Dysport: parting with expression wrinkles

  1. About Dysport
  2. Compound
  3. Dosage
  4. Indications for use
  5. Contraindications - who is not suitable for the procedure?
  6. Effect

Lively facial expressions give a person special charm and attractiveness. But everything comes at a price, and people with mobile faces usually experience the appearance of wrinkles and folds in their skin early on. Preparations based on botulinum toxin, for example, Dysport, will help cope with such defects.

Indications for Dysport injections

  • wrinkles on the forehead
  • wrinkles between the eyebrows
  • crow's feet wrinkles that appear near the eyes
  • vertical wrinkles on the upper lip
  • excessive sweating (hyperhidrosis)
  • correction of facial asymmetry

Anti-aging injections Dysport (Disport) is a procedure that will allow you to forget about these inconveniences for a long time! The drug is based on botulinum toxin type A, which blocks the movement of the nerve impulse that provokes muscle contraction. As a result of the injections, the muscles of the corrected area relax, and the conductivity of the facial muscles is limited. The botulinum toxin content is low and is completely eliminated from the body.

What drugs do we work with?

One of the drugs used by our specialists is Juvedem, which contains hyaluronic acid.
It is used to eliminate wrinkles of medium depth, as well as pronounced skin folds in the area of ​​the nasolabial triangle. The second drug is called Belotero Balance, the active component of which is hyaluronic acid. It also contains a local anesthetic - lidocaine, which makes the administration of the drug completely painless.


About the procedure:

Prices for Dysport in Moscow

  • Botox. Dysport. Xeomin / Hyperhidrosis / Full face Read the terms of the promotion
    Name of servicePromotion price, rub.price, rub.
    Botox/ unit410
    Full Face using botulinum toxins28 10037 500
    Correction of hyperhidrosis/500 units30 55035 950
    Correction of hyperhidrosis/ 400 units30 950

    Make an appointment

  • Consultations and doctor appointments
    Name of serviceSpecialist. price, rub. price, rub.
    Initial consultation with a dermatocosmetologist / 30 minutes1 950*
    Consultation with a dermatocosmetologist / up to 60 minutes3 500
    Consultation with a physiotherapist / 30 minFOR FREE1 950
    Initial appointment with a dermatovenerologist2 900
    Initial appointment with a dermatovenerologist/trichologist (including trichoscopy)3 500
    Repeated appointment with a dermatovenerologist/trichologist (without trichoscopy)1 500
    Repeated trichoscopy1 250

    * Consultation is included in payment for procedures on the day of treatment or within 7 days!
    Make an appointment

Cost of the procedure

Botulinum toxin
Name of the drug Code: A11. 02.002 Price
Dysport / France / (1 unit)150₽
Relatox / Russia / (1 unit)290₽
Botox / USA / (1 unit)380₽
Name of the drug Code: A16.01.026Price
JUVEDERM ULTRA 3 (juvederm 3) /France/ (1.0 ml)17 000₽
JUVEDERM ULTRA 4 (juvederm 4) /France/ (1.0 ml)18 500₽
NEAUVIA ORGANIC INTENSE /Italy/ (1.0ml)17 000₽
NEAUVIA ORGANIC STIMULATE /Italy/ (1.0ml)17 500₽
Belotero Balance (belotero) /Switzerland/ (1.0 ml)18 500₽

Why clients choose Telos Beauty Prof clinic

  • The Expert Cosmetology Clinic has valued its impeccable reputation since 2009!
  • Our doctors have developed proprietary programs to effectively solve even complex problems.
  • Specialists will never perform a procedure if it is not indicated for you.
  • We attach great importance to your safety and compliance with sanitary standards. Checko systems control the microclimate in the clinic premises.
  • We carefully select our staff; the procedure is performed only by cosmetologists.
  • We use only original drugs and equipment to ensure that the procedure is as safe and accurate as possible.
  • We have our own parking, no need to waste time looking for a space on neighboring streets.
  • We have done everything possible to ensure that you are surrounded by love and care from the doorstep!

Purse-string wrinkles

Wrinkles in the area around the lips begin to appear very early because the skin of the lower third of the face has practically no sebaceous glands that protect it from the adverse effects of the environment.
In addition, there are a very large number of facial muscles around the mouth. It is very difficult to achieve the desired rejuvenation effect if you use only homemade cosmetics. That is why, when the first signs of their manifestation occur, you need to order a call back or independently contact the specialists of our cosmetology clinic.


