The real effect of increasing eyelashes with Latisse

The drug Latisse is published by Allergan inc (USA) in the form of a 0.03% solution of 1 ml in a polyethylene bottle/dropper. The company tested the product and concluded that eyelashes grew by thirty percent over four months.

The drug belongs to the drugs that can be purchased with a doctor's prescription. However, this only applies to people who live in the states. For example, you can purchase medicine from us only by ordering it online. If you know for sure that you have no problems with your eyes, you have had your vision checked and have been consulted by an ophthalmologist, then there will be no consequences. You can safely buy the product and use it. In this case, the important point is to purchase a quality product.

Description of the drug

Latisse has a liquid consistency and an almost transparent appearance. The main active ingredient is bimatoprost, a prostaglandin analogue. 1 ml of solution contains 0.3 mg of bimatoprost.

Prostaglandins are substances that can accelerate and improve the functioning of cells. When it comes to eyelashes, prostaglandins prolong the life cycle of the follicle.

Bimatoprost is a fatty acid that, when applied to the growth line, is quickly absorbed, penetrates the hair follicles, provides them with a nutritious environment and activates them.

How the product works

Bimatoprost is a fatty acid that is found in small quantities in the cells of the human body. Despite the fact that the substance has long been known, its mechanism of action on follicles has not been fully studied.

Through clinical studies, it has been proven that with regular application of the Latisse eyelash growth product, reviews of which we will consider later, the hairs become longer and are saturated with pigment. In addition, each eyelash thickens twice. These effects appear after regular use of the drug.

According to some reviews of Latisse for eyelashes, this product activates the growth of an additional upper row of hairs. The main thing is to regularly apply the solution to the growth line. The duration of the course is 4-5 months.

In the reviews, some women note that they experienced Latisse not only on their eyelashes, but also on their eyebrows, even on their scalp, where they had bald patches. As you can read in the reviews, hair grew where the product was applied. Experts from the American company, which plans to start producing products aimed at stimulating hair growth on the head, became interested in information about such results.

First visit to a cosmetologist using Latisse

As for consultation with a specialist, the doctor may ask you sample questions:

  • When was the last time you had an eye infection?
  • Have you been diagnosed with glaucoma?
  • Have your eyes been injured?
  • Do your eyelashes fall out and how long does this process last?
  • Have you ever had shingles around your eyes?

What is included in the composition and what is the dosage of the medicine

The main functioning element is considered to be bimatoprost (approximately 0.03%). To apply the substance correctly you need to use an applicator and a brush. The active element included in the chemical composition of the drug. formula is considered a physiologically active fatty acid, contained in almost all human cells, but in very small quantities. The drug also contains other components. Additional components include:

  • benzalkonium chloride – disinfectant, antifungal and antiviral agent;
  • hydrochloric and citric acid;
  • sodium salt (hydrochloric acid);
  • caustic soda;
  • purified water, free of impurities and foreign inclusions.

In the process of medical testing, Latisse determined that the prolonged influence of the intense element not only lengthens the eyelashes, but also thickens them twice as much. Some women who used the substance noticed the appearance of an additional row of eyelashes. To strengthen the effect, the drug must be used regularly. It is better to use the product at night.

The face must be cleaned in advance. Remember to remove excess substance and use the applicator only for one eye. Remember that the medicine can only be used on the upper eyelid. Carefully read the instructions for use of the drug to get a positive result from use. After all, most women who applied the drug incorrectly never saw results. Therefore, some women leave negative reviews about the medicine on the Internet.


In reviews of the Latisse eyelash growth product, women write about the positive effect. But in what cases should it be used?

There are several reasons. The drug should be used if the eyelashes are:

  • Thin, light or sparse.
  • They grow slowly and often fall out.
  • They require restoration after the extension procedure, after applying glue. The drug is used to strengthen and improve their structure.

