What does hair mesotherapy give and features of the method?



Duration of the procedure:

30 min

Number of procedures:



from 3,000 rub. (depending on the chosen drug)

Recovery period: 1 day

Drug: Hair X Vita Line B Complex, Hair X DNA RNA Peptide, Hair X Vita Line B+, etc.

Scalp mesotherapy is a procedure that is carried out by introducing medications (meso-cocktails) through thin sterile needles directly into the scalp. The injection method of administering drugs under the skin allows you to deliver the necessary substances directly to the hair follicles. Mesotherapy fights hair loss and aims to achieve healthier and stronger hair growth.

Meso-cocktails contain vasodilators, vitamins, microelements, amino acids and minerals designed to restore microcirculation and saturate the scalp with oxygen and essential nutrients.

Head mesotherapy: indications

Scalp mesotherapy is considered a safe treatment, with no side effects or allergic reactions.

The mesotherapy procedure is prescribed for both men and women who complain of:

  • thin, dry or weakened hair,
  • brittle hair, split ends,
  • cessation of hair growth or hair loss,
  • the appearance of gray hair,
  • postpartum hair loss,
  • dandruff, seborrhea and itching.

This treatment technique produces faster results if the procedure is performed at an early stage.

Hair mesotherapy is only useful for those people who still have follicles on their scalp. The procedure is not effective enough for people who are completely or partially bald.

Hair mesotherapy products available at 9.09

Trichologists of the 9.09 clinic network of clinics provide mesotherapy for hair and scalp using high-quality proven products.


Main composition: vitamins, hyaluronic acid and a number of other useful substances.

How it works: stimulates hair healing and growth, prevents hair loss.

When to use: for telogen effluvium hair loss and as part of complex therapy for androgenetic alopecia.


Main composition: B vitamins that strengthen hair, as well as a complex of L-amino acids.

How it works: restores the collagen structure of hair follicles, improves blood circulation in the scalp, has regenerative and healing-stimulating properties.

When to use: for alopecia, dryness and loss of elasticity of hair.

Hair XB Complex

Main composition: B vitamins, buffer system, pH 7.0.

How it works: stimulates the regeneration of damaged hair follicles and effectively fights hair loss.

When used: for alopecia and seborrhea, reduces oily scalp.

Preparations for hair mesotherapy are selected taking into account the patient’s problems and the desired effect of the procedure.

Causes of Excessive Hair Loss

  • Scalp diseases: bacterial, viral or fungal.
  • Taking medications/chemicals, e.g. anticancer drugs, high doses of vitamin A.
  • Physical trauma.
  • Excessive scratching of the scalp.
  • Hormonal imbalances - thyroid disorders, diabetes, menstrual irregularities, etc.
  • Physical factors - abuse of salon procedures.
  • Malnutrition.
  • Stress.
  • Genetics.

Hair loss during adolescence usually means that your diet is lacking the nutrients your body needs. Certain medications and treatments, such as chemotherapy, can also affect hair loss. Oddly enough, the cause of hair loss can also be influenced by the use of certain cosmetics that may not be suitable for you, for example, hair dye, gels.

What is plasma therapy and how does it work?

Plasma contains platelets - the most important elements of blood. In addition to the main function of ensuring blood clotting, they are responsible for tissue healing and regeneration. Platelets have one very valuable property - they release growth factors in damaged areas. The latter stimulate cell division and growth, which creates the prerequisites for successful plasma therapy in a cosmetology clinic.

So, the procedure requires plasma from your blood. Blood is usually drawn from the antecubital vein. The blood is placed in a centrifuge where the plasma separation process occurs. The resulting plasma for injection is abundantly saturated with platelets, since increasing their concentration gives a more noticeable and lasting result.

Another popular name for plasma therapy is PRP hair therapy . Since in our time it is customary to give any scientific and medical term an English interpretation, Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) was born. Literally translated, this means platelet-rich plasma. You can't say it more precisely.

How is the mesotherapy procedure performed?

The treatment process is carried out using a special gun or manually with a syringe.
To achieve the desired effect, the cocktail is selected individually, taking into account all the characteristics of the patient. The process is carried out in a lying position after treatment with an antiseptic. Injections should be performed at a distance of approximately 1-1.5 centimeters. Scalp mesotherapy can last about half an hour, depending on the specific problem of each person. Full treatment can last up to 2 months, but the first results can be seen after 3-4 weeks.

