Effective exercises for the nose - Reducing and correcting the nose with gymnastics

Many people are categorically unhappy with the shape of their own nose. Some people think it is too big, some want to get rid of snub nose, some suffer from impaired breathing function due to deformation of the nasal septum. In some cases, the appearance can be spoiled not by a large nose, but by an overly small nose. In particular, if it looks asymmetrical on the owner’s face.

Those with large noses will never understand the suffering of people who want to enlarge their nose. In both cases, the defect prevents the beauty of the face from being fully revealed. Representatives of the fair half of humanity often compare such a nose to a button. Men are often dissatisfied with the undignified appearance of a small nose.

Today, correction of this kind of defect in appearance is far from uncommon among both sexes.

Straightening the tip of the nose

Most girls ask the question: “How to reduce your nose at home?” But there is another popular problem - the tip of the nose is slightly curved. Asymmetry can also be corrected with the help of special exercises. In this case, you can overcome the incorrect position of the tip, but such manipulations are not suitable for eliminating the hump. The exercise is quick and easy:

  • You need to take an IP, which is completely identical to that in gymnastics from Carol Maggio, described above.
  • But in this case, the tip of the nose should not point down, but in the direction completely opposite to the curvature.
  • You need to repeat it about 40 times in a row. It is advisable not to stop performing it, even if the curvature has already been corrected. This way you can maintain the correct shape of your nose.

If your nose is too small for your face

If your nose looks too tiny compared to the rest of your features, apply a light shade to the entire area, including the bridge and sides of your nose, and a slightly darker shade to the rest of your face. Blend the borders and set with loose powder of a suitable color.

Use the crumbly one, not the compact one. The difference between loose powder and compact powder is that its particles do not layer on top of each other, and the shade remains transparent, therefore, you will not hide the drawn contours, but will give your makeup a complete natural look, uniformity and matteness.

Choosing the right exercise

To reduce your nose, there is no need to perform all existing exercises; 2-3 aimed at eliminating existing defects will be enough. If your nose is beautifully shaped, it is recommended to perform Carol Maggio’s multifunctional exercise to maintain it.

If there are no flaws, it will not allow them to appear, and will also shorten a long nose and make its tip narrower, the upper lip sharper, and help disguise a small hump.

The sequence of actions includes 5 steps:

  1. Take a starting position - any comfortable one: sitting, standing, lying down, and even while walking. The main thing is that the stomach should be pulled in, the muscles of the buttocks and the front of the thighs should be tense, and the rest of the body should be as relaxed as possible. It is not advisable to hold or lose your breath; it should be measured.
  2. Using your thumb and forefinger, squeeze the bridge of your nose like a clothespin; your fingers should be straight and positioned vertically. If it becomes more difficult to breathe, your fingers are probably resting on the cartilage; you need to move them a little higher on the bone.
  3. Place the tip of the index finger of the second palm against the nasal septum from below.
  4. Close your lips and, without opening your mouth, lower your lower jaw so that your upper lip stretches and pulls the tip of your nose, while holding it in place with your finger.
  5. Freeze in this position for a second, return to the starting position and relieve tension. Do one set of 40 repetitions daily. When performed correctly, a tingling and slight burning sensation should appear in the area adjacent to the nose.

If the redness of the nose bothers you, massaging the ears can successfully cope with it.

You need to grab them so that your index fingers are in front and your thumbs are in back. Massage the edges of the ears in a circular motion for half a minute, moving from bottom to top. There is no need to stretch your ears. At the top, for convenience, you can swap your fingers. Perform 2-3 sets daily until the problem disappears, and when it returns, resume manipulations.

Rehabilitation period after surgery

After the procedure, special turundas are placed in the patient’s nasal passages, the purpose of which is to absorb excess blood and other secretions. They should be worn for no more than five days. The main difficulty of this recovery period is the inability to breathe through the nose. The doctor fixes a bandage on the outside of the nose, which ensures complete immobility of the organ. It will be possible to fully evaluate the result of rhinoplasty no earlier than a year after the operation. The cost of the procedure depends on the individual characteristics of the patient, the clinic where the operation will take place, and the qualifications of the plastic surgeon. Whether rhinoplasty is worth it is up to you to decide. We urge you to once again objectively evaluate your appearance, consult with your family, and soberly decide on the advisability of undergoing surgery. Below we will show you photos of patients before and after surgery.

How to shrink your nose with exercises, correct a crooked nose

Details Updated: 07/28/2020 12:52 Published: 08/09/2012 17:15
Anastasia Listopadova

Therefore, exercises to train the tiny nasal muscles located under the nostrils are recommended to strengthen and improve its shape, even in the absence of obvious problems with the nose, to keep the nose young, strong, straight and beautiful.

Nose exercises can also reduce a large nose , make a wide nose more graceful, and even correct a crooked nose , and make a hump on the nose less noticeable.

Undoubtedly, the most effective exercises for strengthening, reducing and straightening a crooked nose are Carol Maggio's facial gymnastics exercises. Carol herself improved the shape of her own nose after unsuccessful plastic surgery on the nose. Many of Carol Maggio's clients have managed to avoid plastic surgery to correct their crooked nose.

It is recommended that you first become familiar with the anatomical structure of the nose; you need to know the “object” you are going to work on. Material about the structure of the nose has been published as a response to your keen interest in this topic and numerous questions.

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Indications for rhinoplasty for nose augmentation

For the most part, the indication for such plastic surgery is the aesthetic appearance of the patient. However, in certain cases, surgery is vital and is performed for medical reasons. The size of the nose may decrease due to injury, after a fracture of cartilage or bone. In this case, the nose is practically pressed into the face and takes on a flattened shape. Deformation is also possible from birth, if the formation of pterygoid cartilage and bone structures is disrupted. All this can lead to the formation of a small nose. Unfortunately, unsuccessful rhinoplasty can lead to the formation of this form. The defect is formed due to low qualifications or errors of the plastic surgeon. During an incorrectly performed operation, the organ may simply fail. This occurs due to the improper connection of cartilage structures. Another reason for the unpleasant consequences of rhinoplasty is too much excision of soft tissue.

