Collagen for women is the first assistant in the fight against wrinkles

What is collagen

Collagen is an important element of connective tissue. It is a thread-like protein that is produced by fibroblasts, special cells of the epidermis. Outwardly, it resembles a chain woven from three strong elastic fibers and makes up up to 80% of the total protein composition of the dermis.

Collagen fibers are present in the connective tissue of humans, animals and fish. It consists of 19 amino acids, but for the formation of correct peptide bonds, the three most important are glycine, lysine and proline.

There are many different types of collagen (28 in total), and they differ in amino acid composition. Cosmetologists have determined which collagen is best for the skin, these include:

  • Type I – makes up up to 85% of all collagen in the epidermis. It is resilient, durable and elastic.
  • Type III – makes the skin soft and tender, responsible for the healing processes of wounds and scratches. This is what is found most in the dermis of children and adolescents; with age, its percentage decreases.

Collagen fibers in the skin form a kind of mesh structure. This mesh does not stretch, but can bend.


Many people are interested in the age at which a collagen mask can be used. Depending on the condition of your skin and lifestyle, you can start at 25 or 30, the optimal age is from 40, then the effect is best noticeable. It is not recommended to use the product before the age of 20, when the body itself copes well with its regenerative function.

At home, it is best to use the product externally. For example, by applying natural products. The simplest recipe is to smear your face with goat or badger fat. They contain many amino acids and molecules that mimic the structure of collagen. You can use the masks every day, keep them on the skin for 30-40 minutes, do not rinse them off, but wash them with a paper napkin.

Photos - before and after collagen

The most expensive natural analogue of human collagen is shark oil. In the white shark, scientists have discovered huge reserves of various fats and acids responsible for regenerative processes.

An incredibly effective (but also expensive) white caviar mask with collagen for the face. This product contains B vitamins, omega fatty acids and coenzyme Q10. You need to apply the eggs to cleansed and pre-steamed facial skin, leave for 30 minutes, remove with a soft towel, without washing.

A good and cheap collagen mask is obtained by mixing warm goat milk with white clay. Kaolin will have a lifting effect, while goat fats can fill the gaps between the cells of the epidermis. Combine the ingredients in equal parts and apply to the face, do not rinse until it hardens. For tightening, apply three times a week.

Why do you need collagen?

The intercellular mesh matrix of collagen fibers performs many functions for facial skin:

  • creates conditions for full interaction of cells with each other, improves the effectiveness of other ingredients;
  • serves as a connecting link, natural glue (translated from Greek, the word “collagen” means kolla – “glue”, gen – “to create”);
  • forms a strong frame for fabrics;
  • accelerates metabolic processes in the epithelium, promotes tissue regeneration;
  • regulates water-salt metabolism.

In youth, collagen synthesis occurs actively, but over the years the production and quantity in tissues decreases. Enzymes that destroy collagen fibers are activated. This cannot but affect the condition of the skin - it loses firmness and elasticity, becomes more flabby, the shape and proportions of the oval of the face change, and wrinkles appear.

But not only aging negatively affects the production of collagen fibers. It also decreases under the influence of other external unfavorable factors - exposure to ultraviolet rays, smoking and excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages, vitamin deficiency, stress, poor nutrition and insufficient sleep.

Collagen in facial cosmetics helps eliminate visible signs of skin aging, tighten the oval and improve complexion.

Old age is not a joy

After 25 years, many women begin to notice disappointing and irreversible changes in themselves - the shape of the face changes, features become sharper, and the first wrinkles . For some it manifests itself more slowly, for others earlier and faster. However, after some time, it is not yesterday’s university graduate who looks at us in the reflection, but an adult woman. This, of course, has its advantages, but almost everyone wants to look younger than their age and for as long as possible.

Once, passing by the mirror in the hallway, I took a fleeting glance at myself and realized: my neck and face shape were not very good. And how could I not notice this, because the changes did not appear yesterday! After five minutes of panic, I admitted that the years would not pass me by, no matter how much I resisted them and closed my eyes. This means you need to accept the problem and take action . And, of course, I went to the Internet to find out how to help myself now, when you are 30 or a little younger, and youth is no longer something basic and taken for granted. Now it needs to be achieved, protected and preserved!

What foods contain collagen?

