Plastic surgery has changed Ekaterina Semenova beyond recognition

Ekaterina Semenova is a brilliant Russian actress. She starred in 104 film projects, and now works at the Moscow Art Theater. Chekhov. But for some reason, the actress is better known as the first wife of Anton Tabakov, the son of Russian cinema legend Oleg Tabakov.

After breaking up with him, Ekaterina Semenova got married and lived in a de facto marriage more than once. But she considers five years with Anton Tabakov to be the best in her life. She gave him her first-born, son Nikita. All this happened in the late 1980s. What does Ekaterina Semenova look like now? Read and look at the photos.

Biography of Ekaterina Semenova

In the 90s, the artist began going on air as a TV presenter, founded her own theater, and acted in films. There was a time when, at the peak of her popularity, Semenova gave 70 concerts a month. The singer prayed for only one thing - so that her voice would not dry up.

Parents and childhood of Ekaterina Semenova

Katya's mother is Sofia, Jewish by nationality. The singer’s father, Leonid Semenov, was a commander during the war, and worked as an engineer in peaceful life. They both went through the war and got married after the Victory. In 1947, Lyudmila was born to the couple, Ekaterina was born 14 years later.

As a child, everyone in the family spoiled Katya

The father often went on business trips abroad and brought expensive things from there to his daughter. Leonid Semenov had one problem - he liked to drink. This is why he died on the day when Catherine turned six years old. A man confused medical alcohol with wood alcohol when he wanted to celebrate his daughter’s birthday.

Five years later, the singer’s mother passed away. She died of cancer. The older sister did not send Semenov to an orphanage, although by that time she had her own children. Ekaterina helped Lyuda as best she could. From an early age I washed porches to earn bread.

Katya was enrolled in a music school while her mother was still alive. The girl did not give up her favorite activity, because the teachers insisted that she had perfect pitch, and Semenova had a great future ahead of her.

Ekaterina graduated from high school in 1977, and music school a year later. Semenova did not get into the Gnessin School through a competition and had to look for a job. The girl got a job as a nurse at the sanitary and epidemiological station, where she became infected with tuberculosis. It took a year to restore his health.

In 1980, Semenova got a job as a secretary in a veterinary clinic. It was there that Catherine read a note in the newspaper about the recruitment of participants for the Golden Tuning Fork competition. The girl recorded several songs on a tape cassette and sent them to the specified address.

Based on the results of audience voting, Katya became a finalist of the “Golden Tuning Fork”, then won the Grand Prix of the festival

Age of Ekaterina Semenova

The artist was born on January 7, 1961 in Moscow. According to her zodiac sign, she is Capricorn. In the winter of 2022, Catherine celebrated her 60th birthday.

Height and weight of Ekaterina Semenova

With a height of 163 cm, Semenova’s weight is 65 kg. A woman keeps in shape.

Where does Ekaterina Semenova live?

The singer lives in her parents’ apartment, which is located near Izmailovsky Park. Semyonova’s home is small - just one room, but Ekaterina likes the high ceilings and spacious kitchen.

How Ekaterina Semenova’s face changed after plastic surgery

Women who have crossed the threshold of “Balzac age” often have to choose between face and figure. To stay slim, they limit themselves in nutrition, and the “lack” of calories, vitamins and microelements immediately affects the condition of their facial skin, which loses its elasticity, becomes wrinkled and sags.

Faced with such a problem, Ekaterina Semenova turned to a cosmetologist. The specialist prescribed her a course of injection anti-aging procedures, which the actress regularly does, calling a specialist to her home so as not to draw attention to her person.

A few years ago, fans noticed that Ekaterina Semenova’s face had changed radically, and not for the better. The most “observant” suspected the actress of having a circular plastic surgery, and suggested that the same surgeon performed the operation on her and Vera Alentova. The fact that such an assumption is not without foundation is confirmed by photos of Catherine before and after plastic surgery. So, the mouth is causing concern. Her lips were never lush, and our heroine from time to time had contouring done, that is, she injected hyaluronic filler into her lips. Today, probably due to an error when performing a lift of the lower third of the face, the mouth has stretched and taken on the appearance of a strip: the lips have become very narrow, and the upper lip has lost its Cupid's arch.

The oval line of the face and chin changed not for the better, and the artist’s cheekbones and cheeks began to look just as unnatural. As for the upper and middle parts of Ekaterina Semenova’s face, as a positive point we note a decrease in the number of wrinkles in the periorbital area. She may have had blepharoplasty. The absence of wrinkles on the forehead is most likely a consequence of Botox injections, and the slight severity of nasolabial folds is due to their filling with hyaluronic filler.

