Mesotherapy - a panacea for hair? The opinion of trichologists. Part 2

Exposure to unfavorable factors of the external and internal environment often leads to fragility and hair loss, and in some cases to complete loss of hair. Unfortunately, magical cosmetics have not yet been invented to prevent these problems. Therefore, the best decision is to contact specialists in time. For many patients who have been struggling with alopecia for a long time, an injection cosmetic procedure has become a real miracle - mesotherapy of the scalp in Moscow


Why does hair fall out

According to statistics, about 75% of the world's population have experienced hair and scalp diseases to one degree or another. Normally, we lose about 50 - 100 units per day. If there are more of them than usual, then you need to think about why this is happening. There are many reasons for pathology. Intense hair loss

may indicate the presence of various diseases, heredity or care errors. The most common factors:

  • androgenic predisposition;
  • chronic diseases of organs and systems;
  • deficiency of microelements and vitamins;
  • the influence of certain medications;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • unbalanced diet;
  • immunodeficiency;
  • radiation and chemotherapy;
  • infectious diseases of the scalp;
  • insufficient blood supply to hair follicles;
  • unfavorable environmental factors (temperature changes, ultraviolet radiation, poor ecology);
  • improper hair care;
  • stress.

Very often we ourselves are to blame for the hair leaving our heads. Bad habits, such as alcohol and smoking, often cause hair diseases. They affect the body’s vascular network, narrow capillaries and impair blood circulation. Lack of nutrition and oxygen lead to the death of hair follicles.

Our hair is a keratinized derivative of the epidermis. Therefore, their condition largely depends on the health of the skin on which they grow. In addition to hair loss, the following problems may be observed: increased oiliness, dryness, split ends, fragility, gray hair, dandruff, seborrhea, hyperhidrosis and others. The most effective and widespread method of hair regeneration is hair mesotherapy.

Causes of alopecia

Baldness of the head in a person can occur for the following reasons:

  • hormonal imbalance in the body;
  • burdened heredity;
  • poisoning with toxic drugs;
  • stress;
  • allergies to medications or food;
  • a history of one of the diseases that causes baldness;
  • antitumor therapy with cytostatics;
  • chemical burns;
  • injuries of the scalp;
  • lack of certain elements in the body (zinc, iron, selenium, manganese).

To achieve the effect of mesotherapy and the possibility of its use for a specific person, a cosmetologist must know the mechanism of disease development. In some cases, you cannot achieve the desired result using this method. If the patient takes drugs that do not combine well with those used in mesotherapy, then there will be no benefit from the procedure. This technique should not be used if the patient has ringworm. The procedure becomes possible only after examining scrapings from the affected area and completely getting rid of the pathogen. Other problems that cause baldness are also solved. Mesotherapy is started only after comprehensive treatment of the patient.

What is scalp mesotherapy

Hair mesotherapy

is a cosmetic procedure for eliminating trichological deficiencies through the injection of biologically active components and medications into the scalp. First of all, the hair mesotherapy technique is aimed at correcting disorders and improving the health of the dermis.

A cocktail for microinjections can have anti-inflammatory, antiseborrheic, restorative or other effects on hair. Depending on the composition of the administered drug, there are several types of scalp mesotherapy:

  • allopathic - against hair loss and baldness;
  • vitamin - nutrition of the dermis with vitamins;
  • microelement - replenishing the epidermis with minerals;
  • homeopathic - introduction of immunomodulators and enzymes into the scalp;
  • oxymesotherapy - delivery of oxygen to dermal cells;
  • multicomponent - complex therapy with a cocktail of several components.

The composition of the solution is determined by the doctor, depending on the patient’s pathology and the tolerability of the individual ingredients. The modern pharmaceutical industry produces ready-to-use cocktails. One of the most popular mesotherapy drugs among cosmetologists is Hair X. It is manufactured by the domestic company Mesopharm. Hair X meso-cocktails (Vita Line B+) are in demand not only in premium clinics in our country, but also abroad.

The composition of the drug includes:

  1. L-amino acids (21 types): improve microcirculation, skin metabolism and collagen structure.
  2. B complex vitamins: have an anti-inflammatory effect and induce the immune system in dermal cells.
  3. A set of microelements (Fe, Co, Mg, Ni, Mn): normalize the trophic properties of the tissue.
  4. A buffer that is neutrally acidic.

