Lolita before and after plastic surgery and weight loss, how she lives after a divorce from her fifth husband

We talk about the singer’s transformation and, together with an endocrinologist, we figure out how to properly begin the process of losing weight.

Tatiana Gudozhnikova


A diet is about losing 3-5 kg ​​and buttoning up your favorite dress that looked so good six months ago. If you need to lose more than 5 kg of weight, this is already a systematic, competent and multi-centric planning of nutrition and physical activity.

The singer focused not on numbers, but on the internal state of the body. First of all, take control of your metabolism.


The future singer was born on November 14, 1963 in the city of Mukachevo. Her maiden name is Gorelik. Lolita was born into a creative family: her father was an orchestra conductor, and her mother sang in a jazz ensemble. Her parents worked a lot and often toured, so her grandparents raised Lola. The future star lived with them in Lvov.

Lolita was 10 years old when her father left for Israel. Mark Gorelik was called a political emigrant. Lolita's parents divorced, but even this did not help the mother of the future singer keep her job. She was fired from the ensemble, but a few years later she created her own group.

As a child, Lolita went to a dance club, she dreamed of performing in the theater, she wanted to become a ballerina. But over time, she changed her mind and decided to become a hairdresser. She was even ready to enter a technical school and pick up documents from school, but her grandfather did not allow her to do so.

A few years later, the girl moved to Kyiv to live with her mother and got a job in her group. She was just a backup singer. After meeting Irina Ponarovskaya, Lolita began singing in the backing vocals of the group “Singing Guitars”.

Side effects

“Today, only one drug has an indication for prescription for obesity without diabetes,” explained Tatyana Markova . — Other similar drugs are prescribed exclusively for diabetes. In any case, the indication for the prescription must be chosen by the doctor. This group of drugs has a number of contraindications - a history of thyroid cancer, including family history, impaired renal and liver function, chronic heart failure, inflammatory bowel diseases. There are side effects - nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, belching, flatulence, dysgeusia (taste disorder - M.F. ) , dyspepsia (painful digestion - M.F. acute pancreatitis, cholelithiasis, Quincke's edema, anaphylactic reactions. Using these drugs without a doctor's advice is dangerous to your health!


Milyavskaya’s creative biography began with the cabaret duet “Academy”. The idea originated with Alexander Tsekalo, whom the girl met in Odessa.

For ten years they performed, hosted television programs, participated in various projects, and sang farcical songs. After her divorce from Tsekalo, Lolita began her solo career. The first album was called “Flowers” ​​and was released in large quantities. Then the next album was released - “The Divorced Woman Show”. Lolita's songs were a success.

The album “Format” was released in several hundred thousand copies. And the songs became hits one after another: “Orientation - North”, “I’ll send him to ...”, “She is an angel”. The album "Fetish" was withdrawn from sale because not all songs passed censorship. And the album “Anatomy” was a success. A couple of years later, Milyavskaya released her next album, “Ranevskaya”.

In addition to music, the artist managed to act in films, play in musicals and participate in television projects.

Mitya Fomina plastic surgery

Last February, the artist spent half a million on plastic surgery - not for himself, but for his closest relative. Mitya’s sister Svetlana was mistaken for his mother, so the woman had a complex about age-related changes. Mitya Fomin took her to the clinic, promising 10 years of rejuvenation, and now he himself has followed Svetlana’s example.

“I recently had a procedure done at a clinic where, by the way, my sister had plastic surgery shortly before. This is a non-surgical lifting that visually leaves no traces. They promised that the effect would be in three months, I’m curious what will happen to me,” the artist admitted in a conversation published on April 7.

It’s just when this happened “recently”—before the self-isolation regime or already during it—Fomin does not specify. But he willingly shows his face - close-up.

