How Kim Kardashian changed before plastic surgery and after the work of surgeons

Kim Kardashian has battled accusations of "plastic looks" ever since she became famous. Her spectacular oriental beauty and curvaceous figure causes many rumors and gossip. The fact that the actress loves to show off her curves in a swimsuit does not play into her hands. On the contrary, every time there is a wave of discussions among her followers on Instagram. Everyone is starting to make collages from photos of Kim Kardashian in the “before and after plastic surgery” style.

Comparing earlier and later pictures of the star with a big booty, the changes are clearly visible. But Kardashian has not changed beyond recognition, as happened with other celebrities. She is practically the same Kim, whom the public first saw in 2008 as a friend and assistant to the spoiled Paris Hilton. So what is the beauty secret of the most famous Kardashian sister? Natural abilities or plastic surgery? Most likely, the answer lies somewhere in the middle.

What was Kardashian like without plastic surgery?

Kim has been distinguished by her appetizing curves since her youth. In the photo where she is 14 years old, it is easy to notice a size 3 bust. But the most prominent parts of the body today (hips, buttocks) are missing from the image. But it’s easy to determine that the actress’s nose looks different than it does now. It has a wide back, its tip is more fleshy, directed slightly downward.

The face as a whole seems rustic, the cheekbones are weakly expressed. But the peculiarities can be attributed to the fact that his features have not been fully formed due to age.

Working on your body and the results before and after

Kim's beauty helped her make a career and earn a lot of money. A lot of it is spent on giving the appearance even more perfection. But the star herself admits to carrying out only a few interventions.

We recommend reading about Brazilian butt massage. You will learn about the purposes of this massage, the technique, results, and cost of the course. And here is more information about facial spacelifting.


Kim denies nose job. But even to a non-specialist it is obvious that he has changed:

  • The back has become more proportional, now its lines fit perfectly with the eyebrow pattern;
  • the tip rose upward, instead of a pointed shape it became a heart;
  • overall the nose looks shorter.


Kardashian also disagrees with the fact that her breasts were enlarged due to implants. Now she has a bust size of 5. Of course, from 14 to more than 30 years old, breasts could grow on their own. But don’t forget about Kim’s 2 pregnancies, and also that she gained and lost weight. These changes would inevitably lead to sagging breasts. And she looks perfect, which indicates mammoplasty. Most likely there were several enlargement and tightening operations.

Abdominoplasty and liposuction

Kardashian herself admits to correcting the abdominal line and getting rid of fat. The imperfections appeared after the birth of her children. The actress gained weight, which she lost through diet. But her belly remained bulging even after Kim lost weight. The operation left him still flat.

And liposuction performed in the areas of the back, hips and again the abdomen relieved the star of cellulite. The procedure also improved the contours of her body, making her buttocks more prominent and her waist thinner.

Cosmetic procedures

Kim Kardashian uses not only the achievements of aesthetic surgery to maintain and increase her attractiveness. She is a fan of many cosmetic procedures that have helped improve facial features and keep her skin smooth and youthful. Kim has been spotted using:

  • Botox injections . Her forehead and eyelids look unnaturally smooth for a 35-year-old woman. And when Kim tried to make a face on a TV show, she failed.
  • Filler injections . With their help, Kardashian's lips became much fuller. True, she herself explained this by pregnancy and swelling on her face. But the child was born, and his mother’s lips remained seductively full. Kim also did anti-aging contour plastic surgery, wanting to get rid of the signs of age. She went a little overboard with this, as the contours of the TV star’s face became different.
  • Plasmolifting . Kim did not hide the use of this procedure. On the contrary, she posted a photo from a cosmetologist’s office for everyone to see. As a result of the manipulation, her skin became even smoother, tighter, and more radiant.
  • Laser resurfacing . With her help, the star rejuvenated her décolleté area and got rid of scars and stretch marks that appeared after pregnancy.

To see what Kim Kardashian looks like now, and what she was like in childhood and adolescence, watch this video:

Incredible volume of the fifth point

Powerful and very unnatural buttocks have long been the calling card of Kim Kardashian and, according to outside plastic surgery specialists, this could not have happened without implants. It is assumed that the operation was performed before the first birth, i.e. up to 30 years old. Kim, who is inclined to be overweight, vehemently rejects such assumptions and claims that with her small height (about 160 cm) and a wasp waist (60 cm), any full buttocks will look like a nut.

Regular training, the use of a slimming miracle corset, unsuccessful liposuction in the hip area - this is what, according to the owner of the impressive Kardashians, made her figure this way. We look at her buttock photos and see attractive feminine curves, but without excessiveness.

