Plastic surgery of Maria Gorban: how the actress changed her appearance

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Today it is impossible to imagine Maria Gorban without eyelash extensions, bright red lipstick and revealing outfits. The actress has become so accustomed to the image of a rich, glamorous blonde that now no one will remember the charming girl who played a cameo role in the series “Simple Truths” (1999). Masha had thin but beautifully shaped lips, a snub nose, expressive cheekbones - a pretty face, but little recognizable, which is not the best help in a career for an aspiring artist. For the sake of future success, Masha decided to radically change her face and figure and achieved her goal!

How Maria changed after losing weight

Source: @ya_lechy / @gorban_masha
Many who watched films with Maria Gorban 10-15 years ago now simply do not recognize her. Indeed, if we compare photos from different years, it’s as if we are looking at two different people. In the mini-series “My Captain” and the melodrama “The Right to Happiness” the actress has dark hair, a thick build and a round face. Suddenly her appearance changed. In popular television projects (the TV series “Kitchen” and commercials) we see a bright blonde with pronounced cheekbones and catchy makeup.

The first reason for such a dramatic change in appearance was weight loss. In 2013, Maria married Oleg Filatov, and a year later gave birth to a daughter, Stefania, whom she affectionately calls Fanya. After giving birth, the actress decided to get rid of extra pounds. She was not satisfied with her own appearance. In an interview, she admitted that she lost a total of 15 kilograms. She doesn’t like to share the secrets of such a transformation, but she briefly talked about some of them.

Source: @gorban_masha

A week after giving birth, the actress returned to work. She participated in several productions and acted in films. Sometimes she simply had no time to eat, and at the same time she had enormous workloads. It helped me lose weight. Maria also loves swimming and instead of going to the gym she tried to go to the pool more often. Now she prefers stretching exercises and hates strength training. The actress often jokes that she is lucky: she quickly digests gluten, so she can afford to eat an eclair and not gain weight. However, there are foods in her diet that she does not eat. Maria has not eaten meat for five years now.

Maria Gorban before and after plastic surgery: a surgeon and cosmetologist tell

Most TV viewers already know this actress with a new appearance, because this is exactly how she appeared in her most successful projects - the TV series “Kitchen” and “Hotel Eleon”. It’s all the more interesting to see what she was like before, and how radically she managed to change her image.

Contrary to popular belief, Maria Gorban never talked about plastic surgery - there are no “confessions” in any of her interviews. But the transformation is obvious, but there are not enough details, so the girl is often credited with one or another operation. How did she actually manage to assemble a confident and attractive femme fatale from rather ordinary natural characteristics? and our regular experts compare before and after photos and find out the truth.

↑ Career of a hereditary actress

  • Birthday: December 26, 1986
  • Height: 172 cm, weight: 56 kg.
  • Measurements: 90-60-92, bust size: 2-3.

The future star of the series was born in Yaroslavl. The girl’s father, Alexander Gorban, was a drama theater director, and her mother, Larisa Zibrova, was an actress at the Youth Theater. Masha’s uncle and her cousin also worked in the same field. 6 years after the birth of their daughter, the family moved to live in Moscow.

In such an environment, Maria’s further creative path looks absolutely natural. She graduated from the acting department of GITIS, and as a teenager appeared in an episode of the then super-popular television story “Simple Truths.” In 2008, she played one of the main roles in the medical series “I'm Flying” along with the famous Vladislav Galkin, shortly before his tragic death.

Further, the actress’s filmography was replenished with roles in rather passable films: “Prank”, “Aerobatics”, “Blood is not Water”, “Doctor Tyrsa”. It was probably during this period that Maria realized that the type of her appearance did not allow her to go beyond the already familiar images of pretty, modest women, and decided on a radical transformation.

In her most famous role – the wife of a restaurateur in the TV series “Kitchen” (2012) Gorban appeared in an updated form. The tandem with Dmitry Nagiyev turned out to be so successful that in the future the couple repeatedly appeared in entertainment television shows and advertisements, and also starred in “Hotel Eleon” and several less successful films: “Healing”, “Odessa”, “Looking for a wife with a child”, “ The Cycle”, “My Husband’s Wife”.

At the same time, Maria tried to break into the theater, but with less success. Her only truly stellar work was her role in the play “Gorgeous Wedding.”

↑ Marriages, divorces, children...

Maria Gorban's personal life was quite eventful. A series of high-profile romances began with football player Jan Duritsa, who played for Lokomotiv Moscow. The couple did not formalize their union and separated in 2011.