If your eyelashes are rapidly falling out, then instead of extensions it is better to use Latisse to strengthen them and stimulate growth.

Before using the product, it is better to consult a specialist, since the cause of poor eyelash condition may be an eye infection or eyelid injury. In this case, the treatment will be different. If there are no diseases, Latisse can be used without fear.

Effect of the drug

The drug Latisse accelerates the growth of eyelashes. They become fluffy and long; according to women, the eyes become very expressive. However, it is worth considering that the effect lasts only as long as you use the drug. After its cancellation, the eyelashes again become sparse and short, as they were before using Latisse.

The use of a medicinal solution can lead to the fact that the hairs on the eyes begin to grow in different directions or an additional row of eyelashes will appear. In some cases, the hairs grow so thick that they prevent the eyelids from closing.

Some women prefer to use burdock oil for eyelash growth, which has fewer side effects.

How to use

Reviews of Latisse for eyelash growth suggest that it is better to use the drug at night, before bed.

The sequence of actions is as follows:

  • You need to start the process by removing makeup, lenses (if any), as well as washing your face and eyes.
  • Wash the hands.
  • Take a clean applicator and apply a drop of Latisse solution onto it.
  • Apply the preparation to the eyelash line and smoothly distribute it from one corner of the eye to the other.
  • The eyelid should become slightly damp, but do not allow the solution to flow past the growth line. Remove excess product with a cotton swab.
  • 1 applicator is used once. After use it must be disposed of. To apply Latisse to the other eyelid, use a new applicator.

There are a number of prohibitions that should not be ignored:

  • Applicators cannot be used multiple times. They are only disposable.
  • Applicators and brushes not included in the kit cannot be used to apply the solution.
  • The eyelashes of the lower eyelid cannot be treated with the drug.
  • When using the drug, you need to ensure that the bottle spout is sterile and does not come into contact with foreign objects.

In addition to eyelash therapy, Latisse can be used to strengthen eyebrows. It is not necessary to take a new portion of the drug, since the excess that remains after treating the upper eyelid is enough.

§1. Does Latisse actually work?

Definitely yes. Absolutely all patients using this drug experience accelerated growth, thickening and slight darkening of eyelashes. Remember that:

  • To achieve a good result, you need to use the drug for at least 8-10 weeks, and you can only treat eyelashes on the upper eyelids
  • Eyelash growth product Latisse is not a cheap pleasure; the cost of a monthly course is $120
  • Latisse can also be used on eyebrows

How safe is it to use Latis on eyelashes?

Latisse is one of the drugs that are dispensed from pharmacies only with a doctor’s prescription, so if you live in Europe or in the states (unfortunately, this drug can currently only be ordered from online stores without a guarantee of quality) and you have a need If you use this medication, you will first need to see a doctor. If you do not have problems with your eyes (if, for example, you do not suffer from glaucoma), then you can use the drug without the slightest fear.

If you yourself are not sure that your eyes are completely healthy, then consult a doctor and he will tell you whether you can use Latisse or not. You will most likely have to answer the following questions:

  • Are your eyes currently affected by any infection?
  • Have you ever been diagnosed with high intraocular pressure and glaucoma?
  • Have your upper eyelids ever been injured?
  • How often do your eyelashes fall out?
  • Have you ever had shingles in the area around your eyes?

Contact your doctor immediately if:

  • Appearance of irritation and itching
  • Changes in iris color
  • Eyelid color changes

I heard that Latis can change her eye color. This is true?

If you dig around on the Internet, you can find a whole heap of conflicting information about this. To begin with, you should know that the drug Latis is very similar in composition to Lumigan, a drug intended for the treatment of glaucoma. Lumigan is available in the form of eye drops. Clinical studies show that slight hyperpigmentation (darkening) of the eyes occurs in 1% of patients using these eye drops, and this only applies to people with light eyes. Unlike Lumigan, Latis is not applied directly to the eyes; it only treats the upper eyelid, and then only that part of it where the eyelash line is located. But even despite this, the possibility of changing eye color still remains, so if you are afraid about the color of your eyes, then you should avoid using Latisse. To date, there has not been a single case of a change in eye color after using Latisse eyelash growth product, but darkening the eyelids by several tones is still possible.