Mitya Fomin after face lift. Photo: Instagram Alisa Osina

Aiza Anokhina Quarantine coronavirus Lolita Milyavskaya Nadezhda Babkina plastic surgery

Personal life

Lolita never hid her personal life, thanks to which the singer’s female audience considers her “one of their own.” The artist shares details of her personal life, talks about divorces, experiences, thoughts. Fans claim that she is very sincere with her audience, unlike other celebrities.

Lolita got married for the first time while still studying at the institute. Her chosen one was classmate Alexander Belyaev.

They got married when they were in their last year. The relationship quickly became obsolete, but they were married for about 3 years in total. A few months after her marriage, Lolita met Alexander Tsekalo. At that time he was married to Alena Shiferman.

Tsekalo and Lolita began performing together and came up with an interesting project. Lolita's relationship with her husband began to deteriorate, and she did nothing to save the marriage. According to the singer, their relationship has long since outlived its usefulness, and they should not have gotten married at all. But Belyaev and Gorelik got married anyway. Family life did not work out from the first day.

Meanwhile, Lolita and Tsekalo worked a lot together and soon realized that they were not just colleagues. They began a relationship, which the couple tried in every possible way to hide. Lolita constantly told her husband that she had night rehearsals, and Tsekalo simply moved out from his wife and rented an apartment. But Belyaev understood everything, he simply pretended to believe his wife. As a result, Lolita admitted to her husband that she had started an affair at work. They filed for divorce.

After the divorce, Lolita set off to conquer Moscow. She needed to get a Moscow registration, so she decided to get married fictitiously.

Her husband was Vitaly Milyavsky. It is his surname that the artist still bears. She claims that she really likes the sonorous surname, and Vitaly was not against Lolita bearing his surname. In general, they always had a good relationship.

After her divorce from Milyavsky, Lolita began to actively develop and work in show business. By this time, Tsekalo had also arrived in the capital and divorced his wife. In 1988, Tsekalo and Milyavskaya got married. Their marriage lasted 12 years. In November 1998, the singer became a mother. She gave birth to a daughter, Eve. The girl is registered under the name Tsekalo, but many are sure that Eva is not Sasha Tsekalo’s own daughter. In addition, there is a version that Lolita and Tsekalo officially registered their marriage only in the year of Eva’s birth, so that the singer could give her her husband’s surname. Allegedly, Lolita cheated on Tsekalo and became pregnant, but asked him to adopt the girl.

Eva was born prematurely and had health problems since childhood. Doctors diagnosed her with autism. Lolita had to work hard to provide for her daughter, so she sent Eva to her parents in Kyiv. The girl still lives there and does not want to come to Moscow. Lolita does not insist, because she understands how difficult it will be for her to get used to the new environment.

In 2000, Tsekalo and Lolita divorced. Their relationship had deteriorated even earlier, but they continued to work together, because their cabaret duet “Academy” was an incredible success. Their work was radically different from the work of other artists.

After the divorce, Lolita admitted that in this marriage she felt insecure, ugly, and untalented. According to her, she was all overgrown with complexes, so after the divorce she began to go to psychologists to get out of this state. As for Tsekalo, he and Lolita stopped communicating altogether, and Sasha completely forgot about Eva.

After the divorce, Lolita began to actively build a career. The singer began performing in “Christmas Meetings” by Alla Pugacheva, who greatly supported her during this difficult period.

Lolita's fourth husband was Alexander Zarubin. The marriage with a successful businessman was registered in 2004.

According to the singer, only in this marriage did she feel happy. Alexander surrounded her with care and love, supported her in everything and never criticized her. It was during this marriage that Lolita released a number of successful projects: the program “Without Complexes”, the albums “Orientation - North”, “Format” and “Unformat”.

The family life of Lolita and Zarubin was ideal. When the singer informed her husband about her pregnancy, he immediately bought an apartment in which two children's rooms were equipped. One was intended for a newborn baby, and the second was for Eve. However, Lolita had a miscarriage when the singer was visiting her mother in Kyiv. Zarubin arrived there when he learned about what had happened, but returned to Moscow two days later. He was heartbroken, because he dreamed of heirs.