How to give Dysport injections at Telos Beauty Prof

  • During the consultation, the doctor diagnoses facial expressions and determines the dosage and method of administering the drug.
  • The doctor thoroughly cleanses the skin and prepares for injection
  • The drug is injected under the skin using a thin needle
  • The procedure does not require pain relief and lasts a few minutes.
  • The result can be noticed already on the second or third day after the procedure, the maximum effect will appear after two weeks
  • The patient cannot wrinkle his forehead or squint, which helps the wrinkles disappear
  • The aesthetic effect lasts for approximately 4-6 months
  • You must stop drinking alcohol for 7-10 days
  • Immediately after injections, do not touch the injection sites
  • It is contraindicated to exercise or take antibiotics.
  • You must avoid visiting the sauna or steam bath for a week.

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Positive effects of Dysport, how long will it last?

The first results can be seen in a few days. You will suddenly look more youthful, your skin will be smoother, and you will be more comfortable looking at yourself in the mirror. The effect of the injection will last about five to seven months. After the effect

It started to get worse from the injections, the manipulations need to be repeated. Dysport does not cause addiction and muscle atrophy is excluded. If you want to return your muscles to their former activity, return their condition to the previous level, then you just need to wait a little, the effect will disappear after a while on its own.

However, even if you stop taking the drug, some of the wrinkles will still go away, the skin will be renewed, and the oval of the face will become clearer and more youthful. What is this connected with? This happens because while your muscles are under the influence of the drug, you lose the habit of frowning and lose excessive emotionality. Therefore, the condition of your skin will be good, even if you do not want to carry out manipulations again. In addition, the general condition of the body will improve, since headaches and migraines can occur due to excessive expression of emotions.

Before and After Results

The many years of experience of the doctors at the Telos Beauty Prof expert cosmetology clinic allows us to guarantee 100% safety and maximum effect from the procedures.

If you want to get rid of wrinkles, leave a request in the feedback form on our website. Administrators will call you back within 10 minutes.


Lip relaxation with botulinum toxin

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Contraindications - who is not suitable for the procedure?

You will have to avoid Dysport injections:

  • Pregnant and lactating;
  • Having bleeding disorders;
  • Suffering from autoimmune diseases or cancer;
  • In case of individual intolerance to the ingredients included in the product.

Approximately 1% of people are immune to botulinum toxin. Unfortunately, it is impossible to predict in advance whether there will be a result. However, if in the past you have injected any drug based on botulinum toxin, and they did not work on you, then we can assume that this method of preserving youth is not suitable for you.

Dysport - invention and use of neurotoxin

Dysport is a product of animal origin, it is a specific toxin that is produced by a real-life bacterium - botulinum. Do not be afraid that these same bacteria are the causative agents of the development of botulism in the human body during poisoning. Firstly, the neurotoxin used in cosmetology has a low concentration, secondly, it is purified and injected into the muscles, and thirdly, it is guaranteed to be safe.

Botulinum toxin, weakened and purified, is a drug. Its specific property is that the effect is directed on the facial muscles, and not on the surface of the skin. Therefore, the result of Dysport is more stable and noticeable than cosmetic products. It blocks the electrical signals sent by the brain to the facial muscles, resulting in relaxation of the facial muscles that are usually tense. The safety of using Dysport has been confirmed in many countries around the world, and in almost 60 countries it is used in cosmetology and medicine.

Dysport has been known for decades. Animals were treated with it back in the 70s. In the 80s, the drug was used to eliminate strabismus in people. Almost immediately, the substance began to be used to treat neurological diseases. Numerous studies have proven its safety. After weighing this fact, as well as the effectiveness of the drug, the American government authorized the use of the neurotoxin in medicine in 1989. The 90s became the era of the use of Dysport in cosmetology. The impetus for this was the fact that doctors noticed that the drug has not only a healing effect, but also a rejuvenating effect and smoothes out wrinkles.

Dysport is a modern version of Botox; they are based on the same substance, but in different doses. Since 2002, the drug has been recognized as an effective cosmetology product.

In addition to cosmetology, Dysport is used in other medical fields: to get rid of headaches, restore vocal cords, treat spasms in the eyelids, eliminate excessive sweating in the armpits, palms, and feet. Dysport is also actively used in ophthalmology (for the treatment of strabismus and other pathologies), as well as in neurology, for example, to eliminate torticollis and other ailments, the nature of which is a violation of the tone of certain muscles. Dysport is approved for use in the treatment of children, including for the prevention of complications of cerebral palsy, which once again confirms the safety of this substance.

Features of the procedure

Correction of vertical wrinkles above the upper lip is carried out by a qualified specialist under sterile conditions. After the procedure of skin cleansing and disinfection using a syringe with a thin needle, the product is injected subcutaneously or intradermally into the desired places on the face. The duration of the procedure is 15-30 minutes. In most cases, to achieve the desired result, the procedure is carried out once.

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