And the first legal spouse of the actress was lighting designer from Kyiv Oleg Filatov, whom they met on the set. In 2014, Gorban gave birth to his daughter Stefania, but soon after that the marriage broke up. Official version: it turned out to be extremely difficult for the spouses to live in two countries and maintain a relationship at a distance.

After a short pause in 2016, Maria got married again. This time for the head of the surfing school and part-time photographer Kirill Zotkin. The couple look happy, they are raising their daughter Gorban from their first marriage together, they often go on vacation to Sri Lanka and enjoy family life.

↑ What plastic surgeries did Masha Gorban perform?

What exactly happened first – the first steps towards a new image or an invitation to the TV series “Kitchen” – is unknown. But the fact is that the role of the wife of the owner of an elite restaurant requires a very specific appearance - bright and seductive. And our heroine coped with this task with an A plus.

True, fans perceived this transformation ambiguously. Some considered it extremely successful, while others were unpleasantly surprised. The main complaint of the latter against Maria Gorban is that the changes allegedly erased all her individuality and turned her into another cliched “mukla”.

In addition, the sheer number of operations attributed to the actress is simply enormous: rhinoplasty, blepharoplasty, facelift, removal of Bisha's lumps, breast augmentation, liposuction... If this were true, instead of film sets, Maria would spend all her time in rehabilitation wards.

To understand the details, we asked experts for help:

Together with us, cosmetologist Natalia Andreevna Ikonnikova and plastic surgeon Tigran Albertovich Aleksanyan looked at the photos before and after plastic surgery. Here's what we found out:

↑ How to turn an ordinary face into a modern standard of beauty?

The first thing that attracts attention is the greatly changed look and shape of the eyes. Oddly enough, in this case Gorban did without the help of a plastic surgeon:

  • Natalia Ikonnikova
    : Maria did quite standard cosmetic procedures - she got rid of thin, irregularly shaped eyebrows and applied a tattoo, due to which her face is already changing dramatically. In addition, the actress extended her eyelashes, making them thicker and longer, and removed her hanging bangs. As a result, the eyes visually enlarged, and the gaze became deeper and more expressive. I don’t see any traces of an eyelid lift or upper third of the face in her photo.

The actress’s nose raises many questions. In some recent pictures it looks a little thinner than before, especially at the tip. But in her interviews, Maria denies rhinoplasty - and here we are inclined to believe her.

  • Tigran Aleksanyan
    : Gorban’s nose has always been small and neat. It is almost impossible to see the difference in the photo, especially taking into account the nuances of lighting, makeup and filters. I believe that there is simply no point in performing a traumatic and complex operation for such minor changes.

But, unfortunately, it is impossible to radically get rid of chubby cheeks with the help of blush or highlighter. The actress clearly adjusted her round face shape, which greatly simplified her image.

  • Natalia Ikonnikova
    : you can achieve such pronounced cheekbones using contouring with hyaluronic acid fillers. The main thing is not to overdo it with volume, otherwise it will look very unnatural. Sunken cheeks may be the result of lipolytic injections. But the actress hardly removed Bisha’s lumps.

And we must take into account that since filming “I’m Flying,” Gorban has also lost a lot of weight. Therefore, it is likely that changes in the cheek area were a consequence of decreased weight, and not fat-burning injections.

↑ Ideal skin without flaws

Maria definitely likes the way she looks: the star is not at all shy about posting pictures without makeup on her Instagram, showing off healthy and smooth skin. Here she shares with subscribers the most effective, in her opinion, procedures for the prevention and elimination of the first age-related changes in the face - mesotherapy and ultrasonic lifting.

You can pay attention to the almost complete absence of wrinkles in the corners of the eyes and between the eyebrows, which is not very typical for actresses with their active facial expressions. We admit that Gorban is fighting them with the help of Botox, but it is just as likely that at 32 years old this problem has not yet had time to fully manifest itself. It is extremely difficult to say anything from the photo here, and Maria herself denies everything - in her opinion, botulinum toxin will immediately ruin the “live and moving” face on which all her charisma is based.

↑ Lips and “Hollywood” smile

Comparing old photos with new ones, it’s easy to see how the thin, expressionless lips of our heroine eventually turned into plump and sensual, and the upper one also took on the shape of a bow.

  • Natalia Ikonnikova
    : There was definitely contouring done here with fillers, and I like that Maria didn’t go overboard with the volume. The result was very harmonious, ideally suited to her face.

This procedure gives a temporary effect, and to maintain it, repeated sessions are required approximately every six months. And, apparently, Gorban makes them with the required frequency.