To be fair, we note that many of the actress’s fans do not consider the changes to her face fatal and find her no less beautiful than in her youth.

Personal life of Ekaterina Semenova

Semenova almost got married for the first time at the age of 17. On the appointed day, the girl waited for the groom at the registry office until the evening, but the young man changed his mind.

Former husband of Ekaterina Semenova

Semenova's first husband was musician Andrei Baturin

The couple lived together for nine years.

The marriage produced Catherine’s only son, Ivan Baturin. Catherine insisted on divorce. It turned out that her husband had been cheating on her for many years and had infected her with a sexually transmitted disease. The singer went to the hospital to treat inflammation, and then the truth became clear.

The separation of the spouses was problematic. The son stayed to live with his father’s mother, as his parents were constantly touring. The singer rarely saw the baby; her ex-mother-in-law added fuel to the fire, who denigrated Semenova in the eyes of her son.

Ekaterina Semenova's husband - Mikhail Tserishenko

Ekaterina met Mikhail Tserishenko on the set of the film “Paid in Advance.” They immediately found a common language, returning home, the singer honestly admitted to Baturin that she had fallen in love.

A stormy romance with Tserishenko ended in marriage. The couple lived together for 25 years. Mikhail moved from Ukraine to Moscow and got a job in Yevgeny Petrosyan’s troupe.

Mikhail supported the singer when her older sister died of cancer in 1996

In 2022, a telephone call rang in Catherine’s apartment, which turned her life upside down. Tserishenko’s mistress called, she told Semyonova about their relationship. The singer immediately kicked the traitor out the door, but since the couple had been married for 25 years, Mikhail persuaded Katya to start over. For a year they tried to improve their relationship. In January 2022, the couple officially divorced.

Son of Ekaterina Semenova - Ivan Baturin

Ivan Baturin followed in the footsteps of his parents. He chose for himself the path of a sound engineer and producer.

In 2005, Ivan got married, four years later he made the singer his grandmother

Baturin had a son, who was named Matvey. Ivan and his family are forced to live with his mother in her one-room apartment. His father promised him to sign over his grandmother’s living space, but then changed his mind and left his son with nothing.

How the figure of Ekaterina Semenova has changed with age

The actress adheres to a healthy lifestyle, does fitness and yoga, tries to eat a moderate amount of food and eat only healthy foods. When she feels that she needs to lose weight (she doesn’t look at the scales, because her reference point is a comfortable existence in theatrical costumes), she goes on a protein diet. A very wise tactic for maintaining excellent physical shape! It’s hard to believe that Catherine once, dreaming of losing weight, drove herself to anorexia...

Music career

The winner of the “Golden Tuning Fork” was hired to work at the Moscow Philharmonic. Katya got into the “Girls” ensemble, but did not stay in it for long.

In 1982, singer and composer Yuri Antonov invited the girl to be a soloist in his group Airbus.

In 1984, the artist went on a free voyage. Before that, she managed to get married; her husband was promoting the singer’s solo career. Ekaterina’s husband got the best authors of that time, L. Voropaeva, D. Tukhmanov, to start collaborating with her. The man also knocked out Semyonova’s airtime on television.

The effect of Andrei Baturin's production activities exceeded all expectations. In 1985, Ekaterina took second place in the “Soundtrack” hit parade. The following year, the couple founded the group "Allo", the wife became a soloist, the husband took the position of director. The very first composition performed by the group became a hit. Others followed:

  • "Last Tango";
  • "For a minute";
  • "Schoolgirl".

At the peak of her popularity, Semenova was invited to the New Year’s lights, her hits closed the final “Song of the Year”, and her clips were broadcast on the popular music program “Morning Star”. At the same time, the singer toured the Union; Semenova had up to five concerts a day. Most of the fees went to the state treasury.

Ekaterina tried her hand at being a TV presenter; in the late 80s, together with Vyacheslav Malezhik, she hosted the variety show “Wider Circle”

In the 90s, changes took place in Semenova’s life. Together with her husband, the singer created the musical and experimental theater “Katya”. That same year she was invited to play a role in a movie. Ekaterina starred in the detective story “Predators,” where she sang the song “Oddball in Love.”

In 1992, the artist divorced her husband and left the theater. The gap between the spouses caused the singer to lose a number of contracts. But she wasn't upset. Ekaterina was very tired of the pace of life in which she lived before, and decided to take a little break. After a short vacation, Semenova began singing songs of her own composition, then began writing for other performers.

At the beginning of the new millennium, Catherine again began performing at concerts, participating in TV shows, recording soundtracks, and working as a radio presenter.

In 2015, for her contribution to the development of Russian culture, Semenova was awarded the Order of the Golden Star of the Fatherland.

