Nose ring for septum piercing or nose wing piercing: features of choice

One of the disadvantages of piercings that everyone has to put up with is pain during the piercing, as well as during the healing process. This stops many people with a low pain sensitivity threshold, while others are not only not afraid to endure, but even get a kind of pleasure, perceiving it as a kind of initiation rite. In addition, different areas on the human face and body have different degrees of innervation, which causes different intensity of pain during piercing. The method of puncture - manually or with a pistol, as well as the use of anesthetic and psychological attitude - also play a role in reducing or increasing sensitivity.

Why does it hurt and how painful can it be?

Discomfort during the procedure depends on your pain threshold and the location of the puncture . Some salons offer anesthesia to reduce pain to zero, but we do not recommend doing it unless necessary , because the anesthesia injection is quite painful and is comparable to the puncture itself.
To make the puncture less painful, craftsmen use special laser-sharpened hollow needles. They allow the procedure to be carried out as painlessly as possible.

Professional piercers never use guns for piercing, because they push tissue under high pressure, which results in a lacerated wound. Also, pistols cannot be sterilized in a static machine due to the presence of plastic parts in it.

How to reduce pain after the procedure?

When the jewelry has already been inserted, it is advisable to leave it alone for a while: do not touch it with your hands (especially with unwashed hands), carefully remove high-necked clothes, do not apply makeup, and do not get the jewelry wet. If you follow the recommendations for caring for the puncture for a month, it will heal during this time and the pain will go away. However, neglecting the rules of hygiene can lead to an infection getting into the wound, causing local inflammation with the release of pus. After this, a scar may remain, which will become re-infected with minor injuries and decreased immunity due to colds.

Where is the best place for a beginner to get their first puncture?

Minimal discomfort comes from piercing the eyebrows and lobe , which heal without any problems. It is a little more painful to pierce Helix and Conch, but they look more interesting. If you are very afraid and worried, you can always consult with a master and ask him all your questions. Perhaps the master will suggest you start with the simplest puncture so that you understand the healing process, and then move on to a more complex puncture.

What metal is best for decoration?

Titanium This is the most hypoallergenic, and at the same time durable and lightweight metal. Currently, it is titanium (not medical steel) that is used for permanent posts and implants inside the human body.

Medical steel High purity steel. Durable, wear-resistant metal that is not subject to corrosion.

Anodizing Metals Both titanium and medical steel can be anodized—that is, given different colors (for example, gold, or black, or any other, or rainbow) without changing the properties of the base metal. Anodizing is often used in jewelry.

Gold In my opinion, this is a rather controversial metal for jewelry. More precisely, not the gold itself, but its standard: the classic Russian 585 standard, containing who knows what as solder - nickel, for example. Very often, mothers who have pierced their children’s ears complain that “when we start putting in gold earrings, the ears begin to hurt and fester.” This is a sign of metal intolerance. More precisely, most likely solder. The American brand “Stadex”, which I work with in my office, has a special series of hypoallergenic jewelry “Sensitive” - these are jewelry made of medical steel, plated with pure 999-carat gold. I really love this series and recommend it to everyone. The jewelry looks chic on both adults and children, and does not cause allergies.

Painkillers for piercings

A frequent client request is to take pain relief before piercing in order to completely avoid pain during the piercing, but good salons will refuse you for several reasons:

External anesthesia does not have the desired effect and only affects the skin, without working on the cartilage; it will relieve you of pain only at the beginning of the puncture, so there will still be pain.

If you give a painkiller injection, it will most likely be more painful than the puncture itself (this is especially true for cartilage).

The master may advise you to take a pain reliever for several days after piercing, for example, Nimesil (in powder form), it relieves pain and swelling well after the procedure.

Features of nose piercing

Despite its popularity and apparent simplicity, nose piercing brings a number of problems. Puncture options:

  • Septum - a hole is formed at the level of the nasal septum; at the client’s request, the needle pierces the cartilage.
  • The wing of the nose from the side - the master inserts the earring from the side into soft tissue.
  • Austin Bar - a horizontal puncture is made with a needle at the tip of the nose.
  • Bridge - two holes are made at eye level between the eyebrows, bone tissue is not affected, since plane piercing is used as decoration.
  • Septril - the lower part of the tip of the nose is pierced.
  • Nassalang is a complex hole; the needle passes through the wings of the nose and the septum.

The procedure is carried out under the supervision of professionals in completely sterile conditions. Before starting work, the doctor informs the client about the presence of such contraindications to minor surgical intervention:

  • during the period of acute illness;
  • with severe disorders of the immune system;
  • skin diseases;
  • blood incoagulability;
  • for sinusitis, sinusitis;
  • taking hormonal medications, including contraceptives, which a woman takes to protect against unwanted pregnancy;
  • chronic severe diseases affecting the functionality of internal organs;
  • diabetes mellitus in an insulin-dependent form.