The principle of action of meso-cocktails for hair:

Improving blood microcirculation helps activate new hair growth. The direct effect of the active elements on the hair follicles nourishes the hair from the inside, thereby improving its structure, prolonging the growth phase and increasing thickness.

Mesotherapy is used not only to improve the quality and quantity of hair. It is successfully used to combat dandruff and treat skin structure in diseases such as psoriasis and seborrhea.


A noticeable result is achieved relatively quickly - after 2-3 sessions, hair growth and condition improves.
Treatment of alopecia is especially successful when its cause is eliminated. To identify this cause, an examination by an endocrinologist and trichologist is sometimes necessary. Mesotherapy is most effective for reactive baldness (provoked by some factor). Mesotherapy relieves dandruff and painful itching on the scalp. In some cases, the cosmetologist alternates different cocktail compositions for greater effectiveness. The effectiveness and safety of the procedure quickly made it popular among patients.

Indications and contraindications for hair mesotherapy

Mesotherapy of the scalp is indicated for hair loss due to disruption of hemodynamic processes in the skin structures of the head. This pathology can be observed with hypertension, impaired venous outflow of blood from the cranial cavity, atherosclerosis, cervical osteochondrosis, etc. The hair mesotherapy procedure shows good results in cases of lack of nutrients and vitamins, for example during pregnancy. List of main conditions for which hair mesotherapy can be used:

  • androgenic alopecia;
  • excessive hair loss;
  • seborrhea, psoriasis, dandruff;
  • hyperhidrosis;
  • premature aging (early graying);
  • violation of microcirculation in the scalp;
  • disturbance of structure and growth;
  • itching of the scalp;
  • split ends, dryness, fragility;
  • hyperactivity of the sebaceous glands;
  • hair damage after childbirth.

The procedure is safe and complications are extremely rare. Absolute contraindication

for mesotherapy are:

  • infectious diseases of the scalp;
  • hemostasis disorders;
  • individual drug intolerance.

The doctor may not allow you to undergo the procedure if you have cancer, diabetes, high sensitivity to pain, or menstruation. Such nuances are discussed during a preliminary consultation with a cosmetologist.

What is efficiency?

A course of meso-cocktail therapy allows you to completely improve your hair, making it incredibly dense, voluminous and incredibly dazzling. Nourishing the scalp with essential vitamins and microelements not only enhances hair growth, it restarts this process in those hair follicles that were previously unable to create new hair.

The result becomes visible after several procedures, and by the end you can see thick and incredibly beautiful hair on your head, which you could only dream of before.

How does the mesotherapy procedure work?

Before the procedure, it is not recommended to use hair styling products for 3 days. On the day of the procedure, you need to wash your hair. Based on diagnostic data and an interview with the patient, the doctor will select the optimal drug. The procedure consists of injecting microdoses of a therapeutic cocktail into certain areas of the scalp. The whole process can be divided into three stages


  1. Preparatory: history taking, examination, drug selection.
  2. Basic: disinfection of the work area, administration of medicine using injections:
  3. • hair is separated into partings with a comb; • the skin is treated with chlorhexedine (or another antiseptic); • injections are made along the length of the parting at a short distance from each other with a special small and very thin needle.

  4. Final: re-disinfection.

If the patient is highly sensitive, pain and redness may occur in the injection area, which disappear over time and are considered normal, since the procedure is performed without anesthesia. To achieve a therapeutic effect, you will need to complete a course consisting of 6 - 10 sessions. Frequency: once every 7 days. Duration of one procedure: from 20 to 40 minutes.

Hair plasma therapy (Auto-rejuvenation) Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP)

An officially registered method of cellular rejuvenation throughout the World and in Russia. Our clinic provides plasma lifting services that have long-lasting results for more than 2 years.

The procedure is divided into 2 main stages:

Collection of venous blood (from 20 to 100 ml depending on the zone) and further separation of plasma ~ 30 minutes.

Microinjections of plasma into problem areas or over the entire area of ​​the hair area, after pre-treating it with an antiseptic. Procedure time ~ 30-50 minutes.

Is plasma therapy necessary? What are the advantages of plasma lifting?

Plasma therapy promotes the renewal of intercellular ion exchange, penetrates and nourishes deep into the hair follicles for the purpose of further healing and rejuvenation of the follicles. Tissue metabolism will work faster due to accelerated production of hyaluronate and fibrillar peptides.

