Dysport: botulinum toxin type A to correct age-related changes

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The anaerobic bacteria Clostridium botulinum produces a neurotoxin. A-hemagglutinin type neurotoxin, commonly called botulinum toxin, is used in cosmetology to smooth out facial wrinkles. This is due to the fact that botulinum toxin drugs have the ability to block the processes that ensure neuromuscular transmission.

Correction of crow's feet in the corners of the eyes, photos before and after the procedure

Our clinic primarily uses the drug Dysport. Dysport is often compared to Botox, since these drugs are most often used in cosmetology. The difference lies in the country of origin (Dysport - France, Ipsen / Botox - USA, Allergan). Back in 1996, the authoritative journal Journal of American Academy of Dermatology published the results of large-scale clinical studies showing the absence of a statistically significant difference in the clinical effectiveness, duration and side effects of both drugs. The number of units of Dysport is always administered more than the units of Botox, this is explained by their different activity.

“As a result of the administration of botulinum toxin, a break in the nerve innervation of the muscles and blocking the functioning of the exocrine glands is replaced by the process of restoring the impaired innervation due to the regrowth of the lateral processes of the nerve terminals of the axon endings. Accordingly, 5 months after the procedure, muscle contractions in the area of ​​facial wrinkles will be restored, and after 7 months, the blockage of postganglionic sympathetic nerves in the treatment of hyperhidrosis will end.”

How is the procedure done with DISPORT?

Forehead correction with Dysport before and after the procedure

During the diagnosis and analysis of the patient’s specific wishes, the doctor pays special attention to anatomical features and certain facial movements, which make it possible to determine how mobile and expressed the client’s facial muscles are, and, having predicted the results of the changes, proceeds with injections.

A prerequisite for the procedure is to inform the patient about the potential effects of botulinum toxin administration. The patient provides written consent for the injection; then, based on preliminary studies and taking into account the client’s wishes, the doctor marks the injection zones.

To ensure complete patient safety, injections are performed with disposable insulin syringes with non-removable needles. Injections into the muscle are made quite deeply, but due to the characteristics of drugs based on botulinum toxin, the injections are completely painless. After administering the drug, the injection points are quickly treated with an antiseptic, then ice is applied for 10 minutes. The total time of the entire procedure usually does not exceed 15 minutes. The advantage of this procedure is that there is no recovery period. DYSPORT injections, it is recommended to exclude:

Correction of wrinkles in the eye area with Dysport

In our clinic we use the drug DYSPORT (DYSPORT) - this is a local muscle relaxant, which is a purified neurotoxin complex of botulinum toxin type A. It has high diffusion compared to other drugs due to its lower molecular weight. Often used to treat hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating). The drug is supplied to the clinic in powder form and must be diluted in saline. The concentration of the drug is determined by the doctor and depends on the recommendations of the manufacturers and the physical condition of the patient.

After injections, the patient must maintain an upright position for 4 hours. You cannot touch your face, visit a bathhouse or sauna, or sleep with your face in a pillow. The lifting effect occurs already 5-6 days after the injections, which only increases over time and reaches its maximum after 10-15 days. It is during this period that you should see a doctor so that he can evaluate the result obtained and, if necessary, make corrections. The result of botulinum therapy lasts on average from 4 to 6 months.

During the day you should not:

  • head and body tilts
  • lifting weights
  • massage in the injection area
  • drinking alcohol

For two weeks you should not:

  • staying in an environment characterized by high temperatures (saunas, solariums, beaches)
  • hot compresses
  • taking antibiotics

What is the difference between the drugs

Botox is produced by ALLERGAN (USA), Dysport is produced by IPSEN (France).

The action of both drugs is based on the ability of purified botulinum toxin type A to block the impulse emanating from the nerve fiber to the facial muscle. The main difference between them is the molecular weight of the drugs, which affects the degree of diffusion into tissue. Cosmetologists equate one unit of Botox to 4 units of Dysport.

Cosmetologists at the Medial clinic have been trained under the programs of manufacturing companies, trained in European clinics and have extensive experience working with Botox and Dysport preparations.