Another obvious tuning is the installation of veneers, with the help of which Maria straightened her teeth and made them snow-white. This change was met with hostility by many: they say that the teeth became larger due to the onlays, and their color became too unnatural. It really looks strange and completely unnatural.

↑ Ideal figure

Looking at the impeccable beach photos on Maria Gorban’s Instagram, it’s hard to imagine that she once experienced serious complexes regarding her weight. The girl gained a lot of weight during the filming of “I’m Flying” - this was due to the busy filming schedule, stress and lack of sleep.

To rectify the situation, the actress revised her diet and completely gave up meat. She doesn't go to the gym, but loves dancing, surfing and other activities. Combined with good genetics, this was enough to lose 15 kg and continue to maintain the new weight. Even pregnancy changed little - on the contrary, during this period Gorban lost even more weight due to constant toxicosis.

Maria has no signs of liposuction or other contouring operations. There was a lot of talk about her buttocks - supposedly, against the backdrop of a slender figure, they look too voluminous, which indicates implants or lipofilling. It’s hard to agree with this: the actress’s “fifth point” is in complete harmony with her body, here we can talk more about a lack of volume than about its excess, and where the assumptions about the surgeon’s work came from is absolutely unclear.

↑ Lush neckline as one of the factors for career growth

But Mary’s breasts are a much more controversial issue. It had never been small, it had obviously shrunk after losing weight, and now it perfectly matches her fragile figure.

You can find fault with the too clear contours of the mammary glands, which are visible in some photos, but there are no other signs that the actress had implants (but impressive push-ups are definitely her style).

Of course, there is a possibility that Gorban still had breast surgery, perhaps even with a lift, to return her to an adequate shape after childbirth and breastfeeding. However, there is nothing to confirm this completely logical assumption yet: for the beach, where all this tuning would be clearly visible, Gorban prefers rather tight swimsuits with a not too revealing top. Maybe because she has something to hide? Who knows…

In any case, next to Victoria Odintsova, who performed mammoplasty accurately and without a doubt, her breasts do not look too impressive.

↑ Body painting

The actress wears a large number of tattoos. The images are quite neat and not at all noticeable. On the right shoulder there is a thin arrow, and on the ribs on the same side is the name of his daughter Stefania. In addition, Maria has an ornate design on the inside of her left wrist, an intricate design on her leg, and flying feathers on her buttock.

On the actress’s back there is a large inscription in English, which translated means “Love is blind. Lord, please guide me,” and on the left shoulder is a small heart.

  • Total: Maria Gorban did much less plastic surgery than she is credited with. It is quite possible that there is none at all: only contour plastic surgery of the cheekbones and lips, as well as installed veneers, is beyond doubt - but this is the domain of cosmetologists and dentists, not surgeons. The actress also has an excellent sense of proportion: she does not go to extremes and knows how to maintain a balance between her natural abilities and artificial tuning. And many of her colleagues could learn this from her.

Changing the oval of the face

Source: @mariiagorban5636 / @gorban_masha
Attentive fans do not believe that losing weight could change the shape of the actress’s face so much. Instead of being round, her face became oval, her cheekbones chiseled and sharp. This provoked rumors that Maria had plastic surgery.

Indeed, removing Bish's lumps gives such an effect. The fat bags from the cheeks are removed, and the face changes dramatically. However, today it is not necessary to go under the surgeon’s knife to correct certain areas of the face. Lipolytic injections can remove volume where needed. Also, fillers based on hyaluronic acid smooth out nasolabial folds and add volume where required. This way the oval of the face is corrected. The nasolacrimal beard area is smoothed out, the cheeks retain their volume, and the cheekbones and jaw acquire sharper contours.

Maria does not hide the fact that she turned to plastic surgeons and cosmetologists, but does not comment on what exactly she did to achieve the appearance that we now see.

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Blepharoplasty: was there an operation?

Source: @gorban_masha
Maria is often accused of having had blepharoplasty or a lift of the upper third of her face. This impression is made by the changed shape of the eyebrows. Even her gaze has become more open, and the outer corners of her eyes seem more raised. But if you compare pictures from different years, you will notice that this is just an illusion. The look became different due to correction of the eyebrow shape and change in hairstyle.

Maria made a high-quality eyebrow tattoo, choosing the right shape. By nature, she has straight, low eyebrows, which makes it seem as if she is looking from under her brows, and her drooping eyelid catches the eye. Now her eyebrows are wider and more upturned. The actress also grew her bangs and opened her forehead. All this creates the feeling that the gaze has become more open. Experts agree: there was no eyelid surgery.