Benefits and effects of hair mesotherapy in Moscow

Hair mesotherapy has proven itself to be an effective way to treat and prevent alopecia, seborrhea, dandruff and many aesthetic problems with hair (dryness, brittleness, excess oiliness, etc.). The low cost of the procedure makes it accessible to a wide range of consumers.

Advantages of the technique:

  • the manipulation is minimally invasive, performed on an outpatient basis;
  • no rehabilitation period is required after mesotherapy;
  • after a course of treatment, a long-term effect is observed, which, if necessary, can be consolidated with maintenance sessions;
  • the pigment becomes more protected.

Hair “comes to life” after the first mesotherapy session. However, for a guaranteed result you need to go through a series of procedures. At the end of the course of mesotherapy, the quality of the scalp improves significantly: the hair becomes shiny, its pathological hair loss stops, dandruff disappears, growth accelerates, and greasiness disappears. Hair acquires a healthy appearance and natural beauty.

How many procedures are needed?

The duration of the course depends on the specifics of the problem. It is individual in each case. On average, at least 5 sessions are required for:

  • eliminating unpleasant symptoms;
  • reducing hair loss;
  • normalization of the activity of the sebaceous glands;
  • improving hair growth.

Up to 15 procedures can be performed at intervals of one to two weeks. When the course is completed and a good effect is observed, the doctor gives recommendations for preventive repetition of injections. Usually several sessions are carried out after six months or a year.

The best preparations for facial mesotherapy

The effective formulas of the presented products have a comprehensive effect on problem skin and help get rid of wrinkles, dryness, pigmentation, acne and scars. The best preparations for facial mesotherapy are made from certified components with minimal risk of allergic reactions and complications. Some products are sold in packages (for a whole course), others - individually (one bottle for one procedure).


The unique complex consists of collagen and elastin hydrolysates, which improve skin elasticity and tone. This drug is used for anti-aging procedures at the age of 30-35 years and above. Extra moisturizer perfectly improves the turgor of the skin of the face, neck and décolleté, removes fine and deep wrinkles and creases. Collagen hydrolyzate quickly penetrates into the deep layers of the dermis, nourishes and gives elasticity. The connective tissue protein elastin is a source of beneficial amino acids (glycine, alanine, valine, lysine). It fills epidermal wrinkles, providing a lifting effect.

Compound1% collagen hydrolyzate, 1% elastin hydrolysate
Type of applicationInjection techniques
Volume10 ampoules of 2 ml
Country of OriginRussia


  • Eliminates wrinkles, stretch marks, scars;
  • Perfectly saturates the skin with moisture and beneficial elements;
  • One ampoule is designed for one procedure - a convenient, error-free option;
  • Suitable for dry skin;
  • High quality raw materials.


  • Glass ampoules are easy to break;
  • For professional salon use.

Review: “Excellent product. It helped get rid of stretch marks after losing weight and, in general, had a positive effect on the condition of my skin. Now it is more elastic, elastic and does not need intensive moisturizing.”

Foto-age Elastase

This product is often used for intensive treatment of wrinkles, which slows down the process of photoaging of the skin. The special formula restores the skin's structure, moisturizes and tightens it, promoting the production of collagen and elastin. Organic silicon normalizes metabolic processes, saturates with moisture, and protects against the effects of free radicals. Mimosa extract has a pronounced antiseptic, calming effect, and Asian centella restores blood circulation, reduces the depth of wrinkles, and promotes active cell restoration. The recommended course of mesotherapy is from four to ten procedures.

CompoundSilicon, DMAE, elastin, centella asiatica, mimosa
Type of applicationInjection procedures
Volume10 ampoules of 5 ml
Country of OriginItaly


  • Corrects the oval of the face;
  • Has a pronounced lifting effect;
  • The formula is enriched with valuable plant extracts;
  • Suitable for complex body contouring programs;
  • Strengthens the walls of blood and lymphatic vessels.


  • An open ampoule must be consumed, as it cannot be stored;
  • One procedure may require two ampoules, which significantly increases costs.

Review: “This drug was recommended to me by a cosmetologist. The effect was amazing - the contour of the face became clearer, the fine network of wrinkles around the eyes decreased significantly (35 years). The skin seems to glow from within.”