Before and after the Kardashians

Kim and the public pay special attention to her buttocks

What fans admire most is the appearance and size of Kim's buttocks. Around them, a lot of controversy flares up regarding the origin of such beauty. The actress insists that an outstanding butt is a gift from nature, characteristic of girls with Armenian blood. She even insured him against sagging and weight loss.

And so that fans would not doubt the naturalness of this part of the body, she showed a photo of an X-ray of the buttocks. But due to poor quality it is difficult to understand what is shown there.

There are many more signs indicating that Kim’s buttocks are still the result of gluteoplasty. The first is their hypertrophied size in combination with elasticity. And the second is the changes occurring with the size of the buttocks. After giving birth, they became even more magnificent. Kim explained this by saying that she worked hard to lose weight and pumped up her butt.

Then the buttocks suddenly became smaller, and this manifested itself after the TV star’s long absence from public view. She simply began to experience physical discomfort due to their size and decided to replace the implants with more modest ones.

We recommend reading about lipofilling and rehabilitation after. You will learn about what affects the survival of fat cells, the recovery period, possible complications after lipofilling of the breasts, buttocks, and facial area. And here is more information about lipofilling of the buttocks.

From a symbol of the fight against “heroin chic” to a new unhealthy trend

The trend for a big butt is another return of fashion for the hourglass figure, although this time in the most exaggerated form of all possible. Victorian women wore corsets to achieve the desired contrast between the waist and bust with the hips. In the 50s of the last century, largely thanks to Marilyn Monroe, a fashion for curvier figures and a less unnaturally fragile waist appeared - but the hourglass shape remained desirable.

The stable trend for “juicy” women in the 90s unexpectedly gave way to the “era of heroin chic.” Curvy figures suddenly lost their relevance; a big butt was associated with bad taste and something indecent. The fashion for unhealthy thinness and androgyny was short-lived; after a surge in cases of anorexia and deaths from overdose, an active public campaign began against the romanticization of drugs and the cult of slimness.

It was not so easy to free ourselves from the dictatorship of the model figure. In the early 2000s, curvy hips were still a challenge, and one of the first celebrities to take on it was Jennifer Lopez. Then Kim Kardashian appeared, whose only merit and asset was her luxurious forms. Each of her appearances in society violated the canons and declared the impossible - not only could her breasts be large, but also her butt.

It took less than 10 years for Kim's butt to turn from a symbol of freedom and the fight against unnatural thinness into a meme, and then into a cult. American celebrities increasingly look like curvaceous divas, and twerk culture has finally cemented a new aesthetic canon, which turned out to be no less cruel to women than “heroin chic.”

The Kardashian sisters and their operations

Plastic surgery has become a tradition in the Kardashian family. Kim has 4 sisters, all of them improved their appearance in one way or another with the help of aesthetic surgery:

  • Chloe . Unlike the famous Kim, she was always not very attractive. But now it looks stunning. All thanks to several changes: liposuction of the cheeks and body, correction of the lower jaw to reduce its size, rhinoplasty, upper lip lift, Botox injections and fillers.

  • Kendal . The girl owes her beauty to rhinoplasty, lip augmentation with fillers, and Botox injections.

  • Courtney . Despite having 3 children, she looks very young. For this, Courtney had a nose job, after which it became thinner, injected with Botox and high-density hyaluronic acid.

  • Kylie . Her lips have become significantly fuller thanks to fillers. She also performed rhinoplasty, and also corrected the chin and chest. Kylie rejuvenated herself with Botox.

Kim Kardashian is not the only public figure who has become popular thanks to her appearance. But she clearly understands that her beauty is capital that needs to be protected and increased. Therefore, it is difficult to predict what other changes in the celebrity’s face and body Kim’s fans and ill-wishers will discover over time.

Celebrity Diet

Kim has a terrible sweet tooth . And besides, even in her youth she became addicted to fast food - until recently, her favorite dishes were a regular cheeseburger with onion rings and a cheese enchilada. In addition, for breakfast, Kim preferred to have a cup of coffee or tea with a high-calorie sandwich, and then throughout the day she continually pampered herself with sweets and various delicacies from fast food stores.

After the appearance in the media of those ill-fated photographs that radically changed the life of a celebrity, Kim Kardashian had to reconsider her attitude towards nutrition issues . Today for breakfast she prefers an omelette with tomatoes , to which she can add a piece of boiled chicken or turkey, as well as a little cheese.

During the day, instead of fast food, she eats salads from fresh vegetables without bread . Sweets are also a thing of the distant past, since they instantly decorate a girl’s body with unattractive fat rolls and folds.

After her favorite and very unhealthy dishes were sacrificed for beauty, Kim Kardashian's figure became slimmer. However, this was clearly not enough to get rid of various flaws, so the star decided not to limit herself to diet and actively took up sports .

Kim Kardashian has a terrible sweet tooth!

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