It is impossible to hide the listed pathologies and conditions from the specialist, since a small puncture on the nose can cause serious and tragic consequences.

Use of anesthesia

To reduce sensitivity, topical anesthesia is used. This method involves local application of an anesthetic to the tissue. Akriol Pro is a new cream for this type of anesthesia. But most often it is not needed.

Instructions for use read:

  • apply the cream in a thick layer to the skin area;
  • cover with a bandage, press the edges tightly so that the cream does not come out from under the film;
  • wait an hour;
  • remove the film.

After this, you can begin your nose piercing session.

Rhinoplasty: answering questions

Rhinoplasty is one of the most popular plastic surgeries. And one of the first in terms of the number of questions asked. We have collected questions for the week from the social networks of plastic surgeons at the GALAXY Beauty Institute and are sharing with you the answers of our doctors.

How long does swelling last after rhinoplasty?

Everything is individual. Noticeable swelling and bruising disappear within 2-3 weeks. To speed up the rehabilitation process, the GALAXY Beauty Institute offers three free procedures or a paid extended rehabilitation course. (Staisupov V.Yu.)

How to care for your nose after surgery?

Surgeon E.A. Siverina recommends rinsing your nose with saline solution. Each nostril is irrigated separately, the second at this moment is slightly covered with the thumb, the wing of the nose cannot be pressed. The remains of the drug are blown out with an open mouth. The procedure is repeated at least three times a day for 3-4 weeks. To soften the mucous membrane and prevent the formation of crusts after treatment, peach oil is instilled into the nose. If correction of the nasal septum was performed simultaneously with rhinoplasty, rinsing is not performed.

Will the bridge of the nose become wider if the hump is removed?

No, the back width will remain the same because the bones move after the hump is removed. (Staisupov V.Yu.)

Can rhinoplasty be done before the age of 18?

At the GALAXY Beauty Institute, plastic surgery is performed only on adult patients. However, for medical reasons, rhinoplasty can be performed up to 18 years of age. (Staisupov V.Yu.)

Are there any restrictions for ladies over 60?

If the condition of the body allows for surgery, rhinoplasty is not contraindicated. Rehabilitation may take longer because tissues heal less well at this age. (Staisupov V.Yu.)

Is it possible to get your nose pierced after rhinoplasty?

Yes, you can. (Staisupov V.Yu.)

Do I need to wear compression stockings during rhinoplasty and why?

The nose and stockings are not directly related. During the operation, you will spend some time without moving under anesthesia. For diseases of the veins of the lower extremities, in particular varicose veins, thromboembolism prevention is required. If you need such stockings, the GALAXY Beauty Institute will provide them. (Staisupov V.Yu.)

Can I take vitamin C before and after rhinoplasty?

Yes, you can. (Staisupov V.Yu.)

What anesthesia is used for rhinoplasty?

We perform rhinoplasty only under anesthesia (general anesthesia) in order to minimize all discomfort for the patient. (Staisupov V.Yu.)

Is it true that during rhinoplasty the bone in the hump area is broken?

To get rid of the hump, we use an osteotome - a tool for carefully cutting cartilage and bone. (Staisupov V.Yu.)

How long does the operation take?

On average 1.5-2 hours, depending on the complexity of the plastic surgery. We try to avoid unforeseen situations and uncertainty; if necessary, we prescribe additional examinations so that the operation plan does not change during the intervention. (Staisupov V.Yu.)

How long after rhinoplasty can I clean my face (including my nose)?

Ultrasonic cleaning is allowed after 3 weeks, mechanical cleaning - no earlier than after 2 months. (Siverina E.A.)

How will my rehabilitation proceed if I am from another city?

On the first day you will be in the clinic. The cost of a day in the ward is included in the cost of the operation. You need to stay in St. Petersburg for 7-10 days. At first there is a risk of bleeding, sometimes quite severe. In addition, it is better for the attending physician to remove the plaster cast. Removal occurs on 7-10 days. After this you can go home. If the tissue is healing normally, follow-up examinations will be required at 3, 6 and 12 months. At other times, consultations are possible via messengers or Instagram. (Siverina E.A., Staisupov V.Yu.)

Is it possible to correct only the tip of the nose?

Theoretically, yes, if you really only need to fix the tip of the nose. This happens rarely. If the bridge of the nose is wide or there is a hump, limited plastic surgery will make them more massive. Harmony and correct proportions are important. (Siverina E.A.)

How can you see the result of rhinoplasty before surgery?

If desired, we carry out computer modeling, where we correct the nose in the photo according to your wishes. The simulation result is approximate and does not always coincide 100% with the outcome of the operation. (Siverina E.A.)

