Nose piercing - a spectacular decoration for bright people

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Many people in the world want to stand out from the crowd so much that they constantly invent new methods on how to do it. However, speaking about piercing, you need to know that it has existed for a very long time and even primitive people made punctures in the ears, lips or even nose, and not only for beauty, but to show their courage and endurance, to prove something to the ancient gods of the elements and events. Today, such piercings no longer surprise anyone, and if you have firmly decided that you simply need it like air, you should understand that a piercing in the nose can have various consequences. So you should consider contacting a specialist rather than trying to do everything yourself.

Lip piercing

Caring for a lip piercing has a lot in common with caring for a tongue piercing. It is also necessary to adhere to a diet, refrain from kissing and oral sex, and rinse the oral cavity with individually selected solutions of disinfectant liquids. The replacement of a long nail with a short one occurs in a similar way after the swelling subsides. But lip piercing requires additional attention: daily (preferably in the morning) the jewelry should be treated with saline solution, dissolving and removing the scab. After cleansing, the wound is lubricated with lavender oil, carefully turning the jewelry so that the oil gets inside. Healing usually takes about a month, sometimes complete healing can take up to eight weeks, which is absolutely normal. It is also normal for the jewelry to “nest”—move to the inside of the lip. Rings are more prone to this behavior than studs, as they are more mobile.

What to do

For the first 2 weeks, the decoration in the wing of the nose must be sealed at night with a plaster (I will show you what kind) so that it does not fall out during sleep. In the future, the channel will shrink and will hold the decoration itself.

Every day, 2 times - morning and evening, and best of all before taking water procedures - you should treat the puncture site on both sides with special means (I will tell you which ones), as shown in Fig. A and B above. After applying the product, move the jewelry as shown in Figure C - without removing it.

3-4 days after the piercing, it is necessary to regularly rotate the jewelry in both directions. This is necessary to avoid stagnation in the channel, as well as to expand it.

Types of nose piercings

In addition to the two punctures that will be discussed in this article, there are many others.

A bridge is a piercing on the top of the bridge of the nose; a metal bar is usually inserted into it.

A nasal tip piercing is a piercing on the upper surface of the nostril. Decorated with a barbell.

Septril is a puncture of the lower surface of the tip of the nose. This is a rather complicated type of piercing, which is carried out through an extended septum puncture and is decorated with a barbell.

Austin Bar - again a nose tip piercing, named after the first wearer of such a piercing. The puncture technique does not involve affecting the cartilage.

Nasallang is a type of combined piercing that combines the piercing of both nostrils and the septum. In this technique, three punctures are made simultaneously, which are then combined into one decoration.

Types of nose piercing

Any piercings have contraindications, such as poor blood clotting, allergies, pregnancy, so it is extremely important to treat piercings seriously and thoughtfully. Do not forget that a nose piercing is a short, but quite painful procedure. Before making modifications to your body, you should always consult your doctor or piercer. In really good salons, the masters care about your safety and their reputation, and therefore will be happy to answer any of your questions and tell you which piercing is right for you.

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Don't assume that only girls get piercings. Young men also do not neglect such decoration. Nose earrings for men can be absolutely anything. Barbells, nails, rings - all this will do.

Male nose piercing

In general, the choice of nose earrings is quite diverse. Rings alone come in several types. Among the options is a ball drilled through - this nose ring is called a Captive ring. Instead of a ball, there can be any other small object, for example, a heart or a star. The ball can be made in the same color and material as the ring, or maybe different, and if you wish, you can change the balls on your ring.

Let’s turn to a fairly common question: “Which side does a girl’s nose get pierced?”

The answer is simple - with anyone. There are no beliefs, or, even worse, rules in choosing the side for a piercing, unless, of course, you are from ancient India, where, as we already mentioned, a piercing of the left nostril meant the girl’s puberty. The choice of the left or right nostril can and should depend on your comfort. You can rely, for example, on what hairstyle you wear. If you often have a little hair covering the right side of your face, it would be appropriate to pierce your left nostril so that it is visible.

Nose wing piercing

Perhaps at the moment this is the most popular puncture in the world. A pierced wing allows owners to gracefully and non-trivially decorate their face; fortunately, a variety of earrings easily allow this to be done. Nowadays you can get your nose pierced at piercing studios, and many tattoo studios also have piercers.

photo of nose wing piercing

Like any other jewelry, nose earrings are subject to fashion trends. For example, in the 2000s, rhinestones on the nose were very popular and many girls chose them. It could be either precious stones or jewelry. Nowadays, owners of nose wing piercings increasingly prefer rings. Anyone can find a piece of jewelry to their liking.

It is not recommended to insert earrings made of low-quality metal into the nose, because a nose piercing is much more specific than an ear piercing. It is better to choose medical steel, titanium, silver.

