the eye. You can use one or more shades of the same color, placing them evenly along the lash line. You should not use contrasting shades, as this will look too bright and inappropriate.
  2. Creating a gradient. You can choose a color that suits your look for events and choose its shades. These tones are placed smoothly across the eye, creating a smooth transition in the result. The result looks bright and attracts attention. But do not add makeup to this technique, since this type of extension completely replaces the use of decorative cosmetics by the client, so as not to spoil the aesthetics.
  3. Painting the ends. Eyelashes of normal color, but with colored tips, can be used in cosmetology. Usually they do not alternate with others, and only similar vegetation is attached to the eyes.

You can use a gradient or alternating colors in this option. This way you will diversify the previous result, but will not create a strong contrast with the previous look, which is not suitable for daily wear.

Methods for diversifying eyelid makeup suggest their use for events, since non-classical techniques are rarely suitable for everyday use if a girl works in an office with a strict dress code.

But you can carefully add unusual elements to your beauty routine to add variety to your makeup routine. Be careful with 3D eyelashes with a doll effect, as without other additions the technique looks rich and impressive.

Artificial eyelashes review

Quite a large number of cosmetic product manufacturers hastened to release their products designed for eyelash extensions. The following brands are in greatest demand and respect among materials and their customers:

  • I-Beauty. This cosmetic brand from South Korea produces a wide range of eyelash extensions. He also made sure that his customers could immediately purchase all the other materials necessary for this procedure. Today, this brand produces both standard extension sets, which include eyelashes of the same length and curl, and Mix i-Beauty sets, which include tapes of various volumes, colors and lengths. It is this manufacturer that occupies a leading position today.
  • Eyelash extensions from Sakura have also proven themselves quite well. They are made from hypoallergenic components, completely safe and easy to use. They have protection against burnout and deformation. During operation, they lie down very softly and allow you to perform the procedure as comfortably as possible. To create these products, as well as the necessary component materials, the manufacturer uses only the most modern and high-quality materials. This allows us to ensure high-quality and durable results.
  • Vivienne brand products are considered one of the best, highest quality and safest today. The most famous and experienced eyelash extension specialists give their preference to it. A wide range of eyelashes of all lengths, thicknesses, curves and volumes, high-quality components, ease of use and lasting results are exactly what characterizes the products of this company.

When you decide to get eyelash extensions, it is better to contact a specialist who uses materials from any of the above companies in his work.



Silk eyelashes are the thinnest. Their weight is not noticeable on the eyelid, so they are convenient to use on a daily basis. The silk structure looks natural. Despite the hard work of the master, the result will exceed your expectations.


To make mink hairs, ingredients are added to the main component to give a matte shine. Mink material is quite capricious to wear; it does not tolerate water and temperature changes. The main advantage of this material is its deep black color and dense fiber structure.


Columnar artificial eyelashes differ from others in their thinness and lightness. They are almost invisible, so they are not very popular among women.


The effect of freshly painted eyelashes will be betrayed by the “sable” thickness. The ideal condition of sable thickness will allow you to remain confident for a long time. You don't have to constantly dye your hair. Experts say that products made from “sable” do not break or bend.


Lashmakers use artificial hairs 6–10 mm long. If the natural look of eyelashes is not required, then to give artificial volume, use material up to 16 mm long.

Additional beauty can be given to the look not only due to the thickness and length of the hairs. To do this, different types of extension materials are used:

  • silk - smooth eyelashes with a glossy sheen. Smooth hairs look natural and do not add unnecessary heaviness to the image;
  • sable - massive and dense eyelashes. Their advantage is elasticity and softness, despite their weight. Girls choose this type of eyelashes because of the unique deep look;
  • columnar hairs are the finest hairs, almost invisible against the background of the eyes. Their subtle elegance is not particularly popular among lovers of eyelash extensions.
  • mink - light and thin artificial hairs. Their structure and density are very similar to natural eyelashes, so they are universal for any volume and effect.

The names of the types of material are in no way related to sable, mink, silk or wool; they are a symbol for the density and texture of the hairs. In the beauty industry, a similar classification is used to conveniently describe the characteristics of artificial eyelashes.

If the materials used were truly natural, then in many cases they would cause allergies. The doll effect of eyelash extensions is achieved through the use of synthetic fibers, as they are much safer. To get a fluffy fox effect, you should choose silk or mink hairs. Both materials provide natural volume, but the effect of silk fibers is more impressive.

The curve of the eyelashes is of great importance. The most attractive look is the D-bend, when the hairs are curled at the maximum possible angle. This line gives the look flirtatiousness, charm and brightness. The result is enhanced by the black color of the hairs.


On average, after L-curve eyelash extensions, you can enjoy the results from two weeks to a month with proper care. Over time, you will still have to resort to correction. What are the features of this procedure?

  • To begin with, the lash maker uses a special brush to remove fibers that are loosely attached.
  • Next, the native eyelashes are treated with a degreaser.
  • Then it is necessary to lubricate the fibers that will be subject to the correction procedure with remover.
  • After this, the master attaches new eyelashes, which are located a short distance from the roots of the original ones.
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