Plastic surgery has changed Ekaterina Semenova beyond recognition

Particular attention falls on the appearance of the stars, how they live, what they eat, who they spend time with, and, of course, whether they use Botox injections to rejuvenate their faces. Ekaterina Semenova, who always looks as natural as possible, came under the close attention of the audience. Catherine’s natural beauty, sweet face and cheekbones have always made the actress stand out among her colleagues in the arena. She is feminine and attractive not only on TV screens, but also in everyday life. What do you think, did Semenova turn to a cosmetologist for beauty injections?

What motivates women to undergo injections for facial rejuvenation?

Every girl knows the answer to this question, in which her appearance and face are a working tool. That spiritual beauty and talent inherent in actresses by nature and thanks to long years of work should always be emphasized by external self-care. Beautiful clothes, demeanor, a well-groomed face and hands - all this makes up the image of a person and as an individual. The authority that actresses earn in their youth must be maintained every day with great difficulty. Life is so fast that sometimes not everyone has time. There is nothing wrong with facial injections in the modern world. When collagen ceases to be produced naturally due to youth, a doctor with a medical background comes to the rescue.

Ekaterina Semenova, who was accused by viewers of being addicted to beauty injections, has the same opinion. Comparing the “before” and “after” photos, the changes in the actress’s face became clearly noticeable. Her cheekbones looked different and her face became puffy. Opinions were divided in that some liked her appearance, while others put such changes along with Vera Alentova. This meant that Semenova had turned herself into an ugly woman, to put it mildly.

Delving into the details of why she needs this, it is worth noting that Ekaterina Semenova has been successfully building a career throughout her life. Naturally cute facial features are not as fresh every year, like those of any normal person. The actress stands her ground with confidence and never tires of repeating that it is better to take care of yourself than to let everything take its course.

The personal life of the actress after beauty injections

Passions in the life of Ekaterina Semenova continue to boil to this day. Her first relationship, which did not end in marriage, was with Anton Tabakov. She bore him a son, but after 5 years the love story ended. After this, the actress took the institution of marriage more seriously and entered into it a few years after the breakup, but with another person. It was Kirill Seagal. They had a wonderful daughter. The businessman's constant jealousy led to a break in the relationship. The history of the marriage was repeated for 5 years with businessman Leonid, information about whom the actress tried not to disclose in the name of stability and strength of the marriage. But it did not help.

At the moment, Catherine has devoted herself to children. Of course, such a hectic family life and busy work makes your face tired. Catherine took the step to improve her appearance with the hope of becoming better, getting rid of the complexes that arise over the years. Although she claims that she no longer expects any love, does not believe in princes and lives only for children, the female “I” still requires human attention. The facial injections were done by a professional. Ekaterina says that she has repeatedly contacted this specialist before. Only those changes were not as noticeable as they are now. Each person reacts differently to medications. Maybe not all substances are suitable for Catherine’s face? And it would be a more rational decision not to take such measures on yourself. Who knows. In any case, this is better than going under the surgeon’s knife, where there are more serious cases.

Actress career, filmography, Ekaterina Semenova now

In 1991, Ekaterina Semenova made her film debut with a small role in the film “Predators”.
The work turned out to be successful, and therefore a few months later the artist received another tempting offer. This time she had the opportunity to play the main role in the drama “Paid in Advance,” which was filmed by a Ukrainian team of directors and was presented to the public in 1992. On the set of this project, the singer met Ukrainian actor Mikhail Tserishenko. They began a whirlwind romance, which became a turning point in the career of the pop singer. Having learned about his wife’s betrayal, Andrei Baturin broke off all relations with his ex-wife, and this moment actually put an end to the performer’s singing career. After breaking up with her ex-husband, Ekaterina Semenova began to rarely appear on music programs and began working primarily as a film actress and composer. It remains in this status today. Compositions written by Ekaterina Semenova are heard in various television projects, and also periodically appear on the albums of such performers as Alena Apina, Tamara Gvertsiteli, Alika Smekhova, Marina Mogilevskaya and many other Russian celebrities. In addition, in recent years, the artist often appears on various television channels as a presenter. Her most famous project is the show “Beauty Formula”.

What happened to Semenova after the divorce?

The personal life of the actress is similar in terms of the complexity of the plot and sharp turns to the series in which she stars. She managed to be the wife of a billionaire who was shot in the dashing 90s. But after him, she inherited only a car and a small apartment. Then she successively married businessmen. From one of them, Kirill Seagal (who later turned out to be a fraudster killed in June 2020), she gave birth to a daughter, Maria.