Proper nutrition will help maintain the required level of collagen fibers in the body. To do this, you need to include foods rich in different types of proteins in your diet every day. When entering the body, proteins are broken down by enzymes into amino acids and peptides, from which collagen fibers are built.

It is also recommended to eat fruits, berries and vegetables, as well as nuts and seeds. Although they do not contain collagen, they contain vitamins and amino acids that are needed to build collagen chains. Eat more citrus fruits, greens, black currants, carrots, broccoli.

Collagen content in food

Vitamins and Nutrients to Promote Collagen Production What products contain
Squirrels Turkey and chicken, bone broth, fish and seafood, beef, chicken protein
Vitamin C Brussels sprouts, citrus fruits, dill, lettuce, kiwi
Zinc Fish and seafood, chicken, rabbit meat, eggs, beans, nuts, buckwheat
Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids Fatty fish, flaxseed oil, camelina oil, fish oil
Amino acids Meat, fish and seafood, legumes, apples, soybeans

A couple more useful points

Finally, I want to share a few important tips that will help avoid premature decrepitness and loss of tone:

  • Do not exclude protein from your diet and generally be careful about any diets;
  • Eat more natural fresh food : cereals, vegetables, fruits;
  • Drink enough clean water;
  • Do not neglect to use creams with sunscreen filters even in winter;
  • Be less nervous and sleep well;
  • Move more;
  • Nourish and moisturize the epidermis, especially in the summer.

The tips listed will help you stay in good shape longer. Tell me, what do you make of this? What's your recipe for staying fresh? Share your life hacks and secrets, very interesting!

Types of collagen

The following types of collagen are used in cosmetics:

  • Animal - wool, horns, hooves, large bones, and skin of animals (pigs, cows, sheep) are used for its production. This is an accessible, inexpensive protein; its production does not require complex technologies. Its molecules are large and cannot penetrate deep into the subcutaneous layers.
  • Marine - fins, skin, ridges, and fish scales are used as raw materials. It is close in structure to human collagen, which is why marine collagen is the most effective in cosmetics. However, allergic reactions may occur to it. The technology for extracting marine collagen is complex; it is also capricious in storage; special conditions must be observed. Therefore, the cost of such a product is higher.

On cosmetic product labels, the presence of collagen can be determined by the following names:

  • Collagen is a complete molecule with a complex amino acid composition;
  • Hydrolyzed Collagen – hydrolyzed collagen, split into low-mass molecules;
  • Soluble Collagen – soluble animal protein that has retained its structure;
  • Atellocollagen – collagen peptides obtained from fish have high bioactivity.

If you see plant collagen in cosmetics, this name is not entirely correct. They are actually individual amino acids derived from algae and wheat. Such products moisturize the skin well, they can be actively used, but they do not have collagen properties.

Facial collagen in cosmetics

Collagen in cosmetics is often found in skin care products - serums, masks, creams. Even though collagen molecules are large and cannot penetrate deep into the epidermal barrier, they also work well on the surface:

  • moisturize, form a moisture-retaining layer;
  • smooth the skin, accelerate regeneration processes;
  • enhance the effect of other components of the cosmetic product - vegetable oils and extracts;
  • have a lifting effect, tightening the oval of the face.

Cosmetic collagen works quickly and effectively. Use it regularly and your skin will become pleasant to the touch, soft, velvety and toned.

Collagen based masks

Among the collagen masks you can find fabric, gel and jelly-like ones, as well as in the form of dried collagen powder, which dissolves in water before use. These are excellent express products that will help quickly remove the effect of dryness, improve complexion and visually remove wrinkles.

A few examples of such masks:

  • 3W Clinic Fresh Collagen Mask Sheet - a fabric mask with collagen impregnation additionally contains hyaluronic acid, allantoin and betaine, fills tissues with moisture, accelerates recovery processes, prevents and eliminates sagging.
    3W Clinic Fresh Collagen Mask Sheet
  • Anskin Original Collagen Modeling Mask is an alginate mask that must be dissolved in water and spread on the face before use.
    After drying, it is removed in a single sheet. Anskin Original Collagen Modeling Mask
  • Mizon Collagen Eye Gel Patch – hydrogel patches for skin care under the eyes.
    Relieves puffiness, fills wrinkles, removes dark circles under the eyes. In addition to collagen, they contain extracts of red seaweed, Sophora japonica and snail mucin. Mizon Collagen Eye Gel Patch