Contraindications to the use of Dysport

  • hypersensitivity to the drug
  • myasthenia gravis (excessive fatigue of striated muscles) and myasthenic-like syndromes
  • soft tissue infections in injection areas
  • taking aminoglycosides, spectinomycin, relanium, anticoagulants, baclofen, antiplatelet agents
  • pregnancy
  • lactation
  • age up to 2 years
  • generalized movement disorders
  • bleeding disorders
  • exacerbation of herpes
  • hemophilia
  • chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases
  • renal or liver failure

Dysport injections are successfully used to smooth out deep wrinkles. Due to the relaxation of active muscles, the skin becomes smoother. By systematically repeating the procedure (the number and period are set by the doctor), deep folds are neutralized and the formation of new ones is prevented. The maximum positive effect can be achieved through the combined use of Dysport with chemical peeling, biorevitalization, and contouring.

Recommendations before Dysport injections

Our main recommendation is to carry out manipulations in a specialized clinic. A reliable clinic is a guarantee of safety and effect. This strict rule applies to all serious cosmetic procedures, especially those involving injections. During your consultation, a specialist will examine your skin and tell you about the procedure. His task is to tell you in as much detail as possible about the nuances of Dysport and how long it takes to see the effect. Reviews from our patients and everyone who has tried the miraculous injections speak of a variety of positive changes. After injections:

  • skin condition improves, fine wrinkles disappear;
  • large ones are noticeably smoothed out;
  • you look younger and fresher;
  • skin turgor is strengthened,
  • facial contours are noticeably tightened;
  • the smile changes.

All this once again proves that the effect extends not only to the injection area, but also affects neighboring muscles, since Dysport blocks nerve impulses. Injections in the eye area require special care from a specialist. Dysport allows you to preserve the elasticity of the upper eyelid, but in this case the qualifications and professionalism of the cosmetologist are of great importance, since this area requires increased attention. A cosmetologist who has experience in competently carrying out the procedure and understands the nuances will accurately determine the injection site, measure the amount of the injected drug and the number of injections. A few injections are enough to introduce the toxin. The manipulations will take a few minutes to completely relax the muscle processes.

About the advantages

Photos after Dysport injections demonstrate all the visual anti-aging effects. But I would like to separately mention the unobvious advantages of the drug.

  • noticeable effect: appears quickly, lasts a long time;
  • using the drug in compliance with all the rules of the procedure, strictly according to the instructions, guarantees safety and the absence of negative effects on health;
  • almost painless (can be numbed), the needle is thin;
  • price;
  • There is no feeling of a hardened mask on the face, you can express emotions through facial expressions.

But you should not abuse the latter advantage in order to prolong the effect of Dysport injections. We recommend saving a photo of the packaging of the composition so that you can show it to a specialist before a repeat series of sessions, in case you do injections in another clinic.

We want to maintain skin tone for as long as possible. This is facilitated by both basic procedures and care, as well as maintaining the effect after Dysport injections. Don't forget to cleanse your skin, remove oil and dust that covers your face during the day, and remove makeup. Try to moisturize it regularly, do massages and masks. By the way, “Dysport” can be combined with other procedures, then the result will please you much longer. For example, you can inject fillers and do biorevitalization. But not earlier than in 2 weeks.

Effect and required number of procedures

The muscle relaxant effect appears a few days after injection of the drug. Impact at the cellular level is provided for:

  • endocrine glands and skin - after 1-5 days;
  • limbs, neck and large muscles - from one to two weeks;
  • face, hands and laryngeal muscles - after 2-7 days.

But in practice, personal deviations from the norm are also observed. Often after injections there is an immediate effect. But a four-week delay is also possible. Reinnervation appears a couple of months after the procedure. This is a guarantee of 100% restoration of muscle contractions within 4-6 months. The effect of Dysport injections may last longer. There are cases when the period reached one year. The individual characteristics of patients play a large role in this matter. Numerous studies in the field of histology show that even several dozen repetitions of injections into one muscle group do not lead to atrophy.

Wide range of compositions. What to choose?

Before releasing the drugs to the wide market, specialists meticulously tested Botox and Dysport. How long the effect lasts and how it occurs became clear after a detailed study of the properties of botulinum toxin and analysis of the results. True, this took more than one year. The history of compositions, the search for ideal components, testing side effects and the effect on different skin types - the toxin has come a long way to turn from a nerve poison into the main trump card of modern cosmetology (it is no coincidence that during the Second World War it was even considered a component of bacteriological weapons).

Dysport and Botox have many analogues. For example, Lantox and Xeomin. They are based on botulinum toxin type A (there is also B). They affect the release of acetylcholine in our body, significantly slowing down and reducing this process. This is an organic compound that is responsible for neuromuscular activity. In fact, this is the main answer to the question why Botox and Dysport became popular and how long the effect lasts.