This innovative drug was developed by the American brand that created the popular anti-aging product Mezovarton. The age group of Mesoxanthine is much wider - from 25 years and above; after forty, it is recommended to alternate drugs. The caranoid fucoxanthin acts on DNA cells, stimulating their regeneration. Hyaluronic acid 1.56% saturates the dermis with moisture, preventing dehydration and dryness. Vitamins A, C, E and amino acids nourish the skin, making it smoother, more elastic and radiant from the inside. The formula of the product effectively neutralizes the processes of skin photoaging and protects against the negative effects of direct sunlight.

CompoundFucoxanthin, hyaluronic acid, peptides, amino acids, vitamins, growth factors
Type of applicationInjections
VolumeSyringe 1.5 ml
Country of OriginSouth Korea


  • Suitable for a wide range of age groups;
  • Deep skin renewal;
  • Removes inflammatory processes, reduces the number of rashes;
  • Complex impact;
  • The result lasts for a long time.


  • High cost of the drug;
  • The effect is cumulative, so a course of procedures is required.

Review: “I noticed the effect of Meso Xanthin F199 only after the 3rd session, my skin became much lighter, post-acne spots seemed to be erased from my face with an eraser. I stopped worrying about new rashes. A pleasant bonus was that my face shape also tightened.”


Each of the complexes, “Sakura”, “EJI”, “Extra” has a unique formulation with a different percentage of components that act at the cellular level. The products effectively reduce the severity of nasolabial folds, pigmentation, normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands, thicken the thinned dermis, and make the oval of the face clearer. The lifting effect on the face and body lasts up to 8-10 months. Collagen from pure sea salmon protein replenishes collagen deficiency in the body, inhibiting the aging process. Hyaluron obtained from shark fins and elastin from tuna skin moisturize, replenish lost volume, and smooth out the texture.

CompoundHyaluron, elastin, placenta, collagen
Type of applicationIntradermal, external, using ion- and phonophoresis
Volume4 bottles of 10 ml
Country of OriginJapan


  • Natural certified raw materials free from hormones;
  • Hypoallergenic;
  • The opportunity to painlessly undergo a course of biorevitalization;
  • No contraindications;
  • Instant visible effect.


  • Immediately after the procedure there is redness on the skin;
  • The cocktail must be mixed independently in the required proportions.

Review: “The drug “SAKURA” is intended for lifting and improving the condition of the skin. I got this effect from the first procedure - although not significant, it was already noticeable. After a course of 6 procedures, the skin tightened, the complexion improved, the pores narrowed, the skin became smooth, nourished and moisturized.”

What drugs are better for mesotherapy?

Only a qualified specialist can choose the right product for mesotherapy in each individual case, since it is necessary to take into account the characteristics of the skin, chronic diseases, and the possibility of an allergic reaction to a certain component. The modern beauty industry offers monocomponent preparations and multicomponent cocktails for mesotherapy. Complex cocktails are aimed at solving a whole range of problems. They moisturize the skin, stimulate the production of collagen and elastin, saturate it with nutrients, even out tone and microrelief. If there is a high risk of allergies, it is better to opt for a one-component drug.

Before buying a mesotherapy product, you should carefully analyze all factors - from the effect declared by the manufacturer and the characteristics of the skin and hair to the health of the body as a whole, the time of year and the budget. This rating will help you choose the ideal meso-cocktail for your face or hair from the world’s best manufacturers.


Before going to a cosmetologist, you should understand that mesotherapy is aimed at treating weakened follicles. If a person has complete baldness, then you should not expect the hair to return to its place. For this reason, it is worth considering therapy at the first manifestation of hair loss.• pregnancy and lactation; • postoperative period; • cholelithiasis; • allergies to drugs used in cocktails; • critical days for women; • use of medications that are incompatible with mesotherapy drugs.

Advantages of therapy in our clinic

  1. Experienced doctors. Mesotherapy on the head is carried out exclusively by qualified specialists. Thanks to this, mesotherapy is effective and safe. It does not cause allergic inflammation of the skin in the scalp area or other problems.
  2. Solving a wide range of problems. These include: hair growth, elimination of alopecia, improvement of skin condition, etc.
  3. Availability of the procedure.
  4. Comfort of the procedure and no queues.

Contact us!
Our specialists will do everything to ensure that your skin is healthy and your hair is pleased with its pleasant shine and beauty. Back to list of services

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