Of course, a gold nose ring on the side will also look very stylish and will definitely not harm the piercing, unless, of course, you have a personal specific reaction to the metal. You should also know that there are rings with safe colored coating and there is a really wide selection of colors and shades: “gasoline” rings, black, white, red, in a word - any.

It is very important to avoid purchasing rings on Chinese websites and do this only in specialized or jewelry stores, since when ordering rings from China, you cannot be sure that you will receive exactly what you need and it will be made of the material that suits you. There are also online stores that specialize in selling piercing jewelry. The safest and best option is specialty stores, where, as a rule, competent consultants work who will help you choose the thickness, diameter, material and size of the jewelry. There you can see the earring in person, touch it, put it on your nose and immediately evaluate how it will look.

photo of nose ring earrings

We have studied the hardware, now we will figure out how to correctly insert the ring into the nose. You can go to the salon where you had your piercing done, or wear the jewelry yourself:

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  1. Wash your hands.
  2. Disinfect the piercing. Wipe it with antiseptic inside and out.
  3. Do the same with the ring.
  4. Unlock the ring so that you can easily insert it.
  5. Insert the free tip into the hole and begin to scroll slowly.
  6. When the free tip appears from the nostril, secure it with a ball, or gently squeeze the ring so that its ends close together.
  7. If you are inserting a circular ring (half-ring), then do the same, only from the inside, carefully feeling the puncture inside the nostril with the free tip, since the retainer of such an earring is a holder at the base.

Septum piercing

The second most popular type of piercing is the septum. This is a rather bold and daring piercing, which, as a rule, looks very stylish, but does not suit everyone. A septum is a horizontal puncture of the nasal cartilage into which a ring, circular, or barbell can be inserted. A pierced septum initially gives its owner a lot of trouble, because it needs to be carefully and for a long time cared for, and this is quite difficult, but then it becomes almost an ideal piercing option! For example, if you plan to wear a circular one, then you can hide your piercing at any time without removing the earrings, if the situation requires it. It will be enough just to lift it up and it will disappear in the nose.

photo of septum piercing in the nose

Decorations for the septum are quite varied. Rings come in different colors and metals, and circulars have the most bizarre tip shapes: balls, peaks, hearts, beads, rhinestones and studs. By the way, in addition to the fact that rings can vary in colors, sizes and metals, they can also be decorated with stones and have an unusual shape, for example, there is a ring with a mustache. :)So a ring in the middle of your nose can highlight your personality like nothing else.

Nose bridge piercing

A piercing of the bridge of the nose is called “Bridge” and is much less common. As a rule, it is done horizontally, vertically - very rarely. Like other types of punctures, it has been known since ancient times.

This type of piercing is quite complex and painful, and it has a lot of contraindications. The specialist can decide on the spot whether to pierce the bridge of your nose or not. It is not recommended to do this kind of puncture if a person has too thin skin on the bridge of the nose. Before the procedure, they usually inject a local anesthetic, and only then, stretching the skin, pierce it with a needle and insert a barbell. “Bridge” takes about two months to heal, and during this time it must be washed with an antiseptic, not exposed to injury, and also smeared with specialized ointments if necessary to speed up healing. Complete healing will take 6-9 months.

Bridge nose piercing

It is worth remembering that a “bridge” type puncture is considered temporary. The bar gradually moves outward and the distance between punctures decreases. This process takes several years.

Rare types of piercings

Continuing the theme of unusual piercings, we cannot help but mention the “Nassallang”, which is a triple piercing: the wing on one side, the nasal septum and the wing on the other side. All three punctures are united by one rod and are visible only upon closer inspection. If you don’t look closely, it will seem that the person has simply pierced the wings of his nose on both sides.

Another unusual and non-massive type of piercing is the “Austin Bar,” named after the first owner of such a piercing. It is a horizontal puncture of the tip of the nose, where a barbell is inserted. The Austin bar is the most painful type of horizontal piercing.

By the way, the tip of the nose is pierced not only with the “Austin Bar” type, but also through piercing the nostril from the inside to the tip of the nose; the decoration is also a barbell.

photo of nose piercing “Austin Bar”

Some particularly daring people even stretch the tunnels in their nostrils, but this is very rare and a truly extreme type of piercing. Either unfilled circles or plugs are inserted into the stretched holes.

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What is better for puncturing cartilage - a needle or “System-75”

You have the right to choose. I believe that for piercing cartilage (nose or ear) “System-75” is ideal because: - it does not crush cartilage like a classic pistol (you cannot pierce cartilage with a classic pistol!), - the earring-needle is much thinner! than a classic catheter with a needle used for puncture - the puncture occurs many times faster than with a classic needle, which minimizes discomfort for the patient, moreover, the puncture instrument itself is already a decoration. The rest of the puncture mechanism is equivalent.