Will the tip of the nose droop after rhinoplasty?

Over the years, the tip drops a little, just like a nose without plastic surgery. (Safonova L.N.)

How many days does your nose hurt after surgery?

Most patients experience no pain, only discomfort from nasal congestion. (Moshkalova A.L.)

Is it possible to have a nose job during your period?

Blood loss during the operation is insignificant, but rhinoplasty is not performed in the first 3 days of menstruation. (Siverina E.A.)

Will I have problems with passport control after rhinoplasty?

Yes, problems may arise if the shape of the nose is adjusted significantly. It is better to take with you a certificate of the intervention performed or make a passport with a new photo. (Siverina E.A.)

Do enlarged pores remain on the nose after surgery?

Plastic surgery does not affect the structure of the skin of the nose. Cosmetologists will help you get rid of enlarged pores. (Cohen I.A.)

What are the contraindications for rhinoplasty?

A healthy person does not have them. In general, the list is the same for all plastic surgeries. (Cohen A.N.)

How long after a nose job can you kiss?

In 2-3 weeks. If you touch your nose before it heals, it will be very painful. (Staisupov V.Yu.)

Where does excess skin from the tip go when the nose is shortened?

It all depends on the thickness of the skin and the degree of shortening. The skin contracts. In some cases, excess skin is removed by a surgeon. (Staisupov V.Yu.)

What massage do you recommend after nose job?

It is better to refrain from massaging the nose after rhinoplasty so as not to displace its structures. (Staisupov V.Yu.)

Is it possible to have a nose job in winter?

Yes, you can. The operation is carried out year-round. (Staisupov V.Yu.)

How long after a nose job can I go to the solarium?

Not earlier than 5 weeks after surgery. Ultraviolet irradiation and heat dilate blood vessels and can cause bleeding. (Staisupov V.Yu.)

Is thrombophilia a contraindication for rhinoplasty?

Rhinoplasty can be performed for thrombophilia if blood test results are good and only with the permission of a hematologist. (Staisupov V.Yu.)

How much time should pass between rhinoseptoplasty and installation of braces?

The operation can be done even the next day if we are talking about standard bite correction. In case of severe disorders, consultation with an oral and maxillofacial surgeon may be required. (Staisupov V.Yu.)

If adhesions form in the nose after surgery, can you see them yourself?

It is very difficult to see adhesions on your own; if you are worried, consult an ENT specialist. (Staisupov V.Yu.)

What medications are contraindicated before rhinoplasty? Can I take antiviral medications?

Any medications are allowed, except blood thinners (aspirin and its analogues). (Staisupov V.Yu.)

How long after catching a cold and taking antibiotics can I get a nose job?

It takes 10-14 days for the body to recover. After this, the operation is allowed. (Staisupov V.Yu.)

Is it possible to have rhinoplasty in summer? If yes, what precautions should be taken?

The operation is carried out at any time of the year. In the summer, you need to protect your face from the sun: use protective creams and wear a hat. Excessive heat to the skin and ultraviolet light can cause bleeding. (Staisupov V.Yu.)

Is it possible to do rhinoplasty during the healing stage of dental implants?

Yes, it is allowed. (Staisupov V.Yu.)

Is it true that you can’t get pregnant for a year after rhinoplasty? Why?

It is better to refrain from pregnancy for six months to a year after surgery. Bearing a child is a serious process, accompanied by changes in hormonal levels and water-salt metabolism. Many women experience swelling. Rhinoplasty will not affect the pregnancy itself, but the result of plastic surgery may become slightly worse. (Staisupov V.Yu.)

What is a septum?

“Septum” is translated from Latin as “wall,” “screen,” or more precisely, “partition.” A septum piercing is an artificial hole in the skin of the nasal septum that separates the nostrils. The puncture is made between 2 cartilages, internal and external. If you touch the nasal septum with your fingers, you can feel that there is a small area of ​​thin skin between the cartilages. This is where the craftsmen pierce the nose and insert jewelry that will be visible from the outside.

Tribal peoples were the first to do this type of piercing. A pierced septum in men was a symbol of courage. A warrior with such decoration was considered invincible, his enemies feared him and his fellow tribesmen respected him. The female form of similar piercing appeared later. In Asia, young girls had their noses pierced before marriage. They believed that a nose ring would make them more beautiful and feminine, and would also make it clear to the future spouse that the wife would be faithful only to him.

In China, a woman's pierced septum was considered a talisman that would help her quickly become pregnant and easily give birth to a healthy child. Nowadays, few people attach special significance to a nose earring. Septum piercing is done for beauty, because jewelry comes in different colors and shapes. They emphasize the individuality of creative and informal individuals.

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