Height, weight, body parameters of Masha Gorban. Confirmed and suspected plastic surgery

Date of birth/place of birth1986 / Russia, Izhevsk.
Occupation Theater and film actress; starred in the TV series: “Kitchen”, “Hotel Eleon”, “I’m flying”, “Game”, etc.
Height, weight, body parameters Gorban 172 cm / 53 kg / does not advertise.
Confirmed surgeries and procedures No.
Proposed operations and proceduresRhinoplasty, contouring of lips, cheekbones, removal of Bisha's lumps, gluteoplasty.

Lip augmentation

Source: @gorban_masha
Maria's lips have noticeably increased, but their shape has not changed. This suggests that she regularly injects fillers. These injections give a temporary effect (after a few months the volume of the lips decreases), which can be seen in some photographs of the actress. It is obvious that Gorban has found an excellent cosmetologist who makes the changes as natural as possible. The actress does not strive to make her lips as plump as possible. Despite the fact that she often gets the roles of bright beauties, Maria does not set a goal to look like a doll.

The volume of her lips was also influenced by the veneers that the actress installed more than 10 years ago. This is what helped her achieve the perfect Hollywood smile. Some fans claim that Maria's teeth are now unnaturally white. Often, veneers can change your bite, which can make your lips appear fuller. The actress recently shared that she does permanent lip makeup to make them brighter and more expressive without using lipstick.

short biography

Maria was born on December 26, 1986 in the city of Yaroslavl. Maria's father, Alexander Gorban, worked in the drama theater as a director and actor, and her mother, Larisa Zibrova, was an actress at the Theater for Young Spectators.

The family into which Maria was born was truly acting. In addition to my parents, my uncle and cousin were involved in acting. At the age of 6, Maria and her family moved to Moscow.

Maria began participating in theatrical productions while still in school. The charming girl played the roles of Snow Maidens and princesses. At the same time, in life, Maria was not at all like these heroines. The girl had a cocky character and often got into fights with her peers.

Maria herself believes that she was a difficult teenager. If you look at Gorban’s school photographs, you can compare her rather with the heroine of Astrid Lindgren’s story “Pippi Longstocking.”

Since birth, surrounded by an artistic environment, Maria Gorban dreamed of becoming an actress. In addition, according to the memoirs of the actress herself, she adored the circus, acrobats, magicians and tightrope walkers, and especially clowns. The girl began to think about a career as a clown, dreaming of how she would make the audience laugh with funny tricks.

Over time, Maria realized that she was unlikely to be able to reach creative heights in this profession, and nothing might work out with her personal life, since most clowns are forced to lead a nomadic lifestyle. Realizing this, Maria abandoned the idea of ​​becoming a clown and devoted herself to acting.


After school, Gorban entered GITIS in the acting department, taking the course of Boris Morozov. Teachers knew about Maria’s love for clowning and acting, and in order to develop the other side of Gorban’s acting talent, they gave her mainly dramatic roles in serious productions. The brightest of them are “Three Sisters” and “The Brothers Karamazov”. Attempts to get used to such images brought the aspiring actress to tears and even depression.

Maria Gorban in the theater

Her truly favorite role came to her only in her 4th year, it was Nastya from the production “Mandate”. The character, which corresponded to the artist’s temperament and character, allowed her to experiment with speech and dialect, as well as show the full depth of her acting and surprise the teaching staff.

Gorban’s creative biography in cinema began early. In her teenage years, Maria appeared on the silver screen, and not in “Jumble” or a children’s film, but immediately in a serious project. It all started with the series “Simple Truths” in 1999, where the actress got the main role in one episode.

Maria Gorban in the series “Simple Truths”

Her brother was already starring in the project, thanks to whom the girl got on the set. After the first filming, Maria received a kind of “ticket” to the world of cinema; she ended up in an acting agency and began receiving offers from directors.

In 2003, Maria Gorban appeared in the TV series “Women’s Logic”, where she played together with Alisa Freindlich. Masha also began appearing in videos of popular pop singers. In 2004, she appeared in the video for the song “Time” by Irakli Pirtskhalava.

Irakli - “Time”

In 2008, Maria got the opportunity to play two roles in one film. In the film “The Smile of God,” she reincarnated as a heroine from 1985 and her granddaughter from the present. In the same year, Gorban received the main role in the medical series “I’m Flying,” where Vladislav Galkin also played.

The role of a stubborn girl who dreams of becoming a doctor, despite any setbacks, captivated the audience and gave Maria an entire army of fans, and the medical “dramedy” anticipated a whole galaxy of popular series of a similar genre. The ratings of the series were also influenced by subsequent tragic events: as one of the last works of the famous actor, the series often appeared in articles about the death of Vladislav Galkin.