Both Semenova’s children have already become adults. Nikita Tabakov studied in New York and became a producer. Maria graduated from VGIK and now works as an actress and director. Ekaterina Semenova herself does not seem to change over the years. Although she does not hide the fact that she regularly takes “youth injections.” She practices Bikram yoga, and despite the fact that she loves to eat, she maintains a slim figure.

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“Made” faces: 5 Russian actresses who lost their zest after plastic surgery

Plastic surgery is like Russian roulette. You never know what the result will be. Unfortunately, unsuccessful operations are not as rare as you might think. Despite the money and connections, even famous stars are not immune from this.

Alexandra Zakharova

Strictly speaking, the actress could not be called a beauty even before plastic surgery, but nevertheless, she could not be denied charm and attractiveness. Alexandra attracted attention as a rather extraordinary person, and meanwhile, colleagues whispered that Alexandra owed her career to her famous father, the head of the Lenkom Theater Mark Zakharov. Actor Sergei Shakurov once called Zakharova a completely mediocre actress who is being “dragged” by her father.

So Alexandra’s life, starting from her student days, was not easy. Knowledgeable people said that her father's care became both happiness and a curse for her at the same time. The artist’s personal life also did not work out. After several unsuccessful relationships, Zakharova was ultimately left alone, one might say, alone with her career. And she, as you know, requires great sacrifices in terms of appearance. So Alexandra couldn’t resist, having, apparently, done a circular facelift. But either the doctor was not very experienced, or something went wrong, and, unfortunately, the result was quite disastrous. Maybe the actress got rid of wrinkles, but her face began to resemble a mask, and not a trace remained of her former charm.

Anna Gorshkova

The girl worked as a model from the age of 16, and filming in the TV series “Two Fates” and “House with Lilies” made her famous throughout the country. Anna has natural beauty and regular facial features, but this seemed not enough for her. A couple of years ago, when she appeared in public, the actress literally shocked fans with her unnatural appearance. There was no doubt that this was caused by cosmetic intervention. But exactly what it is remains a mystery. Anna probably enlarged her lips with injections, and her mask-like face is most likely the result of Botox injections. Fortunately, these injections have a temporary effect. Sharpened cheekbones and jawline could be a result of weight loss, or it could be the result of using fillers. So far, it doesn’t look like Anna has undergone major plastic surgery, and let’s hope the girl will be able to restrain herself, because she doesn’t need it at all.

Vera Alentova

The People's Artist of the Russian Federation played many roles, but was especially loved by the audience for her role as Katerina Tikhomirova in the film “Moscow Doesn’t Believe in Tears.” At that time, when the actress was still young, stars did not think about plastic surgery. But the years take their toll, and plastic surgery has gained enormous popularity, becoming commonplace among celebrities. So Alentova, in pursuit of youth, could not resist plastic surgery. And not from one. Rumor has it that Alentova performed her first operation in the late 90s. After another operation, fans simply stopped recognizing the actress. There was even a period when Vera Alentova hid from the public and the paparazzi, and her rare photos caused horror among fans. Lately, Alentova has been looking a little better; she has probably corrected her unsuccessful plastic surgery. But there is no trace left of Katerina’s former beauty, which the audience remembers.

Ekaterina Semenova

The personal life of the actress, who has starred in many TV series, is seething with passions no worse than those on screen. Catherine's first common-law husband was Anton Tabakov, the son of the famous Oleg Tabakov. After the breakup, Semenova began a relationship with Kirill Seagal, who turned out to be a fraudster. Then there was an affair with actor Alexei Makarov, the son of Lyubov Polishchuk. The actress had a stormy, short relationship with Ivan Zhidkov, who is almost 12 years younger than Catherine. There were even rumors that it was precisely because of his uncooled feelings for Semyonova that Ivan left Tatyana Arntgolts. Such a turbulent personal life and the profession of an actress force her to take care of her appearance. Ekaterina has never hidden the fact that she receives “beauty injections.” But the appearance of the artist in the series “Zolotse” cast doubt on the fact that we are talking only about injections. Catherine’s face was radically transformed and, as in almost every case of unsuccessful plastic surgery, it began to resemble a mask.

Elena Korikova

Appearing in the TV series “Poor Nastya,” Elena immediately won the hearts of viewers with her gentle beauty. Moreover, the actress, who by that time was already 31 years old, played a 20-year-old girl. Indeed, it was difficult to believe that Korikova was much older. After the release of the series, she was called one of the most beautiful and sexiest women in the world. Having crossed the 40-year mark, Korikova underwent a number of operations to preserve her youth, but this only caused harm. The once perfect features began to look unnatural and aged the actress even more.

Photo source: Legion-Media

Author: Karpova Yana

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