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Complications that may occur

After administration of Dysport, undesirable local reactions may occur. These include:

  • painful sensations in the injection area - may last no more than a day;
  • microscopic hematomas - last no longer than a week;
  • lacrimation (very rare);
  • ptosis (15% of cases are associated with treatment of blepharospasms);
  • rarely, eversion of the eyelids;
  • inflammatory processes on the ocular cornea;
  • systemic reactions that manifest themselves in general weakness of the body, falls - when using large doses of Dysport. They are stored for seven days.

Within thirty days from the date of the procedure, all of the listed side effects disappear on their own. Therapeutic effects and intervention of medical specialists are not required. Therefore, Dysport injections are popular in the beauty industry and aesthetic sphere.

What side effects can occur after the administration of Dysport?

Side effects with the correct technique of performing the procedure are practically eliminated. Therefore, it is very important for the patient to understand that injections should only be performed by a doctor with knowledge of the anatomy of facial muscles. Possible complications are not associated with Dysport itself, but with the wrong method and site of administration, inadequate dose, or failure to maintain sterility. It should be remembered that all complications are reversible. Possible drooping of the upper eyelid and eyebrows, double vision, and swelling of the eyelids.

Local side effects can be expressed in the form of pain, the formation of microhematomas at the injection site, headaches, which go away on their own within a week.

Cost of Dysport injection at D. Grishkyan’s clinic in Moscow

Dysport injections cost

Procedure namePrices
Dysport - 1 unit.150
Injections of the drug Dysport in the area between the eyebrows4000
Injections of the drug Dysport in the forehead area2500
Correction of the periorbital zone with Dysport2500
Correction of the perioral zone with Dysport900
Correction of the nasal bridge with Dysport900
Chin correction with Dysport900
Treatment of palm hyperhidrosis with Dysport26000
Treatment of foot hyperhidrosis with Dysport35000
1 bottle of Dysport (500 units) one-time administration38000

Restrictions and contraindications

Before Dysport injections, you must consult with a specialist who will give an opinion on the use of the drug and conduct tests to identify existing diseases and pathologies of the body.
This is necessary in order to make a decision about using the drug. Relative contraindications include:

  • Pregnancy and breastfeeding period.
  • Exacerbation of chronic diseases, acute diseases.
  • Skin lesions in the area of ​​drug administration.

Absolute contraindications:

  • Allergic reactions to the components of the drug.
  • Some cardiovascular pathologies.
  • Autoimmune neuromuscular diseases.
  • Respiratory failure.
  • Swallowing dysfunction.
  • Some endocrine diseases.

Botulinum toxin injections are most effective for facial wrinkles. After 35 years, age-related changes in the structure of the skin begin, the intensity of collagen production decreases, tissue microcirculation worsens, and regenerative processes slow down. To combat natural changes, it is recommended to combine Dysport with anti-aging drugs.

Why should you use Dysport?

Of course, the choice of drug depends on the indications and preferences of the client. However, there is a difference between these drugs. Although, the effect is identical. Botox is produced by an American company, while Dysport is produced by the French

Factories producing the drug are located in France and the UK. Dysport
contains lactose, while Botox contains sodium chloride. If we talk about the content of bolotoxin in drugs, then there is less of it in Dysport. Both drugs contain auxiliary components.

Carrying out the procedure

Preparation begins with a thorough examination and history. To determine the localization of target muscles, a specialist needs to analyze the type of wrinkles and their location, as well as the structural features of the face.

The doctor must exclude the presence of contraindications and make sure that the patient is healthy. To determine the insertion points, the fibers are felt with your fingers.

The dosage depends on the area being corrected and the condition of the skin. According to the instructions for use, Dysport should be diluted with a 0.9% sodium chloride solution.

The release form of the drug is a 3 ml glass bottle (ampoule) containing 300 and 500 units. The packaging is stored at a temperature of 2–8 °C.

Correct storage conditions after opening imply storage in the refrigerator for no more than a day. French Botox cannot be frozen, not in dry powder, not in the form of a diluted solution. This is because ice crystals can damage the toxin molecules.

Course duration

The first result is visible after a few days. The full effect appears after two weeks and lasts up to six months.

When the toxin takes effect, a gradual restoration of muscle innervation begins. This happens very slowly, on average it takes from 3 to 6 months.