Where can I buy Latisse for eyelash growth?

At the pharmacy - for residents of foreign countries, but just remember that this medicine is only available with a doctor's prescription. In Russia and the CIS countries, you can currently order this drug only in online stores without a guarantee of quality, at your own peril and risk.

How to use Latisse eyelash growth product

  1. Clean your face of decorative cosmetics, remove contact lenses, wash your face
  2. Place one drop of the drug into a small, clean container (this could be a spoon or bottle cap, for example)
  3. Dip the applicator (thin brush) into the preparation.
  4. Move the applicator along the lash line - you should feel that the eyelid has become moist
  5. Remove excess amount of product using a cotton swab.

One drop of the drug should be enough to treat two eyes. The remains can also be used to treat eyebrows. Applying the solution to the lower eyelid is highly not recommended.

If there is no irritation or eye infection, one brush can be used to treat both eyes. After each procedure, the applicator must be washed and dried. Ideally, the applicator should be changed every 3-6 months.

When should Latis be applied: morning or evening?

There are no strict restrictions here. See for yourself: if it is more convenient for you to perform the procedure in the morning, do it in the morning; if it is more convenient for you to perform the procedure in the evening, do it in the evening. Although many patients, by the way, prefer to perform the procedure in the morning. First you need to wash your face, apply the cream, wait until it is absorbed, then apply Latis. If you apply the product at night, there is a risk that the product will rub off on your pillow overnight.

How much does Latisse cost?

A package for a month of use costs $120. But practice shows that this amount of solution is enough for a little more than a month.

Can Latisse be applied to eyebrows?

Yes! Latisse is also very effectively used for eyebrow correction - eyebrows gradually lengthen and thicken. There is no need to take a lot of solution - the amount that remains after treating the upper eyelids is enough.

How often will I need to use Latisse after I achieve the desired result?

After your eyelashes acquire the desired appearance (i.e. lengthen and thicken), the drug will no longer need to be used every day, but every other day. But remember that as soon as you stop using the drug, your eyelashes will begin to return to their original state. Also keep in mind that it takes at least 16 weeks to achieve the final result.

Photos before and after using Latisse for eyelash growth

Maybe there are cheaper analogues of Latisse?

Yes, there are several companies that produce various preparations for eyelashes - both based on bimatoprost (the active ingredient Latiesse) and on the basis of other natural ingredients. But with the purchase of other products, even more effective ones, you need to be very careful, since no other drug has undergone as many clinical studies as Latisse. In addition, Latiesse is the only drug that has been certified in the USA and some other countries of the world. The safety of this solution has been tested on several hundred women, but no one can vouch for the safety of other drugs.

What is the effect

The result will become visible within a couple of months with regular use.

The minimum course of treatment is 4 months. Moreover, one bottle lasts for 1 month. At first, you need to apply the drug daily, and as the condition of the eyelashes improves, you can use it in a day or two. Then the consumption of Latisse will also be reduced.

The effect will be observed as long as the drug is used. Many women, after achieving the desired result, continue to use the product once every 3 days to maintain the effect.


You should avoid using the drug for the following conditions and diseases:

  • Intolerance to the components included in the product.
  • Minor age (the drug is contraindicated for children and adolescents under 18 years of age).
  • Gestation time and lactation period.
  • Eye infections.

Latisse should be used with extreme caution when:

  • diabetes mellitus;
  • nephropathy or high cholesterol in the blood;
  • damage to the lens;
  • high intraocular pressure.