How does the procedure work?

When carrying out mesotherapy of the scalp and hair, several variants of injection techniques are used:

  • multipuncture;
  • median nappage;
  • superficial;
  • papular.

The composition of biologically active components is administered subcutaneously - as close as possible to the follicle zone - in extremely small doses. Injections are carried out at a distance of up to 15 mm from each other. Several injections are given in the neck area to stimulate growth points. Before and after the procedure, the doctor will treat the injection sites with solutions of local antiseptics to prevent infection.

Effect of the procedure

Mesotherapy for hair creates the correct ratio of all amino acids that are found in healthy hair, optimizes the production of keratin, proteins and significantly reduces or stops hair loss. After the procedure, hair grows better, blood circulation in the scalp improves, hair follicles are strengthened, thus creating dense, voluminous, strong, long and healthy roots.

As a result of mesotherapy, hair acquires a healthy shine, becomes strong and thick.

Hair mesotherapy result

Thanks to the healing properties of individual components included in mesotherapy preparations and cocktails, hair becomes noticeably stronger, denser and shiny within just 2-3 sessions. You will notice how hair loss is rapidly decreasing, and new healthy hair is formed in place of the parting or “bald patches”.

Along with the general strengthening and stimulating effect, clients of the Professional Cosmetology salon also note the gradual disappearance of dandruff and the normalization of sebum secretion. Hair remains clean and silky longer, getting rid of the unpleasant “greasy” shine.

Scalp Mesotherapy – Before/After Photos

If you have thin and weak hair, have serious problems with dandruff, itchy scalp, hair loss, then we recommend that you undergo scalp mesotherapy at SkinLazerMed. After consulting with a trichologist and determining an accurate diagnosis, you can begin treatment. You can make an appointment by calling +7 (812) 317-78-21. Consultation on the day of the procedure is free!

Contraindications to mesotherapy

  • Skin diseases
  • Gallstones
  • Diseases of the hematopoietic system
  • Infections of a bacterial or infectious nature
  • Diabetes
  • Oncology
  • Allergy to the composition of meso-cocktails
  • CNS pathologies and mental disorders
  • Breastfeeding and pregnancy
  • Chronic diseases in the acute stage

To assess the safety of mesotherapy in your case, come for a consultation with our trichologist at any of the clinics in the 9.09 network.

Mesotherapy of face and body

  • Procedure time:
    15-30 minutes
  • Procedures in course:
    3-7 procedures, 1 time per week
  • Cost of 1 procedure:
    from 2000 rub.

Mesotherapy is a technique that is based on the introduction of a drug into the skin or subcutaneous fat of the problem area.

This procedure can be injection and without traumatizing the skin, for example, laser phoresis. Injections of microdoses of special therapeutic cocktails are carried out to a depth of 1 to 12 mm, with the finest needles and at different angles to the surface of the skin. The composition of the drugs is selected by the doctor depending on the aesthetic problem or illness of the patient. If deep injection is required, then before the procedure, an anesthetic cream is first applied to the skin for 15 minutes.

Mesocotails contain the following components:

✔️ synthesized drugs (for example, hyaluronic acid); ✔️ plant extracts; ✔️ animal products (for example, collagen and elastin); ✔️ vitamins and antioxidants. Vitamins of groups A, B, C, E, P are often used; ✔️ minerals - zinc, silicon, phosphorus, selenium and chemical salts of other minerals are used to solve various skin problems; ✔️ organic acids - pyruvic and glycolic acids; ✔️ medicinal substances according to individual parameters.


For safety reasons, an allergy test is performed before mesotherapy. An injection of the selected drug is made intradermally in the forearm area and assessed after 24 hours. As a result, there should be no redness or itching at the injection site. This helps to eliminate individual intolerance to the drug. The procedure itself begins with thorough cleansing of the skin. If necessary, anesthesia is given. Once the drug for administration is ready, the doctor begins to inject in a certain way, along the lymphatic and blood vessels. The procedure takes from 15 minutes to 30 minutes.

The drug, as well as the regimen for its use, is prescribed individually by the doctor during a consultation.