In the future, the interval between Dysport injections will increase as the fibers weaken and it takes longer for them to contract again.

Cost of the procedure


Name of the clinic/salonAddressPrice (per unit, in rub.)Telephone
Laser Medicine Center “KOVALEVA CLINIC”Novinsky Boulevard, 5, building 11657
Clinic "Doctor Nearby"st. Kozhevnicheskaya, 10, building 1 1407
Beauty salon "Glyanec"st. Mitinskaya, 28, building 4 1507


Name of the clinic/salonAddressPrice (per unit, in rub.)Telephone
Medical clinic "LIFE"st. East Kruglikovskaya, 30 1107
st. Atarbekova, 1/2 1207
Trichology and cosmetology center “Refresh Academy”st. Stavropolskaya, 204 1207


Name of the clinic/salonAddressPrice (per unit, in rub.)Telephone
Health and beauty clinic "Sofitel"st. Komsomolskaya, 156/1, 2 of. 1107
Clinic of aesthetic cosmetology and SPA “Diadem-clinic”st. Mendeleeva, 140/1 1307
Beauty salon "Paradise"st. Richard Sorge, 1/1 1307

Nizhny Novgorod

Name of the clinic/salonAddressPrice (per unit, in rub.)Telephone
MedicalBoulevard Mira, 51607
Beauty workshop “STRADIVARI”Molodezhny Ave., 31, building 11407
Beauty Academy "Le Grand"st. Osharskaya, 1, building 2 1207


Name of the clinic/salonAddressPrice (per unit, in rub.)Telephone
Beauty salon "Mrs. Ippy"st. Komsomolskaya, 7a 1107
Clinic of hardware and injection cosmetology “Nude Estetic”st. Fontannaya, 28 1507
Okeansky Ave., 48A, room 502.1007

Saint Petersburg

Name of the clinic/salonAddressPrice (per unit, in rub.)Telephone
Beauty salon "Efir"st. Paradnaya, 3, office. 2 1207
Cosmetology and beauty studio “Avanti”Manezhny Lane, 51507
Center for Aesthetic Medicine "NJ med"Sredniy Ave., 85, lit. Uh, room. 8H 2007


Name of the clinic/salonAddressPrice (per unit, in rub.)Telephone
Center for Innovative Cosmetology “Hollywood”Lenina Ave., 66A1007
Hair salon "Laima"st. Epifanskaya, 29 1207
Multidisciplinary medicalLenina Ave., 66A1307


Name of the clinic/salonAddressPrice (per unit, in rub.)Telephone
Plastic surgery clinic “Angel Beauty”st. Red Square, 7 1207
Center for Aesthetic Medicine “Universe of Harmony and Beauty”st. Ostrovsky, 45 1207
Beauty salon "Golden Mandarin"st. Volodarsky, 20, room 405 1007


Name of the clinic/salonAddressPrice (per unit, in rub.)Telephone
Cosmetology clinic "RedClinic"st. 20th anniversary of the Komsomol, 54A 1007
Moskovsky Ave., 331207
Beauty salon “Natali”st. Plekhanovskaya, 25 1107


Name of the clinic/salonAddressPrice (per unit, in rub.)Telephone
Laser cosmetology clinicst. Pushkina, 80, 102 of. 1107
Spa-salon “Cedar health resort”st. Petropavlovskaya, 19 907
Cosmetology Clinic of Popova Tatyanast. Ekaterininskaya, 84a 1007


Name of the clinic/salonAddressPrice (per unit, in rub.)Telephone
Beauty and Longevity Clinic “Degas”st. Federation, 52 1007
Medicalst. Orlova, 30a 1007
Medicalst. Radishcheva, 31 1207


Name of the clinic/salonAddressPrice (per unit, in rub.)Telephone
"Endocrinological Center"st. Fourier, 1g 957
Laser clinic "NovoMed"st. Dzerzhinsky, 20 1257
"Baikal Center for Multidisciplinary Medicine"st. Partizanskaya, 28/1 1007


Name of the clinic/salonAddressPrice (per unit, in rub.)Telephone
Beauty salon "ICON"st. Suvorova, 165 1007
Beauty and health salon “Design Face”st. Stavskogo, 10 1507
Medicalst. Kirova, 67 1007