Maria Gorban and Vladislav Galkin in the TV series “I’m Flying”

Model's figure: is it possible to achieve this without plastic surgery?

As Maria admits, during the filming of the series “I’m Flying,” she gained a lot of extra pounds, which she subsequently fought quite hard with the help of sports and proper nutrition.

Oddly enough, pregnancy helped: unlike most, Gorban did not gain weight during this period, but on the contrary, she lost another 8 kg. True, severe toxicosis was to blame for everything, so there is nothing to envy here.

As a result, Mary’s figure now fully complies with modern canons of beauty. And, most likely, this is entirely her merit: the actress has very good genetics, and no traces of liposuction or lipofilling are visible on her body.

But the girl’s bust causes a lot of controversy. He is large enough for her fragile build, while after severe weight loss, pregnancy and breastfeeding, he inevitably had to lose shape and volume.

It is likely that this is due to a lift with the installation of implants or lipofilling, but it is impossible to draw a completely unambiguous conclusion from the photo. Maria does not emphasize this part of her body, and even for beach shots she prefers tight swimsuits with a not too open top. Which in itself is suspicious: it is quite possible that the beauty has something to hide, but what exactly remains a mystery.

— New nose and cheekbones

— Changing these parts of the face raises more doubts. There are no official explanations or hints on this topic. Some of the publishing houses that published articles about Maria Gorban’s plastic surgeries claim that they took place.

We can only guess what caused the change in the tip of the nose and giving the cheekbones greater relief and volume: contouring, makeup, or, in fact, modern plastic surgery.

- Discreet charm

— The most memorable for the modern viewer is the television series “I’m Flying” with the participation of the performer in the title role – Valeria Chekhova, a third-year student who devoted her life to neurosurgery. Shy, charming, sweet, feminine, without flashy make-up - this is how Masha looks before plastic surgery. It would seem that it is roles like this that help the actress fully reveal her talent. But the girl also turns out to be very brave and is not afraid to experiment, changing herself beyond recognition.

- Blinding smile

— Veneers are individually made plates that replace the surface layer of teeth and give them dazzling whiteness. Our heroine could not pass up such a remedy to give her already charming smile even more beauty and shine and visited the dentist. Now she can blind anyone with her smile.

But not everyone agrees with the necessity of this procedure. According to a number of TV viewers, overly white teeth look unnatural, but the majority liked a completely different image.

— Modern image

— In 2012, the very popular TV series “Kitchen” was released, where Maria Alexandrovna appears in a completely different guise. This is no longer a quiet and silent cat, but a panther with sparkling eyes, an imperious face, not giving offense to anyone, with sharp, confident movements and an impressive nature. What is the reason for such sudden and at first glance unrecognizable changes, viewers wonder. How long did it take to achieve such an amazing effect? A movie star only needs to take one look and all men will be at her feet.

In the TV series “Kitchen,” the actress plays the wife of the restaurant owner Claude Monet, and she, like no one else, organically fits into this role. Each of her appearances on television is accompanied by the amazed sighs of men and the envy of the female half of television viewers. After all, the film actress also began to dress differently. Her outfits highlight her disconcerting beauty. Gorban is not shy about dresses that accentuate her breasts, as well as bright lipstick, which gives her lips passion and indescribable sensuality.

Another image of the performer is complete, without any flaws. Let's take a closer look at the changes in the appearance of the rising movie star.

How to get plump lips and glowing skin?

Despite her rather charming appearance, Maria had rather not very expressive, thin lips. Therefore, creating the image of a femme fatale was not without working on a seductive smile.

  • Natalia Ikonnikova: the lips are indeed slightly enlarged with the help of fillers. Overall, I like the result, very harmonious.

As for smooth skin, the point here is not at all in the use of photo editors and filters (which Gorban, by the way, likes to abuse). The girl actively uses the achievements of modern cosmetology: professional mesotherapy and ultrasonic lifting procedures allow her to keep her skin toned, healthy color and youth.

— Velvet lips

— The mouth is the first thing people pay attention to in a person’s appearance, especially if it is a beautiful and famous young woman. Let's remember what Lerochka Chekhova looked like - ordinary, not attracting much attention, without passionate makeup, the thin lips of an ordinary girl. As a result, the lips before and after the start of filming the series are completely different from each other, after the changes and enlargement were carried out. A detailed examination of photographs from different time periods also confirms our idea - the plastic before and after the operation does not change. Now her lips are lush, voluminous, alluring, driving many male TV viewers crazy. A wonderful addition was the bright, defiant red lipstick, giving the image a certain wildness and rebelliousness.

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