Alexander claimed that Lolita did not listen to doctors and continued to work on a crazy schedule, which was contraindicated for her. This led to a miscarriage. In 2009, the couple divorced. Zarubin’s assistant informed Lolita about his decision to file for divorce, and Lolita simply packed her things and left. By this time, she had already managed to purchase a separate home for herself.

A year after the divorce, the artist married again. Her fifth husband was coach Dmitry Ivanov. He persistently courted Lolita after meeting on the set of video clips, but she did not accept Dmitry, because he was twelve years younger. However, he still managed to achieve reciprocity. They merried.

For the sake of her young husband, Lolita lost weight and managed to lose twenty kilograms. The artist also turned to a plastic surgeon to work on her appearance. It is worth noting that after plastic surgery Lolita began to look much younger than her age.

Nine years later, the couple divorced. Milyavskaya claimed that they were able to maintain good relations. She also stated that she would not offend Dmitry. It seemed that they really managed to get a peaceful divorce, but no. Soon Milyavskaya began to seek recognition of the marriage as fictitious, since she was sure that Dmitry married her for profit, and not for the sake of starting a family. He accepted expensive gifts from her, made money on her behalf, and then left for someone else.

According to lawyer Sergei Zhorin, Lolita learned about the divorce from the newspapers. Ivanov wanted to make money from this, so she decided to take revenge. The divorce itself clearly benefited her.

Looking at the 2022 photo from the singer’s Instagram, you can see how she has changed a lot - she has lost weight and started looking younger. Many suspected that Ivanov would regret the divorce and want to return.

A television

In addition to her solo work, Lolita tries herself in the musical genre, playing the role of Matrona Mama Morton in the play “Chicago”, acts in films for “Playboy”, works as a TV presenter of the show “Without Complexes”, the musical project “Superstar-2008”, and advocates for the LGBT movement in Russia.

She starred in a number of New Year's films, among which the most striking are “Evenings on a Farm near Dikanka”, “Cinderella”, “Crazy Day, or The Marriage of Figaro” and “The New Adventures of Aladdin”.

In 2018, Lolita became a guest on the program “The Fate of a Man” and visited the studio of the show “The Invisible Man.”

In 2022, with the participation of the performer, the program “Happiness without complexes” was broadcast on Channel One. Exclusive." Later, she had an interview with Regina Todorenko for the presenter’s YouTube channel and a frank conversation with blogger Nastya Ivleeva in the AgentShow program.

In the same year, the celebrity became a guest on the program “Secret to a Million”. Most of Lera Kudryavtseva’s questions were devoted to the singer, her relationship with Dmitry Ivanov, and divorce. But Lolita Milyavskaya refused to reveal the main secret, for which one could get 1 million rubles. She argued that the secret was connected with another person.

Lolita Milyavskaya - “Champagne”

Lolita Milyavskaya starred in the project “Superstar! Return" as a presenter. Journalist Vadim Takmenev kept her company. And in March 2021, a new show “DNA Test” was presented, which was also hosted by Milyavskaya. Celebrities take the test and then discuss the results in the studio. Lolita, for example, said that she has the gene for a bad driver, but at the same time she has been driving very carefully for many years without a single accident.

How the singer's figure has changed with age

The singer always loved to dress brightly and emphasize her figure, even if she had dozens of extra pounds. This showed the absence of the artist’s complexes. During the period of the cabaret duet "Academy", Lolita was slender with large breasts and rounded hips. She constantly wore revealing outfits that exposed her breasts and exposed her legs.

Over time, Lolita gained a lot of extra pounds, which she then lost and then gained again. But that didn't stop her from wearing tight outfits that became the subject of discussion.

Marriage to Ivanov benefited the Russian pop star. In order for their couple to look harmonious, Lolita lost weight and began to look completely different, but over time the excess weight returned again.