Possible side effects

Although reviews of Latisse call it completely safe, it can cause some side effects:

  • The appearance and growth of unwanted hair. This is possible if the solution gets on another area of ​​the facial skin. Therefore, you need to apply the product carefully, only on the eyelash or eyebrow growth line, using a thin applicator.
  • Pigmentation of the skin of the eyelids. In some reviews of Latisse, women write that its use provokes darkening of the upper eyelid. When use of the product is stopped, the pigmentation gradually disappears.
  • The appearance of inflammatory processes. Long-term use of Latisse can provoke inflammation of the conjunctiva and inner surface of the eyelid, leading to dry eye syndrome, causing redness, itching and irritation.
  • The drug can negatively affect intraocular pressure (reduce it). Bimatoprost has this effect. This side effect can be observed even in people with completely normal blood pressure, who had no prerequisites for lowering IOP. Before using the drug, it is recommended to consult an ophthalmologist to monitor this process.
  • Expansion of the area of ​​pigmentation of the iris. An increase in the number of melanocytes and an increase in melanin leads to a change in color. But such a side effect was observed only when Latisse was used as a medicinal drug and instilled directly into the eye. When applying the product to the eyelash line, such a reaction is also possible in case of an overdose, when excess substance gets into the eye. You need to monitor the amount of application and, if necessary, remove excess amount with a cotton swab. The pigmentation process is irreversible. It is especially noticeable on the iris of a naturally dark color. In people with light eye color, this effect is not very visible.

If any of the above phenomena occur, you should immediately consult a doctor and stop using the drug.

How to use the drug for eyelash growth

Latisse is best used in the morning, because if you apply it at night, it will most likely be absorbed into your pillowcase and have a bad effect (or hair will grow in the wrong place, and hyperpigmentation may also occur).

The product must be applied very carefully, revealing only a thin strip on the upper eyelid along the growth of the eyelashes. Cosmetologists do not recommend applying it to the lower eyelid.

Use a cotton swab to remove excess substance.

Reviews of Latisse eyelash product

This drug is quite popular among Russian beauties. Before using the drug, you should read the opinions of those who have already used this drug. Reviews of Latisse indicate that this drug has many advantages:

  • It really stimulates hair growth, after which the length of eyelashes increases by 20%. They become thicker and stronger. Growth begins more intensively.
  • Eyelashes become darker.
  • Hair loss is noticeably reduced.

Several shortcomings of the Latisse product have been identified:

  • The effect stops as soon as use of the drug ends.
  • If the solution gets on another area of ​​the skin, excessive hair growth begins.
  • The remedy is expensive and the course of treatment is long. Therefore, you have to buy a new bottle every month.
  • The product must be used regularly, since its effect is not prolonged. After stopping application, eyelashes may begin to crumble and fall out completely.
  • High price.

Pros and cons of eyelash extensions

After such results, many girls decide to have eyelash extensions, not knowing about the consequences. Of course, it looks beautiful, the eyelashes become long, black and voluminous, this result is every girl’s dream. But after removing fake eyelashes, you may notice negative consequences for your eyelashes. They become brittle and weak, which gives them a not very good appearance. And the girl is forced to again turn to eyelash extensions for help.

But what to do if you don’t want to spoil your real eyelashes, but they don’t look very attractive? In such a situation, you can seek help from products that accelerate the growth of eyelashes and give them a healthy appearance. For example, latisse for eyelash growth will do a very good job of restoring eyelashes.

Cost and existing analogues

The drug "Latisse" is sold within the United States, but it can also be purchased in Russia if you find a reliable supplier. However, this is not always possible.

You can buy an analogue of this drug. The most famous and proven is Careprost. It contains the same active substance (bimatoprost).

The cost of Latisse is 120 US dollars, which is approximately 8,000 Russian rubles. Intermediaries charge about $40 for delivery of Latisse. As you can see, the product is very expensive.

"Careprost" costs from 1500 to 2000 rubles. As many women note in their reviews, this product is not inferior in quality to Latisse.

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