Creams with collagen

Manufacturers often add Collagen to anti-aging products. It effectively fights wrinkles and, due to its ability to increase in volume, fills voids. Korean manufacturers have a lot of such creams, for example:

  • 3W Clinic Collagen Whitening Cream - the cream contains marine collagen, hyaluronic acid, niacinamide and vitamin E. All these components purposefully act on skin rejuvenation, moisturize, and normalize metabolic processes.
    3W Clinic Collagen Whitening Cream
  • Mizon Collagen Power Lifting Cream is an effective cream with a lifting effect for mature skin.
    The rich composition of the cream with additional components - hyaluronic acid, adenosine and plant extracts, has an anti-inflammatory, tonic effect, and prevents dehydration. Mizon Collagen Power Lifting Cream
  • THE SAEM CARE PLUS Baobab Collagen Cream is an excellent anti-aging cream that slows down the aging process.
    Suitable for all skin types, including sensitive and irritated. Quickly eliminates both dryness and flaking, as well as inflammation, itching and redness. THE SAEM CARE PLUS Baobab Collagen Cream

Serums with collagen

South Korean collagen serums are a real breakthrough in cosmetology. They help to quickly revive fading dermis, restore optimal protein levels and slow down the aging process. We recommend trying the following serums:

  • FarmStay Collagen&Hyaluronic Acid All-In-One Ampoule – contains hydrolyzed Collagen, hyaluronic acid, niacinamine and adenosine.
    It also contains a rich plant complex - witch hazel, licorice root, algae, jojoba. Women love this serum most of all because it visibly tightens the contours of their faces. FarmStay Collagen&Hyaluronic Acid All-In-One Ampoule
  • Mizon Collagen - a concentrated composition with marine collagen and peptide complex, hyaluronic acid, maximally moisturizes and protects the skin from dehydration, tightens and strengthens the frame.
    Mizon Collagen

Collagen rightfully ranks first in the list of beauty ingredients. It gives good hydration and a lifting effect, but it does not affect the synthesis of its own protein. If you stop taking care, the problem of skin aging will not disappear, since you need to use collagen on your face regularly.

Review of top cosmetics

Top collagen products are determined by analyzing purchases of such cosmetics in online stores Lunifera, Aliexpress, Tiu and other trading platforms. Therefore, lists for the same period of the year often differ.

Top 5 facial cosmetics with collagen:

Cream Serum Mask Gel
Elastin collagen (Christina) Collagen 100 Ample (Mizon) Collagen & Vine Crystal Facial Mask Collagen 3-D Expres Protect (Medical)
Collagen 4-D technology (Lirene) Collagen snail serum + elastin + mangosteen (Nature Republic) Collagen Modeling Mask (La Miso, Lindsay) For modeling the oval face Collagen Active 35+ (TianDe)
Rejuvenating (Libriderm) Spray activator Hyaluronic acid and collagen (Italy) “Red caviar” for face and neck (Dizao) Collagen Ultra (Russia)
Collagen cream mousse (Merz Spezial) Power 10 Formula CO Effector (It's Skin) Collagen with shark oil (Ninelle) Gel No. 1 Fase & Nesk (Baltic Collagen)
Collagen Express lifting 3D (Medical Collagene 3D) Collagen & Hyaluronic Acid All-In-One Ampou (Farm Stay) Collagen Skin Radiance (Skinlite) Thai golden gel Darawadee for face and eyelids (Thailand)

Before initial use, it is recommended to do a sensitivity test, especially if you are using a mask/serum/face cream with marine Collagen. Fish protein is the most allergenic, followed by animal protein, and phytocollagen is the least likely to cause an undesirable reaction.

Important points:

  • products with collagen for facial skin can be applied to the décolleté and neck;
  • The structure of collagen facial products is not suitable for the skin of the eyelids and lips (there will be no result);
  • products should be applied to thoroughly cleansed skin;
  • Before applying collagen cosmeceuticals, the skin must be saturated with moisture (the face is irrigated with thermal water and allowed to dry on its own);
  • Collagen cosmetics are allowed to be used continuously for no longer than 60 days;
  • the minimum break between courses of using collagen products lasts at least 30 days.

Before use, or better yet before purchasing, you need to study the contraindications of the cosmeceutical drug. The products cannot be used for exacerbation of dermatological diseases, furunculosis, acne, skin damage and individual intolerance to the components of the composition.

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