Mesotherapy results

This technique allows the doctor to introduce the necessary elements into the problem area and “deliver” the drug directly to the mesoderm. Local blood supply improves; Metabolism is restored; Fat cells are broken down (injection lipolysis); Cell renewal is stimulated.

Recommended for the treatment of cellulite, stretch marks, wrinkles, acne, for hair treatment, as well as for the purpose of preparation and rehabilitation after surgery, chemical and mechanical peeling, laser skin resurfacing.


Alopecia (hair loss) Smoothing of skin texture Oily skin Correction of body contours, cellulite Cuperosis Reconstructive rejuvenation of the dorsum of the hands Acne (acne)


Skin diseases Allegory to drugs Pregnancy Lactation ARVI Impaired blood clotting as a result of disease (hemophilia), as well as with the use of anticoagulants.

Prices for mesotherapy

Procedure codeName of servicePrice, rub.)
A11.01.012MESOLINE (Mezoline), 1 ml2000
MESOLINE (Mezoline), 1 bottle4500
NucleoSpire, Mesopharm (Nukleospair, Mesopharm), 1 ml2500
Hair X, Mesopharm (Hair X, Mesopharm)2500
Hydro Line, Mesopharm (Hydro Line, Mesopharm), 1ml2500

Mesotherapy KurskMesococktailHair mesotherapy Facial mesotherapy


We are waiting for you in our “ViAnta”!


Administrator 05/04/2019 14:34 Hello, Victoria!
That’s right, the doctor examines your skin during a free consultation, prescribes a mesococktail and a regimen of use. You can make an appointment by phone. 306-036 Victoria 05/02/2019 1:29 pm Hello, I heard that mesotherapy is used for oily acne-prone skin, is this true?

Oksana 08/02/2018 20:46 Karina correctly noted what I wanted to say. Only now I’m also taking vitamins at the same time, and I want to point out that my hair has never been better. I thought that this only happens in advertising... I’m glad that I came to you for a consultation and subsequently for a course of mesotherapy for hair..

Arina 05/30/2018 21:21 Tell me, is it possible to do mesotherapy in the summer? Are there any side effects?

Olga_S 10/31/2017 12:35 Hello, last year I took a course of injection biorevitalization, this year I decided to try mesotherapy for the face. Now I can compare. The effect of biorevitalization was more pronounced in terms of elasticity and density of the skin, it became more saturated, restoration and maintenance of a youthful appearance is underway, but with mesotherapy it turned out a little differently, here it revealed a softer effect, as if aimed more at a healthy appearance and maintaining youth, I think it’s better to use biorevitalization after 25, but mesotherapy “for prevention” can be done after 20 (I’m 27). Bottom line: I’m happy with both, but next time I’ll do biorevitalization, just a different drug

Karina 03/28/2016 15:27 Thank you for the mesotherapy! This is exactly what was needed! Hair loss problem solved. I followed all the cosmetologist’s recommendations and noticed that even the hair structure had changed, becoming more vibrant and dense. I’m more than happy with the choice of trichologist; if I force myself to take care of my face, I’ll only go to Tatyana Valentinovna.

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Efficiency of the procedure

The advantages of mesotherapy include high efficiency, absence of pain and a minimal percentage of complications. The procedure is suitable for all ages and can be combined with other treatment methods. The cocktails used penetrate deeply into the subcutaneous layer and make hair healthier. After their use, sebum secretion is normalized and dandruff stops appearing.

Mesotherapy helps:

  1. Improve hair structure and blood flow.
  2. Make hair follicles stronger.
  3. Stimulate hair growth.

After the treatment course, the hair becomes thick and shiny. This technique is very popular due to its affordable price and effectiveness.

Restrictions on carrying out

Like any other cosmetic procedure, mesotherapy has a number of contraindications. It is recommended to postpone it in the following cases:

  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • menstruation;
  • malignant tumors;
  • diseases of the hematopoietic system;
  • fever;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • individual intolerance;
  • skin rashes or inflammation in the injection area.

Before the procedure, the cosmetologist conducts an examination and clarifies the presence of contraindications. The specialist also finds out about allergies and health conditions, provides recommendations that will help avoid side effects and recover as quickly as possible.

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