But if you are a fan of classic old-school BDSM, of course, I can pierce with a classic catheter needle)) If you want more suffering, please. You have to endure it, not me))

  • Material on topic: Instructions for caring for your earlobe after a piercing

Possible consequences

If the nose is pierced or processed incorrectly, a granuloma appears. Warm compresses should be applied several times a day until it disappears completely. The formation in the form of a lump with an abscess should be treated with hyoxyzone or levomekol, washed with miramistin, and after the pus comes out, with oflocaine.

If your nose hurts after a puncture, and a sticky translucent liquid is released from the wound, then you should contact a specialist or dermatologist. You should wipe the jewelry, especially near the clasp, as a lot of bacteria accumulate there.

If your nose piercing does not heal for a long time, you should consult a doctor to prevent the appearance of calloid scars. They are the most dangerous consequence of piercing, so you should not self-medicate. The doctor will prescribe injections and ointments, but neglected treatment will lead to surgery. In this case, you should stop piercing for a while.

What not to do

For the first two or three days after the piercing, you should not wash your hair, go to the pool, sauna, bathhouse, beach, or swim in ponds. You should also refrain from physical activity and active sports.

Do not apply decorative cosmetics, especially foundation, to the puncture site! Categorically.

If you do not follow the specialist’s recommendations after a puncture, or touch the puncture site with dirty hands, be prepared for complications. This is entirely your responsibility . In this case, claims to the master will not be accepted. Don't think that in the worst case scenario you can just remove the jewelry and everything will be OK, it's not true. With your own irresponsibility and stupidity, you can get an infection and/or a scar at the puncture site.


Nose wing piercing - stud or ring, as well as other types of jewelry, require high professionalism of the master when installed. The puncture is performed with precision, after which the earring is immediately inserted into the hole.

Jewelry for piercing the nose, as well as other parts of the face and body, must meet the following requirements:

  • the decoration can be sterilized;
  • the material must be hypoallergenic;
  • The removal mechanism is quite simple;
  • earring with a smooth surface, easy to scroll;
  • ease of care of the accessory;
  • comfortable to wear;
  • external aesthetics and harmony with the image.

Studs for nose wing piercing
One of the main aspects of the selection of accessories is the material from which they are made. The choice of alloy determines the external aesthetics of the decoration, the healing of the wound, the accuracy of the hole, and the health of the entire body. Immediately after the procedure, experts do not recommend inserting silver or gold items into the hole.

It is worth taking special care when choosing the alloy of the accessory that is inserted into the hole of a fresh or problematic puncture, since it is in direct contact with blood and lymph.

The main requirements when choosing an alloy include specific gravity, a high degree of hypoallergenicity, biochemical compatibility and durability, and the absence of hazardous components.

List of main alloys used in the manufacture of accessories used in piercing:

Surgical steels316L and 302L
TitaniumG23 and G5
Anodized steel316L
Bioplast, BioflexPTFE
Acrylic, siliconePMMA

To emphasize individuality, natural materials are often used. Particularly popular are jewelry made from coconut shells, ornamental and precious stones, and exotic wood.

Based on the shape of the accessories, the following types of nose accessories are distinguished:

  • Classic rings. Used for the wing area, as well as the septum technique in the middle between the nostrils.
  • Nostrillas. Small earrings, shaped like carnations, but with a curved end, are used to decorate the wings of the nose.
  • Half rings. Used in the septum technique.
  • Tunnels. They are threaded into the wing when performing a round piercing, as well as a combined one, with a puncture of the wing and septum.
  • Labret, microlabret. Neat classic nails for the wing of the nose. They can be of different sizes; the “hat” of the labret can be decorated with stones, beads, figured or openwork patterns.
  • Bananas, barbells, circulars. Accessories used for different types of piercings. When piercing the nasal area, the bridge, nazallang, rhino, and rhino techniques are most often used.

You can add a special luxury to your look by inserting a jewelry piercing decorated with a diamond or other types of precious and semi-precious stones into the hole of the wing.

Normal healing process and aftercare

With proper care, healing after the procedure will be faster.
Healing is an individual process. In one client, the body will quickly cope with a small wound in the nose, while in another it will reject the foreign body.

The period of complete healing depends on the type of puncture and lasts several months:

Who does it suit?

Piercing focuses attention on the face, so for those with a long and narrow nose, it is better to decorate the ear or navel. If the eyes are large, slanted and expressive, then the decoration on the bridge of the nose will look better. The owner of lush lips with a clear and beautiful contour can afford a piercing of the nasal septum. In the legal or medical field, in banks and large corporations, piercing will become an obstacle to your career. For safety reasons, even rings and chains are prohibited in factories and restaurants. Flashy earrings for nose piercing are not always appropriate when communicating with clients, so it is better to decorate yourself with studs with a small stone .

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How to wear a nose piercing? Treat your hands with an alcohol solution and remove the product. Unfasten the new decoration and disinfect all parts. You can coat it with cream or Vaseline and insert it into the hole while exhaling, or holding your breath, otherwise the small part will get into the respiratory tract!

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