A set of exercises for the nose

There are various techniques that can strengthen the muscles of the nose, get rid of fat and correct the shape of the protruding organ.

For shortening

The technique is suitable for those women and men who have a slight hump, whose nose is elongated or slightly widened at the bottom. After a course of gymnastics, the defect is eliminated and the condition of the muscles above the upper lip improves.


  1. Sit down on the floor. Pull your stomach in and tighten your buttocks.
  2. Grab the bridge of your nose with your index and thumb, bringing them down closer to your nostrils.
  3. Apply pressure.
  4. The index finger of your free hand should touch the tip of your nose so that you feel the stop.
  5. Pull your lower lip down. At this moment, you should feel the tip of your nose also moving down.
  6. Stay in this position for a few seconds.
  7. Move your lip back to the starting position and relax.
  8. To achieve results, you will need to do the exercise 40–45 times in one approach.

In order to train the nasal muscles, it is recommended to do this exercise once a day. If you are unhappy with the length of your nose or the thickness of its tip, gymnastics should be performed twice a day. In just a month you will see how the contours begin to transform.

Important! As you complete the task, you should feel your index finger resting on the tip of your nose. The tingling and tingling sensation is welcomed, which indicates that blood circulation is improving and the muscle is working.

For alignment

If the tip of the nose is tilted slightly to the side and there is asymmetry, follow these recommendations:

  1. Take a sitting position.
  2. Grab your nose with your index finger and thumb.
  3. Support the tip with the index finger of your free hand on the side of the curvature.
  4. Now push it in the opposite direction, as if trying to straighten it out.
  5. Lower your lower lip and hold still for at least a second.
  6. Do this manipulation every day - 40 times in one approach.

When you achieve the desired result, do not stop the exercises - they will allow you to maintain the achieved effect for a long time.

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To narrow

Do you want your nose to be narrow? Follow Caroline Cleaves' fitness routine and you'll notice a thinner nasal plate in just a few months.

The exercise is aimed at:

  • reduction of fat in the nostril area;
  • softening the triangle above the upper lip and strengthening the muscles in this area;
  • smoothing nasolabial folds;
  • rejuvenation and correction of the shape of the nose.

The Facebook building program consists of 3 exercises:

Lesson 1:

  1. Touch your index finger to the end of your nose, and then quickly point it upward.
  2. Open your mouth a little and tuck your upper lip so that it covers your teeth.
  3. Try to pull your upper lip downward while pointing the tip of your nose upward.
  4. A similar manipulation is performed daily 40 times in one approach,

Lesson 2:

  1. Lower your chin slightly and open your mouth (at this moment the nose narrows).
  2. Hold for 5-7 seconds.
  3. Do the procedure 30 times.
  4. Nasal narrowing can be observed in weeks 2–4.

Lesson 3:

  1. Lower your chin and open your mouth.
  2. Place the pad of your index finger in the center of your nostrils.
  3. Direct your gaze upward and flare your nostrils. You should feel the inner muscle near the septum tighten.
  4. Course of exercises: 3 sets of 10 seconds.

Thanks to the above muscle strengthening techniques, after a certain time (at least a few weeks) you will notice a transformation - your nose will become slightly thinner.

Important! People with pear-shaped noses should not expect much thinning. You must understand that no technique can significantly affect the shape of the nose, which is determined at the genetic level.

To strengthen

Exercises from Reinhold Bernz can strengthen your nose. The Facebook building master offers:

  1. The middle fingers of both hands are placed on the bridge of the nose so that they touch each other.
  2. Slowly pull the skin down, straining your nose.
  3. Hold for about 10 seconds. You should feel muscle tension.
  4. Do the procedure 10 times daily.

Do you want to improve the situation with the sunken area around the eyes and near the nose? Then place two fingers - the middle and ring fingers - on both sides of the bridge of the nose, wrinkle your nose and press the pads onto the skin. Hold for 6-7 seconds. Do this exercise every day 3 times in one approach.

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Other problems

In addition to the problems with the olfactory organ listed above, others may also occur. You can also level them out with the help of special exercises:

  • Absence of a soft transition from the nose to the cheeks. Fix the index fingers of both hands in the cavity. Try to wrinkle your nose without opening your mouth. Course: every day 10 times.
  • The nasal wings are too voluminous. We place the middle fingers near them. We strain the muscles of the nose, wrinkling it, and then “freeze” for 6 seconds. We do it 5 times every day.
  • Ugly nostrils. The thumbs are placed at the base of the nostrils, and then move towards the end of the nose, as if smoothing out the problem area. Repeat 10 times.
  • Sunken nasal wings. We place the thumb in the nostril itself, and the index finger in the cavity of the wings of the nose. We pull our thumbs up, as if turning our nose out, and we strain the nose itself. We fixate for 6 seconds. Classes involve 5-6 repetitions.
  • Dropped tip. The index fingers should go around the brow ridge, and the thumbs should go around the lower eyelid, as if you were looking through imaginary binoculars. Wrinkle your nose and slightly lift your upper lip, while your hands should press well on the area around the eyes. Hold for 6 seconds. Similar manipulations are performed up to 10 times.
  • Reddened nose. To eliminate this problem, you should massage your ears. Place your index finger forward and your thumb back, as if holding your earlobes. Using massaging circular movements, move along the edge, and at the top, for convenience, simply swap your fingers. Do this several times a day for 30 seconds.
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