Milyavskaya managed to lose weight after her divorce from her coach. During that period, the celebrity began to actively participate in various shows, where everyone noted the artist’s stunning appearance.

Plastic surgery by Nadezhda Babkina

At the beginning of April, Nadezhda Babkina ended up in the hospital for a whole month. During the four weeks that the performer was under the supervision of doctors, all sorts of news appeared: coronavirus, medically induced coma, lung failure, mechanical ventilation - it was not easy to figure out what was really happening to the 70-year-old artist.

The main thing is that Nadezhda Georgievna is now home and safe. And he even gets in touch with the audience, recording appeals and talking about his illness in interviews. The details are frightening: the woman was fed through a tube, 80% of the tissue in the lungs was affected. The leader of the “Russian Song” does not remember many details of the illness - she was unconscious. But even when “passed out” she swore.

But outwardly, Nadezhda Georgievna does not look like a person who has been fighting for life for a month - she is too fresh and energetic. The skin is smooth, the oval is clear, the cheekbones are highlighted - was it because of the plastic surgery done in secret that the artist disappeared from view? Such suspicions came to the Internet.

“Lie there so long with a tube in your throat and recover so quickly?! This is unreal"; “Did you have plastic surgery? Well, that's what we thought"; “She was putting on a face all this time, but she wasn’t getting sick”; “Health to everyone! But this story is a poor man’s tale,” quotes outraged commentators.

Nadezhda Babkina ignored rumors about plastic surgery. By the way, the stage star admitted to one operation - a circular lift. The artist made it a little over a year ago and noted that the final result would appear in another six months.

Plastic surgery of Lolita Milyavskaya

The famous brunette does not hide the fact that she uses the services of plastic surgeons, because these are the costs of her profession. She should always look attractive, and makeup artists should do her makeup without difficulty. That's why Lolita often goes under the knife. She has had several surgeries on her face. Several years ago, the singer had her drooping eyelids removed without affecting the shape of her eyes. She also had blepharoplasty. The artist spoke about this while participating in Ivan Urgnat’s show; she admitted that she took advantage of the lack of concerts and tours to have surgery.

The photo shows how Lolita looks before and after plastic surgery.

One of the operations was unsuccessful. The surgeon did not sew up the chin properly. Right during the concert, the singer’s stitch split open and she had to see a doctor again.

Photo of Lolita after plastic surgery:

Losing weight – the work of nutritionists or plastic surgeons?

Another change noted by everyone is the star’s slimmer figure. Lolita Milyavskaya is prone to being overweight, but she ignores sports. Besides, she doesn't have time for them.

Lolita's incredible weight loss

Nevertheless, she regularly appears before the public as her former reed. And although the star itself does not speak about the reasons for the changes, there is reason to believe that:

  • Lolita turned to nutritionists for help. When a singer gets fat, almost all parts of her body become larger: arms, back, area around the waist, hips, legs. In this case, it would not have been possible to get rid of the excess only with the help of liposuction. Most likely, Milyavskaya pulled herself together and went on a diet.
  • Lolita still had tummy tuck and liposuction . It is impossible to achieve such a chiseled figure with just a balanced diet. In addition, the singer has a child, and after childbirth, the abdominal muscles and skin often need tightening.

It is possible that Lolita underwent abdominoplasty. After this, her waist became the same as before giving birth. True, after that miraculous transformation, Milyavskaya gained weight again. But some time ago she got into good shape. Probably, liposuction of the abdomen and sides could not have happened.

Comments from loved ones

Since 2010, the singer has been married to Dmitry Ivanov. Lolita's chosen one is 41 years old, he is a sports coach. The main thing in a couple’s relationship is absolute support in everything. The changes in the wife’s appearance were no exception.

Not long ago, Dmitry talked to journalists about what happened to Lolita Milyavskaya. According to the celebrity's chosen one, he likes the changes that have occurred with his wife, although this came as a surprise to him. The husband complains only about the difficult period of rehabilitation, which, however, he went through together with his beloved woman.

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