Name of the clinic/salonAddressPrice (per unit, in rub.)Telephone
Beauty salon "Bellucci"st. Lenina, 30 807
MedicalKomarova Ave., 141007
"Dr. Putsenko Plastic Surgery Center"st. Stalsky, 12 1007


Name of the clinic/salonAddressPrice (per unit, in rub.)Telephone
Medical and health complex “Vita”st. Tarvatsky, 9 1407
st. Gorky, 19 AM 1207
Clinic "Irey"st. Lenina, 6 1207


Name of the clinic/salonAddressPrice (per unit, in rub.)Telephone
Beauty Clinic "SarBona"st. Rakhova, 61/71, room. 1 1007
Medicalst. Chernyshevsky, 170/176 1207
Beauty salon "Charme"st. Pugacheva, 51 907


Name of the clinic/salonAddressPrice (per unit, in rub.)Telephone
Center for hardware cosmetology “LASER Pro”st. Molodogvardeytsev, 17 907
Beauty studio “L`Orange”Komsomolsky Ave., 48a1207
Cosmetology clinic "MEDEOR COSMETOLOGY"st. Gorky, 16 1007


Name of the clinic/salonAddressPrice (per unit, in rub.)Telephone
Ekaterinburg Medical Centerst. Shevchenko, 9 807
Clinic of modern cosmetology "Esti Line"st. Popova, 33 a 1107
Beauty studio "Fit-and-Beauty"st. Mikheeva, 2 2507


Name of the clinic/salonAddressPrice (per unit, in rub.)Telephone
Beauty Studio "SV"st. Kul Gali, 10A 1207
Clinic of aesthetic medicine of Dr. Obydennovst. Chistopolskaya, 85 1207
Clinic of medical cosmetology “LR CLINIC”st. Chistopolskaya, 49A 1007


Name of the clinic/salonAddressPrice (per unit, in rub.)Telephone
Health and beauty center "Spa-center 77"st. Sukhbaatar, 7 857
Spa beauty and tanning studio "Shoklad'ka"st. Popova, 82 807
Center for Aesthetic Medicine and Cosmetology “Laguna”st. Baltiyskaya, 67 1007


Name of the clinic/salonAddressPrice (per unit, in rub.)Telephone
Center for Aesthetic Medicine "NEO Medica"st. Novgorodskaya, 37 1207
Medical SPA clinic “Living Style”st. Gogol, 55 1307
Center for Laser and Aesthetic Medicine “Med`L”st. Kartashova, 4 1007


Name of the clinic/salonAddressPrice (per unit, in rub.)Telephone
Beauty salon "Familia"st. Dmitry Mendeleev, 5 907
Cosmetology and beauty center “Golden Wings”st. Nikolay Fedorov, 9 1207
Tattoo and cosmetology center "Reline"st. Chelyuskintsev, 26 1207


Name of the clinic/salonAddressPrice (per unit, in rub.)Telephone
Center for Medical Cosmetology "Medikos"st. Lenina, 69 1207
Beauty salon B.S.”Oksky Ave., 15B1007
Beauty studio "BogemA"st. Green, 6a 1207


Name of the clinic/salonAddressPrice (per unit, in rub.)Telephone
Medicalst. Dubrovinskaya, 106 1507
Beauty salon "Beauty Life"st. Mate Zalki, 19 1507
Beauty salon “Mod`s hair”st. Alekseeva, 93 1607


Name of the clinic/salonAddressPrice (per unit, in rub.)Telephone
Medicalst. Pobeda, 38/27 1207
Center for Evidence-Based Medicinest. Bolshaya Oktyabrskaya, 32 1207
Beauty Institute "Rachel"st. Kirova, 12 1107


Name of the clinic/salonAddressPrice (per unit, in rub.)Telephone
Medicalst. Dusi Kovalchuk, 270/3 1457
Medical Clinic "Europe"st. Frunze, 232 1107
st. Queen, 32 1007


Name of the clinic/salonAddressPrice (per unit, in rub.)Telephone
Beauty salon "Pavlina"st. Lenina, 78 2007
Beauty and health salon "Mlada"st. Zeyskaya, 134 1607
Beauty salon "Fike"st. Lenina, 187 1607


Name of the clinic/salonAddressPrice (per unit, in rub.)Telephone
Treatment and diagnostic complex "Ave-Medico"st. Kommunisticheskaya, 108a 1007
st. Sobornaya, 6a 1007
Beauty salon "Lucia"st. Yuri Dvuzhilny, 24/1, off. 41 1107
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